Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 348 Demon Sword

"Dang Demon Sword, come out!" Lu Feng shouted.

Following Lu Feng's command, the sword above his head rang lightly, and then shot forward with countless small sword shadows around it.

At this time, the blood bats were less than two feet away from everyone. They were about to spread out and attack separately, but they were blocked head-on by Lu Feng's Demon Sword. Only countless soft popping sounds were heard in front of them, followed by more than a dozen blood bats screaming and falling to the ground.

In fact, the most powerful attack of Lu Feng's Demon Sword is that sword. The other sword shadows are incidental attacks transformed from the Demon Sword Technique. Even so, the entire blood bat group was severely damaged. The dozens of blood bats that fell to the ground had broken limbs, and their screams were getting lower and lower. They quickly gave up struggling, and they were obviously dead.

The remaining blood bats in the air are less than half of the original number, and all of them are injured. It seems that one more powerful attack of this kind can wipe out all of them, and each one of them will be stunned. He seemed to be frightened by two consecutive powerful attacks.

The Demon Sword Technique mainly attacked the second-level blood bat, but he saw the opportunity quickly and dodged to the side at the critical moment, avoiding Lu Feng's Demon Sword. He was only hit by some lightsabers and stabbed on his wings. There were several small holes and the injuries were more severe, but not enough to kill him.

Seeing the power of Lu Feng's sword technique, Chen Biwang couldn't help but admired: "The Demon Suppressing Palace's sword technique is really powerful. Senior Brother Lu almost surpassed me with this move."

Lu Feng smiled and did not answer. Although the Demon Sword Technique was powerful, it consumed a lot of energy. After Lu Feng used it, he stood still and did not pursue the victory. He seemed to be secretly recovering his energy.

Chen Biwang seized the opportunity and used his magical weapon. He blocked the gong in front of him and struck the blood bat in front of him with the hammer handle. The blood bats were also frightened by the two consecutive attacks just now, and they even forgot to dodge. In the blink of an eye, they were knocked to death by Chen Biwang.

At this time, the second-level blood bat also reacted. He quickly screamed and summoned the remaining blood bats back. He looked at the subordinates in front of him who were less than half of the previous ones, and then looked at the heavily guarded monks in front. , the eyes of the second-order blood bat were full of fear.

When Qingyang attacked Shimen from behind, he also paid attention to the battle situation in front. It was not that he did things half-heartedly, but that as a qualified monk, he could not completely hand over his back to others, nor could he even connect a little bit by himself. No defense at all. Even if Chen Biwang and Lu Feng are trustworthy, what if they fail? There are no absolutes in this world. If they fail to guard against the second-order blood bat and everyone is concentrating on attacking Shimen, wouldn't they be in trouble?

However, when Chen Biwang and Lu Feng each used their own methods, Qingyang realized that he had worried too much. The monks in the middle stage of Qi refining were more than a little stronger than the monks in the early stage of Qi refining. Lu Feng and Chen Biwang were both fifth-level Qi refining monks. , extremely strong and profound.

A top-grade metallic talisman, the Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle, is worth at least ten spiritual stones. Chen Biwang used it as he said it would, and he didn't feel any distress at all. He was really wealthy.

When he was in the Qingfeng Palace, Qingyang also thought about buying a top-grade talisman for self-defense, but in the end he only bought two top-grade talismans. On the one hand, it was because Qing Yang found it difficult to use it, and on the other hand, he had almost spent all the spiritual stones he had saved before buying things for his master.

But now that he has seen the power of the best magic talisman with his own eyes, Qingyang feels that it is still worth it. He will buy one at any time in the future, because his life may be saved by them at critical moments.

Lu Feng's Demon Sword Technique also opened Qingyang's horizons. The power of the move just now was not inferior to his own Three-Yuan Sword Technique. If they were also at the fifth level of Qi Refining, Qingyang felt that Even if he uses the Three-Yuan Sword Technique, he may not win. As for now, it is even worse. Unless he can practice the Five Elements Sword Formation, there may be a chance.

Each sect has its own special advantages, and each monk has its own skills. You can't underestimate everyone. The monks in the middle stage of Qi refining are not as simple as they think.

Not only Qingyang, but others also have a deeper understanding of the strength of Chen Biwang and Lu Feng. With them on the same journey, what dangers are there in this underground palace that can stump everyone? Thinking of this, everyone speeded up their movements and the offensive became more intense.

The blood bats seemed to be frightened. After retreating this time, they kept circling in the distance and did not continue to sneak attacks. Chen Biwang and Lu Feng only stayed nearby and did not pursue the victory. After all, the number of blood bats is relatively large. If the two of them leave, the blood bats may divide their forces and interfere with others attacking Shimen. Then there will be trouble.

The blood bats only have the advantages of good location and fast flight speed, and their overall strength is far behind the monks. As long as the monks are willing to show their true skills, the blood bats have little chance of winning.

In the stalemate between Chen Biwang, Lu Feng and the blood bats, and under the continuous attacks from the monks behind them, the power of the formation on the stone gate became weaker and weaker. In the end, the inspiration gathered, and the formation was completely destroyed. Even the stone gate behind was affected and turned into a pile of stones.

The stone door was broken, and suddenly it opened up. There seemed to be another stone hall in front of it, and it was no smaller than the stone hall outside. As for what was inside, we still needed to go in to find out.

Looking at the stone palace in front of him, Tao Zhengyou hesitated and said: "The stone door is open, shall we go in?"

Mi Ling said: "The stone gate is so well-protected that there will be no layout inside. Moreover, there are a large number of blood bats and corpses hiding in the dark. We must be careful."

It's not that everyone has become less courageous, but they are more cautious about unknown things. Guo Kaifeng seemed to be impatient and said directly: "We are already here, why are you hesitating? If you don't dare to enter, then I will explore the way first. "

After finishing speaking, Guo Kaifeng stepped into the stone gate, walked a few steps inside, turned around and said to everyone: "Did all fellow Taoists see it? There is no danger."

Seeing that Guo Kaifeng was really fine, everyone stepped into the stone gate, and then used their spiritual thoughts to explore the surroundings. It seemed that there was nothing unusual like outside. The only thing that makes everyone more confused is that this stone palace seems to be filled with a strong smell of blood.

I didn't feel it when I was outside, but it was very obvious after I came in. It seemed that I was separated by this stone door. Qingyang couldn't help but frowned. Such a strong smell of blood was not as simple as just one or two people dying. Even if several or more than a dozen people died, the smell was not so pungent. Could it be that this place is some kind of evil place? A large number of living beings died here?

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