Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 130 Ambush From The Akatsuki Organization, The Wronged Samui!

"This is how the same thing?"

"Why would someone in the village use Water Style jutsu?"

The second girl caught by Beichen was panic-stricken.

Unexpectedly, he opened his mouth and said loudly, his face was already pale~.

They didn't expect that just as they were about to follow Beichen into the village, they would be attacked-!

The sudden attack left the two of them at a loss as to how to respond, they could only be numbly caught by Beichen and gallop away.

"Someone ambushed us, take care of yourselves."

Beichen responded indifferently.

Now he can easily leave with the two women.

After opening the Sixth Gate, his speed has increased significantly, surpassing the usual kage-level ninja.

With the physical speed and Body Flicker Technique alone, and the addition of Chakra from Liukuxian Thieves, he can always maintain a terrifying speed.


He wanted to fight these people who ambushed him, to see who these people were, and they dared to ambush him.

In the current ninja world, Beichen is already the number one person on the bright side.

Whether it is strength or prestige, he is the highest peak that has already stood in the ninja world.

Because of the comparison video, he has even reached the level of popularity surpassing First Hokage.

Under such circumstances, there are still people who dare to ambush themselves.

It seems that he is very confident in his own strength.

"Water Style ninjutsu? Among Water Style ninjas... the only ones who seem to be strong are Kisame and Second Hokage, right?"

While thinking, Beichen condensed his magic Chakra onto the soles of his feet instantly.

His magic Chakra recovers extremely quickly because of the Liuku fairy thief.

So don't worry about consumption.

As long as he doesn't use the kind of ninjutsu that consumes Chakra superstars all at once, he will hardly worry about the problem of Chakra being exhausted.

"call out!"

The figure burning with emerald green steam instantly moved a little faster!

"Is there such a way to avoid Water Style?"

Seeing how Beichen dealt with two well-prepared ninjutsu in this way.....

Loquat Shizang said that he could not accept it.

Water Style ninjutsu has always been known for its fast shaping.

Although the sealing is more complicated, once the operation is completed, the speed of activation is extremely fast.

And the Water Style ninjutsu that I have carefully prepared has considered the surrounding environment and made full use of the water source of this mountain as the support for ninjutsu.


Such a large-scale and fast Water Style ninjutsu.

Was Beichen dodged by simply using speed?

Beichen felt a little helpless. The water dragon coming towards him was majestic and grand, and it was a well-prepared venue environment at first glance.

Water Style ninjutsu tends to take advantage of terrain close to ocean streams more easily.

And the mountains on which the village sits.

Coincidentally, it is close to a rapid river waterfall.

This kind of environment can naturally increase Water Style ninjutsu a lot.

In addition, the caster should be an expert in Water Style, which made it difficult for Beichen to use effective means to fight back.

He doesn't want to drive a Gundam right now.

This scares others away, and I don't even have a chance to practice.

Since I opened Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and was exposed by a comparison video.

Even if I want to fight, there is no opponent to fight with me.

Without him, the shadow of the famous tree of people.

Beichen is too famous in today's ninja world.

No one dared to fight him at all.

This also caused him to cherish every opportunity to fight very much now.

This time, of course, he also took a fancy to the opportunity of this battle.

How long has no one been able to let him move his muscles.

Until this time, he didn't understand why Uchiha Madara from Impure World Reincarnation in the original book was so excited to see the Ninja Alliance.

This is an opportunity to fight for yourself!


On the other side, the people who had been exposed at the top of the village looked at Beichen who was fleeing below.

The complexion is a little dignified.

Loquat Shizang could only watch his monstrous water dragon and the water curtain all over the sky chasing Beichen with all his might.

"Let's do it all."

Seeing the scene in front of him being completely led by the nose by Beichen, Tiandao Payne said with a slightly displeased face.

They did their mental calculations but thought they would bring some trouble to Beichen.

Unexpectedly, Beichen could easily escape with the two ninjas.

This is not what Tiandao Payne wants to see.

"call out!"

Several figures disappeared in place in an instant.

Although this is very different from the battle plan they discussed yesterday.

But the way Payne slaughtered the villagers yesterday...

It has given them confidence in their hearts.

Regardless of the outcome of their battle with Beichen, there were members brought by these leaders in the end anyway.

Their abilities are so weird that even Kakuzu, who has experienced many battles and ranks in the top three in terms of strength, will be secretly shocked when he sees Payne Six Paths' weird abilities.

Able to Summon more and more Summoning beasts.

Able to attack with mechanical weapons.

Can absorb ninjutsu.

Can bounce off all attacks and substances within the range.

It can extract the soul and directly attack the most vulnerable place of the ninja.

Being able to communicate with Hades directly decides the life and death of the captured ninja.

Although Payne didn't explain these weird abilities one by one, they could guess them roughly.


Beichen felt several more powerful Chakra coming from his perception.

Instead of anger on his face, he smiled, and the fighting spirit in the corners of his eyes became more abundant.

Has the battle finally officially begun?

"call out!"

Before he could think too much, a spinning main sickle suddenly appeared behind him!

The sickle looks very heavy, and the blade of the sickle is scarlet in color, which makes people feel extremely bloody at first glance.


Beichen was slightly surprised.

He did not expect that the ninjas lurking here turned out to be Hidan and others.


The person who came this time should be a member of the Akatsuki organization?

"What an accident...I thought it was those rioters in Daming Mansion who couldn't wait to kill me.

Beichen smiled lightly, even if he knew that the person who ambushed and killed him was the Xiao Organization, the most powerful organization in the ninja world today.

He didn't show the slightest timidity!

His current strength is considered to be on par with Nagato.

A mere Akatsuki organization.....

He hasn't noticed it yet!

There's Water Style's wide-range ninjutsu in the front, and a spinning triple sickle in the back.

As for Hidan's information, Beichen also knew about it a long time ago.

Hidan has an immortal body. Although his physical ability is only at the level of ordinary Jōnin, he can absorb the opponent's blood to make the opponent suffer the same damage as himself.

Since Hidan is immortal, normal opponents will die if they receive lethal damage.

...seeking flowers 00

And Hidan will be harmless.

Only the undead can use the Forbidden Technique that relies on blood.

Otherwise, the caster will not cause harm to himself, and the person whose blood is drawn will not be harmed.


Beichen heaved a long sigh, an opponent of this level...

Even if he doesn't know the information, with the strong resilience of the Sage Body and the vigorous vitality brought by the Liuku Immortal Thief, he still has a body that can support him to figure out the information to fight against Si Pingxue.


He is now very aware of Hidan's intelligence.

"call out!"

Suddenly, he raised one arm, and Samyi's figure was instantly thrown into the air by him!

In the state of Sixth Gate Jingmen, Beichen not only became faster, but even his physical strength has been raised to an incredible level!

Even Beichen can feel that he can lift thousands of kilograms at will.

This is not only the credit of Sixth Gate Jingmen, but also because his original physical strength has reached a terrifying level!

So after the Sixth Gate's increase, his basic body strength is very high, and the strength after the upgrade is even higher!

He opened the body of the Sixth Gate Jingmen. In the current ninja world, it can be said that he is the first person in physical arts!


Why is it at this stage.....

He knew that the shock increase at the seventh gate was even more exaggerated.

The growth rate of Eight Gate's death gate is probably even more unimaginable.

Just look at Might Guy's performance in opening Eight Gate's dead door.

From an Elite Jōnin of Konoha can reach Six Paths level of strength.

Simply using your physical skills can destroy space against Six Paths Madara.

This increase is already unimaginable.

"What is this for?"

Being thrown into the air by Beichen, Samyi's first reaction was to be at a loss.

Then she understood something...

I seem to have been abandoned by Beichen!

After all, Beichen is also a ninja. When faced with the enemy's attack, she must give priority to discarding the oil bottle to prevent the enemy from using her oil bottle as a means of restraining Beichen.


Why was he abandoned before Mabui?

She's Jōnin from Cloud Shinobi Village!

It's much bigger than Mabui's current role!

Thinking of this, she felt a little aggrieved.

As an undercover agent, he entered Konoha and approached Beichen.

So much has been sacrificed.

Although she came here with a purpose, but after spending so many days getting along, she is not as good as Ma Buyi's impression of Beichen?

Before she could yell something to Beichen, a sound of gold and iron clanging burst out instantly, as if it wanted to penetrate her eardrums!


Beichen held the saber in his left arm, and the long and narrow Taidao came out of its sheath in an instant!

The incoming triple sickle collided with the Taidao in an instant!

A burst of dazzling sparks shot out from the position where the two touched!

"This guy......is the reaction speed so fast?"

There is a black line attached to the tail of the sickle, and the other end of the line is Hidan.

He uses this thread to control the flight of the sickle in the air, so as to flexibly change the position of the sickle in the air and attack the opponent better.

As a result... the scythe attack that I carefully planned was broken in such an understatement?

It was still when Beichen had his own subordinates in his hands just a second ago.

In the next second, he actually made such an accurate and effective response, breaking his carefully planned attack!

"This guy is really extraordinary...Zero".

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