Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 400 Teasing

Qingyang knew that there would be no luck this time. If Senior Sister Xiao hadn't seen through his own behavior, she wouldn't have spoken specifically in this direction. I just didn't expect that this woman's vision was so sharp that she could even see through the breath-containing technique. It seemed that she was still not very good at this breath-containing technique.

There is nothing to hide at this time, and there is not much of a safety problem after leaving. With the people of the Yin Yang Sect around, and the three parties restraining each other, no one will plan to kill anyone again.

Qingyang put away the breath-holding technique on his body and said with a wry smile: "Everyone, I really didn't mean to eavesdrop. I also discovered the puppet array here and was about to go in to find out. As a result, three senior brothers from the Yuling Sect... Coming over, I was worried about causing misunderstanding, so I had to hide my figure temporarily. "

Qingyang's words were naturally nonsense. If he hadn't heard the conversation of these people just now, he would not have known about the puppet array here. On the one hand, this is to conceal the existence of the bag beast, on the other hand, it is also to get a share of the pie. No one can have too many spiritual stones, right?

Seeing that Qingyang was alone, everyone else breathed a sigh of relief. It was easier to deal with one person. Whether it was killing someone to silence him or giving him a share, the price everyone had to pay was not too high. As for whether what Qingyang said was true or false, they couldn't tell, but they should be 60 to 70 percent true. Otherwise, who would appear here for no reason?

"Brother Qingyang, why is it you?" Liang Zhongtian suddenly said in surprise.

Qingyang knew before he showed up that it would be impossible not to deal with Liang Zhongtian this time. The Liang family's affairs could only be put aside for the time being. Qingyang nodded at him as a greeting.

It would be fine if he secretly eavesdropped on other people's conversations without being discovered. Now that he has been discovered, no one will let Qingyang off. The other two members of the Yuling Sect originally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to have an attack, especially when they saw Qingyang. It seems easy to deal with someone who is only at the fourth level of Qi Refining. It turned out that Liang Zhongtian actually knew this person, so they could only endure it. They sent a message to Liang Zhongtian and asked: "Do you know this Qingfeng Palace disciple? What is his origin?"

Putting aside the low-pitched chat among the three Yuling Sect members, Senior Sister Xiao from the Yin Yang Sect looked at Qing Yang with great interest and said after a long time: "So your name is Qing Yang? The breathing technique you used just now is really powerful. If you hadn't been shaken when we showed up, I really wouldn't have understood that you have the fourth level of Qi Refining to dare to wander alone in the Chaos Demon Valley. You seem to be very confident."

Hearing what he said, Qingyang knew when his flaw was revealed. When Senior Brother Qiao of the Yuling Sect asked three people from the Yin and Yang Sect to hide, Qingyang thought that he had been exposed, and was a little shaken for a moment. He didn't expect this This was actually discovered by Senior Sister Xiao.

This woman had discovered her a long time ago, but did not complain. She was probably worried that she was an ambush set by the Yuling Sect, and was planning to wait for work. Later, she realized that the people in the Yuling Sect were not aware of her existence, so she calmly reported it. own possessions.

"I'm just used to being free and like someone." Qingyang said lightly.

Senior Sister Na Xiao smiled and said: "You are young, promising and courageous. No wonder Junior Sister Yu values ​​you so much. But you have to be careful. Many of my Yin Yang Sect disciples have thoughts about your Sister Yu. You are far away in Qingfeng Palace. But it’s a bit beyond our reach.”

"Miaomiao has grown up, so I don't need to worry about these things." Qingyang said.

Senior Sister Xiao shook her head regretfully and said: "Really? If Junior Sister Yu knew what you said, she would definitely be heartbroken to death. Because of you, Junior Sister Yu had a serious quarrel with the Master's Love-Ending Fairy. You A man is not as courageous as a woman?”

This woman clearly knew that Fairy Duanqing did not allow her to have contact with Yu Mengmiao, and yet she flirted with her again and again. She must have had bad intentions. No wonder Senior Brother Chen Biwang commented on this woman's sharp face, thin lips, and mean look. This guy clearly has a grudge against Yu Mengmiao, and hopes that he can stand out more and attack the relationship between Yu Mengmiao and Fairy Duanqing. How can he do what she wants?

Qingyang said lightly: "Sister, what did you say? Fairy Duanqing did that for Miaomiao's good. Miaomiao is young and ignorant, how can we not understand Fairy Duanqing's painstaking efforts? I think we should talk about that first. Let’s use the puppet formation to avoid long nights and endless dreams.”

Although Qingyang's tone was very calm, the meaning behind his words was clearly to accuse Senior Sister Xiao of being too old and immature. Senior Sister Xiao's chest was choked by Qingyang's words, but she could not refute, so she could only snort coldly, Turned his head to the side.

Senior Brother Qiao and Junior Brother Niu of the Yuling Sect couldn't figure out what the relationship between Qingyang and the Yinyang Sect was. From their words, it seemed that they were very close. They also heard that Liang Chongtian was also friends with Qingyang. Knowing this, it was impossible to leave Qingyang alone. Yang, it is even less possible to kill people and silence them.

Since Qingyang cannot be left alone, we can only cooperate. In just a short time, the original three treasures shared by three people have become seven people. If we wait a little longer, we don’t know how many people will come. Senior Brother Qiao said quickly: "Junior Brother Qingyang is right, we can't delay it any longer. We must discuss a way to get the treasure as soon as possible."

Senior Sister Xiao also nodded and said: "We are fussing over everything here. In the end, we will only give others an advantage. It is not worth it for a small profit. Since there are seven people cooperating, they will share it equally. After getting the treasure, each will go to other places. The trial may yield greater rewards, so why waste time here?”

Senior Brother Qiao and Junior Brother Niu still didn't agree with this division, but seeing that there were more and more outsiders, and the members of Yuling Sect no longer accounted for the majority, the longer the delay was, the worse it would be for them, so in the end they could only nod and said: " Well, let’s divide it equally between the seven of us. After we get the treasure, we’ll value it first. Those who are willing to take the treasure will get a refund after deducting their own share.”

This is what it should be, there is nothing to say, and everyone quickly reached an agreement.

After discussing the distribution ratio, everyone informed each other of their names. Qingyang also got to know a few other people. Senior Brother Qiao from the Yuling Sect is called Qiao Shan, Junior Brother Niu is called Niu Cheng, and Senior Sister Xiao from the Yin Yang Sect is called The full name is Xiao Yuhan, the round-faced woman is called Fang Lingyan, and the last woman who has never spoken is called Tian Xinmiao.

The seven people came from the three major immortal sects. Under mutual restraint, no one had any evil intentions. Qingyang's side is the weakest, and there is only one person, but it is the safest, because he is familiar with the people on both sides, and they are afraid that he and the other party are in the same group.

After getting familiar with each other, everyone didn't waste any more time. The round-faced woman Fang Lingyan took the lead directly, skipping the stone peak in front and walking towards the depths of the hill.

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