Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 109: Sarutobi Hiruzen Who Lays Down Every Time: This System Won't Target Me, Will It?

"It's ridiculous..."

"Both our husband and wife died, and what we got in exchange was this Konoha Village."

"Alright, I saw the true face of Minato..."

The first ninja world, the pure land world.

Uzumaki Kushina laughed at himself.

Because of his lack of eyesight, the country of the whirlpool was destroyed, leaving only a few descendants of the whirlpool clan.

Because of his simplicity, he was used by Konoha Village to become Jinchūriki of Nine Tails.

Because of my naivety, I chose the wrong person, and let Namikaze Minato, a political victim of Konoha, become my husband.

at last...………

Even Naruto became the Nine Tails demon fox in Konoha Village because of her fault.

As expected in the comparison video, Beichen said.

is a complete loser.

【First Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: I will never forgive you guys in my life...including you, Minato!】

It was as if he had said the last word that represented a break.

Uzumaki Kushina's eyes became unusually firm.

This time, she didn't have any hesitation, nor any nostalgia or fantasy.

The current Namikaze Minato and Konoha are no longer worthy of her fantasies.

It is not worth her to communicate.

Namikaze Minato, the coward who stood and oppressed his wife and children.

He doesn't deserve to be Naruto's father!

Thinking of this, Uzumaki Kushina sighed again.

It would be great if there were Beichen in this world.

Naruto won't be treated like that in the video either.

Even Beichen escorted Naruto all the way.

Even if he did those stupid things, at least Naruto would not be wronged.

And she is now in the first ninja world.

No Beichen exists.

She can only watch Naruto being treated unfairly and cannot intervene.

Even it can only be seen through the comparison video 797.

If there is no comparison video, she will probably be kept in the dark for the rest of her life.

It is estimated that in the future, when his own Chakra sees that Naruto is still working for Konoha, he will be happy that Naruto has inherited Minato's will.

"Sure enough...Beichen is Naruto's home."

Thinking of this, Uzumaki Kushina wished that Naruto in this world would also recognize Beichen as the baby daddy.

At least..……

Can get the blessing of Beichen.

"However... the current Beichen doesn't have the ability to travel through space, so what if he recognizes it?

Seeing how outrageous the people in Konoha Village are and how dark the high-rises are.

She dared not let the current Naruto act rashly.

We can only hope that one day Beichen can pass through the barrier of space.

Let's make Naruto's life better after crossing here.

【First Ninja World Namikaze Minato: Kushina...... What do you mean? Are you going to be an enemy of Konoha?】

[Second Ninja World Namikaze Minato: How did it become like this? Kushina, you are not such a person?]

In the second ninja world.

Namikaze Minato of Pure Land World looked bewildered.

He didn't know why Uzumaki Kushina from another world chose to break with Konoha Village.

Doesn't she have the will to fire in her heart?

She is a hero who died for the safety of Konoha Village.

The will of fire in my heart should be higher than anyone else.

Why now...

You don't even care about the will of fire?

To break with the village?

[Second Ninja World Namikaze Minato: Kushina just said the wrong thing, everyone in Konoha, she still has Konoha Village in her heart, for the sake of the stability of Konoha Village]

Even if they are not in the same world.

Namikaze Minato still wants to make Uzumaki Kushina apologize and integrate into Konoha Village.

after all…………

Only by actively integrating into Konoha Village can you feel the warmth of the collective.

From the beginning, Uzumaki Kushina joined Konoha as the princess of Uzumaki.

There was never a sense of belonging.

Finally, after I became Hokage, I had some sense of belonging, but I was sacrificed because of the Nine Tails invasion.

So, Uzumaki Kushina as the alien.

Naturally, the sense of belonging to the extended family of Konoha Village is low.

She can make a good impression among the people of Konoha Village.

It was all due to his sacrifice for Konoha when the Nine Tails invaded.

but now......

What Uzumaki Kushina said was to put everyone in Konoha on the opposite side.

This is great fun!

【First Ninja World Raikage Ai: Is this the darkness of Konoha Village? No one came to speak for the sacrificed hero?】

The first primitive ninja world.

I saw the helplessness and sadness of Uzumaki Kushina.

Raikage Ai also frowned, gritted his steel teeth and spat.

In vain he regards Namikaze Minato as his greatest rival in life.

It turned out to be in front of the village and his own girls.

Also chose to do so to his village.

"If it was the Killer Bee guy and the village... I'm sure I'd pick the Killer Bee?"

Raikage Ai suddenly thought.

If I stand in the same decision position as Fourth Hokage.

I'm afraid I will also hesitate, after all, it is really difficult to choose the people and villages that are important to me.

"No... Cloud Shinobi Village is not as dirty as Konoha! And... that Kid Killer Bee...."

Thinking of my own brother, Killer Bee.

Raikage Ai was a little speechless.

He didn't think... that guy who only had rap in his head would think about such profound content.

[No.1 Ninja World Onoki: Hehe... This is Konoha led by the monkey, who is full of intrigue against the people in his village. 】

Onoki continued to speak.

Thanks monkey.

Only in this way can Konoha's originally impregnable village be broken into pieces.

Sannin was originally a Kage-level fighter, and as a disciple of Sarutobi Hiruzen, he must devote himself to Konoha.

The result is now...

Because Senju Nawaki was designed to die by high-level officials, Tsunade left Konoha disheartened.

Because she was used to the darkness of the village and also for the son of prophecy, Jiraiya traveled around the world.

Orochimaru ran away from Konoha because of being tempted and framed by Danzo for the human experiment.

......[(012805023124152220](cdcc) In order to stabilize the political power of the village, Konoha's White Fangya, a Kage-level tyrannical existence, was forced to death.

On the night of the Nine Tails invasion, two Kage-level powerhouses, Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, were sacrificed.

As for Konoha's Uchiha clan, each of them originally had a high upper limit.

The strength of Sharingan is recognized by the entire ninja world.


Got screwed over by Konoha Village itself.

It can be said that Konoha has been turned into what it is now.

Konoha F4 takes more than half of the credit.

However, even the fragmented Konoha can continue to exist.

I also have to feel that First Hokage has a rich background.

Even in the current situation, Konoha Village can still exist safely under their watchful eye.

This is what First Hokage has done.

[First Ninja Sarutobi Hiruzen: Kushina, I know your hatred for Konoha Village now, but none of this is true. Naruto is well protected now, and it was only my mistake that allowed his Jinchūriki identity to be leaked . 】

By now.

Sarutobi Hiruzen had to groom Kushina.

Moreover, he would rather choose to say that he was not capable enough and accidentally leaked Naruto's information.

I don't want to say that it's my own dirty and sinister intentions.

after all……………

If Hokage admits that his intentions are dirty, it will be more shocking than what is exposed in the comparison video.

"Danzo.....now we need to guide the public opinion on this topic in the village."

Sarutobi Hiruzen squinted his eyes.

have to say

Kushina's words have caused cracks in Konoha Village.

And the center of the rift is that he, Hokage, is too dirty with the people in the village.


We are not fools.

Those who have been successfully brainwashed by his will of fire are only a minority.

More people have already seen through his methods.

"This damn video! Seems like it's against me every time!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen cursed in his heart, he wished he could close this comparison video immediately.

Every comparison video seems to be able to pull him out.

Orochimaru carried out the Konoha Crash Plan, and also earned a title.

When facing oneself, the strength will be doubled.

The Naruto video just now also exposed his means of controlling Jinchūriki.


Danzo nodded silently.

There is also some helplessness in my heart.

For some reason, this system seems to be specific to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Each time, Sarutobi Hiruzen's dark methods are exposed a little bit.

And their shady things.

Let the comparison video to - exposed.

If it weren't for this video, everyone in the ninja world could see it.

He even wondered if someone was manipulating this video.

Too bad he didn't know that.

As he thought, the current comparison video was manipulated by Beichen!

And Beichen's purpose is also very simple, to make Konoha F4, which harms Konoha, clean in every world!

The harm they bring is simply too great.

They are all good disciples of Second Hokage.

Konoha Village has been turned upside down and broken.

Pure land world.

"Tobirama! I'm just saying monkeys lack leadership...you're still too early!"

Senju Hashirama muttered inwardly when he saw the comment area, his face darkened.

He saw very early on that Monkey was not the heir to the Will of Fire.


The current monkey has distorted the will of fire.

"Hmph.........isn't this too different from the will of fire when we founded the village?"

"Now the monkey... has made Konoha what it is?"

Senju Hashirama became more and more angry.

I can't help but start crusade against Sarutobi Hiruzen in the comment area.

【First Ninja World Senju Hashirama: Monkey, how do you lead Konoha now? Why are you using such dirty methods?】

[The First Ninja World Senju Tobirama: Brother, I still have to blame me for this matter. 】

Senju Tobirama saw his elder brother's words.

I blame myself even more in my heart.

It was he who passed the position to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

I thought that he was born in the same line as me, and it was a monkey I had seen growing up since I was a child.

Can be a qualified heir.

Unexpectedly, the mind is also corrupted by power now. .

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