Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 108: Kushina's Awakening, Beichen Is The Destination


Saw the words of Uzumaki Kushina.

Namikaze Minato was a little overwhelmed.

Although it's just some text in the comment area.

But from these words, he can see that Kushina is now heartbroken to the point of Ultimate.

"Did I really do something wrong?"

Namikaze Minato saw Kushina's question and at the same time saw the words of his former opponent Raikage Ai.

He questioned his own heart.

I have always insisted that the village is the most important thing, the peace of the village......

Is it really wrong?

In order to maintain the peace of the village, let the future Konoha have the ability to deal with the masked man.

He sealed Nine Tails into Naruto's body without asking about Naruto's feelings.

In order to make the current Konoha Village settle down, and not cause internal strife in the village because of Kushina's question, he even stood on the side of the village.

Could he be ignorant of the injustice his son suffered?


For the peace of the village.

My own son should be able to understand me alone, right?

[First ninja world child Jiraiya: What Minato said is not wrong...... Kushina, there must be some misunderstanding between the villagers and Naruto, Konoha Village is not so dark now, and the old man would not treat a future A child of worldly affairs.......]

Jiraiya stopped taking material.

With a serious face, he left a message in the comment area.

He knows.

The current leaves are indeed rotten.

However, all this must not be known to the enemy country.

No matter how dirty these things are, they are all inside Konoha Village.

Family ugliness cannot be publicized.

He is not going to continue to ferment these things.

Let him be strangled in the cradle...

"Ms. Jiraiya......So you think so too?"

Seeing Jiraiya's message, Uzumaki Kushina smiled.

She didn't think about it.

Teacher Jiraiya, who has always been admired by him, did not stand up when his apprentice's son was treated unfairly.

to the end.....

It turned out that only my own mother stood up for the unfair treatment Naruto received.

"Look at this Konoha..."

"This is the Konoha that ruined our country and even sacrificed my life..."

Uzumaki Kushina felt sad.

She has made up her mind.

Break with these people of Konoha.

In the future, I will also draw a line with Namikaze Minato!

When my wife and children were treated unfairly or even oppressed...

A coward who still stands on the side of the perpetrator!

It was her Uzumaki Kushina who got it wrong.

How dare you choose such a coward as your husband!

[First Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: Minato, I misread you. 】

[First Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: When my wife and children were oppressed...you actually did that...]

【No. 1 Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: Don’t you feel chilled when you see these Konoha Villagers?】

The second variant ninja world.

I saw Uzumaki Kushina's words that there is nothing more sad than heartbreak.

Beichen knew that Namikaze Minato, the biggest obstacle to attacking Uzumaki Kushina at present, has been eliminated.

It was eliminated by Namikaze Minato himself.

He himself chose to stand on Konoha's side, on his teacher's side.

So, Uzumaki Kushina broke with him!

"At this moment... `||..."

"I'm afraid the Uzumaki Kushina of this world is also disappointed in Namikaze Minato?"

Beichen smiled lightly.

All of this was within his expectations.

- Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina from the Ninja World were torn apart because of Naruto.

If Uzumaki Kushina of the Second Ninja World mentioned this to Minato.

Why not tear the skin off?

It may be because Konoha Village has one more Beichen, which indirectly has a lot of powerful ninjas.

Because of more Beichen.

Konoha now has more powerful combat forces such as Uchiha Izumi, Uzumaki Xiangling, and Uzumaki Naruto.

Compared with Konoha in the first ninja world.

The overall strength does not know how many times stronger.

How could someone dare to invade such a leaf?


The performance of Namikaze Minato of the first ninja world can also be used as a reference by Uzumaki Kushina of the second ninja world.

Take this to let Uzumaki Kushina down on Namikaze Minato!

"Naruto, you should be optimistic first."

See that your purpose has been achieved.

Beichen thought that he still had to get a handbook from the Daming Mansion.

Naturally, it was the daimyo's handbook to be used in the inauguration ceremony the next day.


The two spies of Cloud Shinobi Village, Samui, and the two female ninjas, one black and one white, still have information to come out.

Just take them to Daming Mansion together?

Find a place on the road to deal with their traces and start slowly digging for information?

Beichen pondered.

Now Mabuy and Samuy are under his surveillance.

Naturally knows what they're doing in Konoha Village.

Even if they gather information, they are still very careful.

But still let Beichen find out.

There can be no further delay.

I just took advantage of this time to find the daimyo.

Find a place to deal with their tracks secretly, otherwise Cloud Shinobi Village will not be able to explain it.

Confidential information on Konoha Village.

If these two people were allowed to dig unscrupulously, I'm afraid they would really find a lot of information.


Hearing Beichen's words, the two women nodded in agreement.


Beichen is already the most powerful person in Konoha Village.

If you want to protect Naruto, you can protect it openly.


Both of them have a good impression of Naruto.

He is a little scheming but cute little boy.

Uzumaki Kushina was also a very helpful underling to Beichen.

They are more willing to protect Naruto.

[The First Ninja World Sarutobi Hiruzen: I think there must be some misunderstanding...that makes Kushina's hostility towards Konoha so deep. 】

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Uzumaki Kushina, who had been bombarding the comment area and was almost yelling at most of the villagers alone.

Some helplessly holding his forehead, the bursts of headaches made it difficult for him to suppress his expression.

"Is this little chili...so hot-tempered?"

Danzo was also a little surprised.

My husband and his master and teacher have already said so.

Even criticize the population of Konoha Village.

This is simply a stubborn donkey.

Obviously no one continues to support him.

Just to let my son breathe a sigh of relief.

How could she do this?

"It can only be said that maternal love is too great?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled wryly.

When he said those words, he felt his face was hot.

The dirty things I did have been exposed.

I still have to pretend to be innocent here.

Let those old friends see it, and I will lose my old face.

"Hmph monkey, I told you a long time ago that the control of Nine Tails should be handed over to me."

Danzo has an expression he already knew would be like this.

It seems that today's situation is expected to happen.

"here you are?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Danzo speechlessly.

Could he not know what his old friend was thinking?

Danzo has always wanted to control the Nine Tails, taking control of Konoha Village's only tailed beast to gain leverage as a Hokage.

If he were to control Nine Tails, the only way would be to be tougher.

Whether or not I can sit in Hokage's seat is another matter.


If it is controlled by Danzo, then the video will play out.

Danzo's method will definitely be exposed by the video.

【First Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: Is this the interpretation of Third Hokage?】

【Second Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: Is Konoha Village so chilling? Naruto has suffered so many grievances, can you just take it lightly in just a few words?】

【First Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: Not even a formal apology!】

Uzumaki Kushina of the second ninja world can't stand it anymore.

After Uchiha Izumi and Uzumaki Xiangling came in, they expressed Beichen's thoughts to Naruto.

She could no longer suppress the anger in her heart and sent it to the comment area in one breath.

On the one hand, there is no repentance for the people of Konoha Village.

On the one hand, it is also for...

How to make Namikaze Minato!

He actually sided with Konoha Village!

Let my son Naruto let go of his hatred, let himself let go of his hatred.

This is what Konoha owes them to the Uzumaki clan.

It was too much for her to even ask these people to apologize to Naruto now.

It seems that this Konoha has rotted to the root...Fortunately, there is Beichen in this world to set things right..."

Uzumaki Kushina's face was full of desolation.

The body and face that matched her Impure World Reincarnation added a bit of traces of vicissitudes.

If the world didn't have Beichen speak for Naruto.

Wouldn't the Naruto of this world also suffer from the same tragedy?

Well, the Minato of this world...

It's the same as that world.

I think of what Minato, the second ninja world, said for Konoha Village, the first ninja world.

Uzumaki Kushina's heart was also half cold.

No matter which world Minato is in, he always chooses to stand on the side of the village.

And myself and Naruto.

In the end, it was really only Beichen who helped and supported me.

No matter what other thoughts he has.

Now he is the only one supporting himself!

(by Li Li) So he is the home of his mother and son?


Hearing Uzumaki Kushina's words, Naruto nodded in agreement.

"Little Daddy Beichen told me...don't trust anyone easily."

"Even if it's the little dad, he has plans for me."

"But I also know that Beichen's little father will at least not let me be wronged, for my own good!"

Naruto's eyes are firm, and his face is full of trust in Beichen.

He knew that no one would be invincible to himself.

But Beichen, on the other hand, does not expect anything in return.

Beichen what can he do for it?

Control the Nine Tails inside him?

With his current strength, it seems that Nine Tails can only be icing on the cake. At that time, he can develop a few more Forbidden Techniques to improve his strength.

"Maybe I really chose the wrong one?"

Uzumaki Kushina smiled self-deprecatingly.

As if he was laughing at himself for being blind and choosing the wrong person.

It seemed to be laughing at himself, and now no one in the village he saved was on his side.

Only Naruto's baby daddy is standing up for his poor mother and son.

Now he has become the Fifth Hokage, and he is seeking justice for himself one by one.

I am afraid that people will compare with others.

Naruto made such a comparison, and found that Namikaze Minato was completely blown by Beichen!

【Second Ninja World Naruto: Hehe.....Is this my father?】

[Second Ninja World Naruto: Unexpectedly, he is also a pedantic person! Copy].

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