Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

[203] Behind You, There Is A Powerful Motherland!

With the public sale of warships by the Dragon Kingdom Navy came to an end, the status of the Dragon Kingdom in the world has risen.

All countries are envious, and the people of Dragon Kingdom are very proud of the strength of the country.

In contrast, the top executives of Toyo couldn't sit still.

Toyo, Kyoto, Cabinet Room.

Upon hearing the news of the huge sale of the Dragon Kingdom warships, many cabinet ministers sat there sullenly, and the atmosphere at the scene was extremely depressing.

There is no popularity, but kindness.

"How can this be! The Dragon Kingdom Navy is blatantly violating the principles of the Blue Star Alliance!"

"That's right! It's clear that the rules are set, and it can't be made public... No, you can't sell arms! The Dragon Kingdom Navy is committing crimes against the wind!"

"The most irritating thing is that those people kept saying to supervise, but they all spent money~!"

"Even North Bear Country and Free Country spent money to buy warships from Dragon Country! My God, does the Eastern Navy have a bright future?"

"Baga! How advanced is the Dragon Kingdom warship? Why are all these people crazy!"

Several ministers cursed and cursed, but they only dared to curse here, and did not dare to speak about it publicly.

Just kidding, even the free country took the lead in participating, even if they said it publicly, who would admit it?

Maybe there will be a self-defeating situation at that time, and it will be hated by the free country, and the frigates and destroyers that have not yet been obtained will be suspended.

The shogun was also secretly annoyed, his face was livid.

There is no way to protest with the free country on this matter!

Although the free country is a signatory to the arms prohibition purchase agreement, but what the hell, the free country bought it by itself!

The shogun opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but when the words came to his mouth, they finally turned into a sigh.


At this time, someone suddenly said: "By the way, who knows about our countries in the Asian sea area, who bought the Dragon Kingdom warship?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone present changed again.

This is more anxious than Longguo's sale of warships.

The warships that the free country promised to sell to them are not yet in place, and there will be a while.

At this time, if the warships purchased by the countries in the Asian sea area from the Dragon Kingdom arrive, their life will be difficult.

In the past, when the Dongyang aircraft carrier fleet traversed the Asian waters, even the North Bear country did not give face, and other countries were often bullied by him.

Now it's the period when the Eastern Navy is empty, with only one aircraft carrier... the result is not so good.

Although there is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier fleet stationed in the Free State, the home will not be taken away.

But if the countries follow his example and take a few warships to take a stroll in the Eastern Sea from time to time, then this face will be completely humiliated.

It's fine if he can't do the Dragon Kingdom Navy, even cats and dogs can bully him, is that okay?

Thinking of the key point, the breathing of everyone present became a lot faster.

"I heard that the countries of Ecuador, Philippines, Xiang and Yue have all sent people there!"

"As for whether I bought it or how much I bought, I don't know! All countries are tight-lipped! Moreover, it is said that the orders signed at that time were all signed in private! So... I'm afraid it's hard to inquire.

"Baga, Lu! The Dragon Kingdom Navy won't target us on purpose, right? This is too unkind!"

Thinking of this possibility, everyone panicked.

The shogun said directly.

"Immediately send people to the free country, and make sure to get all the frigates and destroyers in place this month!"

"Hi! I'm going to contact you right now!"

"In addition, send people to various countries to inquire quietly and see if they can get some news!"


After issuing several orders in succession, the mood of the shogun still did not improve.

He never dreamed that the Dragon Kingdom would allow Ni, Xiang, and Meng to participate in the ship sales event.

This is all vendetta!

In this way, no matter how he thought about it, he felt that the Dragon Kingdom Navy was deliberately targeting Dongyang, just to embarrass Dongyang.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, the shogun slammed the table and shouted.

"Baga! The Dragon Kingdom Navy is bullying people too much!"

Compared with the wrath of the top management in the East, Free Country is much better.

According to the data fed back by Kevin, the Dragon Kingdom warships are indeed advanced!

This point is beyond doubt.

The more mysterious Longlin and Guangfu are only strong but not weak.

At first, the Grand Commander was a little worried, for fear that the Dragon Kingdom Navy would not agree to sell warships to the Free Kingdom.

Now that the contract is signed, he is completely relieved.

How about your advanced warship?

When you come to my place, I will remove every screw neatly for you, and thoroughly understand your core technology from the inside out!

When the time comes, what's yours will be mine!

As for whether the military experts of the Free State have this strength? The Grand Commander is not worried at all.

The staff said.

When the Breaker is in hand, the threat of the Dragon Kingdom Navy fleet will be reduced by half. "

"When we crack the core technology of the Breaker, there will be only a little threat left!"

"The only pity is that the Dragon Kingdom Navy did not sell the Dragon Lin and the Guangfu!"

The commander-in-chief smiled and said, "It's a trivial matter! Long Guozang can understand it."

"I heard that there is a radar that we have never heard of, what is it called?"

The military representative added: "Trinity radar! The ultimate detection range is 140 kilometers! There is also the technology to lock and strike 24 targets at the same time..."

"Once we get these technologies, we can modify our aircraft carrier fleet in batches in the future!"

The military representative spoke excitedly.

"At that time, the overall strength of our aircraft carrier fleet will definitely be improved!"

After listening, Yin commander laughed.

"Longguo Navy still made a wrong move! If you guard against us, it's fine! I didn't expect...too confident is not a good thing!"

The matter of the Dragon Kingdom warship has been settled, and the commander's eyes are once again set on the central region.

"What's going on in the central region now? The Yi Si country still doesn't agree to withdraw troops?"

……… Ask for flowers………

"Commander, the Yi Si Kingdom is stubborn! I don't think we need to discuss with them anymore! When the time comes, we will go to war!"

The Grand Commander nodded.

Yisi's occupation of Kuwait has seriously affected their interests in the central region! In addition, Yisi's covetous eyes on Saudi Arabia are unbearable.

The interests of Blue Star's two major alliances are intertwined there, how could the Yi Si country can nibble at it?

"How's the current troop build-up?"

"Commander, there are currently more than 9 countries that have sent troops! In the past two days, there are countries in the central region that are also willing to join!"

A military representative said: "However, more are only willing to pay. They said that they have no troops to pay.

The commander-in-chief smiled coldly.

"It doesn't matter! You can pay for it!"

The military representative added.

"In addition, we have deployed 300,000 soldiers in the central region! The rest of the countries have dispatched 150,000! More troops are "constantly gathering!"

Finally, the military representative said something straightforward.

"The million-strong army of Yi Si is vulnerable to a single blow! Victory is easy!"

"Okay! If you have this confidence, I'm relieved!" The commander-in-chief said solemnly: "On the 9th, the Yisi country has not yet retreated, so I will sign the Supreme Commander's order! At that time, it will be the day to send troops!"


The North Bear Country did not participate in the military operation of the Free Country with a group of younger brothers.

They just expressed their support and imposed sanctions in other non-military areas.

For several days in succession, more and more people came and went from major airports in Longguo.

Now that people's living standards are better, many people take advantage of the National Day to travel.

Similarly, with the spread of the arms trade, more and more foreigners also came to Long Country for tourism. Further increased the economic income of the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

The increase in military strength has promoted the rise of international status. The rise of international status has prompted more foreigners to come to travel! Tourism promotes economic growth, and economic growth promotes national strength...

In this way, the development of Longguo is entering a virtuous circle.

Longguo, Capital City, Entry-Exit Administration Office.

A native of Longguo is applying for a passport and preparing to travel abroad.

The staff handed over the other party's passport and said: "Sir, hello, your passport has been processed.

"Thank you." The man took a look at the passport and said in surprise.

"Huh? We got new passports?"

"Yes sir! From October 4th, all passports have been replaced with new ones.

"That's it."

The man nodded and asked curiously, "What's the difference?"


The man was taken aback for a moment, and flipped through the passport for a long time.

Finally, he saw a line of writing on the back of the passport.

[Dragon Kingdom citizens, when you encounter danger overseas, don't give up! Please remember, behind you, there is a powerful motherland! Death].

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