Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 163 Mission Changes, One More Mission Goal?

"Could it be this time..."

I saw the mission that Terumi Mei accepted, and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen......

Suddenly the two Might Guys in the ninja world realized something.

Could it be the Konoha team that intercepted that time?

In the comparison video, the video is still playing.

Although no one knew why Terumi Mei made a different choice in this incident, everyone chose to continue watching.

This may be a better chance for them to get to know Terumi Mei.

Terumi Mei can expose more intelligence through this mission.

【No.1 Ninja World Onogi: Wait...how is this scene so familiar?】

【First Ninja Rasa: Could it be that battle?】

[The First Ninja World Sarutobi Hiruzen: It seems that it was that time... I really didn't expect it...】

Several movies all thought of...

With the complete Seven Ninja Swordsmen and the ninja team that intercepted Konoha.

Since that incident, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen...have always been broken.

Kirigakure was hurt even more because of that mission, even touched the foundation.

The first primitive ninja world.

"Could it be that?"

Kimurai, Hokage Building.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is gradually familiar with the picture of Terumi Mei from the Second Ninja World, and his face is also slightly ugly.

He has already determined that what Terumi Mei experienced this time is the battle with Konoha!

This battle was not only a loss for Kirigakure, but also for Konoha Village.

"No one is taking the old man's rhythm now, it's good."

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw that the barrage didn't bring his own rhythm, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Beichen didn't catch his own black spots and lead the rhythm to death.

In the comparison video...

Terumi Mei from the Second Ninja World has followed the Ninja Seven to the outskirts of Konoha Village.

Through this conversation, she also understood...

This time, the Konoha Shinobi squad who came to intercept with great fanfare.

It's not Konoha's Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, nor is it Konoha's elite unit.

It's just... a few Genins!

It's just a few Genins?

Terumi Mei was a little puzzled.

How is this going?

With their lineup, it can be said that it is too much to assassinate Hokage.

After all, each of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen is an elite among the elites, and each ninja holds a ninja sword and even has the ability to complete S-level tasks independently.

This shows how arduous the task should be this time.


It turned out to be just a few Genins who intercepted Konoha?

Is there something mysterious about these Genins?

But Terumi Mei carefully read the names of these people.

She didn't feel any difference between them and ordinary Genin. If it was a name like Uchiha or Senju, she had at least heard of it a little bit.

But she had never heard of the names and surnames of the Konoha Shinobi raiders who intercepted this time.

Terumi Mei frowned, looking at the mission scroll with some puzzlement.

She really didn't understand why the target of this mission was only a few Genin of Konoha, but she even had to use the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

"It seems that the task this time is a bit interesting."."

Her excellent ninja qualities made her not take it lightly even though she knew that the target of the mission was the Genin of several Konohas.

Instead, he was going to go back to the village to resupply, and then join the Seven Ninja Swordsmen to carry out the mission.

The first task of a ninja is to follow orders.

And Terumi Mei..... is a qualified ninja under the high requirements of Kirigakure.

Under her feet, there were also many corpses of losers in the competition.

【Number One Ninja World Raikage Ai: The ninjas of Kirigakure are really cautious...】

Not just Terumi Mei, almost every ninja in Kirigakure is much more mature and considerate.

With a lot of consideration and a calm personality, he can analyze more intelligence on the battlefield.

The battle between ninjas with similar strength is based on who knows more about the opponent.

So Kirigakure's ninjas are basically expensive and not expensive.

[No.1 Ninja World Ohnoki: It is rare to see young people with such a calm personality nowadays...you should still be young. 】

Seeing that Terumi Mei was as cautious as an old monster, without any mistakes, Yin Yeshu also sent the barrage with some emotion.

He has lived for so long and has seen countless ninjas.

However, in his own village, it is rare to see such an outstanding young junior.

Not only has a clear mind and a calm personality, but he can also develop two brand new blood succession boundaries.

Why didn't this kind of ninja appear in Iwagakure? In this way, I can also know the aspect of her blood inheritance limit, and at the same time, I can retire early...

Unlike Sarutobi Hiruzen, Ohnoki is now tired of staying in Tsuchikage's position and does not want to continue in office.

He has been in the position of Tsuchikage for a long, long time, which is as long as the two shadows in other villages.


Iwagakure has not had his favorite candidate for Tsuchikage.

Even if it is one's own clan, one's relatives.

He inherited part of his talent, but unfortunately his mind is not very good.

Heitu and Huangtu are the juniors that he is more optimistic about now, but it is a pity that they are still too young and have no qualifications and strength.

They still have a lot of room for growth, so Ohnoki was very confident about their future achievements at the beginning.


Now I saw Terumi Mei in the comparison video, she is thoughtful, calm, and talented enough to be able to develop Blood Succession Boundary by herself......

In the face of this level of genius, it seems that the loess and black soil have lost their color and become eclipsed.

"Damn it... why don't these genius ninjas show up in Iwagakure?"

Onoki was also secretly worried.

This world has a genius ninja like Terumi Mei, and another world has a genius ninja like Beichen.

Only Iwagakure, there is no such genius ninja.

In vain, he tried his best to find lootable materials from the war [even in the third ninja war, he did not hesitate to attack the ally master Raikage with a backhand.


There are not many talented ninjas, and there is not a single ninja who can bear the name of Tsuchikage.

【First Ninja World Sarutobi Hiruzen: The degree of this genius is almost the same as Minato!】

Sarutobi Hiruzen also said with emotion that he was a little surprised by Terumi Mei's genius.

Not only is she extremely talented in ninjutsu, but she is also a perfect ninja with her mind and personality.

Even a perfect Mizukage candidate.

The comparison video continues to play.

Terumi Mei of Primal Ninja World continues to guard the borders of Kirigakure against the invading Cloud Shinobi Village and Iwagakure.

And Terumi Mei from the mutant ninja world has joined the Seven Ninja Swordsmen at this time, ready to go to Konoha Village to perform the mission!

Today's Seven Ninja Swordsmen are the owner of Loquat Juzo who attacked Beichen before and joined Akatsuki's organization.

The owner of the shark muscle, Suiguashan Puffer Ghost, is also good at devouring the opponent's Chakra and using hair type ninjutsu.

Jinhachi Murashi, the owner of Bakudao Droplet, is good at using a series of explosive ninjutsu attacks using Knife Droplet.

Black Hoe Thunder Ya, a user of Thunder Blade Ya, is good at using Lightning Style ninjutsu, and can play the advantage of Lightning Style ninjutsu with Thunder Sword.

A user who can bait people through the grass and wild, and a user who cuts with a blunt knife, this heavy knife combined with his physical skills claims to be able to defeat all defenses.

Kashikuwan, a user of the needle with a long knife, able to pierce everything and sew it back together.

Together, these Seven Ninja Swordsmen can even deal with super shadow-level powerhouses!

【Number One Ninja World Raikage Ai: This lineup is too luxurious, right?】

Raikage couldn't help being a little shocked. He didn't realize until he saw the seven ninjas in the comparison video... Kirigakure's mission seemed a bit overkill.

This term of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen is the first ninja knife holder.

Each of their ninjas is well-known in the ninja world.

Now that they are gathered together, their strength has increased exponentially!

[Second Ninja World Ohnoki: It seems that there has been a big change in this mission? I haven’t heard any news from these people since then. 】

Ohnoki was a little surprised, he hadn't heard any news about these seven ninjas since then.

Before, their seven ninjas were somewhat famous in the ninja world.

At least every village knows something about them.

But after this mission, they seem to have evaporated from the world, and there is no trace or information in the ninja world at all.

And the place where they carried out their mission... only left horrific ruins.

So everyone guessed that someone killed them all with ninjutsu.

But... who in the current ninja world can have this kind of strength?

Wipe out all the seven ninja swordsmen.

This kind of strength is very terrifying!

々Wait, the task (Qiankaihao) has changed. "

Just when several people had assembled and were about to set off for the Land of Fire to carry out their missions.

Suddenly, an Anbu brought the latest mission scroll and said to several people.

"What... do you want to change the content of the mission?"

Loquat Shizang is the captain of this mission, he looked helplessly at Anbu who came to report the information, and took the mission scroll with some reluctance.

His strength is also stronger among the seven ninjas, and he is relatively calm and calm among these ninjas who kill at every turn.

So he will be the person in charge of this mission, responsible for ordering and notifying the entire team.

So.... what changed?"

After simply flipping through the mission scroll, Loquat Ganzang found that he had to go to the Land of Fire to intercept a ninja team.

The content of the task has not changed.

"No... this mission has an extra target, Rain."

Terumi Mei next to him carefully stared at the end of the mission scroll, the person marked here had one more name than the previous scroll.

Uchiha Beichen!

This turned out to be a ninja from the Uchiha clan?

"Oh? Sure enough, there is one more person's name."

Hearing Terumi Mei's reminder, Loquat Tenzo noticed that there was a new name on the last label.

"Who is this guy? The name is quite strange."

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