Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1896 Seventy or eighty

True Monarch Blackstone said with tears in his eyes: "Fellow Daoist Qingyang, we all know your good intentions, but there are hundreds of green-winged bats with perfect Nascent Soul outside. How can you handle it alone?"

Since Qingyang dares to go out, it is naturally because he has enough confidence in his own strength. Even though the number of green-winged bats this time has almost doubled, Qingyang is not afraid at all. This is Duckweed Continent, and it is more down-to-earth. Being able to bring out the strength of Qingyang, but the green-winged bats left the endless void, their combat ability would be somewhat restricted. In this situation, he felt that even if he couldn't defeat the group of green-winged bats outside, he would never lose. , self-protection is still no problem.

Qingyang said: "Friend Blackstone, don't worry, it makes sense for me to do this."

Seeing that Qingyang was so confident, True Lord Blackstone no longer doubted his strength. He remembered that this person was a foreign monk. If he could reach Duckweed Continent alive, he must have some well-known trump cards. However, he still felt uneasy and said: "Since In this way, we will go out together. Although my strength is not as good as that of fellow Taoist Qingyang, one more person will give me more strength and I can always hold on longer. "

True Monarch Blackstone is only at the third level of Yuanying, and the strength of the green-winged bat is perfected in Yuanying. Even if he performs at a super level, he cannot defeat a green-winged bat. If he goes out, he will not be able to help. On the contrary, it will make the green-winged bat even more powerful. Yang was distracted, so it would be better to stay in the city lord's mansion to appease people's hearts, so Qingyang said: "No need to say more, True Lord Blackstone, I will go alone, you should stay in the formation."

Qingyang had already reached this point with his words. True Lord Blackstone could not insist any longer. He also knew his situation. Even if he went out, he would risk his death. He could not help much, so he could only say: "Then, fellow Taoist Qingyang, please take care of yourself." , I left a backdoor for you in the formation. If fellow Taoist Qingyang is unable to do anything, you don’t have to force yourself, you can always return to the formation to escape.”

Qingyang is very aware of his own strength. Although the number of green-winged bats has doubled compared to last time, the threat to him is not very big in the dozen or so. Not to mention other things, at least he still has the ability to protect himself. There was no need to go back to the formation to escape, but the other party also had good intentions. Qingyang was too lazy to explain so much, so he nodded to True Lord Blackstone and walked directly outside the formation.

The commanders of True Monarch Blackstone opened the back door of the formation and released Qingyang. As soon as Qingyang arrived outside, the green-winged bats focused their attention on him. They could feel that Qingyang was very powerful. If he could swallow him If it were lost, this one person would be equal to the remaining people in the formation, so he no longer bothered to attack the formation, and immediately seventy or eighty of them gathered towards Qingyang.

Qingyang separated most of the green-winged bats, and the pressure on the formation was immediately reduced by 70 to 80%. Although the remaining green-winged bats were still attacking the formation, the damage to the formation was not great, and the spiritual stone consumption rate was It has also been greatly reduced. According to the current situation, it can last for at least four or five more hours. True Lord Blackstone and the monks of the City Lord's Mansion breathed a sigh of relief. The crisis was finally relieved temporarily.

However, they are still a little worried about Qingyang. There are seventy or eighty green-winged bats. I am afraid that Patriarch Chongshi will not be able to deal with them when they come. How can Qingyang, who only has the perfect cultivation of Nascent Soul, be able to defeat them? They will definitely not be able to hold on until the reinforcements from Chongshi City arrive. If Qingyang is defeated early, whether they are bitten to death by the green-winged bats or abandon everyone and escape, they will have to face a certain death situation again. There is no other way. If we can pray that Qingyang can hold on longer, everyone will have a greater chance of survival.

Let’s not say what the monks in the formation were thinking. Seeing that the green-winged bats were about to surround him, Qingyang quickly jumped out and flew towards the outside of Black Rock City. The city lord’s mansion was relatively safe with the formation, but ordinary people in Black Rock City He and the low-level monks were all hiding at home, and there was not much protection. The aftermath of a slight battle could cause countless casualties. In order to avoid the loss of life, it was better to avoid it as much as possible.

Of course, Qingyang did not dare to go too far. If the green-winged bat gave up the pursuit, it would be in vain, so he moved forward and found a suitable place for fighting in the suburbs and stopped.

The green-winged bat chased after him, so naturally he couldn't let go of such good food. When he saw Qingyang stop, he was overjoyed and roared towards Qingyang, and Qingyang was already ready for battle. With just a thought, he raised the Five Elements Sword Formation and attacked the group of green-winged bats.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides were fighting together. This battle was somewhat different from the one in the endless void. Although the number of green-winged bats was more than last time, because the place had changed, the green-winged bats had changed. Wingbat's advantage was slightly limited, and Qingyang's disadvantage was slightly compensated. In addition, Qingyang had previous combat experience and formulated some targeted tactics. He actually gained some advantages at the beginning of the battle, and soon Just killed a dozen green-winged bats.

Of course, Qingyang also paid some price and suffered many minor injuries. Compared with the results achieved, these costs were worth it. The number of remaining green-winged bats was already over sixty, but this At that time, the green-winged bats also reacted, and they cooperated with each other even more tacitly. In addition, they became familiar with Qingyang's fighting rhythm, and gradually regained their disadvantage. After all, the number of green-winged bats was relatively large, and Qingyang wanted to It is impossible to gain an absolute advantage in a short period of time.

The battle that followed became intense. Green-winged bats, a void insect beast, were extremely ferocious and would not give up until they reached their goal. The reason why we retreated from the last battle in the endless void was that on the one hand, their number was too small; on the other hand, It is also because the large army is behind, so there is no need to fight Qingyang. This time is different. Their number is much larger than last time, and there is no large army behind them. Naturally, they will not retreat easily without killing them. Qingyang was afraid that he would not give up easily.

Qingyang also wanted to test where his current limit was, and he pressed his teeth against the attack of the green-winged bat. Both sides used their own methods to suppress the box. The battle was extremely fierce. More than an hour passed in the blink of an eye, Qingyang The number of green-winged bats has been reduced to thirty, and the ground is covered with the corpses of green-winged bats. Qingyang's true energy, spiritual energy, and even physical strength have all declined extremely due to the continuous high-intensity fighting. He was riddled with scars, and several of them were almost fatal. If he hadn't had enough healing elixirs in his body, he might have been defeated at this time.

Fortunately, Qingyang persisted. As the number of green-winged bats around him decreased, Qingyang's advantage in the battle became greater and greater. The remaining thirty green-winged bats could hardly pose a threat to him. As long as he could If you seize the opportunity and kill a dozen more, you should be able to win the battle.

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