Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 158 Beichen's Plan, The First Step To Becoming Famous In The Ninja World

Of course, Anbu arranged by Beichen noticed the discussion of these civilians.

In order to understand the public opinion of the common people in Konoha, Beichen arranged a lot of Anbu to go to the residences of the common people to monitor.

at the same time......

Some civilians were also bribed by him.

He's not like that guy from Third Hokage, who relies on word-of-mouth marketing.

Not distributing any benefits to the people below, just caring about their own petty profits.

Beichen is not the kind of short-sighted person, he is well aware of how powerful the public opinion influence of the common people at the bottom is.

Regardless of their lack of strength, they don't have as much power to speak as ninjas.

But there are so many of them, many times as many as ninjas!

Moreover, civilians are protected in the ninja world, and ninjas are not allowed to attack civilians for no reason.

This has also led to the fact that the current civilians can completely influence the reputation and direction of the ninja.


Although Sarutobi Hiruzen is aware of the importance of public opinion, he has not developed his image as a good old man among the common people.

He simply used the will of fire to profit for himself, without any long-term vision.

But Beichen was different, since he already knew the importance of the common people, he even gave those common people a lot of silver taels, the purpose was to let them break into the common people to enhance their prestige and reputation.

In Beichen's eyes, these are not troubles at all.

Problems that can be solved with silver are not called problems.

Now he has embezzled most of the resources of Sarutobi Hiruzen's family, so what's the point of distributing the remaining silver taels to these commoners?

Only the combination of radish and stick can make these civilians better for themselves.

"It's really scary...As expected, it has been proceeding according to Lord Beichen's plan."

Anbu, who was watching, heard the unanimous approval of these civilians, and couldn't help but feel a chill down his back.


Unexpectedly, as Mr. Beichen arranged, someone echoed and praised his policy.

Now Beichen's status in Konoha Village is extremely high.

Through the wooing of all kinds of silver and money, as well as the low-level civilians and policies, under various factors...

Beichen even has a faint status beyond First Hokage.

First Hokage Senju Hashirama, but the founder of the village!

Being able to compare with him is already very remarkable.

What's more, the current Beichen has not yet become Hokage, he has no formal appointment!

"What are you thinking about so much? Just do your respective tasks well."

The companion beside him shook his head helplessly. Although he also felt the same emotion about what happened in front of him, he didn't think too much about the inner meaning of these things.

As long as Beichen arranges and what they do, it will be fine.

If you ask more questions and think more, you won't be able to get along in the dark!


The companion next to him seemed to be stronger than him, and he immediately opened his mouth when he heard it.

And such a situation also happened in the various civilian residences of Konoha!

In the Ichiraku Ramen Restaurant, the hand-beating uncle also occasionally mentioned Beichen, because he was discussing with the ninjas from Cloud Shinobi Village.

He has an upright temperament, and anyone who knows him well knows what kind of person the hand-slapping uncle is.

What he said now is even more convincing.

"I didn't expect...Master Beichen would do such a thing.

Hatake Kakashi, who just came to the ramen restaurant after completing the task, listened to the hand-slapping uncle telling about the situation that day.

The face under the mask couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

For this kind of thing, if it were Third Hokage, he would definitely not be so tough.

The previous Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas came to Konoha, and tried to get Konoha's supercilious eyes, and directly robbed Hyūga Hinata of the Hyuga clan!

Hyūga Hinata is the daughter of the patriarch of the clan, and everyone in Konoha sees it as Cloud Shinobi Village's fault.

After this incident was broken, the villains of Cloud Shinobi Village filed a complaint first, using their losses during the robbery as an excuse to ask Sarutobi Hiruzen for the ninjas of the Hyuga clan.

This incident should have let these Cloud Shinobi Villages know the price of provoking Konoha, Third Hokage should have sternly refused and asked Cloud Shinobi Village to apologize.

As a result, the Third Hokage at that time insisted on letting the Hyuga clan hand over the head of the clan, Hyuga Hizashi, in order to calm things down.

Even though Konoha at that time was already a little strong because of the Nine Tails invasion, he must not show his timidity to this kind of Cloud Shinobi Village who rode on his head and ran wild!

Because of this incident, Hatake Kakashi became suspicious of the Third Hokage's policy for the first time.

He felt very unworthy for Konoha's companions.

In order to avoid the war, Third Hokage has chosen to be so humble and swallow his breath.

And look at the same thing, what about Wang Chen's approach?

Beichen even stood up when civilians were oppressed.

This way of treating Konoha's companions as important to him and not allowing them to suffer any grievances is the will of fire in Kakashi's heart.

Just like his father White Fang and his former companion Uchiha Obito.

They are all: half regarded as excellent ninjas that are more important than tasks.

Kakashi saw the same trait in Beichen.

"Perhaps...... Master Beichen is more suitable for Hokage than Third Hokage?"

Kakashi smiled wryly, he thought of the scene of that day.

On the day Beichen overthrew Sarutobi Hiruzen, he also traveled to watch most of the fighting moments.

It is clear how powerful Beichen was at that time, and at the same time Third Hokage is already old and his strength has regressed very obviously.

"Your face."

Calamus held his face and came to Kakashi with crooked eyebrows and smiling face.


Kakashi picked up his chopsticks, squinted at Iris and smiled.

"By the way, the day Master Beichen came...did he stand up for you without the slightest hesitation?"

Kakashi coughed lightly, and quietly asked Iris in the impassioned words of the hand-slapping uncle.

"Ah? That..."

Calamus heard that Kakashi mentioned this matter, a blush inexplicably appeared on his fair and delicate face.

"Don't listen to my father's exaggeration, in fact, Master Beichen happened to come in, saw this incident and stood up for us.

Calamus said softly, and she recalled the appearance of Beichen standing up that day.

It fit perfectly with her imagination of the other half.

It's just... She also knows that the gap between herself and Beichen is too big.

There is no possibility at all, so she can only hide it in her heart.

"That's right...thank you."

Kakashi narrowed his eyes, thanked the iris and fell into deep thought.

How can there be so many coincidences?

He knew exactly how strong Beichen was.

At least the perception ability is more than half of the perception ninjas.

I'm afraid he waited outside until the most critical moment before coming in, right?

Kakashi thought, even if he could stand up for these civilians, it was enough to represent Beichen's attitude.

He also paid equal attention to the common people of Konoha Village.

If this is a new Hokage, it seems that it can do better than Third Hokage.

Kakashi smiled and watched the comparison video while taking off his mask to enjoy the ramen in front of him.

In the comparison video, a change has taken place at this time!

The First Primitive Ninja World is step by step carrying out actions to improve strength, perform tasks and improve qualifications.

Terumi Mei is working very hard to improve her strength and status!

Her strength is also growing very fast!

【Number One Ninja Onoki: What a formidable young man...... I didn’t expect this Kirigakure ninja to have mastered four Chakra attributes?】

Ohnoki saw the Chakra attributes displayed by Terumi Mei in his daily repairs.

There are as many as four kinds!

And they can cooperate well with each other.

This is one of the reasons why Terumi Mei's ninjutsu talent is higher than ordinary ninjas.

Fire, Thunder, Earth, Water.

The four ninjutsu of the Chakra attribute obviously restrain each other, but Terumi Mei can also use them very harmoniously.

々This guy... Could it be that there are two Blood Successor Limits?"

The first original ninja world, Iwagakure.

Watching Terumi Mei unconsciously combine several escapisms that restrain each other in training, and develop a new tendency...

Onoki, who had already been eliminated by Bloodline above the bloodline limit, had extremely vicious eyes at this time.

He could tell at a glance, "The U.S. military is very talented in blood succession!

Terumi Mei even has a faint tendency to develop a new blood succession boundary by herself.

[The First Ninja World Raikage Ai: There are so many talented ninjas in Kirigakure. 】

Inside Cloud Shinobi Village.

Raikage Ai was also shocked, he didn't expect such a talented ninja to appear in Xunyin Village quietly.

If it weren't for the comparison video, I'm afraid it would take him a long time to notice this genius ninja from Kirigakure.

"Master Raikage......This ninja seems to have had a little impression on the battlefield before......"

Beside him, an Anbu half-kneeled and said to Raikage Ai.


The latter was a little puzzled, he didn't expect that Terumi Mei had left an impression on people before.

It seems that she has already made her mark in the third Ninja World War?

Also, she is only Genin in the video, and she has already shown such amazing ninjutsu talent.

When she participates in the third ninja world war, she will probably be even stronger.

After all, this kind of ninja who is good at large-scale ninjutsu is often easier to become famous on the battlefield.

Large-scale ninjutsu represents the ability to determine the direction of war!

In war, this kind of ninja who can use large-scale ninjutsu is definitely the main force of each ninja village.

Moreover, Terumi Mei is still a ninja with no power behind her, which is very helpful for recruiting.

This kind of ninja is definitely the best choice for Kirigakure Mizukage's intimate heart!

It can be seen that it is absolutely certain that she will meet Mizukage in the future.


Why didn’t I hear about this ninja later? If it wasn’t for this comparison video, they probably wouldn’t even know about this ninja. .

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