Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 107: Disappointed Kushina: Minato, You Are So Holy


The second variant ninja world.

Uzumaki Kushina looked at Naruto in surprise.

I saw what Naruto said suddenly in the comment area.

She was also a little lucky, fortunately, the person Naruto met and led him was Beichen.

Beichen not only led Naruto to grow up in the true sense, but also freed him from the corrosion of the will of fire.


In the future, Naruto will not only be treated differently by the residents of Konoha Village, but also be used by Konoha after he grows up.

Uzumaki Kushina is well aware of Third Hokage's brainwashing skills.

In particular, his son Naruto seems to be a piece of white paper that is easy to write on.

If only Third Hokage used the brainwashing strategy of using the will of fire a little bit.

It will definitely brainwash Naruto, who has been blinded by the Nine Tails demon fox, into Nine Tails Jinchūriki controlled by him!

"What's the matter? Mom?"

There was a hint of a smile on Naruto's mouth.

Even if it is not clear why the self in another world has not spoken yet.

But he still felt that if Beichen's little daddy was here.

Definitely let yourself say so.

"Naruto is fine."

I saw Naruto's message in the comment area.

Beichen also nodded.

Unexpectedly, the first person to appear in the comment area was not Naruto from the No. 1 ninja world.

It turned out to be Naruto of the second ninja world.

It looks like...

He still wants Uzumaki Kushina, the No. 1 ninja, to continue with Konoha Village!

Moreover, Minato is still forced to stand in line now.

Should I support my wife and children, or stand by my master and Konoha Village!

And according to Beichen's understanding of Minato...23 He probably wants to side with Konoha Village and Jiraiya.

Even if this person has his own thoughts and opinions, he is a person who respects teachers and respects morality.

And his master is the inheritor of the line of Third Hokage.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's brainwashing skills are terrifying.

He was able to wash so many people in Konoha Village into supporters of the will of fire.

A supporter of the Will of Fire, isn't that a supporter of Third Hokage?

"Beichen... Naruto speaks like this..."

I saw Naruto's brilliant comments in the comment area.

Uzumaki looked at Beichen worriedly and asked.

Naruto is the child of Kushina's sister.

If you do something to make Beichen unhappy, let Beichen stop being his baby daddy.

Wouldn't that be a negation of sister Kushina's recent efforts?

Then Beichen can help sister Kushina develop the ninjutsu of resurrection?

"Beichen......... Naruto's words are quite in your mind, right?"

Uchiha Izumi asked tentatively.

A pair of beautiful eyes were full of doubts, and her beautiful face was staring directly at Beichen like a cute doll.

"Well... of course it suits my heart."

Beichen saw that both of them cared about their every move, even their expressions at every moment.

It seemed that there was something wrong with his expression.

They are about to intercede for Naruto.

He chuckled helplessly and said, "Naruto's words undoubtedly let Kushina in another world see clearly the filthiness of Konoha."

"How could I condemn him?"

After Beichen finished speaking.

Also secretly amazed.

I don't know it's because of Naruto's protagonist halo.

Or because he impressed the two women too deeply.

Otherwise, why would they care so much about their emotions and want to excuse Naruto?

The current Naruto is just meeting them for the first time.

"Are you going to do this..."

Uchiha Izumi nodded thoughtfully.

She understood what Beichen meant.

It should be to provoke conflicts between Uzumaki Kushina and Konoha Village.

"Should I ask Anbu's people to do this?"

Uchiha Quan understood Beichen's mind.

So he asked.

She has now mastered the power of Anbu, even if Beichen will perform the inauguration ceremony of Fifth Hokage tomorrow.

But now he has the power of Hokage and has arranged the corresponding rules.


Beichen shook his head and refused.

He knows that the current situation does not depend on who has a large number of people to determine the direction of the matter.

And if Beichen uses too many people to provoke the conflict between Kushina and Konoha Village.

The intention is too obvious.

Now, Naruto of the Second Ninja World speaks this sentence.

It works best and doesn't turn Kushina off.

Otherwise, Kushina of the first ninja world also knew his purpose.

It's just too obvious.

"Then shall we just keep watching?"

Looking at both Beichen and Uchiha Izumi's indifferent appearance, it seems that the two of them reached a consensus just by making eye contact.

Uzumaki Xiangling, who was kept in the dark, asked with a blank face.

"Just watch it now."

Beichen nodded slightly, "It's not good to tell Naruto to let him keep his hair, just let him follow his own feelings.

Beichen said that, not only has confidence in Naruto.

He is more aware of his own teachings, which is definitely helpful for how Naruto speaks now.

"If Naruto can bring Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato to another fight..."

"It's just a matter of these few days to conquer Kushina by yourself!"

Beichen thought to himself.

Right now, the biggest hurdle against Uzumaki Kushina is Namikaze Minato.

She still has this man in her heart.

After all, she was a childhood sweetheart who grew up with her.

No matter how Beichen used her child Naruto to break through the defense, she still had to face Minato as the biggest obstacle.

【First Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: Minato...do you want to speak for those Konoha Village people too?】

【First Ninja World Namikaze Minato: Kushina...This is not to speak for the people in the village, but to explain to you. 】

Namikaze Minato looked helpless.

He doesn't understand why Naruto from the Second Ninja World...

Add fuel to the fire at this time.

Let the conflict between himself and Kushina intensify further.

As a child of myself and Kushina......

Shouldn't you watch your parents reunite and live in harmony?

In the pure land world.

Uzumaki Kushina looked at what Namikaze Minato had just sent with a face full of disbelief.

He is simply a top supporter of the Will of Fire!

It is completely out of blue.

She didn't realize it before...

Namikaze Minato is such a holy mother?

The villagers have already treated your son like this, and there is no repentance yet.

Your teacher, your senior, worked hard to design your son to treat the son of a hero like this.

The Konoha you saved with your life is just like this.

To stand by Konoha's side and speak for Konoha?

[Number One Ninja World Raikage Ai: Hahaha... Konoha's yellow flash, you really became the Hokage that everyone loves in the end?】

Raikage Ai and Namikaze Minato fought several times during their lifetime.

It can be said that heroes cherish heroes.

The way of fighting between them is faster than anyone else.

Raikage Ai is a Lightning Style Ninjutsu ninja known for his speed.

And Namikaze Minato uses Flying Thunder God Technique and Rasengan series of ninjutsu Wind Style time and space ninja ninja.

The two of them not only fight in similar ways.

And the love for the village is similar.


Namikaze Minato is also for the peace of the village, and the face of the former Hokage.

He even openly stood on the side of the village.

The folks at Konoha Village....

In the eyes of any sensible person in the ninja world, it is an unreasonable party.

And Minato, not only did not help the relatives, but also chose to help the unreasonable party.

It can be said that they don't help relatives and don't help.

"Has the yellow flash turned out to be a political lackey?"

Raikage Ai chuckled.

There was both helplessness and emotion in the laughter.

The last time they met, they were fighting as the most talented ninjas in their respective ninja villages.

Results now.

Each became Hokage and Movie.

It turned out that they all became lackeys of the high-level officials in the village.

The difference is that Raikage Ai and the previous generation Raikage are father and son.

And Third Hokage and Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato are just the relationship between master and disciple.

There was no kinship between them.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen just used Minato as a puppet that he could manipulate.

So the brainwashing of the will of fire has not been reserved for Namikaze Minato either.

Now the effect is even more apparent.

[The First Ninja World Namikaze Minato: 八633辛奈………… Now. Don’t continue to dwell on this issue, the peace of the village is the most important thing, these are just misunderstandings……… 1

Namikaze Minato was a little helpless.

He didn't know why Kushina continued to hold on to her now that the village was already facing a crisis.

It is true that Third Hokage did it wrong.


Will it have any good effect on Naruto if I continue to hold it?

Just don't mention these things now.

He believes that Third Hokage will give them a satisfactory answer.


Will treat their son well, as the son of a hero!

[First Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: Misunderstanding? Minato, it seems that you are hopeless. 】

Seeing that Minato is still stubborn, he wants to excuse Konoha and Third Hokage.

Uzumaki Kushina laughed angrily.

When the villagers said that she was not wrong, she was not as angry as she is now.

She regarded it as saving a group of white-eyed wolves.

After Third Hokage said so and shirked responsibility after his death, she was not so angry. After all, he was the instigator of everything, and for the sake of Konoha and his own reputation, he would not easily admit his fault.

On the contrary, the duck's mouth is stiff, and he continues to say that he is not wrong.

But now...

As Naruto's father.

Minato actually said such a thing?

Want to excuse the perpetrators like Konoha and Third Hokage?

Naruto is your son!

Uzumaki Kushina cried out helplessly in his heart.

This is his own son.

been treated so unfairly.

Also designed this way by Third Hokage.

In the end, you were able to continue washing the ground for Konoha like a normal person?

【First ninja world Uzumaki Kushina: Minato...how can you be such a holy mother now? They white-eyed wolves are already standing in front of you and bullying your son? Why are you still standing on their side?】

Uzumaki Kushina sent these words almost fighting back tears.

If she has an entity now.

I'm afraid she has been crying too much.

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