"As long as Beichen's rhythm is so slow that he can't take care of himself, he can get his own breathing time!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was gloomy, and the smoke he inhaled calmed him down slightly.

Too many things have happened recently.

First, my black material was exposed by the comparison video, and then my apprentice Orochimaru doubled his strength in the future

Then came the Senju clan again - human experimentation was uncovered.

Now this comparison video can be regarded as having exposed all the black material about him. I have nothing to be afraid of.

Fortunately, there is no Beichen in this world, otherwise he would be targeted to death by Beichen!

"Me in another world... Let's see what I do with that Beichen guy!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said silently in his heart, and then passed on the rhythm of Beichen brought by Anbu along with him!

The argument is nothing more than putting those things on Beichen.

They are very good at things like throwing the blame away.

So there will be no burden or ignorance at all.

after all..………

In the previous matters, Sarutobi Hiruzen was also thrown to Danzo.

Therefore, they have a blame man and a blame man, and they are a perfect match!

Now that he is starting his old business, he is naturally handy.

As long as he has experience in leading people's rhythm, as long as he has experience before, he is completely following the old business now.

Now that he brings up Beichen's rhythm, he is naturally elated!

The second variant ninja world.

At this time, I saw that Sarutobi Hiruzen actually took the opportunity to bring Beichen's rhythm like this.

Tsunade, who was gambling with several gamblers in Konoha Village, couldn't help frowning.

She didn't expect... her teacher's lower limit was so low!

Tsunade has always been by Beichen's side, so it is clear that Beichen would never do those things.

As for the previous matter, even if the words of Sarutobi Hiruzen can be logically self-consistent, but at first glance, these words do not seem like something that Beichen can do.

On the contrary, it is more like something that a guy like Sarutobi Hiruzen who has been selling villages for glory can do.

And Beichen, it's totally impossible to do those things!

【Second Ninja World Tsunade: Do you have any evidence, old man? Is it just here to spout blood?】

Tsunade couldn't hold back, and finally said on the barrage.

The first primitive ninja world.

Seeing Tsunade, Sarutobi Hiruzen will naturally be furious!

I am your teacher!

Even though we are not in the same world, but you actually talk to outsiders instead of your teacher?

Sarutobi Hiruzen was furious, he didn't expect that two of the Sannin he brought out with his own hands now had the intention of rebelling against him on the surface.

Orochimaru, in particular, is secretly trying to kill himself!

How can such a guy be worthy of being his apprentice?

Sarutobi Hiruzen cursed, his tone full of anger towards Tsunade.

What he neglected was the human experiment he conducted on the Senju clan candidates before!

For Tsunade, this matter is absolutely intolerable.

That's why she began to feel resentment towards the teacher who already had a bad impression.

The Senju clan made such a big sacrifice in order to integrate into Konoha.

It turned out to be a test subject for Sarutobi Hiruzen to see through Senju Hashirama Wood Style.

No one would accept this kind of thing.

Even Tsunade once thought about whether Sarutobi Hiruzen accepted himself as a disciple in order to study the Senju clan.

If I wasn't his disciple, I'm afraid Sarutobi Hiruzen would have used him for experiments, right?

This kind of thing is entirely possible.

"These nasty guys, don't know how Beichen brainwashed them?"

The more Sarutobi Hiruzen thought about it, the more he felt that it was Beichen's problem.

How did the Tsunade of this world not resist himself so openly?

It seems that it is still in that world, with Beichen's influence, that's why Tsunade is openly against himself!

Sure enough, only by taking care of Beichen can he make his rule more stable!

"Danzo...you just wait to regret it."

Thinking of Danzo's disobedience and lack of effort towards him, Sarutobi Hiruzen was furious.

If Danzo can deal with it according to what he said, I am afraid the situation will not be as bad as it is today.

Now the situation can become so stalemate, Danzo also has a lot of responsibility.

the other side......….

Danzo is already getting used to the newly acquired Mangekyō Sharingan!

With Orochimaru's research results, and Shisui's eyes, Uchiha Itachi's eyes that have been obtained.

The current strength of Danzo can be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds, completely surpassing his original peak period.

Even though Shisui's eyes have already entered the cooldown due to controlling Uchiha Itachi, but with Orochimaru's research results on Wood Style, he is confident that the cooldown time will be controlled within five years!

As long as I live stably for five years, I can use the big killer Distinguished Heavenly Gods!

He can even control Sarutobi Hiruzen, and then he can justifiably become Hokage.


He can't wait that long now.

He has been waiting for Hokage's position for too long, and he has no patience at all.

Otherwise, he would not have chosen to publicly disobey Sarutobi Hiruzen's order, and chose to deal with it coldly.

Just simply taking the benefits without choosing to perform missions for Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Because Danzo also noticed, the current situation of Sarutobi Hiruzen is gone.

The word-of-mouth in Konoha Village has fallen to the bottom, everyone knows the true face of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and now he is not too far away from being dismissed.

My own Distinguished Heavenly Gods can be kept for other purposes in the future.

The important thing now is to wash away the black material you once had.

The black material that was exposed with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

These are all stumbling blocks that prevent me from becoming a Hokage.

"Do you want to restore the reputation of the village from now on?"

Danzo's eyes narrowed slightly, and the only eye revealed was devoid of any emotion.

He doesn't have any remorse for what he did before, it's just that these things are blocking his way to Hokage now, so he has some concerns.

Otherwise, how could he be bothered by these things?

Just send your subordinates to expose Sarutobi Hiruzen's black material, and at the same time bring the rhythm of Sarutobi Hiruzen in the barrage.

As a partner and deputy for many years, he knows a lot of black information about Sarutobi Hiruzen that has not been exposed, and he alone knows.

These things are exposed, I am afraid that Sarutobi Hiruzen will not have the slightest chance to turn around.

It's just that even if I want to be Hokage, if Konoha Village has destroyed too much, I will become a sinner...

This is not the result he wants to see.

You know, he knew from the comparison video that there is also a pure land world in this world.

...asking for flowers......

After he died, he was able to see the ancestors of the Hokages.

At that time, if Second Hokage and First Hokage question him...why did Konoha make a mess, he will not be able to answer.

These are Danzo's concerns, and he is also afraid that what he has done will be exposed by the comparison video.

He has done too many bad things.

It didn't hurt Konoha's interests much, after all, he was just trying to wipe Sarutobi Hiruzen's ass and develop his own power at the same time.

The bottom line that he is more noble than Sarutobi Hiruzen is that he didn't hurt Konoha too much.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen is completely harming Konoha's interests to enhance the background of the Sarutobi family.

Let the Sarutobi family become the powerful family of Konoha today.

"Danzo-sama... don't you care about the things over there at Hokage?"

Seeing that the barrage kept showing Sarutobi Hiruzen's words in Beichen's rhythm, Anbu beside him asked hastily.

He seems to be tired of Sarutobi Hiruzen's rhythm with Beichen so obviously.

Beichen is also the leader of Konoha in another world.


By comparing the videos, they also agreed that Beichen is the most powerful candidate to lead the new ninja world.

"Let our Lord Hokage go ahead and do nothing."

Danzo smiled, seemingly not paying attention to Sarutobi Hiruzen's actions.

He didn't have the slightest feeling for Sarutobi Hiruzen's obvious pace.

Instead, she silently adapted to her new body and new eyes.

After getting the Mangekyō Sharingan, he realized how powerful the Uchiha clan that owns the Mangekyō Sharingan is.

As a foreigner, he can feel the soaring pupil power and spiritual power after getting the Sharingan.

If only the original Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi used Mangekyō Sharingan properly...

I'm afraid Konoha will really change the sky.

Fortunately, I discovered Uchiha's white-eyed wolf attributes in time, and turned him into my subordinate.

And finally got Shisui's eye pre-emptively.

It can be said......

It's all because of his calculations and vision that he can get to where he is today.

Otherwise, simply relying on the soup left by Sarutobi Hiruzen, his strength would not improve much at all.

Sarutobi Hiruzen takes the big head every time, and when he has benefits and resources, he takes it all by himself first.

And there wasn't much left for Danzo.

Therefore, if Danzo wants to improve his strength, he can only work harder to conduct human experiments to strengthen himself.

Otherwise, I have no future at all.

"But the rhythm he brought Beichen this time is really a failure."

Seeing that the barrage is full of slander and abuse against Beichen, even Danzo, who is currently on the side of Sarutobi Hiruzen, is a little speechless.

With such an obvious rhythm, others will definitely be able to see it.

Isn't this ruining your own reputation?

Danzo didn't understand, but he could see clearly from the perspective of a bystander.

The current Sarutobi Hiruzen has a much worse reputation than Beichen.

This kind of rash rhythm will be counterproductive.

After all, Konoha's people are not fools, and Sarutobi Hiruzen's strategy can be seen at a glance.

It's just a pity that Sarutobi Hiruzen is still complacent there, and doesn't realize that it is useless to bring rhythm by himself.

"Let Hokage-sama continue...hehe."

Danzo left these words, turned and escaped into the darkness. .

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