Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 401 Ruins

As for the bag beast, Qingyang couldn't take care of it for the time being. He could only wait until this matter was done and everyone else left before going up to take a look. Cultivators are all selfish. No one will easily share their secrets with others. This hill is not that big in total. It shouldn't take much time to break the puppet formation and take the treasure. I just hope that the red-feathered eagle is not so hungry and will eat the bag beast later.

After bypassing the stone peak, everyone walked forward for dozens of feet and suddenly came to a flat land. It is called a flat land, but it is only compared to other places on the hill. Although it is flat, it has long been covered with grass and trees. If you don't come in and out, you can't tell the difference between here and other places.

Fang Lingyan led everyone to walk in from a small path, and walked dozens of feet, and everyone came to a building ruins. This pile of ruins is very old, and many places are completely covered by plants. Only a small area is exposed outside, and it seems that someone has searched here.

Fang Lingyan pointed to this place and said to Xiao Yuhan: "I found this place at that time. The building inside has not collapsed completely, and there is a puppet formation standing alone. Through the puppet formation, you can see that there seem to be several treasures in the innermost part. I tried it at that time, and I knew I was no match for the puppet formation, so I quickly retreated and covered up the ruins."

Xiao Yuhan nodded and said: "There is no time to lose, let's do it together."

Then everyone worked together to clean up the ruins at the intersection, revealing a hole more than one person high, but it was dark inside and couldn't see what was inside. However, this is nothing for cultivators. If you can't see with your eyes, you can use your divine sense, but the range is a little smaller.

Fang Lingyan seemed to be very familiar with this place. He released his divine sense to explore inside and was the first to walk into the cave, and then the others followed. The cave didn't seem very deep. After walking about 70 to 80 feet, Fang Lingyan stopped everyone and said, "This is a safe area. There is a puppet formation in front of us. As long as we step into the range of the puppet formation, the puppets will attack us. As for the three treasures, look ahead." Everyone looked in the direction Fang Lingyan pointed, and saw that not far in front of them, there were more than a dozen wooden men of different sizes. These wooden men looked ordinary, but Qingyang knew that their strength was amazing. As long as they were running, their strength was comparable to that of a cultivator in the middle stage of Qi Refining. Puppets usually don't understand, but as long as someone steps into that range, more than a dozen puppets will be activated and form a formation to attack all enemies. The range of the entire puppet formation is about 20 feet, which is just in their way. It is not possible to bypass it. Further ahead, about 30 feet away, it seems that the three treasures are placed. The divine sense certainly cannot reach such a long distance. This depends on the eyes, because the three treasures emit a faint spiritual light, which is very conspicuous in the dark building, and they can see it with their eyesight.

Judging from the spiritual light emitted from the treasures, these three treasures are at least low-grade spiritual tools. One low-grade spiritual tool requires two or three hundred spiritual stones, and the three families add up to seven or eight hundred spiritual stones. The value is almost comparable to that of the bag beast. If there is a medium-grade or defensive spiritual tool among them, wouldn’t the value be higher? No wonder both sides are unwilling to give up.

Qingyang knows so many Qi-refining cultivators. In addition to the head of the Liang family in Yuling City, the granddaughter of the deputy head of Qingfeng Hall, Qin Ruyan, can use spiritual tools. Most people don’t have the financial resources to equip spiritual tools. I didn’t expect to encounter three of them at once this time.

Three treasures, no matter how the seven people divide them, each person can get at least more than a hundred spiritual stones. If they are outside, many disciples may not be able to accumulate so many in ten years. Compared to this, the puppet formation composed of more than a dozen puppets is nothing to everyone. Even if there may be zombies in the dark, it is worth taking the risk.

Looking at the puppet formation in front of him, Qiao Shan suddenly glanced at Qingyang and said, "This puppet formation wins by formation. Once these puppets are combined, it will be difficult for us to defeat them. We must separate the puppets. Since everyone has agreed to divide the things equally, we must work together. There are exactly fourteen puppets here. Each person will deal with two, and no one will suffer."

Qingyang understood what this guy meant. Among so many people present, his cultivation is the lowest. If everyone fights together, his efforts will definitely be less than others. If you work less, but get the same amount of things as others, others must feel unbalanced.

And if each person is allocated two puppets, no one will suffer. If you are not good enough and can't beat two puppets, or if you get injured, you can't blame others. Qingyang even guessed that this guy might be looking forward to being killed by the puppets, so that the treasures don't have to be divided with him.

"This is a good idea. All of us in the Yin-Yang Sect agree with it." Xiao Yuhan said with a smile.

After that, Xiao Yuhan turned her head to see Qingyang's reaction. She knew that such an allocation might be disadvantageous to Qingyang, but she strongly agreed with Qiao Shan's opinion. Naturally, she was thinking about it in her mind. She also wanted to see what kind of ability Qingyang, who was remembered by Yu Mengmiao, had.

Qingyang had no objection to this. Although the puppets in the middle stage of Qi Refining were as powerful as the cultivators in the middle stage of Qi Refining, they were puppets after all. They were not as smart as monsters. As long as they found their action patterns, they would have the upper hand in battle. Therefore, they were still inferior to cultivators in general, so Qingyang was not very afraid.

Even if two puppets come together, Qingyang can still support him. The only thing he needs to worry about is the living dead that Qiao Shan once mentioned. Don't let the living dead find an opportunity for a sneak attack.

Qingyang nodded and said calmly: "Since everyone from the Yuling Sect and the Yin Yang Sect agree, I have nothing to say. I will just do what Senior Brother Qiao wants."

Qingyang agreed to their opinions so easily, which surprised several people present. Thinking about it, since he dared to take risks alone, how could he not have any real ability?

Na Qiao Shan did not delay any more and said directly: "Okay, listen to my signal in a moment, everyone will rush forward together, each person dragging two puppets, and they will not be allowed to form a formation before going forward."

Everyone roughly distributed the dozens of puppets in front of them, and then Na Qiao Shan gave an order, and the seven people each used their skills to rush into the puppet formation.

The reaction speed of the puppet array in front was no slower than that of the monks. As soon as they jumped over the boundary of the puppet array, they heard a buzzing vibration in the surrounding passages. The entire puppet array was instantly activated, and the nine puppets on the side were launched towards them at the same time. attacked.

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