Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 110: Assembly, Akatsuki Organization

"However... this technique is almost ready."

Senju Tobirama has been developing ninjutsu in the pure land world.

It is to be able to communicate with the world and return to the ninja world.

Originally, he didn't have any consciousness or means of development.

I can only watch my soul dissipate little by little in the pure land world.

Wait until all your souls dissipate.

Maybe it's about to be reincarnated?

He is not very clear about this.

But now the emergence of comparison videos, and the emergence of new comment areas can let the dead speak.

Gradually let him find a new way of thinking.

He left countless Forbidden Techniques in Konoha.

As long as he has an idea, he can develop ninjutsu along the way.

In the Book of Seals, there are more than half of the ninjutsu Forbidden Technique was developed by him.

"However... this ninjutsu of communication is still not perfect."

Senju Tobirama was a little helpless.

Even if you have an idea, you also have the ability to develop it.

He even had some research on the soul during his lifetime.

But without a human body as an experiment, it is very difficult for him to develop a ninjutsu that can communicate with the world out of thin air.

He was able to achieve this level with his pure conception and imagination.

He is already full of talent and talent.

"It would be great if there were some experimental materials and research literature on the soul."

The more he develops, the more he is shocked by Beichen's ability.

This kid... doesn't just have research on souls.

He has even developed the terrifying Forbidden Technique with both hands.

Both hands can change memory.

To put it bluntly, the structure of the soul can be easily changed.

This kind of Forbidden Technique is simply despised by everyone.


Isn't this Forbidden Technique what everyone wants?

If you can change the structure of memory and soul at will.

Isn't it as long as there is an opportunity to use ninjutsu.

Can I become that kid's puppet?

"Fortunately, that junior didn't have any malice towards Konoha..."

Senju Tobirama exhaled softly.

If Beichen has any malice towards Konoha.

I'm afraid Konoha can be destroyed with just a few gestures.

Not only is he a genius with amazing development ability, but his strength is beyond doubt.

He is definitely a strong man who can stand shoulder to shoulder with himself and his big brother!

[First Ninja World Senju Tobirama: Monkey, you'd better not do anything that harms Konoha now... We will settle the matter with you when you arrive in Pure Land World!]

Senju Tobirama's character can't tolerate a grain of sand in his eyes.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In order to solve the mystery of Wood Style, all members of the Senju family were treated as experimental subjects. This behavior has touched Senju Tobirama's bottom line.

If he had to do it because of Konoha, Senju Tobirama could forgive him.


Sarutobi Hiruzen is just trying to crack Wood Style for his own selfish desire!

He even did not hesitate to harm Konoha's interests to enhance his family's heritage.

Let the Sarutobi clan gather three thousand ninja troops.

In Konoha Village.

A family that can pull out three thousand ninjas.

Probably only the Sarutobi clan.

From this we can see how many resources and interests belonging to Konoha Village have been swallowed up by Sarutobi Hiruzen!


The first ninja world.

I saw that both First Hokage and Second Hokage expressed dissatisfaction with their behavior.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was also a little scared.

In his mind, these two people are seniors with incomparable strength and incomparable status.

The teaching of Second Hokage did make him put the village first.

It's a pity that he has been infected by power now and has become a slave of power.

In Hokage's position, there are too many means and ways to seek benefits for his family.

Even, he only wants to support a commoner family.

It is entirely possible to create countless Jōnin for them in a few years.

Even a powerful family comparable to the Hyuga family.


The resources to spend are really massive.

Even at the risk of being targeted by other families.

If Hokage can't be fair and just, then the family in Konoha Village will definitely complain about him.

"what should I do?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen has some headaches.

This is just a Uzumaki Kushina, and everyone in Konoha is already at risk.

Now my true colors are being exposed little by little...

It seems that those dirty methods have to be stopped from today.

What I can let Danzo do, I am determined not to intervene in the slightest!

Think about it.

He thought of his old friend again.

This is the best back-to-back man out there.

Danzo helped him deal with a lot of dirty things before, it was Konoha's darkness.

Only when the roots of Konoha continuously absorb nutrients under the ground can the big trees above them thrive.

And today's comparison videos continue to expose his methods.

There are fewer and fewer dark methods and politics that I can use.

"It's much harder to recreate the image of a good old man... Hiruzen."

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent for a long time.

Danzo naturally knew what was thinking in his mind.

They have been friends for many years.

They've known each other since performing missions together at Second Hokage.

Now, it is even more a look to know each other's thoughts.


Even Hiruzen is going to hand over all underground affairs to him.

He can only accept it.

On the one hand, these things are also beneficial to Konoha.

On the one hand, those things have been going on for a long time.

If you stop rashly, I'm afraid it will have a great impact on Konoha.


Sarutobi Hiruzen did not say so.

He was too embarrassed to open his mouth about such a matter of shirking responsibility.

Especially when facing your old friends.

Danzo who helped himself deal with a lot of dark things.

"Huh... now that there is a comparison video, do you think of the word-of-mouth impact of these things?"

Danzo snorted coldly.

He saw Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes.

I have already made it clear what he thinks, that is, I want to push all the following things to myself.

Danzo nodded, then turned and left.

He was afraid that if he continued to stay here, he would quarrel with Sarutobi Hiruzen soon.

Anyway, the current Sarutobi Hiruzen has exposed a lot of ugliness.

Enough for him to drink a jug.

The second variant ninja world.

In the center of Rain Shinobi Village, the sky is drizzling with light rain.

The gloomy atmosphere filled with steel buildings and various steel pipes adds a sense of solemnity and desolation to Rain Shinobi Village.

The top of the tower.

A young ninja with orange-yellow hair and a handsome face, but with black sticks stuck in his face, ears, and nose, faced the raindrops and looked in the direction of Konoha Village from a distance.


Suddenly, there were bursts of papers falling from behind him.

A blue-haired female ninja with a beautiful face and wearing the same red cloud robe as the young ninja looked at the ninja in front of her with some concern.

...asking for flowers......

This is Yahiko and Konan of the Akatsuki organization.

Since they saw Beichen Daxian Kamui in the comparison video.

At the same time, through the intelligence system, I learned that...

Now that Beichen's strength has risen sharply, becoming Konoha's next Hokage is almost a certainty.

Already listed Beichen as the most threatening person right now!

"No need to say much."

Yahiko opened his mouth slowly.

The lines of Rinnegan's in his eyes were even worse, revealing a lavender gleam.

Drop by drop of rainwater gently slid down his face, and the lines outlined were more indifferent and indifferent.

"Paine will not fail, even if that person is the strongest in Konoha!"

Payne's confident words immediately settled Konan's heart.

Others don't know Nagato's current power.

Konan knows best.

As someone close to Nagato, she knows Nagato's daily Chakra fluctuations best.

It can be said.....…

Now in the ninja world, but Payne Six Paths manipulated by Nagato is already a top combat power.

What's more... this time, Payne has made sufficient preparations, and even assembled the Xiao organization that has just taken shape!

Tiandao slowly closed his hands and formed a mudra, his eyes were slightly closed, and his consciousness gradually moved away from the main body.

Then, in a closed space.

At this time, there were already several phantoms standing on the high platform.

"When will the boss come?"

A phantom's somewhat flamboyant words echoed in the enclosed space.

"Hey, don't be so loud now, be careful I will kill you."

Hearing the voice of this phantom, a phantom next to him who seemed to be covering his face said in a low and gloomy voice.

"Your head is quite valuable, so don't be so arrogant."

It seems that the sentence just now has no deterrent effect.

he added.

This phantom is naturally the one who fought against First Hokage...


As for fighting...

Throwing Kunai 800 miles away and being nearly killed by Senju Hashirama's Wood Style clone for a long time can be regarded as a fight with First Hokage.

As if forced by Kakuzu's lust.

The phantom with a somewhat noisy voice gradually subsided.

This phantom is Kakuzu's current partner.

It also has the ability to be immortal and sacrifice to the evil god Hidan.

"You guys... are really active."

On the other side, the phantom with a big knife on his back chuckled lightly.

He is the rebellious nin from Kirigakure, the current owner of the beheading sword - Loquat Ten Cang.

Also in the original book, Uchiha Itachi's first partner.

But now, Uchiha Itachi has become Beichen's puppet, so his partner is the red sand scorpion, the puppeteer who defected early!

"Are all the seniors very motivated?"

Suddenly, a phantom appeared on a high platform.

Wearing a mask, this phantom looks full of playfulness and agility.

It was A Fei.

"Hehe... the first time you meet is to make a big move, it's normal to be a little active.

Next to him, a phantom with its head opened like an aloe appeared immediately.

It is Jue who is in charge of Akatsuki's intelligence collection. His ability can escape into nature, so there is almost no information in the entire ninja world that he cannot collect.

Because the whole earth can be his eyeliner.


About Beichen, he is still very little known with!.

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