Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 124 Changes In The First Ninja World, Orochimaru's Plan

After Beichen added, the scarlet Sharingan saw that the two didn't have any rebuttal opinions, and turned around slowly and walked away.

How could he not know what the two of them were thinking right now?

It's nothing more than I want to wait until they finish their work with me, so I can contact Cloud Shinobi Village before making another contact.


Let's not talk about whether he, Beichen, will secretly impose some restrictions when letting them contact.

As long as he said that he was attacking Hanzhong like Liu Bei borrowed Jingzhou, he would return it.

If he does not fight for ten years, he will not pay back for ten years.

Similarly, as long as Beichen said that he was by his side for ten years, those silver taels would not be worth it.

Aren't these two Cloud Shinobi Village sisters going to accompany him for ten years?

"The weather is not bad."

Watching the scorching sun outside break through the clouds and hit every inch of Konoha Village.

Beichen stretched his body with some emotion, and there was a crackling bone sound all over his body.

He gently tied up his long black hair, and waved to Samuy and Mabui behind him, signaling them to follow quickly.

"Come out of Konoha Village with me right away, and I will arrange for you to perform tasks normally when you come back."

Beichen narrowed his eyes slightly, and left the spot regardless of whether the two people behind him heard the first Body Flicker Technique clearly.

"I'll give you half an hour to prepare...but with me here, it seems that you don't need to prepare anything."

Beichen's voice still echoed in the air.

What he meant was very clear. Ninjas usually have to check whether they have all the supplies when they travel.

Kunai, Shuriken, Bingliang Pill, Detonating Talisman

Whether all kinds of ninja tools are fully carried.


With Beichen, the strongest person in the ninja world, what else do they need to prepare?

"The good mood of the day is gone... 797..."

Samyi murmured a little depressed, her pair of clear eyes were full of helplessness and annoyance.

I shouldn't be on top when I see Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

Let Mabui try Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

This temptation ended up taking me in.

"I don't know what he wants us to do... He needs two of us to drag oil bottles to carry out his mission now?"

Mabuyi had some doubts on his face.

She asked the question in her mind.

This sentence is not self-effacement, calling her and Samyi a fool.

But the real truth.

Even though she and Samui are rare players in Cloud Shinobi Village, in front of Beichen, to say that they are oil bottles is a bit flattering to them.

If you face a ninja of the same level as Beichen.

They don't just distract Beichen, they also impede Beichen's movement.

After all...they could clearly see Beichen's moving speed.

Just disappeared almost instantly, without the slightest warning.

"Did he also learn space ninjutsu? But it didn't show in the comparison video..."

Samui's face became paler, and she was a little panicked while thinking.

She knew how strong Beichen was.

Similarly, Mabui was also a little startled.

She is Raikage's personal secretary, so she naturally knows about Raikage's strength.

According to her understanding, perhaps even Raikage Ai does not have the speed of Beichen.

The speed of Raikage Ai is more due to the activation of Lightning Style Chakra, and at the same time, the Layton armor is activated to stimulate the physical activity, so that his speed becomes faster and the momentum becomes bigger

And Beichen...

Just so fast.

This kind of speed without any sound is even more chilling (cdee).

Even Konoha's yellow flash, Namikaze Minato, had to arrange time and space spells in advance.

"I really don't know how much he has hidden..."

The two were secretly startled, but they both listened to Beichen's words and obediently prepared to purchase some supplies in advance for use on the road.

The first primitive ninja world.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who has decided to stop all dirty methods, is now contacting Anbu of all parties, asking them to transfer the ongoing experiments and tasks to the root

This is a chance for Danzo.

He believes that Danzo will definitely not refuse.

"Hey... a lot of power is going to be distributed now, but for the sake of reputation, it's all worth it.

Sarutobi Hiruzen comforted himself, his wrinkled and kind face looked like a bitter melon at this moment.

Each of those underground experiments and tasks is of great benefit.

Now hand them all over to Danzo.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart was bleeding.

This is all obtained by relying on Hokage's position to seek personal gain.

Now it's all cheaper Danzo......

Sarutobi Hiruzen let out a long sigh, and slumped on the seat helplessly.

His eyes were extremely gloomy, how long he can sit in the position of Third Hokage now does not depend on how long he wants to do it.

It's about what will be exposed in the comparison video, and how long the entire Konoha Village will let him sit.

I should have known...

I don't make so many things myself... just let Danzo do it all from the beginning.

Sarutobi Hiruzen noticed something wrong with Cloud Shinobi Village and Iwagakure.

At this time, he was even more anxious.

On the one hand, because of Beichen's instigation, everyone in Konoha Village is now in danger.

I am afraid that I will become the next target of Third Hokage.

Third Hokage deals with people who are not pleasing to the eye, and will not go straight.

Instead, it will use all kinds of dirty methods, so that you have to give in.

If not submissive?

What about the roots of Danzo?

They have made up the darkness of Konoha's high level.

In Konoha's F4, the two of them are the core of the composition.

"How long is Danzo going to hide information about Orochimaru?"

The thought of Orochimaru's title doubles his strength when facing himself.

Now Third Hokage can't sleep well.

In the comparison video, Orochimaru has successfully implemented the Konoha collapse plan.

Kill yourself.

I wasted a life, but I only used the ghoul seal to seal his arm.

At that time, Orochimaru was already very strong, at least he was a master at Kage-level.

Now if he faces his doubled strength...

I am definitely not an opponent.

"There is also the direction of public opinion in the village... If Danzo is a little more negative, I really can't handle these things..."

When I think of the fact that the comparison video has exposed too many things to myself, I have too many tells to deal with.

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a headache.

The most uncomfortable thing for him now is that he can't arrange for his own people to guide the public opinion in the village.

Otherwise it would be too obvious.

So now many things can only be arranged for Danzo to help.

In the words of Sarutobi Hiruzen... Anyway, Danzo is already very dark, and it doesn't matter if it is a little darker.

And he has always been a kind and kind person.

Now it has been exposed that these are already in a state of desperation.

If there is something wrong with it, I'm afraid I will lose my evening.

The first primitive ninja world.

Yinyin Village.

Orochimaru watched the little snake in his hand spit out a scroll, and sneered slightly playfully at the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that you are already very scared... Sarutobi teacher."

Gently wiped the mucus on the scroll, Yin Shewan flipped it casually a few times before putting it down with a sneer.

His face was as pale as a dead man, and the lavender eye shadow at the corners of his eyes added a bit of coquettishness and coldness.

After the last title award.

He also found himself researching some Forbidden Technique inspired a lot.

The 10% improvement has such a big effect, which makes Orochimaru a little unexpected.

This delayed Konoha's collapse plan indefinitely.

Originally, it was a long time ago when he had this plan in mind.

But recently I have been preparing.


Now that I already have this title, there will be more research inspirations.

You can do it yourself sooner or later.

The difficulty of implementing Konoha's collapse plan has also been reduced a lot.

When he faced Sarutobi Hiruzen, his strength was fully doubled.

With this kind of growth, he even has the confidence to face Sarutobi Hiruzen in his prime.

"It's a pity... Danzo is still reluctant to be the Hokage, what a fool.

Orochimaru thought again about what Danzo said in the intelligence about Konoha's collapse plan.

He just let out a cold snort.

That's right, it was Danzo who sent him the information.

The present Danzo is ordered by Sarutobi Hiruzen to find traces of Orochimaru, with whom he has been in touch.

On the one hand, it is convenient to know some irrelevant information about Konoha Village.

On the one hand, it is also for the convenience of obtaining some experimental materials.

On Danzo's side, Orochimaru's research results are needed to enhance its strength.

No matter how Danzo plans to take the position of Hokage, there is no certain strength........

Even if Sarutobi Hiruzen abdicates, he will not be able to secure that position.

"This guy is really as greedy as ever, but he can threaten me... It seems that he still has some confidence?"

Orochimaru was thinking, a coldness flickered on his pale cheeks.

There is nothing to lose even if you compare the video with him.

Moreover, he had previously benefited from comparison videos.

Orochimaru's only wish now is to continue to develop Forbidden Technique and perfect his own Hachimaru Technique.

And the original Sharingan plan.....

I haven't researched that step yet.

Seeing Beichen in the comparison video, he has a new research direction for Sharingan.

I really don't care much about the Sharingan in Danzo's hands right now.

So Danzo tempting him with Genocide Night's regular Three Tomoe Sharingan was completely redundant.

"Yinyin Village is known by so many people now, yet they haven't come to their door yet."

Orochimaru has been behind the scenes of Yinyin Village since the comparison video revealed that he is behind the scenes.

Even now, no one has come to trouble him.

Get a glimpse of the leopard from this tube.

Orochimaru is also clear that the current situation of Konoha should be much worse than what Danzo described.


Sarutobi Hiruzen will definitely conduct an infiltration investigation into Yinyin Village.

This is Orochimaru's most important clue.

And now...

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't say anything.

This shows how anxious Konoha's situation is now.

"Do you want...to add a fire to Konoha?".

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