Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 131 Shocked Hidan And Kakuzu

Hidan gritted his teeth, a hint of sternness flashed in his lavender eyes.

He ramped up the Chakra input!

Doing calculations without thinking...

In the collision just now, he even felt that Beichen still had more strength!

This guy obviously just drew his knife hastily to deal with it, but he still has such great strength!


It was only then that Samuyi, who was falling, understood Beichen's intentions.

It turned out to be just to let myself draw the knife to deal with the triple scythe attacked by Hidan.

And just when she had no way to borrow strength in the air and was about to be rolled by the Water Style ninjutsu behind her...

A figure shot towards her from below her in an instant.


Samuel was a little puzzled.

Because this figure is Beichen!

He was still holding Mabuy in his hand.

And obviously not far from this figure, he was still holding a tachi and confronting Hidan's triple sickle.

"Shadow Clone!"

Samui understood immediately.

This should be Beichen's Shadow Clone to meet them.

It should be the fighting method he chose to prevent them from being involved in the battle and distracting him!

"What? This guy even has the spare time to use Shadow Clone?"

Seeing that figure, he successfully picked up Samyi and quickly evacuated with the two "930".

At this time, even Kakuzu next to Hidan was a little surprised.

He was looking at Beichen the whole time.

Looking for a sneak attack opportunity to win with one blow.

He is very aware of the physical skills of his partner Hidan.

Although Hidan's ability is very strange, but the real level is the level of an Elite Jōnin.

This kind of strength is certainly not to be underestimated, but it is not enough for a veteran Kage-level ninja like Kakuzu.

What's more, in front of Beichen who is now in full swing.

So he didn't expect Hidan's attack to work from the start.


Even if it didn't work, Hidan achieved the suddenness of the surprise attack.

This left Beichen with little time to react.

Ask yourself, even Kakuzu, as Beichen just now, may not have time to seal, and can only use instant ninjutsu to defend or break the triple scythe.

And Beichen was able to do three things at once, while throwing the obstructive ninja in his hand into the sky, so as to prevent himself from being blocked from forming seals and drawing knives.

While drawing a knife to fight against the flying giant sickle.

While bearing the seal of Shadow Clone, he debuted as Shadow Clone to support his subordinates.

Such a wonderful tactical arrangement and such a perfect on-the-spot reaction.

Put Kakuzu to shame.

"As expected of the future Hokage, there are really two brushes."

Kakuzu's face finally became serious, at this moment he realized that Beichen's strength was not much blown out.

Looks like this guy is really strong!

It's completely different from Third Hokage, who brags that he is the strongest Hokage of all time!

Back then, I heard Third Hokage proclaiming that he was the strongest Hokage.

Kakuzu couldn't stop laughing.

If he was a ninja from Konoha Village, he would have asked Third Hokage face to face.

This guy is probably worse than himself.

I am also a ninja of Grandmaster Wudu.

And I was almost killed by a Wood Style clone of Senju Hashirama.

The result is now...

A ninja who may be on par with himself, or even inferior to him, claims to be the strongest Hokage in history.

Where does this leave First Hokage, Second Hokage?

"Kakuzu! Hurry up! This guy has incredible strength!"

Hidan had a look of horror at this moment.

After several collisions, he even felt that his arm was slightly numb, and the tiger's mouth that was holding the long string was already oozing blood!

Beichen's power is so strong?

"What a horrible guy..."

Kakuzu narrowed his eyes slightly, and the dangerous look in his eyes flashed past.

He could see clearly that Beichen was not only competing with Hidan in body skills by fighting with sickles and katanas, but he also didn't know when a wall of earth had been erected at his feet, separating him from the water dragon behind him!

"Earth Style...Earth Flow Wall?"

Kakuzu swallowed.

This guy is actually instant earth flow wall?

Look at the scale of this earth flow wall

I am afraid that I will seal and mobilize Chakra in advance......

Is this the scale of the soil flow wall?

"There's no time to delay....Since he can cast Earth Style instantly, use Lightning Style to crush his defenses!"

Kakuzu immediately thought of countermeasures. As the most experienced ninja in this siege, he immediately thought of countermeasures against Beichen!

Since Beichen can instantly cast Earth Style ninjutsu, it means that his Earth Style attainments are very high.

And Lightning Style restrains Earth Style, Kakuzu's Lightning Style ninjutsu is very lethal and terrifying!


Kakuzu quickly formed a seal, and dense black lines appeared behind him as if they were alive. Four different masks were faintly visible in the black lines, attached to the black lines one by one.

It seems that these masks are all life forms in the form of black lines.

This is exactly the Forbidden Technique of Taki Ninja Village, Kakuzu became famous ninjutsu.

Earth resentment Yu!

It can be stored in the body by capturing the opponent's heart, and can survive by replacing the heart.

Can have up to five hearts, Chakra of five natures!

As for Earth Grievance, you can bring out the maximum power of each Chakra's Nature Transformation, through the body shop's Earth Grief Noodles, you can release Nature Transformation to Ultimate ninjutsu separately or in combination!

"Lightning Style.....false dark!"

The Earth Resentment·Lightning Style masked monster behind Kakuzu released a dazzling and thick lightning spear from its mouth, and the edge even shone with a chilling cold light!

Even a little splash near the spear ejected from the monster's mouth can pierce the ground!

This terrifying Lightning Style ninjutsu can even be offset by Hatake Kakashi's multiple S-level ninjutsu Raikiri in the original book!

It can be seen from this...

How terrifying is the ninjutsu unleashed by Earth Grief who can bring Nature Transformation to Ultimate!


Having just bounced back Hidan's triple scythe, Beichen sensed a terrifying Chakra gathering first.

This familiar feeling.....is Lightning Style ninjutsu!

"See my instant earth flow wall and then use Lightning Style to test it? This kind of Lightning Style doesn't have many accomplishments."

Perceiving that the Nature Transformation of Chakra is a bit unusual, even surpassing most of the Lightning Style players in Konoha Village, Beichen is also a little surprised.

This level of Lightning Style... There is only one person in the Akatsuki organization who can use it.

"Kakuzu also came together? Counting the mysterious Water Style ninja, it seems that this time the Akatsuki organization is planning to assassinate directly."

Beichen smiled grimly, without feeling the slightest bit of fear.

Until now, he has only used well-regulated ninjutsu to fight against members of the Akatsuki organization.

The S-level rebellious ninja of these various countries, each ninja's individual combat power is Kage-level or Elite Jōnin's peak level.....

But now that they cooperated together, there was actually a chemical reaction.

At least it is a bit difficult for the current Beichen to fight them with the mentality of playing.

"That's what makes it interesting."

Beichen stepped on the ground with one foot, and the ground split into cracks instantly, spreading in all directions like spider webs.

At the same time, earth walls appeared in all directions under his feet!

Earth Style...Earth Flow Wall!

"This guy actually just stomped his foot and instantly activated the earth flow wall?"

Kakuzu was a little surprised.

Could it be that Beichen is an Earth Style master?

"Be careful...that guy's Lightning Style is not bad..."

Hidan pressed the arm that he had just confronted Beichen just now, while the tiger's mouth was continuously oozing blood...

His entire arm was actually emitting a trace of black smoke, and it could even be seen that it was a little burnt on the surface.

"what's the situation?"

Kakuzu looked at Hidan in surprise.

"He actually superimposed Lightning Style Chakra when he was fighting just now... and it was superimposed rather than conductive.

Hidan replied with a dark face.

Although he is immortal, he can still feel pain when he is hurt.

And the confrontation with Beichen...

He has to face a ninja whose physical strength can be said to be the strongest in the ninja world today.

Every collision is a challenge to his body and bones.

If it weren't for the confrontation in the air, Hidan even doubted that he could be smashed into a meatloaf by Beichen a few times.

"This guy's physique and Lightning Style attainments are so high..."

Kakuzu was also secretly startled.

Beichen in the confrontation with Hidan just now

Even the Lightning Style Chakra was injected into the Taidao, and the Lightning Style Chakra did not appear in the confrontation again and again, but directly burst out after being superimposed to a certain extent!

This kind of Lightning Style attainment is terrifying.

Just because Beichen consciously injects Lightning Style Chakra into the sickle along the Taidao in a few short encounters, it is already a very terrifying fighting consciousness.

In order not to expose Lightning Style Chakra prematurely, he chose to superimpose Lightning Style Chakra instead of 1.2 for instant transmission.

Since Hidan is immortal, a little Lightning Style Chakra won't have any serious effect on him at all.

Want to hit him all at once, unless it's a lot of Lightning Style Chakra.

Or like Beichen, who hides the Lightning Style Chakra that he transmits every time.

When a threshold is reached, it explodes instantly!

It is not difficult to inject a large amount of Lightning Style Chakra at one time, but Hidan quickly draws back the scythe after each collision and waits for the next attack.

This kind of short-term confrontation does not give the opportunity to inject a large amount of Lightning Style Chakra at all.

So Beichen chose another approach.


Just when Hidan and Kakuzu were shocked, Kakuzu's Lightning Style pseudo-dark Lightning Style spear broke through several Earth Style giant walls in an instant, like a long knife piercing through paper, unstoppable.


Even though Lightning Style's pseudo-dark performance is very good, the real face is still ugly.

Because he was somewhat shocked to find that...

Passing through these giant Earth Style walls... He consumed several times more Chakra than usual!

this means......

Even if Beichen's Earth Style ninjutsu is restrained by him, he still overwhelms himself with the restrained attribute!.

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