Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 165 Speechless Jue: Obito Is Too Swell

But if we continue to execute missions like this, what do we need the ninja team to do?

Directly set up single-person tasks, and hand over all team task resources to other countries.

Although the rewards for completing single-player missions are relatively low, the ninjas who can't stand Kirigakure have strong individual combat capabilities and high completion efficiency and speed, which is definitely much faster than team missions.


Mizukage doesn't seem to have considered this issue.

It just ignorantly implemented the policy of blood mist, making Kirigakure a mess.

"Hey... Even Cloud Shinobi Village, a village with a simple mind and well-developed limbs, is now better at using teamwork to attack than Kirigakure."

Thinking of the Cloud Shinobi Village ninja she had just forced back, Terumi Mei felt a headache.

The Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas who just invaded the border, the strength of each ninja is actually not the opponent of the ninjas in Hidden Village.

Even the strength of the ninja can be quite different.

After all, every Kirigakure ninja stepped on the corpses of countless companions from the blood mist policy.

Both consciousness and character are much stronger than ninjas of the same age.

As for strength...it's even just a superficial thing.

For ninjas, character and awareness trump ability.

As for the team managed by Terumi Mei, in fact, quite a few of them could not be managed well by her.

even so………

With a small team, she can also compete with the ninjas of Cloud Shinobi Village and Iwagakure.

"Iwagakure's ninjas have always been so good..."

Terumi Mei looked wryly at the border where Iwagakure was fighting in the distance.

The Iwagakure ninjas there are even tougher than the ninjas at Cloud Shinobi Village.

Of course Onogi can't train top-level genius ninjas, but what he is good at is training a large number of high-quality ordinary ninjas.

Although the strength of this kind of ninja is just above the passing line, but with the training of Tsuchikage Onogi and their own cooperation, they can actually wrestle with the elite ninja team in the hands of Terumi Mei.

This also made Terumi Mei feel more and more anxious.

The disadvantages in the blood mist have gradually begun to be revealed.

And the battle on the front line is the first shot in the blood garden's policy failure!

Terumi Mei knows very well that if she can't guard the border well, then waiting for Kirigakure's end will definitely be miserable.

At that time, even if I saw Mizukage-sama, I would not have the face to make my request.

Under Kirigakure's blood mist policy, if you fail the mission, you will be imprisoned.

Therefore, if I fail the task of guarding the border this time, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to meet Mizukage!

This task must be completed... even if it is to face the teamwork that I am not good at at all.

Terumi Mei secretly made up her mind.

[The First Ninja World Luo Sha: I never thought that at such a young age, you would already realize the importance of teamwork?]

【Number One Ninja World Hatake Kakashi: Teamwork...Ninjas who don’t value their companions are even worse than trash!】

The first primitive ninja world.

Inside Konoha Village.

Hatake Kakashi, who just picked up his chopsticks and was about to start the ramen in front of him, saw this scene in the comparison video.

As if thinking of something in the past, I suddenly felt a little melancholy and empty.

He remembered an old friend of his.

Uchiha Obito.

His dream was to become Hokage, and he was the only ninja he had ever seen during the war who regarded his companions as more important than his mission.

The last person who explained this with actions was his own father.

His own father, Hatake Sakumo, was Konoha's White Fangya, a strong man in Kage-level, but died because of the village's public opinion and the conflict between his companions and the task.

Of course there is Danzo's interference, but more of it is the interpretation made by his father for the behavior.

In this task-oriented ninja world, an important ninja who can cooperate with his companions and teams will definitely not have low achievements.

This is Hatake Kakashi's ninja way.

He will never abandon his companions.

"Humph... Kakashi..."

On the top of the high tower of Rain Shinobi Village, facing the sky full of dark clouds and light rain, Uchiha Obito watched Hatake Kakashi's barrage in the comparison video, and there were only bursts of low-pitched sneers coming from under the mask.

Even the ninja who values ​​his companions, Hatake Kakashi.

He also sent his own Raikiri to Lin's chest.

How ironic, the ninja who valued his companion the most, actually watched his companion die in front of his own eyes.

And he's still a murderer.

"It seems that this comparison video is quite useful, I didn't expect that Kirigakure has such a useful chess piece.

Seeing Terumi Mei's talent and thinking in the comparison video, Uchiha Obito even thought she was a very qualified pawn.


In terms of strength, Terumi Mei can definitely join the Akatsuki organization at this time.

At the same time, judging from her mind and personality, she is completely a pawn in my ideal.

If this kind of ninja can be used for himself, I believe that it won't be long before all of Kirigakure can be infiltrated.

"About this ninja... Obito, she probably has Kage-level strength now."

Behind him, there was obviously no one on the wet ground formed by rainwater, and suddenly there appeared a strange creature with an aloe-shaped head, black and white half on both sides of the body.

His aloe-like substance separates, revealing his black and white face.

For Uchiha Obito's idea, he had a similar idea long ago.

After all, with the implementation of Project Tsuki no Me, the more ninjas who can participate, the better, and the stronger the better.

The key is………

Even if they look at a ninja like Terumi Mei, they can't directly grab the minister.

On the one hand...it is also because the current Terumi Mei is far from the strength in the comparison video.

Now Terumi Mei is already Kage-level!

On the other hand, if the current Obito confronts Terumi Mei, it may not be certain who controls the other without the use of illusion.

The current Uchiha Obito is nothing more than Uchiha Madara.

With this level of camouflage, someone who thinks a little bit can tell that this person is not Uchiha Madara.


Today's Uchiha Obito has begun to make Jue feel a little speechless.

The original plan Uchiha Obito implemented was very abstract, and it can even be said that the road was obstructed and difficult.

First release Nine Tails and Riot Konoha, take the opportunity to subdue Nine Tails and seal them up.

As a result, Uchiha Obito carefully planned how to maximize the use of his Mangekyō Sharingan ability under the condition of complete intelligence transparency.

It really hurt Konoha's vitality, but the most critical Nine Tails was not caught.

Afterwards, Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Itachi discussed the genocide, but they did not get many useful resources.

Originally, while giving Konoha a slap in the face, he could also include an S-level rebel ninja to become the sword of the Akatsuki organization.

...asking for flowers...

As a result, Uchiha Obito didn't get things done, and Uchiha Itachi, a ninja who was much younger than him, threatened him.

These are all reflected in the comparison video.

The absolutely fresh idea of ​​Uchiha Obito is already a hundred disbeliefs now.

He is still planning to keep his hand, and if it doesn't work, he will resurrect Uchiha Madara by himself first.

"What about Kage-level strength?"

Uchiha Obito laughed disdainfully under the mask when he heard Jue's words.

It seems to be laughing. Terumi Mei is not good at Kage-level strength, why must she persuade herself not to act rashly.

My own Mangekyō Sharingan ability has taken a big step beyond the ninja world as a whole!

The ability of time and space has made him invincible in defense and attack!

"Why is this guy Obito so bloated...."

Absolutely speechless.

Why hasn't Uchiha Obito realized that he is not very strong at all?

When he faced Namikaze Minato, whose information was completely transparent, it should be said that according to Obito's Mangekyō Sharingan, he would not know Minato at all.




The results are already known.

Uchiha Obito let Namikaze Minato figure out his intelligence and ability through two fights in the case of a huge gap in intelligence, and then Namikaze Minato beat half of his arm with a Rasengan.

This battle not only allowed Jue Kan to see Namikaze Minato's combat IQ and combat ability clearly, but also got a lot of information about Namikaze Minato.

It made Jue realize...

Even if Uchiha Obito has acquired such a powerful Sharingan ability, with the teaching of Uchiha Madara...

But his own fighting talent and fighting IQ are not enough.

Even the information about Namikaze Minato is well known and can be manipulated by his Flying Thunder God Technique.

In this regard, he definitely has an understanding of Uchiha Obito's strength.

Just a lick dog who happened to have a very powerful Sharingan ability...

Kamui's abilities, along with some of the previously transplanted Hashirama cells, allow him to wrestle arms with Kage-level ninjas.


His combat quality and combat IQ are already far behind Namikaze Minato.

Not to mention an absolute master like Beichen who is really super Kage-level, and can even try out with Six Paths-level ninjas.

As for Terumi Mei.

Just by comparing the video, I can only slightly feel that this is a very traditional tolerance.

There are no plug-ins, Blood Successor Limit is also about ninjutsu, and it is a self-developed Blood Succession Limit.

No influence, no background, no Sharingan and Sage Body.

It is the most typical example of a civilian ninja.

But... this is basically the pinnacle that civilian ninjas can achieve.

Able to develop two blood succession boundaries by himself, step by step to the position of Kage-level.

This is already a monstrous existence.

A large village may not appear in more than ten years.

The last ninja who never saw this was Konoha's Orochimaru.

But Orochimaru is also relying on Konoha's teachers. He has Sarutobi Hiruzen, who has the most number of Konoha Grandmaster ninjutsu, as his mentor.

Even if everyone in the ninja world is blacking out Sarutobi Hiruzen's approach, and his behavior behind the surface.

But no one ignored his ninjutsu.

He is also a standard strong beggar who has reached Kage-level without any heirloom limit. .

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