Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 162 Terumi Mei Made Up His Mind, The Difference Between The Two Ninja Worlds

"It turned out to be a ninja who wanted to intercept Konoha?"

Terumi Mei was a little surprised, she didn't expect that this mission would be to have contact with Konoha's ninjas.

According to common sense, they Kirigakure and Konoha should not have any communication.

Originally, Konoha was also an ally with them against Rock Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi.

As a result, how did the current war become an alliance against oneself?

Terumi Mei was a little surprised, she never thought that her village would make such a decision.

In fact, what she doesn't know is that this is also the decision made by Yagura who is now under control!

It's just... the current Yagura is not controlled by Uchiha Obito.

The current Uchiha Obito is just Konoha's Chūnin.

There is no Mangekyō Sharingan at all, and the strength is far from enough, let alone control a Kage-level ninja?

The present Yagura... is being manipulated by the real Uchiha Madara!

His purpose is to control Uchiha Obito, thus setting up this situation. The purpose of the design is to seal Kirigakure and his chess piece - Uchiha Obito's Konoha.

In this way, it is convenient to manipulate Uchiha Obito's actions from hostile forces, thereby inducing him to blacken.

If the ninjas in Konoha Village are manipulated rashly, the masters on Konoha's side will find something abnormal.

During the Third Great Ninja War, Konoha Village was full of talented ninjas.

The war has catalyzed many talented ninjas.


None of this is shown in the comparison video.

"Are you intercepting Konoha's team?"

Terumi Mei's complexion was a little cloudy and uncertain.

On the one hand, she wants to continue guarding this border, because the current Iwagakure and Cloud Shinobi Village are finally at war, and even Cloud Shinobi Village has lost Third Raikage, and Iwagakure and Cloud Shinobi Village have already fought for true destruction.

And she can also take advantage of this opportunity to make Kirigakure's defensive pressure a little less.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for the Mist Shinobi team she leads to maintain stability on the border.

That's why she's hesitant to support the mission over there, otherwise she'd go straight to intercept the Konoha Shinobi.

Terumi Mei is now a qualified Jōnin, so she is free to choose her missions.

If it was the old Chūnin, or the weak Genin...

Terumi Mei can only obey the arrangement above, and cannot choose which task to perform by herself.

This is the cruelty of Kirigakure, only the strong can have the right to make decisions, and only the powerful have the right to speak.

【First Ninja World Raikage Ai: Why is Kirigakure's policy so unreasonable? Don't even have the right to refuse missions?】

【The No. 1 Ninja World Ohnoki: Don't be kidding, how can you refuse a mission during a war?】

The first primitive ninja world.

Inside Iwagakure, Tsuchikage office.

Seeing Raikage Ai's barrage, Onogi couldn't help but sneered, his wrinkled old face slightly mocking.

It seems that this movie is still not there? I have participated in the third ninja world war more, and I still don't know enough about the period of the war.

Since the death of Third Raikage, Cloud Shinobi Village has basically not participated in the third Ninja World War.

This also led to Fourth Raikage Ai having little understanding of how ninjas survived during the war.

Survive on the battlefield, survive in the village, and survive under the eyes and words of the villagers.

All this is involuntary.

"However... Even in the special period of war, Kirigakure's lack of strength and forced execution of tasks is really too ugly.

Ohnoki watched the video, and Terumi Mei, who had already begun to hesitate, couldn't help but muttered in his heart.

Even in times of war, ninja villages in various countries are like this, but no ninja village has made it clear that the strong can refuse tasks.

Only Kirigakure put this rule on the bright side, making almost all ninjas clear

Kirigakure, big fists are the last word.

As long as you are strong, you can even ignore your teammates when performing tasks in Kirigakure, and even kill your teammates when necessary to complete the task!

This also led to the fact that even though Kirigakure's quest completion rate is high, the quest survival rate is very low.

At the feet of almost every Jōnin who successfully climbed up, there are countless bones of his companions on display.

Even Terumi Mei, a ninja who rose from the bottom Genin step by step and relied entirely on his own efforts and practice, could not freely make his own decisions when he had the strength.

"It seems... Yagura's Mizukage is even more of a failure than Sarutobi Hiruzen."

Ohnoki didn't understand why Yagura, as the Fourth Mizukage, issued these policies, and hardly regarded the ninjas in Xunyin Village as his forces and subordinates.

They are completely regarded as tool people to complete the task, or the kind of tool people who can be discarded at will after being used once.

"Hmph...this old man!"

Seeing Onogi's bullet screen with burrs, Raikage Ai also flicked his sleeves heavily and groaned.

He did not participate too much in the Third Ninja World War, and he didn't understand how Ninja Village was during the war.

But even his fiery temper isn't so harsh on the ninjas of Cloud Shinobi Village.

He is also tolerant as long as he can limit it, unlike Yagura, who is almost staring at Kirigakure's ninja pulling wool.

Yagura's idea seems to be that he doesn't care about the life and death of these sheep at all, and just wants to continue to squeeze benefits from these Kirigakure ninjas.


Raikage felt from it that Yagura seemed to hope that his Kirigakure ninjas would use their lives to turn them into resources and benefits as soon as possible.

"I don't know what this guy is thinking..."

Raikage sighed softly, the current ninja world is complicated.

By comparing the videos, a lot of black material has been exposed. They are the leaders of the film, who have a clean foundation?

It's just that the foundations of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Yagura are too dark.

It is completely harming the interests of his own village to enhance his family's heritage.

【Beichen: War is so cruel, everyone can't help themselves...but maybe someone will come to end the war in the future?】

The second variant ninja world.

Beichen chuckled, watching the barrage slowly sending his thoughts.

And in his words, the person who can end the war...

Of course it was him!

He has the strength to disdain the ninja world, and at the same time, he can live forever with Liufeng Immortal Thief.

Using various abilities, he has quietly stood at the top of the ninja world.

"However... you won't be shown in the comparison video after a while, right?"

Suddenly, Beichen seemed to have thought of something, and his expression changed slightly.

He suddenly remembered, the first time he met Terumi Mei before!

But...that was a long time ago.

In the comparison video..………

At this time, Terumi Mei of the No. 1 Ninja World chose to continue to guard the border, and did not follow the team that blocked Konoha in the past!


Terumi Mei of the Second Ninja World chose to go to Konoha as if she had something on her mind!

"I don't know why I always feel that there is no need to continue the border task..."

Terumi Mei in the second ninja world video looked at the border that has been silent, and wars and frictions did not break out as often as before, and finally decided...

Go and stop the ninjas in Konoha Village!

【No.1 Ninja Onoki: Why? Why did these two Terumi Mei of Ninja make different choices?】

【First Ninja World Raikage Ai: What happened? Why did Terumi Mei of this ninja world have such an idea?】

In fact, what they don't know is...

Because there is Beichen in the Second Ninja World!

At this time, Beichen had quietly started his own research.

At this time, Beichen already had a lot of research samples, which quietly affected Kirigakure.

So Terumi Mei has a completely different choice in this event!

However, these things did not appear in the comparison video.


These butterfly effects, and nothing like a direct impact.

But every time the butterfly flaps its wings, it only slightly affects it.

The comparison video cannot show the influence of so many butterflies at the same time, so it can only be shown that Terumi has made a big deviation in the selection of this key event.

"The mission of this trip...is it necessary to send out all the Seven Ninja Swordsmen?"

Terumi Mei chose to accept this task, so she can naturally see the detailed information in the scroll.

I found out that the one who dispatched the mission this time... turned out to be all members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen!

He originally thought it was just one or two of the seven ninja swordsmen.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen are Kirigakure's elite troops.

Not only that, all seven of them have magical ninja knives that can be matched with their own ninjutsu. With cooperation, even seven of them can fight super Kage-level ninjas!

Even if everyone, individually the worst is Elite Jōnin!

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen can almost be said to be the trump card of Xunyin Village.

You know, it was only during the third Ninja World War.

There is no perfect Jinchūriki without Mangekyō Sharingan.

At that time, if one had Kage-level strength, it would be enough to run rampant in the ninja world.

What's more, what about the strength of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen who can fight against Chaoying?

"It seems that the mission this time is indeed correct!"

Terumi Mei secretly felt that the disharmony in her heart was getting worse.

Even though it was only a mission to intercept the Konoha Shinobi squad, the entire Seven Ninja Swordsmen were dispatched!

There's even this Jōnin of his own.

It seems that the target of this team is a high-ranking and powerful ninja.


They even have the possibility to assassinate Hokage.

This lineup is totally possible!

"Let's go first... I don't know who the ninja you are facing?"

Terumi Mei smiled slightly, she had a vague premonition...

If I choose to perform this task this time, it seems that I will get something more valuable. .

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