Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 126 Departure, Destination Daming Mansion


Just a moment of ease, the air pierced by the short blade in front of him unexpectedly made a sharp sound of piercing through the air, as if it was about to split the space in front of him.

This terrifying sharpness made Samui, who was already mentally prepared, a little unbelievable.

Her previous short blade could not reach this level.

Simply sharp!

"This Short Sword... The Chakra that can carry it is much stronger than my previous one..."

Even though she has always had inexplicable confidence in Cloud Shinobi Village, but at this time Samuyi has to admit...

The quality of the short blade that Beichen gave him was indeed much better than that of Cloud Shinobi Village.

Is this the essence of Konoha?

Sam could not help but sigh inwardly.

It's no wonder that Cloud Shinobi Village has tried so hard to obtain information about Konoha, and before they knew it, Konoha had pulled away so much from the rest of Shinobi Village.

This kind of forging skill is not much worse than that of Iron Country, which is good at forging ninja tools.

And even the forging industry of Konoha can pull out so many other ninja villages, so what about the rest?

It must have been secretly pulled out a lot!

"Okay, let's go if there is no problem, and try your new ninja gear when you come back."

Seeing Samyi's excited face, Beichen was not only a little disrespectful.

A Jōnin from Cloud Shinobi Village.

"Zero Three Three" turned into this after seeing a better short blade.

Just how harsh was Raikage on his men?

In fact, this incident really does not blame Raikage.

Although the location of Cloud Shinobi Village is not as good as Konoha, but with its location on the mountain and rich minerals, its forging technology is still at the forefront of the ninja world.

but now......

There is already a visible gap with Konoha's forging technology?

She can't accept it.

At the same time, I was also a little jealous of Konoha's geographical location.

Konoha can have the current development speed, and the geographical location accounts for a large factor.

Without this geographical location, I am afraid that Konoha would not have such a fast development speed at all.

This is why every war is started.

It is nothing more than insufficient resource allocation.

Konoha has unique geographical advantages and resource advantages.

Every year, there is a big gap with the rest of Ninja Village.

Over the years...

It even widened the gap that made people stagger.

"If there is no Third Hokage... I am afraid that the current Konoha resources have expanded to an exaggerated level?"

Suddenly, I thought of Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Samuel breathed a sigh of relief.

Without Third Hokage, Konoha would definitely be stronger now.

At that time, it will really be the First Hokage period again.

"call out!"

Without leaving too much time for Sam Yimabuyi to feel emotional, Beichen has already lifted the shoulders of the two of them and left Konoha quickly.

His speed was extremely fast, and he was hundreds of meters away from Ye's gate in the blink of an eye.

The sun is shining brightly, and today is also a sunny day.

Looking at the sun in the sky, Beichen always felt that something was wrong in his heart.

This is from his sixth sense.

It always feels like something is going to happen.

A few days ago, he received information about a riot in the Daming Mansion, which made him vaguely feel that it was not simply against the new puppet daimyo.

It's about what's going to happen.

"Put us down!"

Mabuy and Samuy protested in a low voice.

They are like little chicks now, being carried by Beichen one by one without the slightest ability to resist.

The Chakra from Beichen is as turbulent as the sea, compared with their Chakra...

It's completely different.

This majestic Chakra...has never been felt even by Raikage-sama.

Mabuyi swallowed, and looked at Beichen in surprise.

"Okay, then you follow."

Beichen put the two down with some amusement, tapped his toes and quickly launched the Body Flicker Technique, letting his figure hover over the Jungle King.

"call out!"

After landing, the two quickly adjusted to keep up with Beichen's pace.

There was nothing to say along the way, and the three of them just walked forward at high speed.

It is getting closer and closer to the Daming Mansion of the Land of Fire.

After a long time, I felt that the Chakra in my body was almost exhausted.

Finally, Mabui couldn't help asking: "Are we leaving in such a hurry this time?"

He looked at Beichen who had been galloping ahead and didn't have the slightest intention to speak.

Samuyi and Mabui asked with some doubts, "Master Beichen?"

They vaguely guessed that something happened when they went to Daming Mansion this time.

The former Daming Mansion has been completely transformed by Beichen, and they also vaguely understand it from the information of Cloud Shinobi Village.

The country in Ninja world is composed of Ninja Village and Daming House.

The daimyo is responsible for the overall economic planning of Ninja Village and serves as the head of the country.

Although he has no real power, he is regarded as the monarch on the face of the country.

This is also a little behind.

"Are you in a hurry?"

Beichen turned around in surprise, and looked at Mabuyi who was out of breath and had little Chakra left.

Only then did he clap his palms with understanding: "Mabuyi's Chakra can't support such a long journey?"

He just thought of it.

Azabui is just a Chūnin, a secretary next to Raikage.

The physical training is already very poor, and Chakra is only at the level of Chūnin.

Naturally, I can't keep up with the Body Flicker Technique of myself and Samui.

He still has taken special care of the two, and the speed of the Body Flicker Technique used has been reduced a lot.

"There's a village in front of you. Let's take a rest when we arrive later?"

Naturally, Beichen had already memorized the route clearly before the trip.

He remembers everything clearly, which is why he travels without a map.

Besides, how could there be any danger in the land of fire.

If it doesn't work, he can just ask Samui and Mabui directly.

The two of them must know the route of the Fire Nation.

"Is there a village ahead?"

Hearing Beichen's words, Mabuyi gritted his teeth ten times and survived, feeling a little dry in his heart.

The Chakra consumed just now is too huge.

She's a Chūnin, trying to keep up with Jōnin-level Body Flicker Technique.

The speed of consuming Chakra is far faster than the speed of her recovery.

She was able to persevere until now, thanks to the few ration pills she stuffed on the way.

Soon, they saw the village not far ahead.

The village is built on the mountainside of the mountains, and it seems to be about a hundred people.

"Are you hungry already?"

Seeing the smoke from the village, Beichen asked the two behind him.

"We all brought rice balls and jerky."

Samuyi and Mabui said together.

When ninjas go out, they usually bring some food that is easy to carry and easy to fill.

Both rice balls and jerky are easy to carry and can quickly satisfy hunger.

"Let's save it for next time. Go to the village first and take a rest."

Beichen shook his head helplessly.

These two people are now starting to play the role of "oil bottle"...

But it was nearly half the way out.

It has already exhausted their Chakra to the bottom.

It seems that I have to continue to develop mobile ninjutsu.

Otherwise, many of Konoha's ninjas are not moving fast enough.

Your own Chakra can't support advanced Body Flicker Technique.

At the same time, the physical exercise is not in place.

That's why the Body Flicker Technique is very slow.

"What's going on...how come the closer you get to this village, the stronger the warning in your heart?"

I do not know how it is......

Beichen's heart beat faster as he got closer to the village in sight.

It seemed that there was a great crisis lurking in the village ahead.

It can even threaten Beichen.

"Is there anyone in the current ninja world who can bring me this kind of fear? I should be worrying too much, right?"

Beichen was slightly puzzled.

He still trusts his sixth sense.

His sixth sense is also an instinct cultivated in battles and research experiments.

At the same time, he also has Liuku Immortal Thieves to sense the changes in the outside world.

So his sixth sense is very accurate in predicting danger.

This sixth sense has helped him many times in experiments.

"By the way, Master Beichen, can you make a few more of this Short Sword? I don't want to buy some more

Seeing that Beichen's face softened a little, his mood seemed to get better.

Samyi hurriedly stepped forward, holding the short blade that Beichen gave him just now and asked.

"How many more handles will you buy?"

Beichen looked at Samui with an expression as if he was mentally retarded.

I'm afraid that Samuel didn't even know about the short blade that Beichen handed him.

Actually found it in Sarutobi Hiruzen's vault.

To be able to transmit such a large amount of Chakra, it requires a very good material mineral.

And this kind of minerals, this kind of crafted ninja tools.

In Konoha, it has not really become popular.

Now if you want to buy more ninja tools, it means to let Beichen continue to inherit from Sarutobi Hiruzen.

He properly took out some and showed Samuy that he was already bleeding profusely.

Although there are quite a few things left by Third Hokage.

Who would have thought that Sarutobi Hiruzen not only gave those resources to the family 1.1, but also kept most of them for himself.

Estimated to be left to Sarutobi Asuma.

It's a pity that it's all cheaper now to Beichen.

The dagger on his back was found in Third Hokage's collection.

The material of this sword is comparable to Orochimaru's Kusanagi sword.

Beichen tried it briefly, and found that it was in his hand unexpectedly.

With his own Lightning Style Chakra, he can play very well, so he took it out.

"Is that so?"

Samui nodded, she also thought that the short blade made of this material must not be mass-produced.

However, Beichen was able to secretly arrange for his subordinates to forge this kind of ninja, which is already terrifying.

Imagine if the ninjas at Cloud Shinobi Village and the ninjas at Konoha started a taijutsu battle.

Konoha's ninja directly cut the Kunai of the Cloud Shinobi Village ninja with a kunai.

So how big is the gap in physical skills to make up for the gap in ninja tools.

"Don't think too much, you can get this kind of ninja reward if you continue to help me."

Beichen coughed lightly, he knew the truth of stick and carrot.

Therefore, Samuyi and Mabuyi should not be brainwashed by themselves to change their positions.

Give them sweetness and hope once in a while.

Let them know that you are not discriminating against them because of who they are. .

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