Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 105: Cloud Shinobi Rock Shinobi Ready To Move, The Reputation Of Sarutobi Hiruzen Can No Lon

"How do we deal with this matter now?"

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen whose face gradually softened, Danzo was a little speechless, but he still seemed to ask a question.

"Let me handle this matter now. After all, I am the planner of the whole incident and have an inescapable responsibility."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked compassionate, with a moved expression on his face.

"Old monkey........still pretending to be in front of me..."

Danzo was speechless.

Obviously, it was only him and himself, as well as a few subordinates of their own.

You have to pretend to be so compassionate.

It seems that acting has become an instinct for Sarutobi Hi~Zhan.

Even in front of his old friend - he still has to pretend to be like this.

From a certain point of view, he also admires Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Pure land world.

"These guys...how come Minato still doesn't say a word?"

Seeing how ungrateful these Konoha Village people are.

Uzumaki Kushina laughed angrily, she couldn't help the anger in her heart.

I knew this group of guys were so ungrateful.

How could she have chosen to give her life to save Konoha Village in the first place?

Moreover, Konoha Village is also the chief culprit in destroying the country of Uzumaki.

Think of what Beichen from that world said to Uzumaki Kushina in the comparison video.

There was a burst of disgust and discomfort in her heart.

Those words were said by Beichen to himself in that world.

Why not say it to yourself in this world?

I have no idea of ​​reviving Uzumaki and Uzumaki.

He also didn't see through Third Hokage's sinister intentions.

It didn't even help Minato spot the biggest threat to this Nine Tails invasion.

That Nine Tails invasion, now Uzumaki Kushina see through.

The biggest threat is the mysterious masked man.

Totally Konoha Village under the leadership of Third Hokage!

Under the leadership of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Konoha Village has become a sordid place infected by his own power.

Instead of the previous village full of protection and endless life, the inheritance of the will of fire.

"Minato.....why don't you speak?"

While complaining, Uzumaki Kushina opened the comment area and started scolding mode with these Konoha Village residents who don't know what to do.

[First Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: Do all the villagers in Konoha think this way? Is this what we paid our lives for Nine Tails?]

【No.1 Ninja World Ohnoki: Hehe, I never thought that Jinchūriki, who controls his own village, would still use this method. 】

[First Ninja World Raikage Ai: Maybe this is the reason why there is only one tailed beast in Konoha Village that has such a strong combat power, because the method of human control of the tailed beast is really unique. 】

The yin and yang of the two Kage-level leaders echo each other, echoing Uzumaki Jiuxinchen.

It's completely a look of watching the excitement and not being afraid of big troubles.

They can't wait to see Konoha Village start fighting among themselves, and then they take advantage of Konoha Village's downturn to invade in one fell swoop!

The first ninja world, the land of the land.

Onoki looked at the comment area, and couldn't hide the smile on his lips.

"This monkey really made a bad move, and it was caught by the comparison video.

After sending the latest slap in the face, Ohnoki murmured to himself.

"Master Tsuchikage, do you want to continue spreading the information in Konoha Village?"

Behind him, a tall and burly ninja knelt on one knee and cupped his fists and asked.

Seeing Onogi's gradually obvious emotions, he also knows that the current situation is already one-sided for Konoha.

"For the time being, the current mess has already made Sarutobi Hiruzen start to be questioned by people.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Onoki's mouth.

The current Sarutobi Hiruzen is already shouting and beating everyone.

Those who support him in the comment area are only a few who toss and turn.

The most important thing now is not to make Sarutobi Hiruzen's reputation worse.

Because the current Third Hokage...

It stinks so badly.

As Hokage, he has managed to make a name for himself in ninja circles as both hypocritical and power-hungry.

"Then just wait until when the wind has weakened, and then spread the information obtained before.

"Yes, Lord Tsuchikage."

Huang Tu nodded.

He also understood Onoki's thoughts.

This is to stretch the line and catch big fish.

The current Konoha has lost a lot of combat power because of Third Hokage's "wise leadership".

But a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Moreover, Konoha Village, which can provoke, still has room to move back and continue to reduce its strength.

First Ninja World, Cloud Shinobi Village.

Raikage Ai stared at the intelligence in front of him.

These are all sent by Onoki, that is, the black material about the previous high-level Konoha.

It is said that the dark history of Konoha F4 is mostly about Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"I didn't expect... Konoha Village not only has a vast land and abundant resources... even the top management is so intriguing."

Raikage Ai just took a rough look, then smiled disdainfully and threw the information on the table.

Of course he understood what Onogi meant.

It is nothing more than using this information to reduce the strength of Konoha Village, so that it is time to join him in launching a war to obtain Konoha Village's resources.


As Fourth Raikage, although he looks well-brained, it doesn't mean he is a warrior without a brain.

To be able to sit in Raikage's position, his mind is also first-class treacherous.

"Now that there is such a thing as comparative video, there is no need to personally sacrifice spies to spread this information."

Raikage Ai knew it in his heart.

Now the most effective and cheapest way is to pull up the contradiction between Konoha Village by comparing the comments of the video.

Let their conflicts intensify again.

This is also the reason why he sang with Onogi in the comment area to be eccentric Third Hokage.

He also saw it...

The current Third Hokage is already unpopular.

Hokage translocation is a matter of time.

And when is a village at its weakest?

Naturally, it was the time when internal strife broke out, the families fell apart, and the leaders were about to change.

The current Konoha is not far from this time!

【First Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: Old man, why don’t you dare to speak out now?】

【The First Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: Are you already scared?】

Other villages have strange yin and yang spirits. Third Hokage.

Of course Uzumaki Kushina could see it, and even knew that their purpose of doing this was to cause conflicts within Konoha Village.

Because not only I have opinions on the leadership of Third Hokage, but the rest of Konoha must also have a lot of complaints about Third Hokage's management method.


Why are these Konoha civilians who have never heard of their names speaking for Third Hokage and the crimes they committed before?

...asking for flowers...0

But all their friends in life, or ninjas they knew.

Not a single word was spoken.

She didn't care, now they are in Konoha Village, Sarutobi Hiruzen monitors everything they say.

So they took it into consideration. Uzumaki Kushina didn't say much.

[First Ninja World Sarutobi Hiruzen: I think everyone misunderstood something about this matter... I want to give Naruto a little love, and then in order to protect the identity of Naruto Nine Tails Jinchūriki and the identity of the hero's son, I can only Make this bad move. 】

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw that Uzumaki Kushina was aggressive, but he didn't leave any room for himself to breathe.

I had no choice but to move out the previous set of rhetoric.

In essence, it still states that he is considering Naruto's safety.

"Now there are not many idiots who can be brainwashed by the will of fire..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen murmured inwardly.

He knew that he could have sat in Hokage's position for a long time.

But after the exposure of the comparison video.

I'm afraid I'm about to step down.

He doesn't want to look like he owns the end of the video.

Sit tight and Konoha Village was successfully killed by Orochimaru.

What's more, now that Orochimaru has the blessing of the title, his strength has doubled when facing him.

I feel even more restless.

For a day without finding a trace of Orochimaru, he cannot sleep well.

"The old guy Danzo is also eyeing the position of Hokage..."

"It's already a time of life and death, and he still covets Hokage's position..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed inwardly.

I saved my reputation this time...

Get ready to put your heart and soul into eradicating Orochimaru.

Otherwise, even if I step down from the position of Hokage, I will not be able to sleep well every day.

[The First Ninja World Tsunade: Old man... you are really disappointing now. 】

Tsunade and Uzumaki Kushina have a good relationship.

Through the comparison video, I also learned a lot about the dirty past of Third Hokage.

She didn't expect that the master she had always respected turned out to be a villain who disregarded the interests of Konoha Village for her own interests.

In the face of huge benefits, he can resolutely choose to make profits for himself, and he still uses the slogan of growing Konoha Village.

It really made her nauseous.

To think that two people I hold dear died because of Third Hokage's design.

From the bottom of her heart, she couldn't respect this master in her own face.

[The First Ninja World Jiraiya: Kushina, maybe there is some misunderstanding here... Konoha Sagi is your forever home...

And Jiraiya.

As the most reassuring existence of Third Hokage, he was naturally not designed by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Instead, under the protection of Sarutobi Hiruzen, he grew rapidly.

Otherwise, how could he, with average talent, catch up with genius Orochimaru and daughter Tsunade of the Senju clan so quickly.

Both of them surpass Jiraiya in terms of talent and resources.

So now, even if he has seen the comparison video.

Still continue to maintain Sarutobi Hiruzen.

It's not just that as an apprentice he wants to protect the master.

It's more about his interests.

Now if Uzumaki Kushina is allowed to attack Sarutobi Hiruzen's prestige recklessly, there will definitely be chaos in Konoha Village!

So... even for Konoha Village, he has to find a way to eliminate Kushina's hatred now!.

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