Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1903 Chongshi City

If you want to preserve the glory and wealth of future generations, the best way is to find a suitable successor for yourself. This successor must not only have strength, but also have a good character and will not burn bridges, and Qingyang is the best. Needless to say, the candidate's strength. He fought hundreds of green-winged bats alone, which was more ferocious than Patriarch Chongshi, the third-level god of transformation. Qingyang's character has also been tested, and he can fight for strangers. He left Black Stone City and stayed to fight the Green Winged Bat. After taking over Chongshi City, he will never turn his back on others. Moreover, this person has unlimited potential. His future territory will definitely not be limited to Chongshi City. Not only will his lineage not decline, he may even Maybe the rising tide will lift all boats with him.

Ancestor Chongshi had made a wishful thinking in his mind, but he didn’t know that Qingyang was already determined to leave. Even if he could obtain the inheritance of the Void Refining Monk in Duckweed Mountain, or even be valued by the more powerful Divine Transformation Monk, he would not be able to stop him. When he went to another world, Duckweed Continent was still too small after all.

However, Qingyang has to participate in this Thousand Infants Association no matter what. Not to mention the alluring inheritance of the Void Refining Monk. By then, the entire Duckweed Continent’s high-level monks will gather in Duckweed Mountain. Qingyang wants to find a way to leave Fuping. The way to Ping Dalu or to find out the whereabouts of the star map are rare opportunities.

The Thousand Infants Meeting in Duckweed Continent is held every three hundred years. This Thousand Infants Meeting is about two or three years away from the start. There is still plenty of preparation time, so there is no need to rush there now.

True Lord Blackstone looked on with envy, but he knew that it was useless to be envious. It was impossible for him to have such a good thing like Qian Yinghui. There were more than a hundred Nascent Soul monks in Chongshi Prefecture, and there was no way he could do it. Let a monk who is only at the third level of Nascent Soul go there and there will be no hope in this life.

After agreeing on the Thousand Infants Association, Patriarch Chongshi did not stop in Blackstone City, but took Qingyang and others directly to Chongshi City. Now one month has passed since the battle where the Green Winged Bat attacked, so he can appease the Blackstone City monks and The aftermath has been dealt with long ago, there is no need to stay here anymore.

When I went back, I used the flying boat of Patriarch Chongshi. This flying boat type of flying spiritual weapon is very high-level and very fast. It is more powerful than Qingyang's wind-controlling gourd. It can travel day and night at extreme speeds. One hundred thousand miles away, the monks from Chongshi City relied on this flying boat to arrive at the battlefield in just one day and effectively supported Qingyang. Otherwise, it would have been another outcome.

However, if you want to activate the flying boat's ultimate speed, the cost is relatively high. Dozens of high-grade spiritual stones need to be consumed in a day. Under normal circumstances, Patriarch Chongshi would not be willing to use it like this. Now the situation is not so urgent, so naturally there is no need to activate the flying boat. Even so, the flying boat's flying speed is faster than Qingyang's Wind-Resisting Gourd, and it can travel about 50,000 miles in one day.

According to the introduction of Patriarch Chongshi, this flying boat was passed down from his ancestors. He is the direct bloodline of the group of foreign monks thousands of years ago. After so many years, this flying boat is the only thing left from the ancestors. With the current weapon refiner's With the ability to refine weapons, it is already difficult to refine something of this level.

Ancestor Chongshi drove the flying boat, and the two of them chatted on the roadside, introducing the customs and customs of Duckweed Continent, and talking about what happened in the previous Thousand Infants Association. Occasionally, Qingyang would also talk about his time in the Endless Void these years. Such an experience, time flew by so fast, and before I knew it, it was already two days later.

At this time, they had reached the sky above Chongshi City. They had been driving the flying boat for two consecutive days. Patriarch Chongshi did not look tired at all. Instead, he introduced his Chongshi Prefecture to Qingyang in high spirits.

Chongshi Prefecture is not ranked high in the entire Duckweed Continent and is a borderland. However, it is a giant with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles. The entire Chongshi Prefecture has dozens of counties and cities under its jurisdiction. The counties and cities all have a large territory, and there are also Nascent Soul monks in charge, ranging from one person to three or five people. Those like Black Stone City are relatively backward, plus those in Chongshi City, the entire Chongshi Prefecture Guang There are more than a hundred Yuanying monks, which is much more powerful than the Ten Kings Palace in the Netherworld.

As the capital of Chongshi Prefecture, Chongshi City is the essence of the city with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles. The entire city covers an area of ​​nearly a thousand miles, which is many times larger than Black Stone City. The city is huge in scale, and various buildings inside are crisscrossed. , it looked extremely majestic. Qingyang just took a look at it from a distance and changed his previous idea that this place in Black Rock City was just a remote place.

Looking at the fairy city at his feet and feeling the enthusiasm of Patriarch Chongshi, Qingyang couldn't help but have an idea in his mind. If he was really desperate in the future, staying here might be a way out.

After introducing Chongshi City, Patriarch Chongshi took Qingyang all the way to the City Lord's Mansion. The City Lord's Mansion in Chongshi City was also large in scale and luxuriously furnished. It was many times larger than True Lord Blackstone. Qingyang couldn't help but sigh after seeing it. This looks a bit like controlling the residence of a god-transformation monk.

All the things that needed to be said and introduced along the way were all introduced. Ancestor Chongshi knew that Qingyang could not change his original mind casually. Talking too much would make people disgusted, not to mention that the Thousand Infants Conference also needed to be held. After getting ready, he stopped disturbing Qingyang, roughly agreed on a time to go to Duckweed Mountain, arranged a courtyard with the best conditions for Qingyang in the city lord's mansion, and left.

The conditions of the courtyard arranged by Patriarch Chongshi are indeed good. Qingyang has never used such a good courtyard after practicing for so many years. Patriarch Chongshi obviously treats him as the most distinguished guest, and Qingyang is not polite. , directly close the formation outside the courtyard and retreat for meditation.

Time flies so fast, and in the blink of an eye, it is another two years. These two years are not used by Qingyang to break through the realm of divine transformation, but are used to improve his cultivation. To break through the realm of divine transformation, he must be fully prepared, even if Qingyang possesses the Nine Spirits Gen, the success rate is extremely high when breaking through, and you basically won't encounter bottlenecks, so you can't be too hasty. After all, this is related to your own destiny and future, and you must ensure that everything is foolproof. If there is an accident midway, the gain will outweigh the loss, so Qingyang plans I will slowly look for opportunities in the future.

What's more, he also promised to participate in the Thousand Infants Association for Patriarch Chongshi, but he would lose the qualification after the breakthrough. So in the past two years, he spent more energy on training his mind and refining his cultivation. Now his cultivation The true essence has been extremely refined, and his state of mind has also been greatly improved. He basically has all the conditions to break through to the realm of God. In short, there is no obstacle to the realm of God now for Qingyang. It just depends on when he is willing to try to break through. .

At the end of the two-year period, Qingyang ended his seclusion and walked out of the courtyard. He and Patriarch Chongshi agreed to go to Duckweed Mountain in the near future. Chongshi Prefecture is a borderland on Duckweed Continent. It is more than 10 million miles away from Duckweed Mountain. Even if it is used Ancestor Chongshi's flying boat will take more than half a year, so it must start early.

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