Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 161 The Difference Between The Two Ninja Worlds Is Because Of Beichen?

Terumi Mei's slightly bitter tone made Master Yuan sigh.

He didn't expect that the current Kirigakure would expose so many problems.

Because of the blood mist policy...

He couldn't help but think of the controlled Yagura, and his face became even uglier.

Master Yuan knew that the zero-mile policy was issued only after being controlled by others.

Otherwise which Kage-level ninja is the kind that has no brains?

What's more, Yagura is still Mizukage, so he can consider issues from the perspective of the village.

How could such a self-destructive policy be issued?

The release of this policy is like having hatred with Kirigakure, and the group intends to weaken Kirigakure's strength.

Otherwise, normally speaking, how could it harm the interests of the village so much?

Among other things, just because Sarutobi Hiruzen wants to eradicate a blood-successor-limited family like the Uchiha clan, it has already received unanimous contempt and disapproval from the ninja world.

And now...

Kirigakure's policy in the blood mist completely drove away several blood-successor limited families.

This weakens Kirigakure even more than war!

And Uchiha Obito, who saw this barrage, also smiled.

He wasn't afraid of what would happen to Kirigakure's base at all.

"Three Six Zero" in his eyes, it was these Kirigakure ninjas who forced Nohara Lin to death.

Let Nohara Rin become a Jinchūriki and have to die at Kakashi's hands.

These are all Kirigakure's mistakes, so I do this to control Yagura to promulgate policies in the blood mist......

It was all for Nohara Lin, for revenge.

"Obito, things seem to be getting out of hand right now.

He didn't know when an aloe head appeared next to him, it was Jue.

Jue's tone is very heavy now, and what he said to Obito is also unprecedentedly dignified.

"Out of control? Are you kidding me, this is something Kirigakure didn't intend to control in the first place.

In the only hole exposed by Uchiha Obito's mask, Sharingan's scarlet eyes flashed away.

He hadn't even planned to take Kirigakure under his wing.

He knows how weak Kirigakure is now.

From the beginning, Uchiha Obito was just revenge for the suffering of the tailed beast that Nohara Rin suffered back then.

Now that I feel the pain, I have to let those who hurt me also feel the pain.

The world kisses me with pain, and I give back to the world with pain.

"This nerve..."

Jue couldn't help cursing inwardly at this moment.

Shit doesn't want to control Kirigakure, when he saw Uchiha Obito used illusion to control Yagura and didn't stop it, on the one hand, it was because the Akatsuki organization was not stabilized at that time, he and Uchiha Obito needed a stable place to plan the ear-eye plan.

Another aspect is that there are not many opportunities to directly contact Mizukage. If they can use Mizukage as an umbrella, they can save a lot of trouble.

but now.....…

Now that Kirigakure's hypocrisy has been exposed, the rest of the ninja village must be watching.

It is necessary to evacuate here in time, and have a clean relationship with Suoyin Village.

Moreover, they have been in Kirigakure for many years, and it is inevitable that they will leave a lot of traces.

At that time, if other villages have ideas about Kirigakure, or even attack...

Then they can only give up this stronghold.

Uchiha Obito looked at Jue with some disdain.

This is partly because his Sharingan ability gives him a lot of self-confidence.

Kamui's ability, whether it is offensive or defensive, or used to run, is very prominent.

Rarely has a Sharingan been so versatile and brilliant in every way.

This is also the reason why Uchiha Madara chose him, and it is also one of the reasons why he can be behind the scenes in the Akatsuki organization, even Nagato has to obey him.

His ability, without intelligence, is the most unpredictable existence.

"Obito, if Kirigakure is not even occupied now, I'm afraid the next plan will not be so simple."

Said to Obito absolutely calmly.

Even if he despises Obito in his heart and thinks that the gap between him and Uchiha Madara is too big, he can only persuade Uchiha Obito now.

Who said that there are no useful chess pieces now?

"I don't know if the comparison video for a while can expose the affairs of the Xiao organization. If it is exposed, it will be difficult to handle..."

Jue felt a little uneasy, the current Xiao organization is still very weak, if it is exposed, I am afraid that the next plan will be difficult to carry out.

What he didn't know was that in order to prevent the five major powers in the ninja world from uniting against the Akatsuki organization, Beichen specifically confirmed that there would be no shots of the Akatsuki organization in the comparison video.

It's just the fact that Kirigakure has become weak, let Cloud Shinobi and Rock Shinobi know there's nothing to worry about, and let them focus on fighting Konoha and finding trouble with Sarutobi Hiruzen!

If Juehe Obito knew this major premise, I am afraid they would not panic.

It's because they don't have the north, and they have control over the right system, so their information is poor, so they can't predict the unknown.

"The next step is to speed up the progress of Project Tsuki no Me, Obito."

Jue was silent for a moment, then slowly sank into the ground, leaving his last words.

"Anything else you said?"

Uchiha Obito thought to himself, because of the appearance of the comparison video and the inexplicable impatience now, he already felt something was wrong.

This feeling not only comes from the previous Uchiha Madara who made him his successor, but also the feeling brought to him by Mizukage Yagura, Kirigakure and Jue.

"These things... are really interesting."

The face under Uchiha Obito's mask chuckled, and then slowly retreated into the Kamui space.

At the same time, the people who saw the barrage of No. 1 Ninja World Luo Sha were not the only ones from No. 1 Ninja World.

Many people in the second ninja world also began to feel that something was wrong.

【Second Ninja World Ohnoki: It's strange...how does this old man feel that the Kirigakure in this world is not as in the video?】

[Second Ninja World Raikage Ai: Do you think so too? Old man Onoki? I think so too. 】

The two shadows in the second ninja world felt different.

Although there is no difference in the comparison video, they can feel that there is a big gap between the two.


The Mist Shinobi in another world seems to be the one who has been implementing the policies in the bloodman in the video.

And the Mist Shinobi in their world is not as weak as in the video, and it is even more difficult to match what the No. 1 Ninja World Luo Sha said that even half of the supplies during the war were difficult to exchange.

【Number One Ninja World Raikage Ai: It seems that Kirigakure's business relationship with us has also decreased a lot...】

【Number One Ninja Onoki: Are you the same as us?】

The difference is that the shadows of the first ninja world feel that the scale of the transaction between them and Kirigakure is much smaller!

This is also the performance of Kirigakure, and it is difficult for them to guess the scale of Kirigakure's transactions with other countries, so it is difficult to judge the strength of Kirigakure today..


Now that all the shadows have said it on the barrage, they will be able to judge how strong Kirigakure is now.

【The First Ninja World Raikage Ai: But...the Kirigakure of the Second Ninja World hasn't become weaker?】

[No.1 Ninja World Ohnoki: It seems that there is still a difference?]

They are a little puzzled.

The difference between the first ninja world and the second ninja world is that there is more Konoha Shinobi Beichen.

Now, is the change in Yuanyin Village also because of Beichen?

Although no one said it out loud, everyone had already agreed to this answer in their hearts.

After all, in the previous comparison video, the difference was all because of Beichen.


Was the change in Kirigakure also because of Beichen?

Unexpectedly, he could even affect ninjas in other villages.

Terumi Mei is Kirigakure's ninja, how can she still have a relationship with Beichen?

[Second Ninja Onoki: The Mist Shinobi of this world has not reduced the number of transactions. 】

[Second Ninja World Raikage Ai: Yes, our side is the same. 】

Several kages successively expressed the deal between their village and Kirigakure. Although it was slightly reduced, it was not as exaggerated as the first ninja world.

Seeing the barrage of the second ninja world, Terumi Mei of the second ninja world realized...

It seems that because of that incident, there is a little difference!

At the same time, the images of the comparison video were played rapidly.

The screens on both sides are going on synchronously.

Terumi Mei continued her mission on the border of Kirigakure, unsurprisingly, flawlessly each time.

At the same time, her strength and experience are also growing.

Although the war made the death rate of ninjas higher, the ninjas who survived the war were all 4.9 elites with higher quality and better training.

Terumi Mei is the best among them. She has been promoted to Jōnin in just a few short missions.

She became a Jōnin at an age younger than many of Konoha's talented ninjas. This is also due to the policy of Xuewuli, as long as the ninjas are qualified and strong enough, they will all be promoted.

In this way, everyone watched Terumi Mei step by step from Genin on the border to Chūnin.

At the end...

It turned out that her former captain had to obey Terumi Mei's arrangement and deployment.

In the comparison video, less than two years have passed!

"The task this time... is to intercept Konoha's team with the Seven Ninja Swordsmen."

On this day, another new task was sent to Terumi Mei's team.

"A group of teams intercepting Konoha?"

Terumi Mei took the quest scroll from Anbu, and opened it with some doubts.

The faces behind her had changed into a batch of new faces at some point.

Most of the former acquaintances are already buried in the land on the border of Kirigakure.

Even a complete corpse would be difficult to bring back.

This is the cruelty of war!.

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