Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 106: Furious Kushina, Two Minatos From The Ninja World To Dissuade

"Kid Jiraiya...is really a staunch supporter of the will of fire."

Seeing Jiraiya's words, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded.

Of his three apprentices, he is most at ease with Jiraiya.

As a ninja with no background and ordinary talent, Jiraiya can get to where he is today, largely due to his luck.

And this kind of commoner ninja with no background naturally received the influence of Sarutobi Hiruzen's will of fire since he was a child.

The seed of the will of fire has been implanted since childhood.

The current Jiraiya naturally obeys Third Hokage.

Even for his master, he is the only one among the three disciples who still respects him.

Tsunade has no respect for him as a master because he and Danzo used people from the Senju clan to do human experiments.

As for Orochimaru......

In the comparison video, he has even succeeded in killing.

Of his two apprentices, only Jiraiya now supports him and maintains his will of fire.

"Jiraiya looks like the best choice for the fifth Hokage..."

If there is no accident, Jiraiya should be the fifth Hokage.

After all, the root is his Third Hokage, and it is easy to control.

It perfectly inherited the will of fire from Third Hokage.

Totally a standard Hokage candidate.

"387" "Huh... Jiraiya this guy?"

Saw Jiraiya's talk.

Danzo's eyes narrowed dangerously.

He knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen was satisfied with his apprenticeship.

Sarutobi Hiruzen measures whether a person can be used for himself.

On the one hand, it depends on his ability, that is, the strength of the ninja.

On the other hand, it definitely depends on whether he can be easily controlled.

Now, Jiraiya even saw so much content in the comparison video.

I already know so many inside stories about Third Hokage, but I can't stand resolutely on Third Hokage's side.

This is simply the best chess piece to use!

"We have to keep an eye on Jiraiya's tracks..."

There was no emotion in Danzo's eyes.

He originally contacted Orochimaru, planning to advance his Konoha collapse plan, preparing for a major reshuffle of the power within Konoha.

But I didn't expect.....

The comparison video actually directly exposed Konoha's current weakness.

If we continue to implement Konoha's collapse plan in advance, I am afraid that other countries will take advantage of it.

Danzo can take it, Konoha weakened after washing with plans.

But it is absolutely unacceptable that Konoha's plan may be ruined in order to cleanse Konoha's power.

Pure land world.

Seeing Jiraiya's speech, Namikaze Minato was a little stunned.

"Ms. Jiraiya?"

He wondered why Jiraiya was involved in this matter.

Even put Jiraiya on the side.


Has the current situation become like this?

Let Sannin, who still belongs to Konoha, have to stand up and express his opinion.


Minato frowned.

He was indeed somewhat dissatisfied with what the villagers did and what Third Hokage did.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have stopped Uzumaki Kushina when he was killing in the comment area.

But at the same time, he was just a little dissatisfied with those behaviors.

And without rising to the point where he could be as enraged as Uzumaki Kushina.

In his opinion, it was really like what Third Hokage said, it was just a trick to protect the identity of Naruto Nine Tails Jinchūriki, and at the same time to let Nine Tails settle down and not destroy the village.

Maybe the strategy didn't work very well.

But at least the starting point is right.

As for what the villagers of Konoha said, he also quite understood.

They are all uninformed under the Third Hokage policy.

So how do they do it, how do they do it...

All without knowing it.

"Kushina is still too impulsive..."

"How can you feel the warmth and unity of the village if you don't take the initiative to integrate into the Konoha group?"

Minato shook his head.

Now he doesn't understand why Kushina continues to talk in the comment area despite the persuasion of so many people.

"I have to stop it..."

Namikaze Minato is very smart, he thought of it the moment he saw Jiraiya talking.

Now Jiraiya wants to let Uzumaki Kushina rest in peace and not to pursue it any further.

after all……………

Other countries are now staring at it.

And Kushina is already in the pure land world, and knows nothing about the outside world.

As the Fourth Hokage, he has a clear view of the political situation.

It is very clear that Konoha's situation is very bad now.

If there is no time to breathe, it is even possible to be besieged from all sides.

If Kushina is still confronting Third Hokage at this time, there will be internal strife within Konoha, and there will be prominent figures who disagree with Third Hokage's policies...

That would be very detrimental to Konoha's stability now.

"Now we still have to appease Kushina's emotions."

Minato knows what's important in the moment.

This is what Teacher Jiraiya wants him to do!

Minato and Jiraiya were mentors and apprentices for a long time.

Even though Minato has his own ideas, he was taught by Master Jiraiya about the will of fire.

Therefore, he can also be regarded as a puppet Hokage who does not have the will to jump out of the fire or the village.

You can only follow your teacher's position.

Choose to continue to stand on Konoha's side, for the sake of Konoha's peace, Kushina's anger can only be appeased.

【The First Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: Jiraiya, you are Minato's teacher...you still say this now?】

Saw Jiraiya's words.

Uzumaki Kushina is somewhat disbelieving.

This is Minato's teacher.

How is it possible to help the villagers of Konoha Village and help the Third Hokage speak?

Naruto was even named after Jiraiya!

【First ninja world Uzumaki Kushina: Teacher Jiraiya... Naruto is all named by you, and you are even Naruto's second father!】

【First ninja world Uzumaki Kushina: Why are you talking for Konoha now?】

【First Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: Didn't you see how they treated Naruto?】

Even now the anger has hit my heart.

Uzumaki Kushina still used honorifics to this respected senior, Minato's teacher.

In her eyes, Jiraiya is not just Minato's teacher.

Even, she had thought of it.

Teacher Jiraiya may also become Naruto's master.

Teacher Jiraiya is not only an upright ninja, but also a writer with his own ideas.

His thoughts on the village and ninjas.

All of which made Kushina very admired.

But now...

He actually treated the protagonist in his book, even his apprentice's son, unfairly.

I chose to stand on the Konoha Village side.....

What is the difference between this and Third Hokage.

at most…………

Jiraiya is a bystander.

And Third Hokage is the mastermind, the chief culprit who made Naruto suppressed in the village.

【The First Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: Namikaze Minato! Your master and Third Hokage have already spoken like this...do you still want to say nothing?】

Uzumaki Kushina's face was ashen, and his body in the pure land world was also faintly illusory.

She has now also understood Konoha's high-level thoughts and the villagers' thoughts.

These people should all be bound and brainwashed by Third Hokage or by using benefits or the will of fire.

Even if you know the truth...

They don't feel any guilt about Naruto, an innocent child.

【First Ninja World Namikaze Minato: Kushina.......I believe all of this is a misunderstanding.......】

【First Ninja World Namikaze Minato: Maybe the Third Generation just acted out of helplessness, and his starting point was also to protect Naruto's identity. 】

Namikaze Minato looked helpless.

Of course he knew what Third Hokage did.

But as the Fourth Hokage, what can he do?

He was supported, partly because he became famous in the Third Ninja World War.

The bigger reason is also because he is a faction of Third Hokage.

For Third Hokage, becoming a Hokage is more convenient to control, and at the same time, it will not threaten the interests of Third Hokage.


What Namikaze Minato didn't expect was that he had another role.

It's when a crisis like the Nine Tails invasion comes that he can lead the way for Third Hokage.

Third Hokage doesn't have any horrible blood succession limits.

One's own limit is also the pinnacle of Kage-level.

Facing the ever-changing situation in the ninja world, he gradually became unable to do what he wanted.

Therefore, he wants to launch Namikaze Minato to take the lead for himself, and at worst, it will give him time to escape.

People grow old.

I didn't see the second variant ninja world......

Knowing that Uchiha Beichen was coming to destroy him, Third Hokage's first reaction was to run away.


Saw the words of Namikaze Minato.

The last bit of hope in Uzumaki Kushina's heart was also shattered in 4.4.

【Second Ninja World Namikaze Minato: What I said in the first world is right...Kushina in that world, don't use your middle-of-the-road thinking to speculate on Hokage-sama

I saw that there was going to be a big problem inside Konoha in the first ninja world.

Even Namikaze Minato, the second ninja world who is not in the same world, couldn't help but dissuade immediately.

He has basically the same thinking as Namikaze Minato of the First Ninja World.

Because he had no contact with Beichen, a butterfly flapping its wings.

Therefore, his thoughts are similar to those of himself in the first ninja world.

Namikaze Minato, who saw the Second Ninja World, also spoke.

Naruto finally couldn't bear it anymore.

This is his biological father?

Faced with the grievances he has suffered, he just chooses to calm down?

You know, own baby daddy Beichen.

Even if it's just a spirit body, he also vented his anger for himself when he was wronged.

Now he has become the Fifth Hokage, and he is seeking justice for himself one by one.

I am afraid that people will compare with others.

Naruto made such a comparison, and found that Namikaze Minato was completely blown by Beichen!

【Second Ninja World Naruto: Hehe...is this my father?】

【Second Ninja World Naruto: Unexpectedly, he is also a pedantic person!】.

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