Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

[207] Chief, The Future Has Come! The Chiefs Of The Armed Forces Are Silent!

October 10 at 00:00, before the Free State attacks.

In the capital of the four countries, the general headquarters of the war, all the people are waiting seriously.

It's time to start the war, and everyone is waiting! Waiting for the coalition forces to launch an attack.

After all, this time they are mainly defending! As long as they defend the countries of Ke and Yisi, the balance of victory in the war will be tilted in their favor!

So they are not in a hurry to attack and firmly grasp the home court advantage.

Samantha said in a deep voice: "Contact the various departments to find out the situation!"


Several generals hurriedly sent people to contact the other four military command centers.

Soon, the situation came back.

"Report to the king, the First Military Command Center has not found any enemy troops!"

"Report to the King, Second Military


No abnormalities were found in four important military command centers.

"Why are the Allied Forces of the Free States acting like a mouse, fearful of their hands and feet!"

Samantha was dissatisfied.

"If you want to fight, fight quickly! After the fight, I will continue with the next battle plan!"

said a general.

"King, the whole world is watching the battle at this moment! I think the coalition forces of the Free Nations may take time to readjust their strategic thinking!"

"After all! Facing so many 'audiences', the Allied Forces of Free Nations can't afford to lose!"

Samantha said seriously: "We can't afford to lose either!"

"Since he is going to be exhausted, then we will spend it with him! I want to see who can spend more than whom!"

People on both sides can't afford to lose, and now they are sharpening their swords.

From the point of view of the Blue Star countries, it should be the Allied Forces of Free Nations who are more anxious.

But to the surprise of all the countries, it is indeed the coalition forces that are anxious, but it is the free country that is the calmest.

Free State Combat Command in the Central Region.

The time has come to start the war, but General Abigail is in no hurry.

He also opened a bottle of champagne with great interest and poured it himself.

In front of him, a group of generals were sitting at the round table with serious expressions, waiting for General Abigail's combat order.

General Abigail grabbed the champagne bottle and asked, "Would you like a glass?"

The generals of the 820th Army shook their heads again and again.

They were anxious, but they didn't dare to rush.

"I really don't know how to enjoy life!"

As he spoke, General Abigail raised his glass.

He only heard a few 'gudong', and he drank the champagne in the glass in one gulp.

Immediately afterwards, there was only a "click——" sound.

He threw the wine glass in his hand on the ground and said, "Let's go to war!"


The generals breathed a sigh of relief.

After waiting for so long, it finally started!

"All troops obey my unified order!"

"Armed forces on the ground, stand ready, it's not time for you to dispatch yet!"

"Air Force, implement the 'Lightning Plan'!"


Several air force generals walked out quickly.

"Naval forces, after the execution of the 'Lightning Project' is over, execute the 'Desert Thunder' plan!"


Several navy generals walked out quickly.

For a moment, the generals of various countries looked at each other in blank dismay.

What about our ground troops?

What are you waiting for?

Don't you need to be ready to go?

Don't you need to go to the predetermined location in advance to prepare for war?

Just let us guard the fortresses of the base?

Countless questions linger in their minds.

After much deliberation, they felt that it would be more likely for them to go to the battlefield and fight the Yi Si army with bayonets after the fire coverage was over.

Regarding their thoughts, General Abigail smiled knowingly and said.

"Don't be in a hurry, let me have a few drinks here first!"

"At least, in the next 10 hours, you don't need to appear on the field! Perhaps, after more than ten hours, you will be allowed to harvest the battlefield!"

10 hours to wait?

The generals of the countries were fooled.

Ten hours of fire coverage?

No matter how rich your free country is, you can't build it like this!

Also, let us harvest the battlefield? Crazy! People have millions of troops, and we only have 550,000. The army equipment configuration is not dominant. What to harvest?

They thought General Abigail was drunk.

Each of them sighed secretly in their hearts, feeling that this time, the good situation might cause both sides to suffer.

Helpless is helpless, but they have nothing to do. Who asked Xia members from various countries to order them to hand over the combat command!

On the other side, the General Command of the Yi Si Country Operations.

"Report, no trace of enemy troops has been found yet!"

not yet?

Samantha frowned tightly and asked, "How is the situation at Free State Cable TV?"

"Report, there is no combat activity!"

"What is the free country doing? It's been ten minutes. Is it going to trick the whole world? Is it interesting?"

Dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, Samantha had to ask the ministries to take more precautions to prevent fraud.

At this moment, suddenly, the radar monitoring personnel exclaimed.

"Report, enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"It's coming! It's finally here!"

Samantha looked excited. After waiting for so long, it finally came.

"Report the specific situation! How many ground troops, how many air troops!"

"Report! No ground troops! Unknown number of air troops! Radar only detects missiles!"

Only missiles detected?

Samantha frowned, could it be...012201126 Feilu 180003451]

Soon, news of aerial attacks came from various ministries.

"Notify the Air Force, prepare..."

The combat command was only halfway through, when deafening explosions came from outside.

The missiles in the air defense position are scrambled into the air, which is completely irrelevant to the F117 stealth fighter and the F22 stealth fighter.

Their breakthrough ability is strong, and the speed of air-to-ground missiles is fast.

It is very easy to penetrate the air defense positions.

Several missiles accurately hit the combat headquarters.

With dozens of satellites to provide military information support, precise strikes are easy.



"Report, the headquarters is under attack!"

Samantha asked anxiously, "Where's our air defense position?"

"Report, I don't know why, but the air defense position didn't intercept it! The enemy should be dispatching stealth fighter jets, quickly tearing apart the air defense firepower network."

Samantha shouted in a hurry.

"Dispatch the Air Force!"

As soon as the voice fell, someone shouted.

"Report, the air base is under fire!"

"Report, our communication equipment is under fire from the other party! There is currently a communication failure!"

"Report that our electrical system is malfunctioning..."

Samantha never dreamed that the war had just begun.

The combat headquarters, which is the center of the defense forces of the Yi Si country, was unexpectedly attacked!

Moreover, the opponent's sneak attack was so precise!

Let their anti-aircraft firepower be useless.

Samantha reassured: "Don't panic! We have a backup plan B! Plan C!"

He didn't know that the situation was similar to his side. Although the other four combat command centers had backup plans, they were also bombed by stealth fighter jets.

What made them helpless was that the stealth fighter jets were only found when they dropped bombs from appearing to going away!

In the face of the F117 and F22 stealth fighters with outstanding performance, the Yi Si country's air defense firepower interception network is like paper (cgef) paste.

These two fighter jets launched not only firepower to destroy missiles, but also anti-radiation missiles to interfere with electronic equipment.

At the same time, Longguo and the Beijing Military Region were discussing major issues.

Listening to the narration of the war reporters from the Free State, the faces of everyone at the scene were not very good-looking.

They didn't think about it either.

The first round of aerial firepower raids in the free country actually completed the mission so smoothly!

What about the Yi Si country's anti-aircraft fire interception network?

What about the air force of Yisi country?

And, what about good fire coverage?

The scene of missile salvo shooting all over the sky cannot be seen at the Free State base at all.

While everyone was hesitating, they listened to the reporters in the field.

"According to the military, this time we are adopting precision fire strikes!"

"Within 5 minutes, with the assistance of dozens of satellites, the air force launched a surprise attack on all the air defense systems of Yi Si country! Successfully tore apart the Yi Si air defense firepower network [and destroyed the channels of communication!"

"So far, the entire headquarters of Yi Si State has become blind!"

"Currently, the navy has dispatched 'Tomahawk' cruise missiles to bomb the power system and backup power system of Yi Si country!"

"Under the interference of electronic warfare planes, a major failure occurred in the Yi Si air defense system, and the power equipment of the Yi Si country was doomed!"

"Once there is a problem with the power system, the air defense equipment will experience a major downtime accident..."

Listening to the live reports of the war reporters, the faces of everyone present became more and more ugly.

Dong Xianguo and the others never expected that this battle would go so smoothly.

The general looked at Chen Chu silently.

The third step of the strike plan of the Allied Forces of Free States is not far from what Chen Chu speculated.

If Chen Chu hadn't been staying at the coastal defense military factory, he would have even doubted whether Chen Chu had participated in the combat plan of the Allied Forces of the Free Nations.

After a while, the general asked, "Xiao Chen, how did you guess it?"

Dong Xianguo and the others looked at Chen Chu in surprise.

A terrible guess came to mind.

Could it be that Chen Chu guessed all of this?

Hasn't he been doing scientific research in the coastal defense military factory? How come he knows more than us military chiefs?

Chen Chu explained.

"When I was doing scientific research, I often needed to read a lot of foreign materials! Among them, I found many unexpected things!"

"The free country vigorously develops the air force, with the air force as the core, the navy as the arm, and the army as the feet. Naturally, it has deep meaning."

"The air force! It used to be used for air strikes and to seize air supremacy! It was used to bomb large areas!"

"But General, you have also seen it. This time, the Free State did not use firepower to cover it as usual! Instead, it carried out precise strikes!"

"Obviously, the significance of the air force with satellite support has been sublimated in today's war!"

With that said, Chen Chu got up and walked to the sand table placed on the scene.

With the good situation played by the free country, Chen Chu felt that it would be more acceptable for the leaders and generals to explain by himself at this time.

Several people followed Chen Chu to the edge of the sand table.

This time, Chen Chu intends to take this opportunity to tell about the concept of information warfare for later generations.

Chen Chu grabbed a handful of markers and said.

"Assume that these are all satellites of the free country. There are WeChat responsible for missile early warning, high-resolution imaging reconnaissance satellites, and communication and reconnaissance satellites..."

"And these have formed the four major systems of strict space reconnaissance and surveillance, space communication support, space navigation and positioning, and space weather support! They have formed a huge skynet system!"

"They collected the military deployment forces of various ministries of the Yi Si country, effectively supported and guaranteed the air

Army's precision strike!"

As he spoke, Chen Chu grabbed the marker representing the stealth fighter again.

"Then, the air force will carry out precise destruction of the main air defense and communication forces! Among them, traditional missiles are used, and special missiles that interfere with electronic equipment are also used.


"The purpose of doing this is not only to gain air supremacy, but also electromagnetic superiority! 17

"The country of Yi Si at this moment is like a blind man!"

Chen Chu pointed to the marker representing the armament of the Yi Si country.

"Under the satellite surveillance, they have nowhere to hide!"

"On the future battlefield, the coverage of firepower is no longer as good as the precise and fixed-point destruction brought by advanced technology! The firepower of Yisi country is very strong, but the air defense system and power system are destroyed

Fighting planes were easily destroyed! Without these, only relying on their huge ground armed forces, they are helpless in the face of follow-up air power!"

"As long as their radar is advanced enough to detect stealth fighters in advance! As long as they also have sufficiently advanced satellites, as long as they... are not so passive!

Yi Si country, this battle will definitely be defeated!"

Changing the topic, Chen Chu said solemnly.

"Bosses, the future has come! The traditional concept of war is outdated! Information warfare is the mainstream of the future! 11

At this moment, everyone was silent.

Chen Chu's words had a great impact on them.

Before the war, they would not have cared so much. After all, all armies have confidence in their subordinates.

But the bloody example of the Four Kingdoms is right in front of them, which makes them feel helpless and at a loss.

The million-strong army of the Yi Si country, which represents the traditional concept of war, was rubbed on the ground by the coalition forces of the free countries, which represented the new concept of informationized warfare.

Chen Chu's phrase 'the future has come' lingered in their minds. .

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