Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 178 Beichen's Reply, The Common Ground Of The Two Ninja Worlds

Terumi Mei had a good plan in mind.

After all, she is an Elite Jōnin who can still stand out in the introverted village of Kirigakure.

At this time, the fighting thinking is even more clear.

She didn't even feel ashamed of herself being in a stalemate with a brat.

Instead, I was thinking about how to deal with Beichen is the optimal solution.

"This big sister really makes me feel helpless?"

At this time, Beichen saw Terumi Mei's water body, which had already scattered to her side, and was very vigilantly watching the troubles around her.

He also shook his head helplessly.

Even if I have the strength of Jōnin, I can stand in a stalemate with Terumi Mei.


My teammate, Might Guy, they can't hold a stalemate.

After Might Guy and the others are dealt with, he will have to face the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Now the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are just playing for fun, so they are still fighting back and forth with Might Guy.

When the Might Guy was dealt with, they noticed the situation here, no matter how strong their battery life was, they couldn't withstand the bombing by these ninjas.

"Are you going to instigate against Terumi Mei?"

Beichen suddenly had this idea.

【First ninja world Raikage Ai: Instigate rebellion? What does that mean?】

【No. 1 Ninja World Sarutobi Hiruzen: It’s really playing tricks. If it weren’t for what happened before in the comparison video, the old man would have thought that Beichen knew that everyone was watching him, so he was playing tricks!】

Naturally, Sarutobi Hiruzen would not let go of such a good opportunity to lead the rhythm, and immediately started to lead the rhythm.

Regardless of his Hokage image and identity.

Start directly outputting a junior!

At the same time, the navy she arranged before also played a role at this time, and began to output Beichen!

The barrage all over the sky instantly belittled Beichen to a villain, and all the disasters in the second ninja world were caused by him!

The second variant ninja world.

Daming Mansion of the Land of Fire.

Seeing these people talking to Beichen like this, they are all unsightly words and trumped-up charges.

Konan's complexion flushed slightly in anger.

The bottom line of these people has been abandoned at this time, completely discrediting Beichen according to Sarutobi Hiruzen's words.

Even leaving the facts of the matter behind, it is completely black for the sake of black Beichen!

"Relax...it's time to fight back."

Beichen saw that Sarutobi Hiruzen in the barrage looked like a clown, without the slightest urgency or anger, but calmly waited for ten smiles and said.

He didn't feel the slightest bit about these slanders.


Sarutobi Hiruzen has been tricked by him many times, and now it is reasonable to want revenge.


The direction and method of smearing he chose are simply too inferior!

It's so bad that Beichen can't stand it anymore!

At the same time, Beichen also believes that any ninja with some brains in the ninja world will not believe these words.

Only civilians who have been brainwashed by the will of fire will believe Sarutobi Hiruzen's claims.

Originally, in Beichen's eyes, Sarutobi Hiruzen's little tricks were just child's tricks.

So he didn't take it seriously at all, but let Sarutobi Hiruzen smear the rhythm, just to see what he can do.

did not expect......

Whether it is the Sarutobi Hiruzen of this world or the Sarutobi Hiruzen of that world, they all just use this little trick.

And there was no way to make Beichen feel threatened.

However, these rhythmic voices also bore Beichen too much.

After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen can also influence how others perceive Beichen!

【Beichen: Old man Sarutobi, are you done yet? These things have something to do with me? Isn’t it all because of you that you let me wipe your ass?】

Beichen's sudden counterattack caused the entire ninja world to explode!

None of them expected that Beichen would start to fight back!

They saw that Beichen didn't respond to Sarutobi Hiruzen's words before, and they all thought that Beichen was now immune to Sarutobi Hiruzen's words.

Many people on the sidelines are also aware that many of the things Sarutobi Hiruzen said today are slanderous and not true.

They just watched from the sidelines, wanting to see how Beichen would respond to Sarutobi Hiruzen's words.

did not expect......

Beichen came up with such a powerful counterattack!

Totally ignored the name of Sarutobi Hiruzen!

The first primitive ninja world.

After reading Beichen's words, I'm not only a little bit hot-headed!

He didn't expect that Beichen would fight back against him so bluntly, and didn't take his Hokage seriously at all.

This guy is downright defiant!

But he never thought that it was she who first smeared Beichen with rhythm.

And the words are so vulgar that people can't help but laugh when they see them.

"Damn it... there is no news about that guy Danzo, Konoha's subordinates who only rely on me may not necessarily be the opponents of that guy Beichen...々"..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen had a sad look on his face.

According to the news from the Second Ninja World, the current Beichen is Konoha's Hokage.

When he was not Hokage, there were already so many people following him.

After the comparison video was broadcast, it gained a group of followers.

Now if he becomes Konoha's Hokage, I'm afraid there will be more subordinates.

His subordinates are not as loyal to him as his own subordinates, they are just obedient and obedient.

Moreover, the high-level power was divided between Danzo and Utatane Koharu, Mitokado Homura and others.

The power and influence that resulted in leaving Sarutobi Hiruzen himself was not of great magnitude.

"If I can also master Konoha Village...how can I be afraid of this kid?"

No matter how strong Beichen is, in the eyes of Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, he is just a fledgling junior.

After all, even Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru, legendary Sannin who have long been famous in the ninja world, are juniors in his eyes, let alone Orochimaru's apprentice Beikang?

"However, I was solved by Beichen in another world. It seems that Konoha doesn't know how to be destroyed by this brat...Maybe Konoha in that world is no longer human!"

Suddenly thought of something, Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly regained his confidence!

He is clear, because he will not simply admit Beichen.

Beichen must have taken some means, even at the expense of the foundation of Konoha, in order to master Konoha and become Hokage!

So, for Sarutobi Hiruzen, what he has to face is not the complete Beichen subordinates!

It is more likely that Konoha has undergone changes and has become weaker.

According to Sarutobi Hiruzen, Konoha is already full of holes.

Even Konoha, who is far inferior to his own world.

【No. 1 Ninja World Sarutobi Hiruzen: What? You kid, it’s because of you that you brought so many disasters [Jinquan caused so many movements in Konoha in your world that caused problems at the root of Konoha!]

Since Sarutobi Hiruzen had confidence, he stared at the opponent's pain points and output fiercely without any hesitation.

He doesn't care about fame anymore.

after all..……..…

The comparison video has been exposed to him, and his only purpose now is to give himself time to breathe and prevent Beichen from continuing to focus on himself in the ninja world.

The second variant ninja world.

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen's barrage, Beichen was also a little surprised.

How dare this guy? What's wrong with him?"

Is it because he is so confident because he can't travel through space to do it?

Or is it because you already have some information about yourself that you are so unscrupulous?

There's absolutely no reason to be so arrogant to yourself?

What he doesn't know is that Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen of Daiichi Ninja World are now on the verge of breaking up.

So now Sarutobi Hiruzen has to fight Orochimaru as soon as possible for breathing time!

Otherwise, my life will be threatened by Orochimaru, the disciple who murdered his teacher at any time!

When facing yourself, your strength will be doubled and your inspiration will be increased by 10%.

It means that the longer you wait, the more dangerous Sarutobi Hiruzen will be!

Therefore, he must gain breathing time as soon as possible, and use all of Konoha's strength to investigate Orochimaru's traces.

As for Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen has given up.

He knew that Danzo had always been in contact with Orochimaru, but he didn't expect that he needed to find Orochimaru's location, and even his own life was at stake.

My old friend for many years turned a blind eye.

Take the benefits and do nothing!

So Sarutobi Hiruzen can only bite the bullet and bring Beichen's rhythm.

Even these rhythms look very blunt.

He can only do this!

【Beichen: Oh? You said it was because of me? Then your world doesn’t have me, why is it still the same Zhao Hao?】

【Beichen: These two Konohas in the ninja world have something in common, all because of you! Third Hokage!】

Beichen didn't mean to show weakness at all.

Instead, respond directly!

Saw Beichen's barrage.

Everyone was taken aback.

It seems that this is the case.

Sarutobi Hiruzen kept saying that Konoha suffered disasters because of Beichen.

All the suffering that Konoha has suffered is because of Beichen.


There is no Beichen in the first ninja world, but it is the same as the experience of Konoha in the second variant ninja world.

It can be seen that this is not Beichen's problem!

Even if there is no Beichen in the first ninja world, it has experienced so many turmoil.

So... what Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen said, it's all because Beichen is not established at all!


As Beichen said, what these two ninja worlds have in common is that they both have Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen!

It seems that it is really because of the existence of Sarutobi Hiruzen that Konoha has suffered so much attack and turmoil!

The two Konohas in the ninja world, but both began to lead Konoha from Sarutobi Hiruzen, and then Hokage's strength began to become weaker!

The demeanor and strength of the former largest ninja country are gone.

It is entirely relying on the legacy of First Hokage to maintain the prestige of the first power.

Beichen's words hit the point directly, making everyone suddenly realize!.

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