Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 179 Sarutobi Hiruzen's Counterattack: You Must Have Conducted Human Experiments Too

【It seems that this is really the case...】

【These two ninja worlds are all because of Sarutobi Hiruzen that Konoha has become so smoky!】

【Our Konoha in the ninja world is living a good life now, I don’t know why even the task rewards are much higher!】

In an instant, many more people spoke on the barrage.

And these are not Beichen's navy.

It is the people who honestly think Beichen is right!

They all found out that the commonality of these two ninja worlds is that it is because of Sarutobi Hiruzen that Konoha becomes smoky

"These guys....Damn it!"

Seeing that Beichen ruined everything he had carefully arranged before with just a few words, Sarutobi Hiruzen could no longer maintain his calm mood.

Now he is full of anger!

The entire old face trembled slightly, and the wrinkled face was full of resentment.

He wished he could peel Beichen alive at this time!

Obviously, he didn't provoke Beichen, yet he was still targeted like this.

Now even Beichen gave him the anti-command army, which made him lose face in the ninja world!

"Danzo can't do it anymore. We still need to develop our own power. The Sarutobi clan's 3,000 ninja troops are not enough now..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little helpless.

The 3,000 ninja army I formed sounds like a lot, and the power is huge.

But it's actually not that exaggerated.

Among the three thousand Ninja Army, there are quite a few Chūnin and Genin.

Jōnin is only a small part of it.

So his 3000 ninja army is only terrifying in number, but their loyalty is still not as good as his own Anbu in terms of strength.

If I want to develop new forces, I need to find the kind of subordinates who can obey my orders and help me deal with dirty things at the same time.

In this way, you can throw away all your relationships.

Even if the comparison video shows 900 pictures about myself, I can still say that I am not my subordinate, but Danzo and the others did it.

"And Uzumaki Naruto's reward... It's better to seal it up, don't let these two ninja worlds be opened!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen clearly remembered that the previous Uzumaki Naruto was rewarded with the ability to open up the link between the two ninja worlds.

This kind of reward is naturally a good thing for the powerful ninja world, because one more ninja world resource can be obtained.


If you want to compare it with the first ninja world, the second ninja world has more powerful ninjas like Beichen.

Judging from her performance in the video, the current Beichen is probably not far behind First Hokage in strength.

His own strength has dropped a lot, and now he is barely in the middle of the shadow-level ninjas.

But Beichen, this guy, seems to have surpassed the Kage-level level.

There are still such powerful ninjas in the ninja world.

The last time he saw such a strong ninja was his teacher First Hokage Senju Hashirama and Second Hokage Senju Tobirama.

"That guy must have been subjected to the human experiments of the Senju clan, otherwise how could he be so powerful? He's only in his teens..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen secretly felt that this was the case.

Otherwise, how can ordinary ninjas surpass kage-level strength at the age of ten?

Kage-level ninjas are very rare in today's ninja world.

Every Kage-level ninja is qualified to be the leader of a big ninja country.

This shows how rare and rare Kage-level ninjas are in the ninja world.

There are very few ninjas who can exceed Kage-level.

I am afraid that only the legendary First Hokage and Uchiha Madara have reached that level.

If the current Beichen has also reached this level, then it will be a disaster for Konoha in the ninja world!

"Hatake Kakashi can now be regarded as separated from Anbu and has become a good subordinate..."

Third Hokage suddenly thought of something, Hatake Kakashi is now his confidant.

Jiraiya is his apprentice, and Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato is Jiraiya's apprentice.

Hatake Kakashi is Namikaze Minato's apprentice, so he can use the will of fire to further brainwash Hatake Kakashi and become his puppet subordinate.

This is much easier to use than Danzo.

"Then we have to train him well. It just so happens that his father, Konoha's White Fang, was also designed to die by Danzo."

Sarutobi Hiruzen squinted his eyes, and a sinister smile appeared on his originally kind face.

Said it was designed by Danzo...

But Danzo was able to do it naturally with her consent.

Otherwise without his consent, without Hokage's permission...

How could Danzo easily decide the life and death of a Kage-level combat power?

This is a part of Konoha, if one of Konoha's Kage-level combat power is sacrificed for no reason, it will deal a big blow to Konoha's overall combat power!

So, naturally, with the authorization of Third Hokage, Danzo was able to devise a plan against Konoha's White Fangya, a ninja who cared about his companions, and let him commit suicide in the public opinion of the villagers

For that, Hatake Kakashi was hit hard.

Even when he was growing up there were many times when he was aware of the truth.

All this is for Sarutobi Hiruzen to consolidate his rule.

So design Hatake Sakumo, isolate Hatake Kakashi and other behaviors.

It is all to make Hatake Kakashi, a genius ninja, gradually become his own puppet and his own executioner.

If it weren't for Danzo to tear himself apart now, he really only wanted Hatake Kakashi to be his sword instead of a ninja holding a sword.

"The most urgent thing now is to let this guy Beichen quickly divert his firepower, and not lose face and right to speak in front of the ninja interface!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen is naturally aware of what happened before him, but Konoha has lost a lot of resources and initiative.

Of course I am a sinner....

It's just that, now he can no longer lose the wind in front of Ninja World!

Even if it is black (cdfb), he will say it is white!

【No. 1 Ninja World Sarutobi Hiruzen: You evil brat, you must have conducted human experiments, right? It must be a big hazard to the village!】

Thinking of Beichen's unnatural strength, he hastily attacked from this point!

As long as Beichen's black material is exposed, he will not be so accused by the ninja world.

Her human experiment was exposed before, even if the first perspective is not him, it is Danzo who is behind the scenes.

But the picture of the negotiation between himself and Danzo was also exposed, so he can be regarded as an accomplice.

Naturally, many ninjas in the ninja world knew their actions and the face behind them.

Now it’s Beichen who becomes Hokage, his strength and his age definitely make everyone in the ninja world feel abnormal!

【Yeah...... Beichen is only twelve years old and has such strength!】

【Even such a talented Uchiha white-eyed wolf [North is nothing but an Elite Jōnin case

The Uchiha white-eyed wolf mentioned in the barrage is exactly the talented Uchiha Itachi of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Itachi is very talented, and he joined Konoha's Anbu when he was only twelve years old.

After opening the Mangekyō Sharingan, I jumped to the threshold of the Kage-level ninja.

It's a pity that his Mangekyō Sharingan couldn't replenish his pupil power by himself, and evolved into an Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

Therefore, his strength can only stay at Elite Jōnin, and through the experience of time and the improvement of combat experience and combat IQ, he can cross the threshold of Kage-level.

Such a talented ninja has only touched the threshold of Kage-level, and Beichen is certainly more talented than Uchiha Itachi, but now he has surpassed Kage-level!

This kind of growth rate of strength makes people wonder if he, like Sarutobi Hiruzen, has undergone human experiments.

I have to say that Sarutobi Hiruzen's entry point this time is very clever!

Almost all the ninja doubts in the ninja world have been expressed!

Why is Beichen so young, but his strength has reached the pinnacle of today's ninja world?

Did she also conduct human experiments?

"This Sarutobi Hiruzen........ is really relying on himself in another ninja world and can't be threatened by me, so he can take a hat at will......

The second variant ninja world.

Beichen in Daming Mansion wanted to laugh a little.

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen's barrage, he was not as nervous as Itomi.

One is because he has never done human experiments on ninjas and civilians in his village.

The second is... the experiment I did was not for power.

It is for the experimental human body to obtain stronger ninjutsu and at the same time better control the power in its own body.

For example, the Uzumaki family is to develop Yang Dun and let the Uzumaki Xiangling mother and daughter control their own blood power.

The purpose of studying the Uchiha family is to make Sharingan more perfect, not just to gain the power of Sharingan like Sarutobi Hiruzen or to collect Sharingan as a resurrection coin like Danzo.

For Beichen...

He didn't even bother to gain power in this way.

This kind of power obtained from other people's human experiments is not one's own strength.

No matter how powerful you become, you will be easily crushed in the face of a real master.

There is no corresponding combat experience and combat IQ to assist, and there is not enough control to master these forces.

In the original book, the configuration and strength of Danzo surpassed that of Uchiha Sasuke, which is the final fate of all ninjas who use human experiments to plunder other people's power.

"These guys are too much..."

Seeing the speeches of these ninjas on the barrage, even the Cloud Shinobi Shuangjiao outside the door couldn't stand it anymore.

They have been with Beichen for so long.

I have never seen any human experiments conducted by Beichen.

Not only for the ninjas in his own village, but also for the ninjas in other villages, they have never done this kind of thing. Even for the undead duo, it is not too much to conduct human experiments on them.

But Beichen didn't make those moves.

On the one hand, it was because he just wanted to simply understand the principle of immortality.

On the other hand...he's not sneaky about experimenting at all. .

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