Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 152: Terumi Mei's Discovery

"Don't be in a hurry... let's watch this comparison video first.

After a moment of silence, seeing that Konan's eyes had loosened a bit, Beichen still decided not to worry.

After all, Konan is a beauty comparable to Tsunade, and he must be treated well in the future.

The pressure is too tight now, and Konan will definitely have resistance if he surrenders in the future.

"Let's take a look at this comparison video first. It's also a good thing that your Xiao organization did?"

Beichen looked at Konan's somewhat bewildered delicate body, and said with an unknown smile on his face.

Kirigakure's blood mist policy was issued by Uchiha Obito using illusion to manipulate Yagura.

The policy was successful, perfectly following Obito's idea of ​​weakening Kirigakure's power.

And when they met Yagura, it was when Uchiha Obito took her and Nagato and others into Kirigakure.

The plan is very successful, but now if the comparison video is played about Terumi Mei discovering Yagura who is in the illusion...will it expose the existence of the Akatsuki organization?

If the existence of the Akatsuki organization is exposed, it will still do great harm to Nagato.

【No.1 Ninja Onoki: Is Terumi Mei now aware of something wrong?】

The comparison video is still playing, and it is playing in it that the current Terumi Mei finds out that something is wrong with Mizukage.

Her small face was full of doubts.

[First Ninja World Raikage Ai: To have such thoughts at such a young age, it seems that Kirigakure is also a talented person. 】

Seeing Terumi Mei, who is only ten years old, already at 23 realized that Kirigakure's policy is wrong and Mizukage's is wrong.

It's already very sharp.

[First Ninja World Sarutobi Hiruzen: But what happened to Fourth Mizukage? Kirigakure still has no contact with Ninja World. 】

The first primitive ninja world.

Seeing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen was even more puzzled. Now that the shadows from various countries have talked so much, they still haven’t seen Kirigakure’s Mizukage Yagura speak.

Thinking about it this way...

Whether it is the first ninja world or the second ninja world, Yagura has never spoken.

The barrage did not speak, so it can be said that he died and went to the pure land world.


I haven't even read the comment section and I have read Fourth Mizukage Yagura's speech. What happened to him?

It's impossible to defraud your own village wholeheartedly, right?

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought so, and suddenly felt a little puzzled.

There are obviously people who are more capable of cheating the village than myself, why no one talks about him?

It's all public opinion pointing at him.

What he doesn't know is that a large part of this is Beichen's fault.

Because he is always compared with Beichen, and Beichen's management in the video is completely crushing Third Hokage.

At the same time, various black materials of Sarutobi Hiruzen have also been exposed.

These are the reasons for detonating the emotions of bystanders.

That's why Sarutobi Hiruzen was hacked so miserably, and became a rat crossing the street that everyone shouted and beat in the ninja world.

Otherwise, what he did was considered incompetent at best, and he wouldn't have been hacked so badly.

in the comparison video.

Terumi Mei in Kirigakure has discovered something is wrong in the village.

Start explaining this to your teammates.

However, her team mates didn't pay much attention to it.


The policy in the blood mist has been going on for a long time.

Since the beginning of the Third Ninja World War, even though the policy in the blood mist has made Kirigakure's strength continue to decline, it has also made the ninjas who survived this policy stronger and stronger.

more importantly...……

This policy in the blood mist is mostly aimed at those blood-successor-limited families, and for Terumi Mei's teammates, they are all ordinary ninjas, but it is because of the blood-mist policy that the blood-successor limit family ninjas There is no chance to compete with him.

This is also the reason why they have never resisted the policies in the blood mist.

On the surface, the blood mist policy only weakens the overall strength of Kirigakure, because most of Kirigakure are descended from blood families.

And the ninja who has the limit of blood inheritance, the upper limit of strength and the speed of improvement are far beyond the civilian ninja.

Compare in the video.....

"Such a policy is obviously problematic...why don't you go to Mizukage-sama and bring it up?"

Terumi Mei looked at her team leader and her team members, questioning them in disbelief.

"Hehe...... Terumi Mei, why is there a problem with Mizukage-sama's policy?"

One of Terumi Mei's team members said with a smile that he is very satisfied with his current tasks and life.

Before they were civilian ninjas, although the pressure was not as great as it is now, they would not fight to death every day...

But there is no day of success at all. There are too many ninjas of the blood successor limit family above, and there is no time for them to emerge.

They can only rely on the blood-succession family ninjas above to choose the remaining cheap tasks. Sometimes they even feel that, as a ninja, they can't even compare with some civilian assets in Kirigakure.

In fact, this is one of Kirigakure's frustrations.

Because of geographical location and resources, the ninjas of Kirigakure do not get much more resources than Sunagakure, a village in the yellow sand.

What's more, although there are many Bloodline families, Kirigakure does not have enough resources, such as Konoha, to support those families.

Therefore, the blood-successor family at the top can only be fed first before the blood-succession family at the bottom can get their turn.

"But... if this policy continues, Kirigakure will be replaced by other villages sooner or later..."

Terumi Mei's immature and beautiful face showed a little puzzlement.

Even though this policy can increase the income of civilian ninjas, the income of the Bloodline family will be reduced, and resources will gradually be tilted towards civilian ninjas.


These Bloodline clan ninjas are being consumed!

Raising stronger ninjas through internal friction is an undesirable method in itself.

This point has been known to Terumi Mei since she was very young.

She will not agree with Mizukage Yagura's approach now.

"Terumi Mei...you want to discuss this matter with Mizukage-sama, is the current Mizukage-sama you can meet if you want?"

Terumi Mei's mentor looked at Terumi Mei's stubborn look, and sighed helplessly.

He knows what Terumi Mei is thinking, but after the implementation of the current blood mist policy, let alone him, the leader of Jōnin...

Even some very senior ninjas have difficulty meeting Mizukage-sama.

The middle-aged leader Jōnin's face is covered with scars, especially a long vertical scar that extends from the left eyebrow to the top of the head, which looks shocking.

This is exactly the wound that occurred when performing missions under the blood mist policy.

He's clearly already a Jōnin, and missions rarely involve such risks.

But under the cruel policy of Blood Mist, he was forced to carry out this task.

Although he got more than before, he didn't feel it was worth it.

Now the people who most support the policy in the blood mist are Chūnin and Genin among these civilian ninjas, right?

The teacher leading the team looked at his students and shook his head helplessly.

"Tomorrow we have to carry out the task, let's go back to repair today, the front line is very tight recently, and our task is even heavier."

After Mr. Jōnin finished speaking, he immediately activated the Body Flicker Technique and left the place.


Terumi Mei just wanted to say something to her teammates, but found that they all left after the teacher left.

They don't even communicate with each other.

Terumi Mei had already noticed these when performing the task.

There is no tacit understanding between them at all, but the combat ability of individual soldiers is very strong.

Each of them is relatively strong in Genin, but together they are not much stronger than those ninjas in Konoha.

It is precisely because they do not cooperate at all, often the collocation of ninjutsu between each other will not have a positive effect, but always have a negative effect.

She also raised this question to the leading teacher, but...

Teacher 590 also said that he was helpless.

The whole village is now in this atmosphere, and everyone is fighting for their own interests.

There is no concept of a team at all.

[Second Ninja World Raikage Ai: Didn't expect Terumi Mei to be so mature at that time?]

【Number One Ninja Onoki: Why haven’t I heard of this name before?】

[Second Ninja World Terumi Mei: It's just a little thought... Don't think so highly of me.....】

The second variant ninja world, Kirigakure.

Seeing that everyone already knew what I was thinking at that time, and even the details of what I said to Teacher Jōnin at that time were broadcast.

Terumi Mei was not only a little helpless.

Why does this comparison video play like this?

What little things can show up on it?

Looking at it this way, don't say what Fourth Mizukage has been controlled by illusion for so long...

Maybe even most of the information about Kirigakure that I saw will be leaked?

Originally, she thought that she would be rewarded and titled for the comparison video, which would help her strength.

But when she uploaded the comparison video, she realized that there were so many hidden dangers.

"Only Beichen, who is so powerful that it doesn't matter how much information others know... can... keep getting rewards on comparison videos..."

"Otherwise, if others want to get rewards on the comparison video, the price they pay is too heavy."

Terumi Mei thought to herself, feeling a little bitter in her heart.

It would be fine if she was alone and without any ties to the comparison video...

But now that I am the Jōnin in Kirigakure, the content that will be played later will definitely not lack all kinds of information about Kirigakure!

She is actually more powerful than Jōnin, because she revealed the fact that Mizukage had been under the illusion, and she also unswervingly supported the former teacher as the new domain of Shigemon.

In the days that followed, she was always by Yuanshi's side, helping Kirigakure rebuild. .

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