In another frame, Terumi Mei from the Second Ninja World.

It's similar to Terumi Mei in the first ninja world, except that Terumi Mei in this ninja world didn't get too entangled in policy in the blood fog.

I just gave up the idea after seeing that everyone's reaction was not very strong.

[First Ninja World Rasa: I really didn’t understand the Kirigakure blood mist policy at that time. 】

【First Ninja World Sarutobi Hiruzen: How could there be such a policy? How did Mizukage Yagura come up with it at the time?】

[I really don't understand why there are shadows weakening the strength of my village. 】

【Upstairs, isn't that what Sarutobi Hiruzen did before?】

[The truth is, it is indeed so. 】

【Yagura is not taught by the same teacher as Sarutobi Hiruzen?】

Everyone was discussing on the barrage.

Without him, this blood mist policy is too stupid.

From anyone's point of view, it is a policy to weaken the strength of one's own village.

"Can this also be brought to my head?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little speechless, but he didn't expect that he could even transfer the criticism of Yagura to himself.

Are these people your black fans?

If you have nothing to do, you have to bring the topic to yourself. No one mentions the black material about yourself now.

In the end, some people brought up this topic again, making everyone pay attention to his previous black material.

"Couldn't Beichen from another world do it?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen seriously suspects that Beichen did it, otherwise why would it always be such a coincidence to re-expose all the black material.

"Hahaha... That guy Quan seems to really understand me."

The second variant, Ninja World, Beichen couldn't help laughing when he saw the rhythm of someone starting to play Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In Daimyo Prefecture, he naturally cannot manipulate the navy to bring the rhythm of Sarutobi Hiruzen, but before he left, he had already arranged for Uchiha Izumi to be the captain of his navy, responsible for the next comparison video.

Just pull Sarutobi Hiruzen out and flog the corpse!

"Is really did it?"

Konan looked at Beichen beside him, and asked in surprise.

She didn't expect that Beichen was already in the Daming Prefecture now, and the ninjas of the black Sarutobi Hiruzen had been arranged in advance.


That Sarutobi Hiruzen is not from this world, and this Sarutobi Hiruzen from the ninja world has been killed by Beichen, and his soul has been imprisoned.

Why even target Sarutobi Hiruzen from another world?

"You don't understand that."

Beichen looked at the curious Konan, smiled and caressed her cheek.

My own arrangement is not so simple.

What he did was intentional.

Looking at it now, although it is useless for me to let the navy come to pull up everyone's memory of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

After a long time, everyone's impression of Sarutobi Hiruzen will definitely become worse.

When the time comes, sooner or later he will travel through space to that ninja world.

Those are resources from another world, and female ninjas from another world.

Think about having two Tsunade, two Konan.....

Beichen felt an inexplicable excitement.

The first primitive ninja world.

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw that there was no barrage speaking for him in the video, and his face turned green.

No matter how dull he is at this moment, he still knows what's going on.


The fire in his heart was burning, and with a puff of smoke, his fist hit the table hard!

The scrolls on the table trembled.

He was completely clear at this time that Danzo was just playing tricks on him.

There was no substantive action at all, and even the dozen or so Jōnins who were going said they were acting as navy troops, but in the end they only dispatched a few times and there was no movement.

He is also a veteran of playing with the regime, how could he not know what Danzo is thinking now?

If he went to question Danzo, Danzo would definitely say that because of the shortage of manpower on his side, the navy could not be dispatched.

Then take this opportunity to ask him for another man.

Although he didn't know where the ninjas Danzo was going to went to and what they did.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen knows that Danzo's influence has grown, and he will definitely not rest on his own position!

"It's already at this time, and you're still eyeing Hokage's position?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little bit defensive, and even his wrinkled face was a little flushed.

Now Konoha is already in a precarious time, even the roots of Konoha are not single-minded at this time.

【First Ninja Rasa: But why doesn’t Yagura speak?】

[The First Ninja World Lei Ai: Hey? After talking about it, I found out that the guy from Fourth Mizukage has never spoken.

Fengying's discovery immediately made everyone notice something strange.

They have all said that about Kirigakure's policy in the blood mist, but Yagura who was the instigator didn't come out and say anything.

You know, when Sarutobi Hiruzen's black material was exposed, he couldn't wait to jump out and say that he was wronged and innocent.


There are also many disguises and lies.

This is the normal reaction of a person's black material being exposed.

But Yagura, like a ghost, didn't say a word.

[No. 1 Ninja World Youth: Don’t worry about yourself, let’s watch the video with peace of mind. 】

The first primitive ninja world.

Qing looked at Yuan Shi and Terumi Mei helplessly.

"Is that all I can say?"

One of Qing's exposed eyes looked at the two and asked.

"There's no other way..... It's a while if you can hide it for a while."

Master Yuan lowered his head, his face was vicissitudes of life.

As the elder of Kirigakure, his duties are already very heavy.

Now, as the deputy leader, he has to deal with Mizukage's related affairs, which has long exhausted him physically and mentally.

Now that it's been put on the comparison video, that's Kirigakure's fate too.

No matter how much he changes, it will not change much. So I can only resign myself to see how much the comparison video can reveal.

"By the way, those ninjas in Kirigakure have warned you, right?"

Master Yuan asked solemnly.

"It was told at the very beginning."

Beside the two of them, an Anbu hurriedly knelt down and spoke.

They know that this matter is no small matter.

It doesn't matter if others guess or compare the video, but if people in your own village actively reveal information, it is too much for people in other villages to laugh at.

"That's good, at least we did what we had to do."

Master Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, his broken and aged body trembled slightly.

Then he looked at Terumi Mei with his cloudy eyeballs.

"I hope this comparison video won't have too much influence on Kirigakure."

"Master Yuan......"

Terumi Mei blamed herself a little.

Although this comparison video is not for her to decide who to play, but since he was chosen because he let Kirigakure's information leak out, she is the source of Kirigakure's information disclosure.

"It's not your fault."

Master Yuan saw the guilt and self-blame in Terumi Mei's eyes, and said softly.

Then, he looked at Terumi Mei with a serious expression: "If the information is exposed later, if other countries have ideas about Kirigakure..."

"I hope you can be the Fifth Mizukage!"

Master Yuan's words were very firm, as if he had made this decision a long time ago.


Both Qing and Terumi Mei were shocked!

They didn't expect that Master Yuan would issue this order directly!

"I...but the current Kirigakure..."

Terumi Mei smiled wryly, just about to reject Master Yuan, but saw Master Yuan's eyes firmly interrupting her: "Don't think about rejecting..."

"After this comparison video is over, if the rewards given out are not enough to help us survive the catastrophe, I will assist you to pull Kirigakure back from the cliff.

Yuanshi is worthy of being the elder of Kirigakure, and he thought of the important point at a glance.

Although the comparison video this time exposed a lot of information about Kirigakure, the good news is that Terumi will get his rewards and titles at the Banquet!

Maybe these are the pieces of help that can help Kirigakure out of trouble.

[Number One Ninja World Kisame Kisame: That guy is alive and well, why is he not talking now?]

【First Ninja World Chief Juro: You bastard! As a rebel ninja, you dare to speak here?】

【The No. 1 Ninja World Kisame Kisame: Hehe.....Then why don’t we let us talk about Mizukage’s good deeds?】

The first primitive ninja world.

Gan Shi Gui Jiao looked at the barrage, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He was already wearing a red cloud and black robe at this time, sitting as a member of the Xiao organization.

So, naturally he met Mizukage.

I know that Yagura is still alive and well, but his mental state is a bit strange.


This kind of opportunity to make that deformed village of Kirigakure weaker, he will definitely (okay) not let it go.

And everyone is now starting to analyze why Yagura is still alive and well, but has never justified his behavior.

【Could it be that Yagura-sama has other cleverness, but we didn't see it?】

【Upstairs, your village has become like that, you still want to wash your Mizukage-sama?】

[Correct answer, if this kind of person is placed in Konoha, he will definitely be fooled by Sarutobi Hiruzen to become the heir of the will of fire. 】

【The heir to God's Will of Fire is the puppet of Sarutobi Hiruzen, right?】

[The heir to the will of fire is okay, no matter which village there is someone who excuses the shadow. 】

【Since your Mizukage-sama has his intentions, why doesn't he speak out now?】

【Are you afraid that the words are too profound for us to understand?】

The barrage immediately became chattering, all discussing why rendezvous did not send barrage.

Looking at the barrage of Kisame before, they already know that Yagura is still alive and pregnant.

"Being controlled by someone to make a policy in the blood mist can be washed..."

"These guys can really do it.

Beichen was a little speechless when he saw the barrage.

Unexpectedly, these people can wash even Uchiha Obito's policy of deliberately weakening Kirigakure's strength.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Uchiha Izumi's water army uses these things to disgust Sarutobi Hiruzen from another world, it will be a success!.

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