Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 154 Lu Jiu's Analysis, Mizukage Can't Be Controlled By Someone, Right?

As for the fact that there are so many whitewashing parties in the ninja world, Beichen said that he is used to it.

After all, there were some people who even saw the black material of Third Hokage and had to wash it hard.

There are already such people, why can't there be people who are now whitewashing Mizukage controlled by Uchiha Obito?

But...Third Hokage's black story is because he weakened the power of the village and used it to fill his own pockets, making the Sarutobi clan stronger.

And those who cleanse Sarutobi Hiruzen are not the ninjas of his Sarutobi clan, but the rest of the civilians who have been brainwashed by the will of fire.

This also reflects from the side that ninjas are very easy to brainwash.

"But Sarutobi Hiruzen's reputation isn't bad enough."

Seeing that the barrage was only the rhythm driven by Uchiha Spring's water army, Beichen frowned slightly.

The fire is almost over, and the First Ninja World's dislike for Sarutobi Hiruzen is almost reaching a critical point.

As for why Yagura has not been talking to the barrage in the comment area, everyone is also talking about it.

【Mizukage must be too busy to watch the comparison video. 】

【Otherwise he will definitely speak for Kirigakure!】

【Upstairs, do you believe this?】

Everyone was talking about why Yagura didn't speak.

And soon, some people began to speculate in other directions.

The first primitive ninja world.

In Konoha Village, the land of the Nara family, where the head of the family lives in C......

Nara Shijiuduan sat in front of an endgame, rubbing the chess in his hand over and over again, while analyzing the situation of the comparison video.

As the think tank in Konoha, he naturally considered a lot.

Just from the speeches of the people in the barrage and the comparison of the video, he can analyze a lot of information.

His insight is also very keen, which is why the Nara family can become a power king that cannot be ignored in Konoha even though there is no powerful blood successor boundary.

Most of the ninjas in their family are think-tank ninjas whose IQ exceeds ordinary people.

"Analyze the current intelligence..."

Nara Lujiu murmured, slowly analyzing while watching the chess game.

At this time, his brain is analyzing the chess game and the situation of the current comparison video at the same time.

Now that you have passed away, you can leave a message in the comment area, and if you are still alive, you can speak in the barrage.

Yagura has no reason not to justify my own actions.

After all, in the ninja world, each shadow still cares about his reputation very much.

Hokages like Sarutobi Hiruzen who have been fully exposed should not try to restore their image.

Yagura has no reason to give up his image and reputation in the ninja world now.

The reason why he doesn't speak is...

Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and had his own ideas.

And only in this case, the group can explain why the medical warehouse did not speak, and why it has been carried out in the video for so long!


This thing sounds too unbelievable.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, it's just in the comparison video, as long as he says it, someone will verify it.

What's more, the situation in Konoha is not right now.

Sarutobi Hiruzen often makes troubles, because of the exposure of the comparison video, he is now more frequently demanding from the family that is attached to him.

This made Nara Shikaku a little helpless.

He wants to follow Third Hokage, but the current situation has made him a little out of breath.

Obviously Third Hokage admitted that those black materials can be solved by abdicating honestly (cdbh), and the stalemate must continue until today.

I hope that this discovery of mine can make everyone in the ninja world turn their attention elsewhere.

Nara Shikajiu held his forehead with some headaches.

His barrage in the previous comparison video showed the rhythm of someone playing Sarutobi Hiruzen.

I also guessed that it is very likely that these people are Beichen from another world.

But he didn't quite understand, since they are not from the same world, why did Beichen take so much trouble to blacken Sarutobi Hiruzen's reputation?

What's in it for him?

Even if the Konohas of this world are in dilapidated condition, and the rule of Third Hokage is smaller...

It doesn't do Beichen any favors either.

What he didn't know was that Beichen wasn't just simply looking at the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen in that world, but he had a bold idea himself.

"Anyway, let's make this conjecture first.

Nara deer swallowed for a long time, his thin face was full of solemnity.

The current situation in Konoha is not good, so I can only use other information to attract the attention of the ninja world.

Doing so is also helpless.

After all, he also received an ultimatum from Hokage before.

Find a way to guide public opinion, so that everyone in the ninja world will not always focus on Konoha's Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Therefore, Nara Lujiu can only rack his brains to analyze.

The purpose is to analyze some earth-shattering intelligence, and then attract the attention of the ninja world.

Then, he started posting barrage!

【First Ninja World Nara Lujiu: Could it be that the current Mizukage-sama is controlled by someone, so he can't send barrage or speak in the comment area?】

Nara Shijiu's sudden barrage, even though it is not conspicuous among the many barrages.

But it was like a huge thunder, instantly igniting everyone in the ninja world!

【What Nara upstairs, you don’t have a problem with your brain, do you?】

【Yagura is the majestic Master Mizukage, who can control him? I saw Master Mizukage issue a mission before. 】

【That is, this person is probably out of his imagination, right?】

Sure enough, after Nara Lujiu spoke, many people sneered at his thoughts with disdain.

It's no wonder these people are shallow-sighted

After all, it is almost impossible to control a Kage-level ninja.

What's more, this shadow-level ninja occasionally issues orders to Anbu Jōnin and others.

Therefore, this idea is simply impossible!

The first primitive ninja world.

"Oh? This person is interesting."

Looking at the barrage released by Nara Lujiu in the comparison video, Qi Zhibo Daisheng slightly opened his Sharingan outside the secret base of Xunyin Village.

There are some praises but also some surprises.

He didn't expect that there would be someone who could analyze it perfectly.

The real situation is really the same as this ninja analyzed, it is controlled by him Uchiha Obito with illusion.

Otherwise, the doctor would not have been unable to speak in the comparison video.

As long as he is alive, he will definitely be able to leave a message on the barrage.

And after he passed away, he could also leave a message in the comment area.

There is no way around this obvious flaw.

After all Uchiha Obito cannot manipulate Yagura to interact in the comparison video.

At best, he manipulates Yagura's actions, such as implementing blood mist policy to weaken Kirigakure's strength.

As for things like manipulating the soul and letting him complete such spiritual things.

Uchiha Obito has experimented, but Uchiha Madara has not taught him in this regard, so he is very slow to explore by himself.

Unless he can have the Shuang Quan Shou of Ba Che You, Chen's Shuang Quan Shou is the strongest ninjutsu for the soul in the comparison video.

It can completely change memory and soul structure.

With this kind of horrible ninjutsu, it is very easy to manipulate what Yagura said in the comparison video.

"This Nara belongs to the Konoha clan, it should be the Third Hokage faction."

On the side, Jue came out from the ground and immediately said to Naotian.

He knows that Obito now wants information about Nara Shikaku.

After all, Nara Shijiu is Konoha's Nara patriarch, and he definitely knows something about him.

"Oh? It's that guy Sarutobi Hiruzen?"

Uchiha Obito was a little surprised, he thought this clever ninja would be neutral.

Unexpectedly, it is also from the Hokage series.

"No way, Konoha's Ino–Shika–Chō all belong to the Hokage faction, which is a principle that has been followed a long time ago."

Shrugged helplessly, everyone in Sarutobi Hiruzen is now shouting and beating.

If some of Konoha's original families want to leave Hokage, it will be even more difficult.

After all, no matter how bad Sarutobi Hiruzen's reputation is, he still has some power.

Now it's just that Sarutobi Hiruzen's reputation in the ninja world is very bad, but he has been in Konoha for a long time, and there is no such person as Beichen in this world to oppose him.

His own rule is still very stable.

"However... Even so, every time in the comparison video, someone comes out to play his rhythm."

Uchiha Obito squinted his eyes, and he also knew that those people with rhythm should be subordinates of Beichen from another world after a thorough analysis.

What is he doing against the Sarutobi Hiruzen of this world?

Don't you want the Sarutobi Hiruzen of this world to feel better?

It's just like Jue's analysis, even if the ninja world knows about these black materials, Sarutobi Hiruzen will not lose much power.

He was able to get to where he is today, and he owes a lot of credit to Beichen from another world.

He has fully achieved the rhythm of Sarutobi Hiruzen through public opinion guidance and barrage, so that he can whip out corpses every two days...

"I in another world... don't know what happened to your plan..."

Uchiha Obito feels rejoiced when he thinks that he will encounter a monster like Beichen in another world.

Fortunately, there is no Beichen in this world.

If there is Beichen, Konoha's strength will rise several levels.

"I am in another world...... I don't know if you can still save mother......"

As a creature that has survived far longer than Obito, now he has a clear understanding of Beichen's strength.

The current Beichen is probably not far behind the strength of Ashura and Indra.

It's simply not a situation that reviving Uchiha Madara can solve today.

Want to continue with Project Tsuki no Me.......

The already predictable difficulty was even more difficult.

Even Uchiha Madara is difficult to deal with Beichen, and now Nagato must have a hard time fighting him.....

"The only chance is to rely on Uchiha Obito's Kamui, his ability can ignore the difference in strength, and directly capture Beichen into a different space..."

Jue took a look at Obito who was now visibly trembling with the naked eye.

Still secretly sighed in my heart. .

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