Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1897 Come out and die

Of course, the green-winged bats would not give in so easily. Seeing Qingyang's advantage getting bigger and bigger, a few of the leaders looked at each other, looked up to the sky and let out a special roar, and then saw more than twenty green-winged bats emerging from the black stone. Flying out of the city, they joined the siege of Qingyang.

In the previous battle, Qingyang had a very small advantage. The Green-winged Bats suddenly gained more than twenty new members, doubling the number. The situation was immediately reversed, and the Green-winged Bats had the upper hand. Qingyang The situation took a turn for the worse, and a little carelessness could lead to defeat and death.

Of course, Qingyang was not at the end of his rope yet. Before leaving the formation, he had considered facing hundreds of green-winged bats at the same time. Before, only seventy or eighty of them besieged him, which gave him some breathing space. He took the opportunity to kill more than fifty green-winged bats, and now there are less than fifty left. The pressure is not too great. Even if he cannot be defeated, he can still protect himself and escape. However, Qingyang has no intention of escaping. He also wanted to test his potential to see if he could defeat a hundred green-winged bats, so Qingyang did not flinch at all and gathered his energy to stand up with the green-winged bats.

On the other hand, everyone in the Lord's Mansion of Blackstone City has always been on tenterhooks. They are worried that the more than twenty green-winged bats outside will break the formation, and they are also worried that Qingyang will not be able to stop the green-winged bats and retreat, watching the remaining spirits. There are fewer and fewer stones, and the protective formation of the City Lord's Mansion is in danger, but there are still no reinforcements from Chongshi City, and there is no news from Qingyang. You can imagine the pain in my heart.

The only thing that gave them some peace of mind was that the seventy or eighty green-winged bats that besieged Qingyang never came back. This meant that nothing happened to Qingyang, and they were still safe until the spirit stones were used up.

Later, when a loud roar came from outside the city and all the remaining twenty or so green-winged bats flew away, they finally breathed a sigh of relief and could live for a while longer. Seeing that the formation here was about to be broken, the remaining The green-winged bat flew away, what does that mean? It means that the green-winged bats in Qingyang need support.

Qingyang is the perfect cultivation level of Yuanying, and the green-winged bat is also the perfect strength of Yuanying. In their minds, even if Qingyang performs at a super level, it is good to deal with ten or eight at a time, and he can face seventy or eighty at the same time. If there is only one way to die, the difference is to die early or die later, but I didn't expect Qingyang to be so powerful. He could deal with seventy or eighty of them at the same time, but he could still beat them and call for reinforcements. Isn't this person too powerful? No wonder a person can successfully come to Duckweed Continent from the endless void.

They even suspected that the reinforcements from Chongshi City had already arrived and were working with Qingyang to deal with the green-winged bats. There were many Nascent Soul monks in Chongshi City, and there were several who had perfected the Nascent Soul alone. For Patriarch Chongshi who is at the third level of cultivation, it is normal for this situation to occur.

It's not that True Lord Blackstone looks down on Qingyang, this situation is really outrageous. Dealing with hundreds of green-winged bats with the same Nascent Soul perfection at the same time, let alone a Nascent Soul cultivator, even Chongshi of the third level of the God Transformation The ancestor couldn't do it either. He had never seen anyone who could cross a large realm to kill an enemy.

The more Lord Blackstone thinks about it, the more he is right. If the reinforcements from Chongshi City really arrive, Blackstone City will be saved. It probably won't take long to completely eliminate the Green Winged Bats outside. Seeing that victory was in sight, Blackstone City could not do anything, but the situation outside was unclear and the Golden Core cultivators could not be allowed to take risks, so True Lord Blackstone opened the back of the formation, left the formation and came to the outside of the city alone.

At this time, the outside of Blackstone City has become a Shura field. The ground is full of corpses of green-winged bats. There are less than thirty of them that can persist in fighting. In this short period of time, Qingyang killed another twenty. However, Qingyang's condition is not much better. There are injuries all over his body. He has turned into a blood gourd. The true energy and spiritual thoughts in his body are almost exhausted. Even the effect of the elixir is much worse. That is, with just one breath, Only then can we persevere until now, otherwise we would have been defeated and fled long ago.

Qingyang already understood at this time that he was still a little overconfident. A hundred Nascent Soul Perfection Green-winged Bats were not so easy to deal with. Even though his strength was comparable to that of a transformed god, Yuanying Perfection was not a transformed god after all. In some respects, There are still shortcomings. If hundreds of green-winged bats swarmed up at the same time before, it would be impossible for him to persist until now. Today's situation is really a bit of a fluke. He can only deal with these green-winged bats when he truly breaks through the realm of god transformation. Not a problem.

Qingyang was still insisting, and True Lord Blackstone, who had just seen this scene, was shocked. He didn't expect that there was really only Qingyang outside, and hundreds of green-winged bats were actually faced by Qingyang. This There is actually such an amazingly talented and beautiful person in the world, who can successfully cultivate in Nascent Soul to deal with hundreds of green-winged bats with the same cultivation level. I am afraid that no one else with this potential can be found in the entire Duckweed Continent.

True Lord Blackstone could imagine how difficult it was for these green-winged bats to deal with, and because of this, he felt even more grateful, because Qingyang single-handedly saved countless lives in Blackstone County.

True Lord Blackstone was still sighing, but he didn't know that the danger had already arrived. When he just appeared outside the city, the Green-winged Bat noticed him. In the eyes of the Green-winged Bat, compared to the peerless delicacy of Qingyang, True Lord Blackstone Although Jun is worse, he is also the most delicious in the entire Blackstone County, and he seems to be easy to deal with. Previously, because of the fierce battle with Qingyang, the green-winged bats were all afraid of being killed, but now they finally encountered a soft persimmon, and it was just the right time to vent their anger on them.

Suddenly, five or six green-winged bats turned around and rushed towards True Lord Black Stone. True Lord Black Stone was only at the third level of the Nascent Soul, which was far from the strength of the green-winged bats. Not to mention five or six, even one could not be defeated. If he wanted to save his life, he had to escape. But the green-winged bats did not give him this opportunity. They scattered with a roar, and immediately blocked all his retreat routes.

The situation changed too quickly, and True Lord Black Stone did not even have time to be shocked. At this time, the only thought in his mind was regret. He was too reckless. It was so safe to hide in the formation before. Why did he come out to join in the fun? Now he could not help at all, but wasted his life in vain.

Seeing that the green-winged bats had already pounced in front of him, True Lord Black Stone sighed and prepared to self-destruct. He was afraid that he would not see the final victory. He hoped that his self-destruction could hurt these green-winged bats, help Qingyang, and give other cultivators in Black Stone City a chance of survival.

Of course Qingyang also saw that True Lord Black Stone was in danger, but he was powerless to do anything about it. The Green-Winged Bat had exhausted all his energy and was only holding on on his last breath. It was already good enough that he could save himself from being killed. How could he have the ability to save True Lord Black Stone?

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