Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 159 The Encounter On The Battlefield, Terumi Mei Secretly Promises

"Maybe... some conflict in the future, that Mizukage guy hasn't shown up yet.

Raikage Ai thought for a moment, and finally could only come to this conclusion.

He can only think that after Terumi Mei met Mizukage in the end, there was a conflict because of the policy in the blood mist.

As a result, he was snubbed by Mizukage and did not appear on the bright side of Kirigakure.

This is why Terumi Mei may only appear in front of everyone now.


A battlefield killer like Terumi Mei may have already shined in the ninja world.

The comparison video is still playing.

The strength of Terumi Mei on both sides has improved very quickly!


in the comparison video.

Terumi Mei just finished a mission, after the captain announced his dismissal.

She did not choose to go back to her residence to rest, but immediately returned to the training ground to continue her practice.

Although she performs every task with ease, she plays an indispensable core role in the team.

However, she did not choose to slack off because of the success of this mission.

Instead, I chose to practice harder!

She not only needs to complete the task perfectly every time, but also needs to get promoted as soon as possible!

At the same time, the third ninja world war started!

The third ninja world war finally involved Kirigakure, an existence that has been wandering outside the land and seems to have no borders with every big ninja country.

【Second Ninja World Raikage Ai: The third ninja battle at that time...Old man Ohnoki, do you still remember?】

The second variant ninja world.

In Cloud Shinobi Village, Raikage Ai saw the tragic scene of war in the video, and recognized at a glance that this was the beginning of the third ninja war.

That is, Third Kazekage is missing, and Sunagakure suspects that Konoha is the mastermind!

So they took the lead in launching an attack on Konoha, and at the same time, Cloud Shinobi Village and Iwagakure also negotiated to share a share, so they jointly launched this war! 053

Seeing this scene at this time, he still felt a little nostalgic.

The Raikage at that time was not yet Raikage.

And the movie at that time was the previous Raikage, Third Raikage.

And after Third Raikage discussed with Tsuchikage Onogi at the time, he immediately launched an attack.

It was a good alliance at first, but in the end, Onoki, the old Yinbi, didn't turn around and attack Third Raikage!

As a result, Third Raikage fought tens of thousands of Rock Shinobi ninjas, and finally died of exhaustion.

strictly speaking……………

Onoki is actually his father-killing enemy.

It's just that it's all the previous generation's business. At that time, Ohnogi was doing what he should do as a Tsuchikage to make profits for Iwagakure.

Now for Raikage Ai, interests come first.

"Huh... this guy."

Seeing the comparison video, Onogi also hummed softly.

At the beginning, he really had the darkest idea of ​​Cloud Shinobi. His original plan was to repel Cloud Shinobi and share the fruits of victory by himself in the end.

I didn't expect to play too big in the end and killed the Third Raikage at that time.

This breaks the rules of each country in the ninja world.

So this matter is still Onogi's fault.

【First Ninja World Sarutobi Hiruzen: What happened at that time was really not caused by Konoha!】

Until now, Sarutobi Hiruzen still doesn't know who did it.


This matter was written by the Red Sand Scorpion, who made Third Kazekage into a human puppet.

Retaining most of the strength of Third Kazekage, and at the same time relying on his own level of puppetry [the master Kazekage's puppet is perfectly integrated into his own system.

As soon as his strength became stronger, he became a Kage-level strongman.

This is also the reason why the Scarlet Sand Scorpion defected.

Killing Fengying at that time was a very serious crime of treason against the village!

In the original work, Uchiha Sasuke just attacked Cloud Shinobi's Eight Tails, and he has already been included in the S-level rebellion.

And the red sand scorpion completely killed Third Kazekage, the shadow of Sunagakure!

This kind of behavior is completely rebellious that can be included in the S rank!

【The First Ninja World Rasa: Hmm...It seems that Konoha moved his hand, right?】

Luo Sha, as the Fourth Kazekage, always thought it was made of Konoha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has done so many dirty things behind his back, what else can't he do?

Ever since I saw Sarutobi Hiruzen's behavior and what he did behind the scenes in the comparison video...he has a clear understanding of Konoha's filth!

The first primitive ninja world.

Inside Sunagakure.

Luo Sha looked angrily at the barrage of the comparison video.

This Sarutobi Hiruzen not only promotes his reputation in his own village, but also promotes his image as a good guy in the ninja world.


When Konoha had the upper hand and he signed the unequal treaty, his weakness and incompetence were undoubtedly exposed.

As the Hokage appointed by Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, Sarutobi Hiruzen must have outstanding ability and online IQ.

It's a pity... for the prosperity and prosperity of his own family, he sacrificed the interests of the village.

This behavior is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst.

The village is the foundation of a family's prosperity. Without a village, a family is like a tree without roots, which will wither sooner or later.

Sarutobi Hiruzen naturally knew this, so he also knew that he would not last long by using power for personal gain.

The next Hokage must choose someone who is selfless and dedicated, otherwise he will suck Konoha's blood too much, the foundation of Konoha Village will be shaken, and the surrounding powers will rush to him.

If Konoha starts to be attacked, his family will definitely not be able to escape.

That's why he can only choose a Fourth Hokage who is selfless and dedicated to restore the vitality of the village a little bit.

I also took the opportunity to digest the benefits and benefits I got.

Make your family more prosperous and powerful.

"This old monkey is the most cunning and cunning!"

Luo Sha was full of sarcasm, he originally thought that Third Hokage was not an aboveboard person.

Now it seems... also a shadowy guy who fits the word ninja.

Even sitting on the position of Hokage, the supreme leader of Konoha Village, the largest ninja country, is an out-and-out hypocrite.

Konoha (cdcd) Village...

At this time, the speeches that saw the barrage were all slander and malicious speculation against myself.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face turned black on the spot.

This is simply to discredit oneself.

The kind that doesn't twist around at all, completely ignoring whether it can be discovered by others.

But... what if the person arranged by Beichen is discovered?

What he said was also guessed by everyone, but he dared not say it because of his Third Hokage status.

However, the people on Beichen's side were not afraid of his identity as Third Hokage.

On the one hand, what he did was too dirty and nasty, and was resisted by most people in Konoha.

On the one hand...they are in another world, and the other world is Konoha led by Beichen.

Compared with Third Hokage, Beichen's strength means...

It seems that it is only high but not low.

Moreover, Beichen also has management methods and public opinion control methods that are far beyond the ninja world for many years.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's anxious scalp tingled with the easy-handed guidance of the navy's public opinion and the blasting of black materials.

The second variant ninja world.

Beichen looked at the rhythm on the barrage.

Izumi is increasingly satisfied with Uchiha.

It really won my heart.

He just loves seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen helpless and wanting to kill himself.

He coughed lightly, put his arms around Konan's shoulders and relaxed slightly, and then the control system switched the screen to Sarutobi Hiruzen, the first ninja world.

as expected.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face is darker than Raikage Ai's.

A few penetrating fist marks could be faintly seen on the table beside him

"Hahaha...this old thing."

Beichen knew that fist mark after seeing it, probably it was the masterpiece of Sarutobi Hiruzen's impotent rage.

In the comparison video, it is still playing at this time.

"War started?"

Terumi Mei looked at her captain in surprise.

During this period of time, her progress was very obvious, almost visible to the naked eye.

Now she is no less powerful than the captain.

Even sometimes, the captain has to ask Terumi Mei for some ninjutsu.

On the one hand, it is because Terumi Mei's ninjutsu talent is extremely high, and she can learn all kinds of ninjutsu without a teacher.

Some B-level ninjutsu that is difficult to learn, I am afraid that even Jōnin will be distressed.

But Terumi Mei easily masters it all by herself.

This talent can be said to be the pinnacle of ninjutsu.

On the other hand, Terumi Mei has ideas of her own.

In the comparison video, she frequently appeared in the scene of developing ninjutsu and new escape techniques by herself.

This is also because Terumi Mei has a lot of ideas, so

She actually developed several new techniques.

It is the future Lava Style and Boil Style two new blood succession boundaries!

[No.1 Ninja World Ohnoki: This junior has really developed the Blood Succession Limit, and there is more than one kind?]

[The First Ninja World Raikage Ai: I really didn't expect it... He really is a ninja with terrifying talent. 】

[First Ninja World Namikaze Minato: It would be great if Konoha had such a ninja... What a pity. 】

Several movies took turns to express their admiration.

After all...it is very difficult to be able to develop a new blood succession boundary.

Otherwise, the restricted family will not become the object of competition in the ninja world.

You know, even the Uchiha clan, which is so difficult to open the blood inheritance limit Sharingan clan, was snatched back and forth by Konoha and Cloud Shinobi.

A ninja who possesses the blood succession limit, both in terms of the speed of improvement and the upper limit of strength, far exceeds that of ordinary ninjas.

This is why the ninja world always talks about the theory of bloodlines. Ninjas without blood successors and civilian ninjas without backgrounds have no chance of rising.

Talent determines a large part!

"Since the war has begun...I must perform well in the war and try to take this opportunity to meet Mizukage-sama!"

A seed was quietly planted in Terumi Mei's heart.

What she didn't know was that soon she would usher in two different worlds because of this incident!

"Our task now is to ensure that the border is not violated."

The captain said coldly, looking at his three subordinates with stern expressions.

This is also caused by Kirigakure's blood mist policy, which makes the superiors extremely cruel to the subordinates. .

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