Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

[204] Silent Blue Star Countries! Crazy Eagle Sauce!

Looking at the words on the back of the passport, the man's heart trembled suddenly, and a surge of pride emerged from the bottom of his heart for no reason.

He stared at the passport, chanting those words tremblingly.

"Citizens of the Dragon Kingdom, when you encounter danger overseas, don't give up! Please remember, there is a strong motherland behind you!"

"...have a strong motherland!"

At this moment, his eye sockets were moist.

As a Dragon Country person, he felt extremely proud.

Some people around noticed that the man's eyes were red, and they thought something happened, and said in surprise.

"Boy, why are you crying?"

"Brother, did you lose your wallet? Don't worry, I'll call the police for you.


With red eyes, the man forced a smile on his face and said, "It's nothing, I just saw the contents of the passport, because my heart has a big touch."

Everyone looked at him, slightly puzzled.

There were also some foreigners at the scene, and they gathered together to watch the excitement.

The man explained.

"I often need to go on business trips abroad. This time it happened to coincide with the National Day, and the company gave us a few days off. It just so happened that my passport expired, so I came here to change it."

Someone asked, "And then?"

"Then I found out that the passport was renewed." The man picked up his passport, revealed the text on the back, and said, "Then I saw this text."

Many people came up to take a look, and they didn't think it was too strange.

In their opinion, is it necessary to be so excited?

Those foreigners looked at their passports, and there was a hint of envy in their eyes.

The meaning it represents is only known to those who often need to go abroad. Those who only travel abroad once a year or two, or even longer, can't feel its power.

From the eyes of the crowd, the man saw their surprise, and immediately said with a wry smile.

"Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, I spend at least two-thirds of the time abroad. So I feel more deeply that our country has continued to grow stronger in the past two years. For those of us who work abroad people, how important it is.”


"In the past, we were not taken seriously outside. The feeling of being discriminated against...you can't experience it. For example, five years ago...and three years ago...white skin The black-skinned people look down on the dark-skinned people, and the dark-skinned people look down on us."

The man slowly told his story.

"But over the past year, those things have become less and less!"

"When those people heard that I was born and bred in Long Kingdom, from the beginning they discriminated against and bullied... to later they became polite and respectful..."

"Those of us who have worked abroad for a long time, feel it more clearly!"

"The country is strong, and our waists outside can also be straightened!"

The scene was quiet.

After staying in the country for a long time, they have become accustomed to the fact that the country is becoming stronger.

But after listening to the other party's narration, they deeply felt how important a strong country is to those wandering abroad.

Soon, the breath spread.

The people who heard the news were overjoyed.

‘Citizens of the Dragon Kingdom, when you encounter danger overseas, don’t give up! Please remember, there is a strong motherland behind you!’ Listen to [Excitement! I feel my blood is boiling! ”

"It's more than a boost! Our country has become stronger and our international status has improved, and no one dares to bully us outside! It is obviously an invisible help, but many people really feel it!"

"How important it is to have a strong motherland! Suddenly, I also want to go abroad for a trip!"

"I have decided to travel abroad with a new passport on New Year's Day!"

When the news spread abroad, those overseas Chinese were all stunned.

Country, don't forget us!

A simple sentence gave them too much warmth and a sense of security.

It is not easy to wander abroad, and they are used to being treated unfairly. Seeing that the country is strong, they are happy from the bottom of their hearts.

But after the country became strong, they were the first thing that came to mind, and they burst into tears on the spot.

"The country is strong, and it has not forgotten us who are drifting overseas! We have not been abandoned! It is so touching!"

"Inexplicably, I felt a pang of sadness in my heart. These years were not easy, and I forgot how I got through it! Now it's all right, our country is strong. "At least no one dares to look down on us!"

"I'm planning to go to the embassy and change my passport! With the new passport, I can sleep soundly at night!"

After hearing the news, the overseas Chinese expressed their intention to renew their passports.

The sense of security brought to them by the new passport is unprecedented.

They have not forgotten the country, and neither has the country forgotten them!

This sense of mutual identity inspires every overseas Chinese wandering abroad to move forward bravely.

Compared with the excitement and excitement of the overseas Chinese, the immigrant circle at this moment is sighing.

"Really! Really! Is this necessary? Damn, I am so envious! Why is there no passport in the Kangaroo Country! What the hell does it make me obey the local laws?"

"One thing to say, this time I look at this matter from the perspective of fairness and justice. Longguo has indeed done a good job and won the hearts of the people. Unfortunately, I am no longer from Longguo! Speaking of it, I still have a little regret ."

"It's useless to regret! Who told me that it wasn't so powerful when I was in the Dragon Kingdom? It's all over, and regrets are useless!"

"Annoying! I just asked about the conditions for immigrating back to the Dragon Country. Damn! It's several times harsher than my immigration conditions: the difficulty has suddenly increased a lot!"

"So serious? It's clear that you don't want me to go back. Farke!"

"If I don't come back, I won't go back! I don't want to go back yet! I'm so mad! Damn, the more I think about it, the more angry I get!"

When they went out before, they didn't care about what kind of conditions were needed to immigrate to Longguo.

Now the international situation is changing too fast, and the international status of Dragon Kingdom has been greatly improved in a short period of time.

This gave them the idea of ​​returning home.

But after a search, I found out that the conditions for immigrants to go back are very harsh! Much harsher than the conditions for them to emigrate out.

As a result, their way back was suddenly cut off.

This caused many immigrants who intend to come back to curse.

Scolding is scolding, and after scolding is over, there is nothing to do except sigh and annoy.

Time passed quietly.

The National Day holiday has passed, and people have resumed their busy lives.

But they were surprised to find that there were many more foreigners traveling to and from Longguo than before.

Most of them are attracted by the fame of Longguo and come to travel. Otherwise, come and invest!

For this, the people of Longguo showed the demeanor of a big country and gave them appropriate courtesy and politeness.

As for humility, it is extremely rare.

After all, over the past year or so, the international status has continued to rise, the great powers have been beaten several times, and the educational philosophy of textbooks has also changed.

Therefore, the people of Longguo have become more self-reliant and confident from the bottom of their hearts.

As time went by, the situation in Blue Star became more and more tense.

Almost all countries in Blue Star are focusing on the central region.

There is still one day until the decision made by the Blue Star Alliance against the Yi Si country!

If on the 10th, the Yi Si country still does not retreat, then an unprecedented war will break out in the central region.

Yi Si is the country with the largest military strength in the central region! He claims to be the third child of the Blue Star.

The strength it possesses gives it the confidence not to take the coalition forces of the nations into consideration.

Even if the troops of the various countries organized by the Free State have reached 500,000 people!

On October 9th, in the central region, the Yisi military general base.

Samantha, king of Yisi country, visited the combat headquarters in person.

Everyone saluted: "King!"

Samantha waved her hand, motioning for everyone to sit down, and then spoke.

"What's the situation now?"

"Report to the king, the free country and its allied forces have a total of 500,000 soldiers at various military bases!"

Samantha frowned slightly, and asked, "Since our previous announcement was sent out, have the nations not been a little bit afraid?"

"The troops of some countries have retreated, but the free country has sent more troops! Originally, the military strength of the countries was estimated to be 170,000, but now it is estimated that there are still about 100,000 troops! The free country's military strength has reached 400,000! It is still increasing. The total force is expected to reach around 600,000."

"Forget them to be wise!" Samantha snorted coldly: "Otherwise, if you survive this time, it will be the time when our army of millions will attack them!"

"How is the deployment in Kuwait?"

said one general.

"Report to the king. We have deployed three defensive fronts in the country of Kuo, which can be called an iron wall!"

"A total of 42 divisions were deployed, with a total of more than 4,000 T-72 and T-80 main battle tanks, more than 3,000 artillery pieces, nearly 3,000 armored vehicles, and more than 300 MiG-29 fighter jets, and more than 2,000 anti-aircraft missiles. , and thousands of Scud surface-to-surface tactical missiles.....a total of 550,000 deployed troops!"

Samantha asked: "550,000? Almost half of the troops have been drawn! Need to be treated so seriously?"

"Yes, king." Another general said: "The Free State joined forces with Gaul and the Empire on which the sun never sets, dispatched nearly 280 warships! 9 aircraft carriers."

"Among them, Freedom has dispatched six nuclear-powered aircraft carrier fleets! Gaul has dispatched two aircraft carrier fleets, and the Empire on which the sun never sets has dispatched one aircraft carrier fleet. This is the first time we have collided with such a huge naval power, so be careful Too much."

After a pause, the other party continued.

"Besides that, we deploy more than half of the remaining troops within our own country to support and resist the intrusion of ground forces from various countries!"

After listening to the other party's report, Samantha nodded in satisfaction.

With an army of 1.2 million preparing for war, it is not an easy task to take down the country of Yisi with only more than 500,000 troops.

Not only Samantha thinks so, but everyone in Yisi thinks so!

Moreover, most of the Blue Star countries think so too!

Although in recent years, the Dragon Kingdom's navy has emerged several times, allowing many countries to see the role of the navy in the future battlefield.

But so what?

Yi Si is an army of millions!

The number of various artillery, tanks, armored vehicles, fighter jets, missiles... can scare many countries.

Excluding the elements of nuclear weapons, it is not an exaggeration to call it the third blue star with such a military background.

At least, the chiefs of the three armed forces gathered in the military region of the capital of Longguo at this moment still recognize the military strength of Yisi country very much.

Beijing Military Region, meeting hall.

The general convened a meeting of chiefs......

Each of the three armies sent a general to gather here with several generals.

"The military development focus of the Yisi country is exactly the same as ours in previous years."

The general said: "Focus on the army, supplemented by the air force, and there is no navy."

"With an army of more than one million and such heavy firepower, it is not easy for the free country and the coalition forces of various countries to take down the Yi Si country.

Zhang Liangguo said: "Although the country of Yisi has no navy, if the navy and nuclear weapons are excluded, the strength of the land and air forces of the country of Yisi is not weaker than ours!"

Yang Xingguo also nodded.

How strong the military power of the Yisi country is, the two of them, an army general and an air force general, naturally know very well.

In their view, with such a powerful military power of the Yi Si country, if the three armies of the Dragon Kingdom want to win without using nuclear weapons, they will have to pay a very heavy price.

Dong Xianguo said: "Although the troops dispatched by the Free State are half behind in number, they are ahead of the Yi Si State in terms of advanced level! In this way, the comparison of the strength of the two armies

55 is very likely!"

The rest of the people nodded.

Judging from the information they received, 55 is almost the same.

After all, in the early years, the army of the Dragon Kingdom also had a precedent of fighting against the coalition forces of 13 countries, so it is natural to infer this conclusion.

Tensor State said with a smile.

"The country of Yi Si has already released its determination, now it's up to the country of freedom to accept the move!"

"The title of little overlord in the central area of ​​Yi Si country is not for nothing."

Yang Xingguo took the words and said: "I think the possibility of the free country going to war is no more than 40%! After all, once the war starts, the coalition forces of the various countries will be dragged to the central region!"

"As time goes by, the supply of the countries will go wrong! In contrast, the country Yisi fights at home, and the supply speed is faster!"

"War, in addition to military power, also has supply lines."

Dong Xianguo also said: "Once the war starts, it will take half a year at most, and the coalition forces of all countries will be dragged down! In the end, it will be a hasty fight!"

In the end, everyone came to a conclusion that Yi Si had a great chance of winning!

This massive military operation is likely to come to an end with a private agreement!

All countries, even the North Bear Country have made such a judgment!

However, at this time, the Black Palace of the Free State is the office of the Grand Commander.

Representatives of the sea, land and air forces, as well as members of the staff gathered here.

"Commander, just this morning, we sent people to hold the final talks with the Yi Si country.

The commander-in-chief asked with a cold face: "What's the result?"

"Samantha from the Yisi country refuses to retreat! She even declares that if she wants to fight, she will fight!"

The commander patted the table and scolded, "Arrogance!"

"At 11:30, sign the supreme command order on time!"


As soon as the news came out, everyone was stunned.

Facing such a powerful military force from the Yisi country, the free country actually wants to fight hard!

Could it be to scare Yi Si country on purpose?

Just as the countries waited and watched.

At 11:30, under the witness of high-level military officials, the commander-in-chief signed the Supreme Commander's Order!

Soon, the picture of the commander signing the Supreme Command Order was spread by the free country media.

After hearing the news, all countries were in an uproar.

Even the supreme command order has been signed, and there is no room for maneuver in this matter. 0.5

Unlike the last time when he treated Longclaw Island with an empty cannon, this time the Grand Commander is not joking, it is for real!

For a while, the situation in Blue Star became extremely tense.

In this mighty war, no one can guarantee whether nuclear weapons will enter the battle in the end!

What makes the nations puzzled is why the free nation insists on going so hard when the odds of winning are not so great?

Could it be that the face of the Blue Star overlord is really so important?

The North Bear Country doesn't care about the face of the Free Country.

Seeing that the free country insisted on being strong, the North Bear King almost clapped his hands and applauded.

In his opinion, it is best to let the free country suffer and reduce its military strength! In this way, the pressure on his North Bear country will also be reduced a lot.

When the time comes, both sides will suffer, and it will be his time for North Bear Country to pick up the leak!

However, another piece of news that shocked Blue Star came.

Free State's battle will be broadcast live by Free State Cable TV!

As soon as the news came out, there was a storm in Blue Star.

"Is the Grand Commander crazy?"

In the capital military region, the general said in surprise.

The generals of the three armies gathered on the sand table and continued to deduce. They still don't understand why the free country is so confident!

"I don't see how big the chances of winning for the free country are!"

"500,000 vs. 1 million! The difference is twice the number! But the military power of the coalition is only about 20% higher than that of the Yi Si country! Where does the free country have confidence?"

"I can't figure out what the commander-in-chief is thinking!"

"The free country's military dares to do this, they must have their confidence! But I really can't find a counterpoint! Could it be that they decided to directly deploy nuclear weapons?"

Thinking of this, everyone's hearts tightened.

If nuclear weapons are dispatched directly, it does have the confidence to live broadcast the war live.

"Since free nations have this confidence, let's see where their confidence comes from! If it's nuclear weapons, it's meaningless!"

As soon as the subject changed, the general continued: "Call Xiao Chen over, and then we will conduct an in-depth analysis of the military strength of the Free State!"


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