Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 164 Jealous Konan, So I Met Her So Early?

【First Ninja World Terumi Mei: There is an extra Beichen?】

The first primitive ninja world.

In the comparison video, there is an extra ninja in the task target of the mutant ninja world, and that ninja's name is still Beichen.

The doubt in Terumi Mei's heart finally had an answer.


The difference I chose in this comparison video is precisely because of the variable Beichen!

【Number One Ninja Onoki: Why does everything have something to do with this kid?】

Inside Iwagakure.

Seeing Beichen's name, Onoki was even more dazed.

Could this have something to do with him?


At this period of the Third Ninja War, Beichen might not even be old enough for the Jōnin school?

Can this affect another ninja world?

At the same time, Raikage Ai was also shocked at this time.

Is it because there are more Beichen missions this time, so there is a comparison with Terumi Mei, the ninja?

Raikage was a little surprised that during the third ninja world war, Beichen began to affect another ninja world.

It's an unbelievable thing.

Beichen has already influenced the ninja world from such an early age.

No wonder Terumi Mei made two different choices.

It seems to have Beichen's credit.

The second variant ninja world.

Seeing his own name appear on the scroll in the comparison video, Beichen was also a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, at that time, Kirigakure had a task related to himself.


The encounter between myself and Terumi Mei was indeed destined.

Thinking back to the time when I met Terumi Mei, it was really a coincidence.

It made him feel a little unbelievable.

Now it seems that everything is preordained by God.

When I was able to meet Terumi Mei at the beginning, I thought it was only 310 because I wanted to talk to Might Guy and follow him in Eight Gate.

Unexpectedly... Terumi Mei also happened to be there.

"Is that so?"

Seeing that Terumi Mei in the comparison video actually chose to perform this mission, Might Guy from the second variant ninja circle also suddenly realized!

He finally understood why he was able to encounter so many Kirigakure ninjas blocking him that time.

He even made his father almost pay the price with his life.

So it's because my team has long been the target of Kirigakure?

Only then did Might Guy realize that it was not an accident that he encountered Kirigakure's ninjas when he was a child, but a premeditated one.

If there is no Beichen, I am afraid that even my father's life will not be saved.

【The No. 1 Ninja World Onoki: So this mission is that Terumi Mei met Beichen, and then began to change?】

Ohnoki, as an old fritter, can naturally be seen at a glance. The difference between the two ninja worlds is because of the existence of Beichen.

And comparing the differences in the fates of the characters, there is also an intersection with Beichen.

Otherwise, the two ninja worlds that should be functioning normally should be the same world without the catalysis of external factors.

If it is the same world and the same ninja, then there is no comparison.

[First Ninja World Raikage Ai: It seems so, I didn't expect Terumi Mei's fate to be related to Beichen. 】

They didn't expect that the current bifurcation of fate is actually related to Beichen.

in the comparison video.

At this time, Terumi Mei and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are on their way to the Land of Fire.

"Why is this mission only asking us to intercept a few little ghosts from Konoha?"

On the way, Terumi Mei (cdda) finally couldn't suppress the doubts in his heart, and asked the fighting loquat Shizang beside him.

"This is Mizukage-sama's order, we are only responsible for carrying it out.

Loquat Shizang shrugged, the beheading sword on his back was huge, even thicker than Terumi Mei's waist.

Such a terrifying heavy blade can be easily carried by him, which shows how amazing his physical skills are.

His physical strength, even in Kirigakure, where there are many geniuses, can be counted on the top.

"Hehe...... I don't know why Master Mizukage always releases some strange missions recently."

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost sneered sinisterly from behind. He was a tall and very burly ninja.

Even burly to a little bloated.

And his ninja shark muscle is a huge and strange ninja tool that can devour Chakra.

His comprehensive strength is also the best among them.

Cooperating with Shark Muscle, it even has ordinary Kage-level strength.

So naturally no one dared to object to what he said.

Under the policy of Kirigakure, only the strong can have the right to speak.

Therefore, no one would dare to question or refute the words of the Xishan puffer ghost.

"However... this mission is still full of doubts."

Wuli Jinba frowned, with some doubts on his mature face.

The mission recently announced by Master Mizukage is very strange, but this time the mission called them and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were only facing some Genin of Konoha.

It can hardly be called killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

This can be said to be the use of atomic bombs to kill mosquitoes.

The gap between Genin and them is too huge, not to mention all the members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, even the weakest of them are more than enough to carry out this task.

The gap between Genin and Jōnin cannot be bridged by tens.

Maybe thousands more Genin could slowly wear down Jōnin's Chakra remotely with ninjutsu, but that's just a chance to win.

For Konoha Village, even the elite Genin, two of them ninjas are more than enough.

I really don't know why Mizukage-sama puts so much emphasis on this mission.

No matter how you look at it......the target of this mission seems to be only one surnamed Uchiha, you need to pay attention?

"However... Uchiha Beichen... I seem to have heard the name somewhere.

The last Ye Sage Kushimaru squinted, and his tall and thin body used the Body Flicker Technique at a speed that was not inferior to the rest of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

He spoke a little flatly.

He was really impressed with the name Uchiha Beichen.

It's just...he can't remember when or where he heard this name.

【First ninja world Raikage Ai: What? This guy has heard of Beichen?】

【Number One Ninja Onoki: At this time, Beichen...... I'm afraid he's only two or three years old?】

【Second Ninja World Orochimaru: Beichen-kun...... You really surprised me. 】

The ninja who saw this comparison video had heard of Beichen so early.

Several people were a little surprised. Beichen was only two or three years old at that time.

Two or three-year-old children... can already go to the battlefield?

You know, when Uchiha Fugaku took Uchiha Itachi to the battlefield when he was four years old, he was sprayed bloody by barrage.

Now... Uchiha Beichen went to the battlefield ahead of time, is it also Fugaku's conspiracy?

There is not only such a question in everyone's mind.

after all.…………

The Uchiha clan went to the battlefield when they were young, and it seems that it has become a means for Uchiha Fugaku to promote talented young ninjas.

This method is just cruel to these children.

Uchiha Fugaku would definitely feel wronged if he could see this.

He just wanted to train his son Uchiha Itachi.

As for Beichen...he hadn't discovered Beichen's genius yet.

Therefore, this kind of training method that brought the talented ninja of the Uchiha clan to the battlefield very early, only he led his son Uchiha Itachi.

The rest of the Uchiha clan ninjas are still trained in the normal way.

After all... How could anyone, as the patriarch, want to encourage the growth of the seedlings?

The ninjas in one's own clan are all precious wealth.

Therefore, no patriarch would choose this method of almost damaging the foundation to train his own family's ninjas.

【 Beichen: At that time, I just wanted to ask Might Guy about physical skills. After all, only Might Guy is stronger in Konoha. 】

The second variant ninja world.

Beichen was also a little speechless when he saw this.

How could everyone think it was made by Uchiha Fugaku?

It seems that Uchiha Fugaku's image in the ninja world is not much different from his son Uchiha's white-eyed wolf.

Go to the battlefield by yourself in advance, and you can find Uchiha Fugaku to blame.

It's just... Now that I am the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, there is no need to continue to lead the rhythm of Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Fugaku is also his loyal war puppet now, how can he be easily slandered by others?

This kind of rhythm won't do him any good, so Beichen doesn't bother with it at all.

"So you already saw Terumi Mei at that time?"

Konan in his arms saw Beichen's barrage, and was not distracted by Beichen's words.

Instead, he continued to question him.

Her delicate and fair face was full of anger.

He looked a little jealous.

Beichen patted the back of Konan's neck lightly, a smile appeared on his warm and jade-like face and he said calmly, "Of course I saw it..."

"Just saw it?"

Konan heard Beichen's words, his beautiful eyes were full of distrust.

She couldn't believe that Beichen, a flirtatious guy, wouldn't say or do something to Terumi Mei.

Even Beichen at that time was only a child of two or three years old.

in the comparison video.

After everyone saw Beichen's explanation, they didn't continue to discuss the Uchiha clan going to the battlefield ahead of schedule.

Instead, continue watching the comparison video.

in the comparison video.

Terumi Mei of the First Ninja World has gradually learned how to use the power and influence around her to stop ninjas who offend Kirigakure's borders.

No longer do it alone.

At the same time, she is more aware of the importance of teamwork today.

As a result, she feels even more disgusted with the policies in the blood mist!

As long as the policy in the blood mist exists for a day, then the tasks of Yuanyin Village will be difficult to solve with teamwork!

Her team had this problem before.

As long as it is a team task, the members of the team basically complete their own part, and there is no communication and cooperation during the execution. .

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