"Forget it, now we still need to improve the Impure World Reincarnation first.

The thought in Orochimaru's mind was just a flash.

Konoha is already riddled with holes, and the results of Third Hokage and Danzo's reckless actions before are finally beginning to show up little by little.

If these things hadn’t been exposed in the comparison video, Third Hokage could have maintained his image as a good old man and continued to do those dirty things behind his back.

until he retires safely.

During this period, the high-level Konoha formed by him and the other three members of Konoha F4 is completely closed and absolutely safe.

No outsider will know their filth.

It's just that with the comparison video, it is equivalent to exposing the darkness of Konoha from the inside.


Orochimaru licked his lips with interest~.

If given the chance, he would still like to meet his apprentice in another world.

Just from his creation of Forbidden Technique Shuangquanshou, Liukuxian Thief, Juling Dispatch General, etc. are enough to make Orochimaru's interest-high.

These ninjutsu.

They are all ninjutsu that have never been heard of before and never thought of by the predecessors.

Even the direction of ninjutsu is very peculiar.

Possibly, Yin Snake's idea of ​​immortality has some similarities with Liuku Immortal Thief.

"Things are getting more and more interesting, maybe in the future there will be a gust of wind that will blow away the barrier between these two worlds?"

Orochimaru ignited the scroll in his hand with a Fire Style ninjutsu, and then walked into the laboratory.

The second variant ninja world.

Beichen, who was watching the comment area at the entrance of Konoha Village, was bored waiting for the second daughter of Cloud Shinobi who was still preparing before leaving the village.

He had just made an agreement with Anbu to let the Cloud Shinobi ninjas and Anbu who were monitoring Cloud Shinobi's second daughter withdraw.

Everyone has seen this incident, and it was the fault of both of them.

If Cloud Shinobi Village has any opinions, he, the Fifth Hokage who has not taken office, welcomes Raikage to Konoha.

They sat down together and drank tea.

The faces of those ninjas from Cloud Shinobi Village are naturally very pretty.

"What are these two guys preparing for? I knew I wouldn't give them half an hour for so long."

Beichen was slightly helpless.

He cherishes the present time very much.

Every minute and every second now is an opportunity for me to possibly move towards the Six Paths level.

Maybe the next moment there will be a breakthrough in research, and he will be able to develop a complete Sage Body.

"Why is Daiichi Ninja World so quiet now? It seems that Kushina should have given up on Namikaze Minato."

Feel free to browse through the comment section.

Beichen also found that Uzumaki Kushina was not among the speakers recently.

On the contrary, some Konoha civilians or ninjas are preaching the goodness of Third Hokage.

Of course, this is the first thought.

In the second ninja world, no one dared to mention the words Third Hokage.

Beichen has just dealt with him, and now everyone will naturally not touch this bad luck.

When Third Hokage collapsed, many people stood up and said that his governance was not working.

First, in the third Ninja World War, the superior Konoha was lost to the inferior party.

Another cession of resources made the Hyuga family have to bow their heads.

It is also suppressing the Uchiha clan and Zhuangxing Sarutobi clan.

If you want peace in the village, there are many ways to have no internal conflicts.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen chose the most extreme and the most beneficial one for his family.

And the second ninja world, under the leadership of Beichen and the exposure of the comparison video.

We all know who should be supported to get the most benefits.


The current Third Hokage has been taken out by Beichen even his soul.

Belonging is to survive but not to die.

He can't even speak in the comments section.

He is already a living dead.

If it weren't for the strength of his soul, he could study it.

Beichen had sent him to swallow the spirit long ago.

His current soul strength has reached an unimaginable height.

Exercising soul strength in this world is exercising one's own spiritual power.

And mental power is hard to temper.

The Uchiha family's unique yin attribute Chakra combined with Sharingan can allow them to gain spiritual power when they open their eyes and continuously evolve Sharingan.

But only once when it evolved.

For an ordinary Three Tomoe Sharingan, the soul power is almost the soul strength of ten ordinary ninjas, that is, the ten souls identified by Beichen.

Mangekyō Sharingan Because of the different abilities of each person, each person will show spiritual strength and develop towards Nature Transformation.

But the big difference should be in the strength of Hundred Souls.

The difference between the two is ten times.

It can be seen from this that the Three Tomoe Sharingan is intended to fight against the Mangekyō Sharingan.

The first problem we have to face is the gap in spiritual strength.

Although this gap can be made up with skills, the most intuitive feeling brought about by the gap in mental strength is the gap in illusion.

And when it came to Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, it almost reached the strength of hundreds of souls.

Although the improvement rate is worse than Three Tomoe Sharingan to Mangekyō Sharingan.

But the advantage is that it can continuously generate new soul power and spiritual power.

This is also the point where Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan is stronger.

There can be battery life.

The improvement is small, but there is room for growth in the future.

As for Beichen now...

He has the strength of five hundred human souls!

Regardless of the fact that there are only two hundred souls more than Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

These two hundred souls, but he got it after devouring an unknown number of souls.

With these two hundred souls, one soul cannot be obtained by devouring one person.

There are losses on the way of devouring the soul, and losses in the process of absorbing.

There are still requirements for the strength of the soul, devouring too low is a waste of time.


The current Beichen can be said to be stuck in a bottleneck.

His own research also encountered obstacles.

To study soul power, you still have to rely on Orochimaru.

"Shouldn't I go find Orochimaru now? Danzo has already told you about Orochimaru..."

In this ninja world, Orochimaru and Danzo are still in close contact.


The Danzo of this world has been captured by Beichen.

Daily studies are conducted by Uzumaki Kushina and Uzumaki Koryo.

By the way, get some information that Beichen needs from him.

Among them, of course, is the contact with Orochimaru, and now Orochimaru's hiding place.

With all this information, Beichen would have no trouble contacting Orochimaru.

Even if Orochimaru already knew that Danzo was captured, his hiding place might be revealed.

As long as I have a direction to look for, there is a great possibility to find Orochimaru.

"It seems that after becoming Hokage, I have to let Anbu under him pay attention to this aspect."

Beichen nodded secretly.

His Anbu doesn't have to be like Third Hokage.

...asking for flowers......

Turn around the Sarutobi family every day, or turn around yourself every day.

Or perform those dirty tasks.

You only need to collect intelligence and resources according to your own instructions.

The ease of such a task is simply not good.

Compared to Third Hokage.

Beichen now only thinks that he is a wise leader.

"Huh? So much ink?"

While Beichen was thinking about what to do next.

From a distance, I felt two familiar Chakra coming out of the village.

It was Samuyi and Mabui.

The two of them were ready to go at this time, walking over step by step.

"Master Beichen........."

They didn't dare to speak until they walked in front of Beichen.

The current Beichen is too oppressive for them.

They just contacted Cloud Shinobi Village Anbu, who was in charge of delivering the information, and found that no one can still be contacted now.

this means…………

Beichen is already on the move.

Keep them from being able to communicate with the people in Cloud Shinobi Village, and they won't be able to send back information.

After deliberation, they still decided to make a lie with Beichen first, and then they could go back to deliver information before returning to Cloud Shinobi Village.

Now he can only wait for the opportunity and gather intelligence by Beichen's side.

"Let's go when you're ready?"

It looked like the two of them had already made up their minds.

Beichen also guessed that they had tried to contact those Anbu from Cloud Shinobi Village.


He had already made a plan to get those Anbu back to Cloud Shinobi Village.

If you continue to let them do things by your side, stealing Konoha's information will undoubtedly be the fastest and most.

Around Hokage, big information related to Konoha can always appear.

Therefore, since Beichen absolutely wanted Mabuy and Samui to change their positions, the first thing to do was to prevent them from harming Konoha.

"Where are we going this time?"

Samuel coughed lightly, and asked with a little embarrassment.

Before, they were with Tsunade Shizune anyway, and followed Beichen back.

But now, it was like they were alone with Beichen.

"The destination is Daming Mansion, you don't need to talk and follow along."

Beichen responded lightly.

This time, he casually carried a Taidao on his back, without much preparation.

With his current strength, he doesn't need those ninja tools to assist in the battle.

"By the way, I will pay you a weapon."

Suddenly thinking of something, Beichen threw a short blade with a scabbard at Samui.

"This is..…………"

Samyi quickly caught it, and looked at Beichen with some doubts on his face.

"Didn't you shatter your short blade before? This handle is considered compensation for you."

Beichen shrugged. When she threw the short blade at Naruto before, the Kunai wrapped by her random Lightning Style Chakra was pierced to pieces.

Now he is the ninja tool to make up for Samui.

"This ninja tool can transmit such a huge amount of Chakra?"

Samyi opened the short blade, just tried briefly, and exclaimed with some surprise on his face.

She infused it with nearly a third of the chakra.

It can still continue to inject, it seems that it is far from reaching the upper limit.

"This handle is much better than your previous one. This is Konoha's high-quality goods, not like the inferior goods from your Cloud Shinobi Village.

Beichen nodded towards Samui. Tell her to try it out by waving it a few times. .

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