Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 104: Supporters Of The Will Of Fire? No, It's The Rhizome Of Konoha

"What now? Need those Jōnins?"

Danzo glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

His old friends for many years have made him clear that the current Sarutobi Hiruzen is already on the verge of breaking out.

In any case, he is also the Third Hokage who has gained power for decades.

It would be fine if I was told by my former teachers and seniors, Second Hokage and First Hokage.

But it happened that Uzumaki Kushina found out about it.

He deliberately induced the villagers to reject Nine Tails Jinchūriki, and then continued to send charcoal to the latter.

Then the charcoal sent is not good charcoal... just some leftovers that I don't need.

Such behavior.

No wonder Naruto's mother Uzumaki Kushina scolded him.


Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was also rarely lost in thought.

He didn't know what he should do.


He really didn't care about this matter.

He is not only an insider of Naruto's identity, but also sees the dedication and contribution of the couple.

Therefore, it is even more impossible for his actions to be recognized by the villagers.

Even recognized by his master.

"Damn it...the Naruto matter shouldn't have been so absolute in the first place.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen was also filled with remorse.

Compared with the second Ninja World's own ending, even if he is still alive now.

However, it seems that it is not far from being enemies on all sides.

Even Konoha Village has big opinions on itself.

【First Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: And the villagers of Konoha, you also have to remember, who protected the village when the tailed beast attacked?】

【First Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: It’s me and Minato! We even sacrificed our lives and Naruto’s fate for the stability of the village! So you treat us like this?】

Pure land world.

Uzumaki Kushina became more and more excited as he talked.

At this time, her soul began to feel a little unstable.

If Beichen is here, he can definitely see it.

490 At this time, Uzumaki Kushina is in a strong emotional fluctuation, which indirectly affects the existence form of her soul.

Even now, she can't send comments safely in the net thousand world.

【What does this have to do with us?】

【Obviously we don't know, our family was still killed by the demon fox!】

【We don't know all of this, so what are we guilty of?】

At this time, a lot of comments suddenly appeared in the comment area under the first ninja world Uzumaki Kushina.

It seems that they are all villagers from Konoha?

Looking at these comments, Beichen nodded secretly.

"What's the matter Beichen?"

Beichen's thoughtful look made the two people who were competing stop, they looked at Beichen and asked in unison.

The two of them looked like curious babies, and Beichen couldn't help chuckling: "The comment area is very exciting now, it's just under the latest comparison video.


Hearing Beichen's words, the two of them quickly opened the comment area under the comparison video.

As a female ninja...

Eight Trigrams seem to be their innate talent.

"How exciting is it?"

Saw the interaction in the comment section.

Uchiha Quan not only opened the mouth with some surprise.

"This is what it should be, Naruto has been treated like that, how could sister Kushina be indifferent."

Uzumaki Kazuki pouted.

It is only known from contact with Uzumaki Kushina.

What a gentle and caring ninja she is.

The only strong side is her own side as a mother, she loves and protects Naruto unreservedly.

That's why she insisted on staying in the underground laboratory, conducting experiments (cdbh) day after day without seeing the light of day and obtaining Danzo's information.

The purpose is to resurrect myself one day and meet Naruto in the sun.

Otherwise, she has always been in the appearance of Impure World Reincarnation, and then curled up in the underground laboratory, watching Naruto's growth in the shadows.

A mother who can endure for so long for her child...

How is it possible to turn a blind eye to the injustice suffered by one's own children?

"These guys are still talking like that to sister Kushina?"

Uzumaki Xiangling couldn't suppress her anger, and even her long red hair seemed to be floating.

She knows how Uzumaki Kushina's temper is.

Uzumaki Kushina, known as the hot red pepper, is not a ninja who writes well.

Especially when she's on the victim's side!

【First Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: Oh? Now you guys who are protected can jump out and talk like this?】

【First Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: When you were protected, what did you all look like?】

【The First Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: Now enjoying the peace we bought with our lives......then you don’t care about our efforts?】

Pure land world.

Looking at the comment area, there are all innocent words.

Uzumaki Kushina's face was full of wonder.

She didn't expect that.

After knowing the truth, the residents of Konoha Village still have this view of Naruto.

Moreover, they don't have any remorse yet.

It's still an image of innocence for those we don't know.

They were indeed innocent of any sin at the time.

But with the help of comparison videos, they already knew Third Hokage's insidious intentions and what they did to an innocent child was not right.

I don't even have any regrets yet!

Doesn't this mean that the villagers of Konoha are all white-eyed wolves?

"How can these guys think like that..."

"Shouldn't the culprit be Third Hokage and that masked man?"

"Why did they blame Naruto instead and they still don't know how to repent?"

Uzumaki Kushina, who originally planned to stop as soon as he saw the villager's apology and Third Hokage's sincere expression.

At this moment, he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

These guys......

It's a complete copy of Uchiha Daikoko!

All of them have even started to hate Naruto because of the leaked information that Naruto is Jinchūriki and Third Hokage of the Nine Tails demon fox!

I also selectively ignore the sacrifices of myself and Minato!

The second variant ninja world.

Saw how wonderful the comment section is.

Even Beichen, who always thinks that Uchiha Itachi is shameless, was eye-opening.

"What's happening here?"

Beichen was a little speechless, he could see that these vests were not the sailors brought by Danzo, the number one ninja world.

Instead, it really came from the villagers of Konoha.

If these are Danzo's sailors, it's okay to say, it's to restore the reputation of Third Hokage and the reputation of the village.

Spread Third Hokage's fault equally on every villager, let them draw Uzumaki Kushina's wrath.


These people turned out to be ordinary villagers.

In control of the system, Beichen's traces - look through who these irresponsible people are, and what they have left in the comment area before.

I don't know if I don't read it.

It turns out that these guys are not just leaving messages now.

When the comparison video was just released, they had already spoken ill to Naruto.

All kinds of ugly words.

It even made Beichen want to come up with a blocker to block these too embarrassing words.

"Have the minds of these Konoha Villagers been washed so thoroughly by Third Hokage?"

Uzumaki Xiangling was also angry.

She has the best relationship with Uzumaki Kushina, and naturally she feels the most empathy for Uzumaki Kushina, who is now the number one ninja.

"Haven't they seen the comparison video when they said these things?"

"Or about the mistakes they made, what they imposed on Naruto..."

"Not a little bit guilty?"

Uzumaki Xiangling will be added to the comment area immediately.

"Don't interfere, this matter is a matter of the number one ninja world, let's wait and see first."

Beichen immediately blocked Uzumaki Xiangling's move.

The latter is very sensitive to the affairs of the Uzumaki family.

In particular, this clansman is still a close sister who gets along with him day and night.

Now, Uzumaki Kasushi would like to replace Uzumaki Kushina to help those stupid villagers of Konoha Village!

The first primitive ninja world.

"what happened?"

Konoha Village, Hokage Building.

Seeing that there are so many comments suddenly in the comment area, Uzumaki Kushina's comments and questions are suppressed.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Danzo with some surprise and asked.

Danzo was under his nose all the time, but had no time to give orders to his navy.

"It seems...a staunch supporter of the will of fire."

Danzo is also a little confused.

Why are there so many people supporting Sarutobi Hiruzen all of a sudden?

Moreover, everyone is still a vest that they do not know and are not familiar with.

It looks like it's really a commoner of Konoha.

They are all surnames that have never been seen before.

"A supporter of the will of fire..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with some relief.

did not expect..….…

After the comparison video was released, all my actions were exposed in this way.

There are so many brainwashed Sabi, because of their own choice of land.

How can this be a supporter of the will of fire.

This is clearly the root of Konoha Village, and it is my right-hand man!

"It seems that I want to take down the seat of Third Hokage.....There is still a long way to go..."

Danzo thought to himself.

Originally, he was not going to say anything or make any contribution to Sarutobi Hiruzen's crusade this time.

He just wants Hokage's position, so it would be in his interest that Sarutobi Hiruzen is down now.

Before helping Sarutobi Hiruzen to set up the navy, it was also to maintain the reputation of Konoha.

But now, a new comparison video has emerged.

Let Third Hokage's hypocrisy be exposed directly.

This time the crusade about Third Hokage is not about the reputation crusade of Konoha Village.

Naturally, Danzo will not be allowed to contribute.

It's as if Sarutobi Hiruzen asked him to find Orochimaru's whereabouts before.

He now wished that Orochimaru would have a chance to assassinate Sarutobi Hiruzen.

I can't wait for the Konoha collapse plan to start as soon as possible.

Only in this way can I have the opportunity to sit in the position of Fifth Hokage and cleanse the darkness of Konoha again.

As for the monkeys.......

He's been in this position for far too long. .

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