Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1902 A lot of benefits

The reason why it is said that the Qianying Association is related to the size of the cities in each state is because according to usual practice, all the city lords who participate in the Qianying Association will more or less take out several cities under their jurisdiction to participate in the gambling between various states and cities. If there is a fight, the loser will cede the city as a bet to the winner.

For the Lord of Huashen City who owns dozens or even hundreds of cities, losing a few cities is nothing. Even the lower-ranked state cities like Patriarch Chongshi are surrounded by dozens of cities. Those ranked higher Not to mention the previous ones, if you lose, you lose. Sometimes, because the city where you bet is too barren or too far away, the other party doesn't like it. You can redeem it by spending some spiritual stones, and the loss is only a small amount of spiritual stones. Shi, his own interests will not be greatly affected.

But the impact on the reputation of the Lord of Huashen City who participated in the Thousand Infants Meeting was too great. You must know that this is the highest level event in the entire Duckweed Continent. Once you lose territory at the meeting, the entire Duckweed Continent will know about it. He couldn't even lift his head when he walked out of the door. Ancestor Chongshi lost several cities in the last Thousand Infants Meeting and was laughed at to this day. Because of this, he only begged him after knowing Qingyang's true strength. To help him, not only to win back the city he lost last time, but at least to regain his face, it would be better if Qingyang could vent his anger on his behalf.

Qingyang didn't know what this Thousand Infants would be, but judging from the name, it should be an exchange and discussion between Nascent Soul monks. For Qingyang, whose strength was comparable to that of the Transformation God, it shouldn't be too difficult, but he didn't want to He agreed too happily, so he asked: "Doesn't this Thousand Infants Association have no restrictions on identity? I don't know the rules very well, will I miss important events in Chongshi Prefecture?"

Ancestor Chongshi said: "Fellow Taoist Qingyang is too humble. With your Nascent Soul Perfection being comparable to the strength of a third-level monk in the Transformation of Gods, there is no way you can find the second one in Duckweed Continent. How could you have mistaken Chongshizhou?" What's the matter? If Taoist Qingyang is willing to participate in the Qianying Conference, it will only benefit me, Chongshizhou. They all belong to fellow Taoists, and I will give you an additional five hundred high-grade spiritual stones as a reward, what do you think?"

Five hundred high-grade spiritual stones are equivalent to five million low-grade spiritual stones. Even for Qingyang, it is a huge fortune. Before, he worked hard for Blackstone City to earn five hundred high-grade spiritual stones. Now it is just Just by doing a favor, I got another five hundred high-grade spirit stones. This ancestor of Chongshi was not very strong, but he still had a strong foundation. Since the other party was so sincere, it was okay to help him, so Qingyang asked: "I wonder if this thousand What are the procedures for a baby meeting? What should I pay attention to when attending?”

Hearing what Qingyang said, Patriarch Chongshi knew that his conditions were working, and said quickly: "The Qianying Club is a competition and exchange between Yuanying monks. Each state city will send ten Yuanying monks, with a total of nearly Thousands of people, so it is called the Thousand Infants Association. Every three hundred years, all the Lords of the God Transformation City will..."

Following Patriarch Chongshi's story, Qingyang not only figured out the origin of the Thousand Infants Society, but also learned more about Duckweed Continent. Nearly ten thousand years ago, a group of monks were attacked by void insect beasts. During their escape, Inadvertently wandering to the Duckweed Continent, what they encountered was not the low-level green-winged bats Qingyang encountered, but the powerful void insect beasts equivalent to the fused monks. Perhaps they looked down on the low-level monks, and the void insect beasts were killing them. After the death of the combined monks and most of the Void Refining monks, they did not pursue the remaining low-level monks desperately. Therefore, when they escaped to Duckweed Continent, the remaining ones were almost all low-level monks such as Yuanying and Huashen. There were only two Void Cultivators, and both of them were seriously injured and were in critical condition. They died shortly after. Since then, there have been no Void Cultivating Cultivators in Duckweed Continent.

Initially, this group of monks lived together in Duckweed Mountain on the Duckweed Continent. After the death of the two most powerful Void Refining monks, the remaining monks lost their restraints and dispersed to separate themselves. No one accepted anyone's control, and they even fought over the territory. . It was like this chaos for about two or three thousand years. Later, everyone felt that fighting like this was not the answer, so they gradually formed a set of rules unique to Duckweed Continent. Each god-transformation monk can have his own territory, and the size of the territory is based on his own territory. Determined by his strength and potential, if a god-transformation monk runs out of life, his territory must either find a capable successor or be allocated to other newly promoted god-transformation monks, thus eliminating a lot of disputes.

Everyone also made an agreement to hold a gathering at Duckweed Mountain every three hundred years, firstly to pay homage to Senior Lianxu who had supported them in escaping to Duckweed Continent, and secondly, to exchange ideas and learn from each other. Thirdly, it also gave young people in the Nascent Soul stage on Duckweed Continent an opportunity to grow and exercise. Over thousands of years, this gathering gradually evolved into the Thousand Souls Society.

The Thousand Infants Association is not very dangerous, but it is extremely beneficial to the participants. Those who rank high can get generous rewards. If the results are good enough, there may even be unexpected gains. The caves of the two senior Lianxu people are in Duckweed Mountain. It is said that three thousand years ago, one of them was recognized by one of the senior Lianxu people and inherited his mantle. The remaining one has yet to find a successor. Qingyang's monster-like ability to cross levels and challenge might be able to obtain the remaining inheritance.

Who doesn’t like the inheritance of the Void Refining Monk? Qingyang has been practicing for so many years, and the person with the highest strength he has come into contact with is the fourth level of God Transformation. Let alone the Void Refining Monk, he has never even seen him in the late stage of God Transformation. If he can really get the inheritance of the Void Refining Monk, he will probably laugh in his dreams. Wake up, Qingyang originally wanted to participate in the Thousand Infants Association, purely to help Patriarch Chongshi and earn the five hundred high-grade spiritual stones. Now that he knows the benefits of the Thousand Infants Association, he will definitely do his best. Always attend.

Because there are many benefits to joining the Thousand Infants Club, and the number of places in the Thousand Infants Club is very limited, no matter which state city, the number of places in the Thousand Infants Club is very popular. Not to mention paying people to join, if the Chongshi Patriarch spreads the word that he wants to sell the number of places in the Thousand Infants Club, there will definitely be many people who will buy them with spirit stones.

The reason why the Chongshi Patriarch gave the place to Qingyang for free and gave a reward of 500 high-grade spirit stones is that in addition to wanting to win back the city he lost last time to save face, he also values ​​Qingyang more and plans to make a good relationship with him first, hoping that Qingyang can stay and take over his Chongshi City.

Although there are fewer disputes over territory on the Duckweed Continent now, this is only on the surface. There is no less dirt behind it. As the saying goes, people leave and the tea gets cold. The death of a Divine Transformation cultivator represents the overall decline of this lineage. This process is full of blood, so the Chongshi Patriarch is worried that he will encounter the same thing after his death, and he has to prepare for his descendants and relatives.

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