Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 349 Blood Lotus Root

"Did everyone smell it? What do you think is going on?" Lu Feng asked.

"What else could be going on? The previous batches of people must have died here, so the smell of blood here is so strong. We should find the reason soon." Guo Kaifeng said.

Mi Ling said: "I don't think it should be right. The previous batches of people have been dead for several months. Even if the smell of blood was left here before, it should be almost gone by now, but here The smell seems to have not faded away at all, which is confusing. ”

"We are all here. If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. Just go and see." Guo Kaifeng's opinion was still so simple and direct, and he was the first to take a step forward.

The entire underground palace is underground. It is pitch dark inside this stone palace and you cannot see your fingers. Everyone can only rely on their spiritual thoughts to observe a small area nearby, just like ordinary people holding a lantern in the dark and can only see clearly the surroundings. A small area. And because of the influence of strength, Divine Sense cannot be used all the time, so it is not easy to explore the entire stone palace.

Everyone was walking forward with difficulty. Suddenly, they heard Guo Kaifeng shout: "There is a pool here, and the smell of blood seems to be emanating from here."

Could it be that we found the source of the problem? Everyone was overjoyed and hurriedly took a few steps forward and came to the edge of the pond Guo Kaifeng was talking about.

Not far in front of them, there was a stone-made pool several feet wide. The pool was not big, but it was filled with red liquid and exuded a strong smell of blood. Needless to say, the smell of blood in the entire stone palace must have come from here.

Qingyang lowered his head and took a closer look. The red liquid in the pool should be all blood. Otherwise, there would be no such strong smell of blood here. It is difficult to tell whether the blood is human blood or animal blood. Such a large blood pool requires a lot of blood. Even if it is filled with animal blood, ordinary people cannot do it.

As a monk, I have experienced many life-and-death vendettas and seen the horrors of many dead people, but many people still can't stand the sudden sight of this pool full of blood.

Looking further ahead, there seems to be a mist in the middle of the pool. Through the mist, a plant inside can be vaguely seen. Qingyang recognized it again and again, and finally saw that it seemed to be a lotus root. The root went deep into the blood pool, and there were two yellow lotus leaves and a lotus pod growing on it.

There are a total of seven lotus seeds on the lotus pod. The entire lotus pod has begun to turn yellow and wither. The lotus seeds have gradually separated from the entire lotus pod and are almost mature. It's just that the lotus roots growing in such a place have terrible red lotus seeds. I don't know whether they are good or bad.

Lu Feng looked at the lotus root in the blood pool, turned around and asked, "Senior Brother Chen, can you identify what the lotus root in this pool is?"

After all, Lu Feng was younger and not as knowledgeable as Chen Biwang in some aspects. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out what the lotus root was, so he had to ask Chen Biwang.

Before Chen Biwang could answer, Guo Kaifeng said first: "The lotus roots that grow in such an evil place and are watered with blood are definitely not good things."

Guo Kaifeng's words were not echoed by everyone. Chen Biwang pinched his beard and thought for a long time before wondering: "Could the thing in this pool be the legendary blood lotus root?"

"What is blood lotus root?" Lu Dingshan asked.

At this time, Qingyang next to him said: "Blood lotus root is a long-lost spiritual creature in our Jiuzhou continent. It is said that it grows in blood pools and relies entirely on absorbing blood essence to grow. It takes hundreds of years to mature. One plant can only bear seven seeds. The red color is as bright as a pearl, which matches the scene in front of me very well. "

Seeing that Qingyang's words were clear and logical, Lu Feng became a little more interested and asked: "Seeing that fellow Taoist Qingyang is so young, how can he know so much about such a strange thing as blood lotus root?"

Qingyang said: "When I was in Qingfeng Palace, I loved the art of alchemy. I spent a lot of time consulting various classics and dabbling in many strange spiritual objects."

After listening to Qingyang's words, Lu Feng couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he cupped his hands and said, "It turns out that fellow Taoist Qingyang is an alchemist. It's really disrespectful."

Among the many people present, Qingyang's cultivation level is not very high, but he is the youngest among them all, and his future achievements may not be smaller than those of Lu Feng and Chen Biwang, so no one underestimates him. They all regard him as a companion who advances and retreats together.

However, they discovered at this time that they had underestimated this young man. Not only had he reached the third level of Qi Refining at a young age, he was actually an alchemist that everyone respected. He is successful in alchemy, and his practice has not been delayed. More importantly, he is still young, which is amazing. Lu Feng has seen many young talents, but compared with Qingyang, they are all inferior.

Not only Lu Feng, but the other three casual cultivators from Yongzhou were also impressed. If Qingyang was only better than him in terms of cultivation, they would not be convinced, because with the support of the seven immortal sects, those with a little bit of qualifications would achieve great results. Not too bad. But when it comes to alchemy, it's not easy. Without talent and hard work, you will never achieve this at such a young age.

Lu Dingshan had long known that Qingyang could make elixirs. He was not surprised by Qingyang's words, but continued to ask: "What's the use of holding the blood lotus root? He grew up in such an evil place and used blood to After watering, the lotus seeds that grow must be very evil, right?"

Qingyang shook his head and said: "On the contrary, Senior Brother Lu, have you ever heard of the saying that you can get out of the mud without staining the clear water without being a monster?"

Lu Dingshan shook his head. He was born in a butcher's family. How could he have learned any poetry? It was only after I came into contact with cultivating immortals that I learned more or less some writing, but I didn’t seek to understand it deeply. Mi Ling, who was standing next to her, interjected: "I seem to have heard of it. This seems to be a sentence that praises the lotus. It seems to say that the lotus is in the mud but not polluted. It has a noble character and does not follow the trend."

Qingyang nodded and said: "That's what it means. Although this blood lotus root is planted in dirty blood and absorbs the blood essence to grow, the lotus seeds and lotus roots it produces are both good things. They are of great use to monks like us, and they are not With a hint of evil.”

After listening to Qingyang's words, everyone suddenly realized that Guo Kaifeng couldn't help but ask: "So that's the case, then what use do these lotus seeds and lotus roots have to monks?"

At this time, Chen Biwang said: "According to classic records, the lotus seeds of this blood lotus root are a treasure for monks to train their mind. After taking them, they can cool the body and mind, suppress evil spirits, and exercise their mind. It is very suitable for monks who can quickly improve their cultivation. As for the blood lotus root, it is even more rare. The treasure at first sight, the blood lotus root grows in dirty blood and absorbs a large amount of blood essence. It is said that it can greatly replenish qi and blood and increase life span. "

~~~~~~ Thanks to book friend 140920212653141 and Bai Lige for their rewards!

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