Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 166 The Task Begins, The Confused People

"However, the current Kirigakure situation is a bit wrong. If we rashly change the next chess piece, I am afraid that the entire ninja world will notice us.

Uchiha Obito frowned, his face under the mask changed slightly, as if he had thought of something.

"Now that Mizukage's illusion is about to be unlocked, the owner of that white eye really has some strength."

It suddenly occurred to me that the control of Mizukage had begun to loosen recently, and Uchiha Obito was about to give up the idea of ​​controlling Terumi Mei again.

What he thinks is that even though Terumi Mei's strength and mind can be used as a perfect pawn in the comparison video, his current control of Mizukage has already made many people suspicious in Shigein Village.

Now for Kirigakure, the policy in the blood mist has weakened their strength a lot.

It can even be said that the gap compared to Konoha is as big as cloud and mud.

This is also the punishment for what they did to Lin before...

Think of Rin Nohara being ambushed by Kirigakure's ninjas before finally falling to Kakashi's Raikiri.

Uchiha Obito can only transfer the hatred to Kirigakure.

Otherwise, his anger would have nowhere to vent.

This is also after he controlled Mizukage, he did not use it to capture the tail beast, but to weaken Kirigakure's strength.

The hatred of "087" in his heart is so huge that it can even swallow the entire Kirigakure.

"What? Obito, you don't want to control this chess piece?"

Seeing the change in Uchiha Obito's tone, it seems that he is no longer trying to control Terumi Mei.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, if he opened his mouth to dissuade Uchiha Obito, a licking dog, he still doesn't know how to speak.

Now Uchiha Obito is relying on his own ability of Kamui, combined with some ninjutsu and secret techniques that Uchiha Madara gave him before, and now his ambition has expanded to a very exaggerated level.

I don't even think that......

Uchiha Obito no longer recognizes his strength.

In the words of Uchiha Madara, Bao Zhibo Daiyi is just a kid who happened to have a powerful Sharingan.

Combat ability and combat experience are in a mess.

If Uchiha Madara hadn't raised him, he would be nothing more than a Jōnin now.

With this Sharingan ability, only Jōnin can be reached. This shows how bad Uchiha Obito's fighting mind is.

"However...Even if Terumi Mei can't stay in Kirigakure as a pawn, she can't just leave so easily."

There was a sneer on the corner of Uchiha Obito's mouth. Although he could never see it under the cover of the mask, he could feel his malicious intentions.

It seems that for Uchiha Obito, Kirigakure is her worst enemy.

And even if he wants to give up Kirigakure now, he will bring Kirigakure the final loss.

"However... just giving up a piece of Mizukage just like that, I'm really not reconciled."

Thinking that Yagura has been controlled by me for so long, it is equivalent to leading Kirigakure for such a long time.

What order Yagura issues is actually an order issued by Uchiha Obito that benefits him or weakens Kirigakure's strength.

These are all after his thinking, not easy to be seen by Kirigakure ninjas, and at the same time can subtly weaken Kirigakure's strength.

If this goes on for a long time, the strength of Yuanyin Village will be weakened to the point of withdrawing from the ranks of the five major ninja kingdoms.

And at the same time...

With the help of the whole village of Kirigakure, my own plan can also be greatly promoted.

"Keep watching and see what the little girl in the comparison video has done?"

Uchiha Obito sneered and continued watching.

in the comparison video.

Screenshot of the second variant ninja world.

At this time, Terumi Mei has joined forces with the Seven Ninja Swordsmen to the border of the Land of Fire.

During the war, the border entry and exit of various countries have become very strict to prevent spies or ninjas from other countries from sneaking into the village and causing damage to the village.

Not only Konoha did this, but the rest of the countries have more or less arranged their borders.


Konoha, as the most prosperous country with the most abundant resources, has stricter control on border entry and exit.

Terumi Mei and the Seven Ninja Swords avoided many eyes and ears before settling down at the border of the Land of Fire.

"The next task is to let us ambush outside this border."

Loquat Shizang looked at the content of the mission scroll, and said to several companions beside him.

It is said that they are companions, but the relationship between them is actually icy.

Even usually they can't speak a few words.

On the one hand, it is because of their own personalities. Years of solitary ninja careers have made them lose the ability to communicate and cooperate.

On the other hand, it was because of the policy in the blood mist that they were extremely vigilant against those who had killed their companions in the past.

Among the ninjas in front of me, except for Terumi Mei, almost every ninja has their companion's Bloodline on their hands.

This kind of ninja with a dark history, they can't be their companions anyway.

Companions... but people who can entrust each other behind them.

As for the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, they certainly cannot entrust each other behind their backs.

Maybe in order to complete the task, they will kill each other.

They are in Kirigakure, with the policy of blood mist, and they have already felt this way.

"This interception mission doesn't need to leave anyone alive..."

Loquat Shizang coughed lightly, signaling to his companions not to hold back.

They would understand if they were kept alive and brought back to Kirigakure.

But... the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and the Elite Jōnin Terumi Mei were summoned just to intercept this ordinary ninja team.

Let them still be puzzled.

But they came here just to complete the task, so they didn't think too much.

Instead, he followed Loquat Shizang's instructions and immediately ambushed in the surrounding area.

Even in the face of this kind of Genin, the difference in strength and numbers between them is an exaggerated team.

They also have to use their full strength.

This is the ninja trained by Kirigakure, and the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.

Several ninjas in Kirigakure have perfectly interpreted what it means to pay attention to every task.

【Number One Ninja World Raikage Ai: It seems that Kirigakure's ninjas are of high quality!】

【The No. 1 Ninja World Onoki: Can the ninjas of Kirigakure be so serious in the face of such a weak mission target?】

Everyone in the first ninja world who saw this scene was also a little shocked.

I didn't expect the ninjas of Kirigakure to be so cautious in the face of this level of tasks.

It is simply the most standard ninja.

No matter what task you face, you can do it with all your strength.

It is easy to say, but it is very difficult to implement and implement it all the time.

Especially for those who have more than Jōnin per capita like the Seven Ninja Swordsmen...

Their strength is already at the top of the ninja world, and their personalities have great flaws.

But they are able to face the task without any emotion.

It can be said that the policy in the blood mist has a lot to do with it.

This is something that Uchiha Obito didn't expect when he implemented the blood mist policy.

[First Ninja World Sarutobi Hiruzen: It seems that some parts of Kirigakure's policy are still worth learning. 】

[Number One Ninja World Luo Sha: After all, it is able to rank among the top five countries in the Ninja World...haha. 】

【Number One Ninja World Might Guy: I didn't expect to need so many ninjas to deal with us...】

[First Ninja World Hatake Kakashi: Yes, Guy. It seems that the previous accident was not an accident at all……]

The first primitive ninja world.

Inside Konoha Village.

Might Guy is finishing today's physical training on the training ground.

The expression on his face gradually became serious.

And the picture of the comparison video has gradually come...

When those Konoha ninjas set foot on the border of the Land of Fire!

The second variant ninja screen.

The border of the Land of Fire.

The immature Beichen followed closely behind Might Guy, who was accompanied by two teenagers of his age.

This ninja squad would have looked like a Konoha Shinobi squad on a mission, were it not for Beichen, who looked like he was just seven or eight years old with his immature face.

But with Beichen, the team looked a bit nondescript.

"Beichen, did I say you're not going back to the village? You're about to leave the border of the Land of Fire."

Beichen, who saw the Uchiha clan, followed him to the border of the kingdom of fire to ask for advice on physical skills.

Might Guy also scratched his head helplessly.

He's not very good at rejecting people.

He is only in his teens now, and he doesn't look more than fifteen years old.

It's just that he developed earlier than his peers because of years of physical training.

"This brat really has perseverance."

The ninja wearing sunglasses and overalls snorted softly and commented on Beichen.

He is Ebisu, the future teacher of Konohamaru.

It's just that he is still teammates with Might Guy at 5.7, and this trip is just to perform missions with Might Guy.

I don't know how this kid Beichen came out, and he said that he wanted to ask Might Guy about physical skills.

"Haha..... Guy's physical skills are known to Konoha now?"

Beside Ebisu, a ninja with a turban on his head, a thousand books in his mouth, and a lack of energy on his face laughed softly.

He is the future Jōnin Shiranui Genma.

Now he is also performing missions with his contemporaneous ninja Might Guy.

Although they were a little puzzled about how Beichen followed them out without telling the village.

But the point at this time is not this, they are now going to the border of the country of fire.

If you continue to bring this little devil of the Uchiha clan, I'm afraid something will happen to the Uchiha clan, and I'm afraid the Uchiha clan will have to ask them for an explanation.

They just perform their tasks normally.

But there is nothing out of the ordinary.

【Number One Ninja Onoki: Isn’t this Beichen?】

【Number One Ninja World Raikage Ai: Why is there him everywhere?】

[First Ninja World Sarutobi Hiruzen: Can the ninjas of the village come out directly during the war?]

[The First Ninja World Orochimaru: Things are getting more and more interesting... Hehe. 】.

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