Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1898 Ancestor Chongshi

True Lord Blackstone understands that the only person in Blackstone County who can save him now is Qingyang, but Qingyang is restrained by the green-winged bat and cannot make a move, so he has no way out. The only thing he can do now is to save him before he dies. A few back-up guys gave Qingyang a little help.

Thinking of this, True Lord Blackstone no longer hesitated, mobilized the true energy of his whole body, and inspired the Nascent Soul to self-destruct. At this critical moment, suddenly several spiritual lights shot from a distance, attacking the green-winged bats of True Lord Blackstone. At the same time, there was a loud shout: "Evil beast, Patriarch Chongshi is here."

Hearing this, True Lord Blackstone breathed a sigh of relief. The reinforcements from Chongshi City finally arrived. Now Blackstone City is really going to be saved. Since there is hope of living, no one is willing to die like this. True Lord Blackstone He quickly gave up the plan of self-destruction and evaded to the side.

The attacks of several green-winged bats are very sharp, at least at the late Nascent Soul level, especially the attack in the middle, which is no worse than Qingyang's. If the green-winged bats give up their resistance, they will be seriously injured even if they don't die. The green-winged bats had high IQs and could not risk their lives for a mouthful of food, so they all gave up on True Lord Blackstone and turned to deal with the separate attacks coming at them.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, True Lord Blackstone escaped to a safe distance. Only then did he have the intention to check the reinforcements in Chongshi City. He saw seven figures not far away running towards the front, and a mountain-like flying boat further away. It was coming at high speed, and there were more than thirty monks standing on it.

Among the seven people who rushed over, in the middle was an old man with white beard, wearing a green robe and a crown, with a kind face and an anxious look on his face. It was Chong Shi, the lord of Chongshi City who came to support urgently. Ancestor, the six people next to him are of different ages, different heights, fatness, and thinness. Four Yuan Yings are at the ninth level and two Yuan Yings are perfect. They are all heads of several first-class families in Chongshi City.

After receiving the news that the Void Insect Beast was attacking Black Rock City, Ancestor Chongshi immediately mobilized his manpower and flew to Black Rock City in a flying boat to support him. Living in Duckweed Continent, one would often encounter attacks from void insects and beasts, which would make one's lips and teeth cold. If he did not save others when they were in danger, who would come to help him if Chongshi City encountered trouble in the future? What's more, Blackstone County is under the jurisdiction of Chongshi Prefecture, and offerings are handed in every year. Chongshi Prefecture has the obligation to protect peace. If the subordinates encounter disasters and ignore them, it will chill the hearts of their subordinates.

The observation equipment of Chongshi City was much more sensitive than that of Blackstone City. It was detected early that the Void Insect Beast was going to attack Blackstone City, so Patriarch Chongshi came directly with his people to support.

Under normal circumstances, it would take three or four days for even the god-transformation monks to get from Chongshi City to Blackstone City. By the time they arrived at Blackstone City, the day lilies would have been cold, but Patriarch Chongshi had a high-level flying spirit of the flying boat type. The weapon can travel 100,000 miles a day in a hurry, and it only takes a little more than a day to get from Chongshi City. If Blackstone City can help themselves, it is not impossible to wait for their support.

But as the observed situation became more and more concrete, Patriarch Chongshi realized that he was afraid that his trip would be in vain. There were hundreds of green-winged bats with perfect Nascent Soul, and all the people he had brought with him were all in vain. , can only gain a slight upper hand. If we want to defeat the green-winged bats, heavy casualties are inevitable, even for ourselves. How can Blackstone County, which has only one Nascent Soul monk, be able to withstand the attack of the green-winged bats? It is estimated that they will not be able to hold on for even an hour or two, and by then there will probably be only an empty city left.

Although he knew clearly what would happen to Blackstone County, Patriarch Chongshi had to come, and he couldn't hesitate at all, because he couldn't chill the hearts of his subordinates, even if the trip was in vain. So while on the road, Patriarch Chongshi was already prepared to face Blackstone County with its city broken and people killed, with casualties all over the place.

Patriarch Chongshi never expected that when he arrived, Blackstone City would be fine. Not only was it fine, but there seemed to be not many of the hundreds of green-winged bats left. How did True Lord Blackstone do it? When did Blackstone County become so powerful? Ancestor Chongshi was puzzled.

Ancestor Chongshi was full of doubts, but he had no time to think about it, because the situation of True Monarch Blackstone was in critical danger, and he would definitely die if he did not save him. Therefore, Ancestor Chongshi did not have time to stop the flying boat and directly took the most powerful people in Chongshi City with him. The subordinates left the flying boat to rescue Lord Blackstone.

Patriarch Chongshi is a cultivator who transformed into gods. He attacked the Nascent Soul Consummation Green-winged Bat with all his strength and was able to catch it easily. The green-winged bat didn't have any surprises. It didn't even have time to scream, but it exploded with a loud bang, turning the sky into a cloud. Blood mist. Although several other monks from Chongshi City could not kill them with one blow, they also seriously injured the green-winged bat on the opposite side. They fell to the ground and struggled for a long time, unable to get up. Only one who was slightly injured screamed in agony. There was a frantic flutter of wings flying into the distance.

Ancestor Chongshi waved his hand to deal with the green-winged bats that were still flapping on the ground, and then looked at the green-winged bat that escaped, with an unhappy expression on his face, but he also knew that he should not be too harsh on his subordinates, as people always make mistakes. time, not to mention that the strength of these green-winged bats is no weaker than that of their subordinates.

True Monarch Blackstone had no time to rejoice after escaping from death. He quickly walked up to Patriarch Chongshi and saluted: "Thank you, Patriarch Chongshi, for your life-saving grace. Thank you fellow Taoists for traveling thousands of miles to come to my aid."

Ancestor Chongshi waved his hand and said: "No need to be polite, let's talk about the current situation first."

True Lord Blackstone pointed at the center of the battlefield and said with misty eyes: "If it hadn't been for that fellow Taoist Qingyang's generous help, our Black Stone City would have been destroyed long ago. At this point in the battle, fellow Taoist Qingyang was already beyond his capabilities. , I also ask Patriarch Chongshi and fellow Taoists to help as soon as possible.”

At this time, Patriarch Chongshi also saw the surrounding situation. The entire battlefield was covered with green-winged bat corpses. There were seventy or eighty of them densely packed. In the center of the battlefield, more than twenty green-winged bats were surrounding them. A young man was attacking fiercely. Anyone could tell that the green-winged bat corpses on the ground were killed by that young man. Ancestor Chongshi knew very well that he could face hundreds of Nascent Soul Consummation Green-winged Bats at the same time without losing. There were probably no more than thirty people in the entire Duckweed Continent who could do this, and that certainly did not include him, Chongshi. Ancestor, let alone hundreds of them, he couldn't handle even forty or fifty, but the young man in front of him did this. Could it be said that this person is stronger than his Chongshi ancestor? What’s even more incredible is that this young man only has the cultivation level of Yuanying Perfection. Is Yuanying Perfection even more powerful than the third level of God Transformation? The cross-level challenge can’t be so outrageous, right?

Ancestor Chongshi deliberately did not believe it, but the facts were right in front of him. Whether it was the corpse of the green-winged bat on the ground, the ongoing battle, or the circumstantial evidence from True Lord Blackstone, it all showed that the young man was not simple. There were hundreds of millions of people like him. There is no one among them, so we can’t neglect it.

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