Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 171 Terumi Mei's Proposal

The second variant ninja world.

At this time, Beichen naturally didn't know that the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen of the First Ninja World had fallen out with his old partner Danzo.

He just saw the Tsunade of this world pissing off Sarutobi Hiruzen for himself and felt good!

This is your former apprentice, now you want to speak for me!

"You bastard...have you already been with Konoha's Tsunade..."

See Beichen is this emoticon, plus the barrage sent by Tsunade.

Konan also understood that Beichen has actually accepted Konoha's Tsunade now.

And not simply subdue, but let Tsunade obey Beichen from the heart!

Now, she has actually stood in Beichen's position and reprimanded her master.

How big of an impact is this going to be?

Thinking of this, Konan not only has a great interest in Beichen.

Although she surrendered to Beichen now, it was only superficial.

She just needs Beichen's help, if it's not for Nagato and her ideal is to make the ninja world peaceful....

"Why... can I subdue a few powerful ninjas for my use?"

Beichen naturally heard Konan's jealousy, but he didn't point it out.

Konan's road to strategy is still somewhat interesting.


This is one of the few high-mountain flowers known as "Zero Seven Three" in Hokage, known as the most beautiful iceberg.

I don't want to use force to force her to surrender to me.

Now Konan is still jealous for himself, which already surprised Beichen.

You know, the previous hut didn't care what happened to anyone except Nagato and her.

Now they have begun to take Beichen to heart.

For Beichen, this is not only a good thing.

Now Beichen has gradually realized how to attack Konan.

Konan must not be easily made to feel his own malice.

"But you've been so discredited now, don't you need to prove yourself?"

Konan looked at Beichen with some puzzlement, she didn't understand why Beichen didn't feel a little nervous.

If he and Nagato are discredited, he will never let that person go easily.

But Beichen didn't feel anxious or flustered at all.

Even Tsunade is more nervous and urgent than him.

"Do not worry…………"

There was a sneer at the corner of Beichen's mouth, he wanted to disgrace Sarutobi Hiruzen from another world at once!

This time is his best counterattack horn.

Casino in Konoha Village.

Seeing that Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't speak after he sent out the barrage, Tsunade couldn't help but snorted coldly.

This is also within his expectations.

After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen must have made a lot of mistakes when facing the Senju clan.

What I have done has been exposed, if I have anything to do with myself in the Senju family in front of the ninja interface...

I'm afraid his old face in the ninja world will be completely lost.

"But... Why is that Beichen guy still not talking?"

Seeing that Beichen has not posted barrage for a long time, and at the same time faced Sarutobi Hiruzen's framing, he did not speak.

Tsunade was also a little curious.

After all, she had only met Beichen for a few days.

Most of the understanding of Beichen is pieced together from comparison videos.

Otherwise, she would not understand Beichen's specific character and style after just getting along for a few years.

Just like now, she doesn't understand why Beichen has not spoken.

"It seems that we can only wait and see what happens."

In the comparison video, the picture at this time is still playing.

Tsunade's words made Sarutobi Hiruzen also suspend the rhythm.

Selected to continue watching the comparison video.

But...... If there is a chance to lead the rhythm next time, he will definitely seize the opportunity to severely embarrass Beichen!

in the comparison video.

Konoha's ninja team looked at the Seven Ninja Swordsmen not far away, and they had fallen into deathly silence.

They all know that today seems to be a dead end.

"Oh? Could that ninja be Terumi Mei?"

At this time, Beichen also confirmed the identity of the eighth figure under the thick fog through the Sharingan that was quietly opened.

It's Kirigakure's future Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei!

Terumi Mei will be a hot female ninja in the future, and she will be the flower of Mist Shinobi.

The figure and appearance are completely comparable to Tsunade's best.

There are even differences between Tsunade and the same level of beauties.

It's just that in the original book, there is no way to control youth like Tsunade, so the aging is very fast. It belongs to the peak period and can beat it, but after the age, it will quickly go downhill.


How can it be?

I have the inheritance of Liuku Immortal Thief, and I can completely turn Terumi Mei into an immortal person like myself and Tsunade.

In this way, the shelf life of her appearance is just a few words.

But... now their positions are relative.

How could he be easily included in his own influence?

If I had known I would not be so presumptuous, now that I have my own butterfly effect vest, I wonder if Might will wear it.

This time, I was also in a hurry...but in the original book, there should be no Terumi Mei involved in this action.

Beichen was thinking secretly, he began to mobilize his Chakra while thinking of a way to break the game.

If it wasn't a last resort, he didn't want to expose his strength so early.

Especially when he was a ninja of the Uchiha clan.

"What do we do now?"

The Might Guy and others behind him were at a loss.

It's no wonder that their quality is not good.

After all, any Genin who encounters Yuanduo and his own team's Jōnin to intercept him will be a little confused.

"There's really nothing left to do now...these guys are brutal ninjas."

Ebisu held up his sunglasses, and said with a forced calm.

It's just that the trembling fingers betrayed his true inner state at this time.

"Don't worry... I will rush up and tear out a hole in a while, and then everyone will rush out!"

Might Guy swallowed, he knew he couldn't back down now.

They have no way out.

[Number One Ninja Onoki: I didn’t expect Konoha’s ninjas to be so brave? How dare you fight against several Jōnin?]

[First Ninja World Raikage Ai: I have to say that there are still some things we can learn about the will of fire. 】

Both of them said with emotion.

They all said such words as shadows of a village.

If the Genin in their village had been intercepted by so many Jōnins, they would have raised their hands and surrendered.

The gap between Jōnin and Genin cannot be bridged by ruthlessness.

Jōnin almost has Genin at his fingertips!

"These guys seem to want to fight to the end?"

Obviously these ninjas sneaked into the border of the Land of Fire to assassinate the ninjas of Konoha, but now the tone of the watermelon mountain puffer ghost seems to be that they are the ones who were invaded

Facing the resistance of these Konoha Shinobi, he actually looked a little angry.

"This guy is really arrogant..."

Seeing this bear-like ninja showing some anger, Might Guy clenched his teeth!

He is the first person to rush up, right?

A voice in Might Guy kept shouting.

Go, so long physical training is not for nothing!

Defeat this Jōnin head-on and protect your companions!

"Oh? This kid from Konoha has pretty eyes..."

Seemingly noticing the gaze from Might Guy, Xiguashan puffer ghost sneered and said jokingly.

At the same time, he began to pull out the shark muscles on his back.

The shark muscles were bound with bandages, and the lineup inside was not exposed.

Therefore, several people in Konoha thought it was just a knife with a handle wrapped in a bandage.


Beichen knew clearly that what was wrapped inside was a living creature that could absorb Chakra.

Even the Chakra of the Tailed Beast can devour it.

This ninja sword is the most practical of the seven ninja swords in Kirigakure.

"If the Shark Muscle didn't expose the information, Genin with three Konohas alone would be more than enough.

Beichen thought to himself, he didn't have the slightest doubt about Samehada's powerful ability.

In the original book, the dried persimmon ghost shark has completely different strengths when he has the shark muscle and without the shark muscle.

Besides... Even if he told the three of Might Guy the information about Samehada and the Xiguashan Puffer Ghost, the situation would not change for the better.

The strength of the three of them is too weak, even if they know the information, there is no way to reverse it.

In the ninja world, directness is of course the basis of ninja fighting.

The more intelligence is known by the opponent, the smaller the advantage.

But if the strength gap between the two sides is too large, then even if the opponent knows the information, it will be useless.

Just like the watermelon sand blowfish ghost, even if he knows that Senju Hashirama's ninjutsu is Wood Style, and at the same time, his physical skills are amazing and his vitality is amazing... 0.1...

Then what?

Can he use the intelligence to his advantage?

Under the absolute strength of Senju Hashirama, even if anyone in the ninja world knew the information about his strength, he would not have any advantage.

This is the difference in absolute strength!

"It seems that I have to take the lead for a while..."

Might Dai didn't come for a long time, so Beichen had no choice but to bite the bullet.

He really didn't want to show his strength!

after all.……………

He just wants to grow quietly now, so that his strength can resist Uchiha Itachi in the future night of genocide!

If he reveals his strength now, he might be noticed by Third Hokage and Uchiha Fugaku.

At that time, it will be very difficult for me to conduct any research and experiment...

"Senior Watermelon Mountain, leave this brat to me..."

Just when Xiguashan puffer ghost was about to pull out its shark muscles to attack, Sleeping Beauty Yanyue, who was watching by Yaran, couldn't help but speak to him.

"Oh? What do you mean, junior?"

If any other ninja talked to him like this, he would have already become Sharkis' food.

But Terumi Mei is Kirigakure's newcomer, and also used honorifics for him.

So even if he has a hot temper, he has to ask clearly. .

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