Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

[208] The Nations Are Terrified! The Second Awakening Of The Dragon Kingdom! Armed Forces Change!

Dong Xianguo and others stood in place, watching the result of the sand table deduction, and the shock in their hearts lasted for a long time.

There is a fierce conflict between the traditional concept of war that originates in the bones and the new war mode that we are exposed to now.

Is the future really here?

Everyone's adherence to the traditional concept of war has been shaken.

In the live broadcast projected on the screen, the Free State Battlefield-reporter continued.

"Just now, we learned from the military that the previous air strikes went very smoothly! The power system of the Yisi country has begun to malfunction, and the air defense systems of each combat command center

Difficult to break!"

"According to the latest news, many important military equipment of the Yi Si country have been targeted and cleared! The Yi Si country's communication center, core strategic headquarters, various airports, and missile launch sites are facing paralysis..."

"In addition, the second batch of stealth fighter jets has been dispatched again! Hornet fighter jets have also been dispatched........ The combat command centers of the Yi Si country with problems in the air defense system, facing the bombing of fighter jets, may have more than enough energy but not enough energy Already!!"

Listening to the words of the war correspondents, everyone's hearts sank again.

Use firepower to cover it, then use heavy firepower to intercept it! But now the free country is obviously going to compete with Yisi country in high technology!

In the high-tech field, it continues.

At this time, Chen Chu added.

"Next, the stealth bomber will bomb the air force base. Without the interception of the air defense system, the stealth bomber will be in no one's land!"

"It's hard for the fighter planes of Yisi to take off!"

After a pause, Chen Chu continued.

"It won't be long before Free State's most advanced "Apache" armed helicopter formation will attack the strategic radar system of Yi Si State!"

"Afterwards, it's the navy's turn to come on stage! Guide missiles remotely through drones..."

......With electronic and space satellite suppression on the outside, and complete destruction of the internal command center, it will be difficult for the Yi Si country to lose in a good way!"

Chen Chu seemed to have predicted it in advance. Every once in a while, war reporters would break out relevant information. And these combat information are not far from what Chen Chu said.

The traditional concept of war firmly held by Zhang Liangguo and others fell apart at this moment.

They never imagined that under the protection of a million-strong army, all kinds of anti-aircraft missile systems, hundreds of fighter jets, and thousands of tanks, the country of Yisi was taken away... !

Without a unified command, it would be as difficult to win as if all the ministries were fighting on their own!

Not to mention, Free State's attack on Yi Si's lair was also replicated on the other four military command centers.

The original 55 and 46 calculations they made have completely become one-sided in the free country at this moment.

Zhang Liangguo did not give up: "Where are the ground troops?"

Chen Chu shook his head.

"No chance. Without air firepower and anti-aircraft firepower, the ground troops are moving targets!"

"On the previous battlefield, the air and sea firepower was not accurate enough, so we could hide. If we carry it over, there is still a possibility of a war."

"It's different now, satellite guidance, UAV guidance... As long as the range of the missile can keep up, you can hit wherever you want! Even if the range of the missile can't keep up, you can also dispatch a stealth bomber to carry out targeted removal!"

Chen Chu pointed to each attack point on the sand table and said.

"Didn't you realize that since the beginning of the war, it has almost always been a solo show by the Air Force of the Free State!"

Several people nodded sullenly.

All the while, the ground forces are not in the game! It's all about the Air Force! Occasionally, the Navy launches Tomahawk cruise missiles for target destruction!

"In the past, it was safe to hide behind and command. The King of Yi Si must have thought so too!"

Chen Chu said calmly: "But he never dreamed that the first one to be hit would be the capital headquarters in the hinterland of the Yi Si country!"

"Wars in the past were divided into the front and the rear! But this time, the free country uses high technology to tell us that the future battlefield, "the front and the rear are connected together!"

"The investment of high-tech weapons has enabled the war to expand in an all-weather, all-time and space-time direction."

As he spoke, Chen Chu grabbed several tokens and placed them one by one.

Pointing to them, Chen Chu explained.

"A five-in-one war of sea, land, sky, space, and electronic information has been formed!"

"Especially the scramble for electronic information and space is crucial!"

Chen Chu briefly explained the war concept of later generations to several people.

Apart from being shocked, the people in Tensor Kingdom were still shocked.

Only the general stared at the marked points on the sand table without saying a word, not knowing what he was thinking.

Tensor Guo got together to discuss for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion.

Future wars will no longer be won by numbers. Combat tactics are flexible and flexible, and the combat airspace is unprecedentedly expanded. The battlefield is developing in a deep and highly three-dimensional direction.

And these are what they ignored before.

The seeds of the new concept of informationized warfare have been planted in their hearts.

Returning to their seats again, the moods of several people were obviously different, and their strategic vision also changed.

From the previous focus on watching battles as a supplementary research, it has changed to mainly learning the new combat methods of the free country.

On the other side, the country of Ye.

The North Bear King, a group of military representatives and people from the think tank were also watching the battle.

The new fighting concept displayed by the free country also gave them a great impact.

It turns out that wars can still be fought like this!

The previous sea, land and air battles have been upgraded all of a sudden!

"Heaven" and "electricity" have become a crucial link! And this link, the top executives of Bixiong Kingdom also did not realize it before.

Now that I realize it, the atmosphere in the whole room is very dignified.

North Bear King said in a deep voice.

"No wonder the free country dares to broadcast the war live! He really has the confidence!"

He found that not only could he not see through his neighbor to the south at this moment, but he couldn't even see through this old opponent.

Looking around, these two opponents seem to be in the fog.

It made him restless.

After thinking about it, the North Bear King still asked.

"In such a situation, if we go up, what are the odds of winning?"

The military representatives looked at each other in blank dismay, and the members of the think tank also showed hesitation.

Everyone gathered together and discussed for a while.

"My lord, if we don't use nuclear weapons! Our odds of winning are probably only about 40%!"

Forty percent, the same as Chen Chu's calculation.

Chen Chu only calculated based on what he knew. And these military representatives and think tank members are well aware of their own situation.

They said it was 40%, so it must be less than 45%!

The North Bear King was surprised and said, "Aren't we half-sure if we don't use nuclear weapons?"

Everyone nodded heavily.

A military representative said: "Yes, it is indeed only 40%! If we were replaced by the Yi Si country, the troops dispatched by the free country would definitely be more than this!"

"The free country still has a huge force, and it is too far across the ocean, so it cannot be put on the battlefield in a short time!"

"But facing us, it's different."

"So, the result we deduced is 40%!

At this time, another military representative added.

"Of course, this is just the result of deduction. The actual battle situation is changeable. Until the end, you will never know who wins and who loses!"

Hearing these words, the North Bear King heaved a sigh of relief.

"Well, this can be regarded as good news that is not good news.

The military representative at the beginning said.

"Wang, I think the change of our armed forces is imminent!"

Others said one after another.

"Yes! I think so too!"

"If we continue to maintain this situation, the next time we face the free country, in case they show a more advanced combat method! I'm afraid we won't even have a 40% chance of winning!"

"Although this result is very heartbreaking! But the current situation forces us to make changes!"

Bei Xiongwang sat on the chair with his eyes closed, and tapped the table with his right hand lightly, making a thumping sound.

Everyone stopped talking and looked at the North Bear King.

In the dead silent room, the North Bear King's murmur sounded.

"Commander, Commander! This is to kill the chicken to scare the monkey! The country of Yisi is the chicken, but I, the country of Beixiong, is the monkey! It's really ironic!"

"I underestimated the free country, underestimated the great commander!"

Everyone was silent and no one answered.

After a long while, he suddenly opened his eyes and said, "I agree! The three armies will change!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces changed a lot.

It is not easy for the North Bear King to make such a change.

Change means that many directions must be adjusted in time! Many new fields must be taken into consideration.

You must know that the traditional war concept of the steel torrent in the Yi Si country is the North Xiong country! It can be seen that the three armies of the North Xiong country have developed the concept of the steel torrent to the extreme.

Not only Yi Si country is like this, Long country is also learning from Beixiong country.

Now, the leader of the torrent of steel, under the pressure of the times, had to make changes.

Under the choice of being abandoned by the times and catching up with the times, the North Bear King chose the latter.

For the North Bear King, Yin Xin must have experienced a severe storm under his calm face.

The North Bear Country has nuclear weapons, so they have time to change! The Dragon Country also has nuclear weapons, so there is also time to change!

And the Yisi country without nuclear weapons has become the "chicken" beaten for other countries.

The same scene also happened in the Empire on which the sun never sets.

As a participant in the war, Ed Norton, the head of the imperial cabinet on which the sun never sets, did not care about handing over the combat command. But he is quite dissatisfied with the arrogance of the free country.

How can such a thing as a war be broadcast live publicly?

Doesn’t this expose all of his battle plans? What if we fall into an ambush by the Yi Si country?

With this in mind, Ed Norton had a long discussion with the head of the Gaul cabinet, as well as several other heads of the cabinet of the Western Alliance, all of which were filled with dissatisfaction with the general.

Thought the Grand Commander could have prevented this, but deliberately condoned

But when he received the battlefield information, he was dumbfounded.

From the beginning of the war to the present, the coalition forces of more than a dozen countries have not moved at all, and all of them are flexing their muscles!

The point is, Yi Si's scalp is numb! Those steel torrents can't find the north.

In the head office, Ed Norton was amazed at the detailed combat information presented by the chief of military intelligence, Judgison.

"Incredible! It's incredible!"

"The commander-in-chief really gave me a big surprise!"

Ed Norton beamed.


If the free country sends troops unilaterally, it has already suppressed the Yisi country. The follow-up coalition forces are on the field, it is simply a harvest!

It couldn't be more perfect to win this war with the least loss and maintain the interests of the empire in the central region on which the sun never sets.

As for the free country's show of muscle and killing chickens and monkeys, Ed Norton is not worried at all.

Anyway, they are all tied to the same boat. The stronger the boat is, the more stable they will be.

"This time, the two kingdoms of Dragon Kingdom and North Bear Kingdom

An opponent, I'm afraid I'm going to be scared out of my wits!"

"It's still a free country ship, sit tight!"

Although the war has only started for a few hours, the result is already doomed! The country of Yisi, even with an army of one million, is powerless.

Like Ed Norton, the leaders of the Western Alliance countries all smiled.

This is the first time they have experienced a war where the result can be seen at a glance as soon as the war begins.

This kind of feeling makes them feel smug.

In their view, they will never be capsized if they get on the boat of the Western Alliance.

At the same time, the Black Palace of the Free State, the Grand Commander's Office.

A burst of hearty laughter echoed over the office.


The commander-in-chief was very happy.

Since he was scared by Long Guo a few months ago, he hasn't been this happy for a long time.

This is the happiest he has been in the past few months!

The staff also said with a smile.

"This time, it's time for Long Guo to experience what fear is!"

"That's right!" The commander-in-chief snorted coldly, "I really thought I had nothing to do and signed the Supreme Commander's Order approving the live broadcast of the war? All of them are extremely superficial!

"Last time, you dared to use nuclear weapons to fly through the airspace of the East to scare me! Hmph! This time, I want to get back my capital with interest!"


As he spoke, a smug expression appeared on the commander's face.

"The current Dragon Kingdom is probably more panicked and terrified than I was then! Hahaha!"

"It can't be done, I wish I could laugh at that scene!"

A happy look flashed across the staff's face. He still remembers the scene of being intimidated by Canglong No. 10 of Longguo back then.

They haven't said this kind of thing to the outside world, and similarly, the top management of Dongyang didn't dare to say it. Although the countries don't know the actual situation, this face is lost.

Now, I have finally earned my face back!

After laughing for a while, the commander restrained his smile, and a trace of ferocity appeared in his eyes.

"This time, the North Xiong Kingdom must have been scared out of their wits! This old opponent is probably still confused by now!"

"This battle not only safeguarded our interests in the central region, but also successfully intimidated those opponents! It really killed two birds with one stone!"

The commander thought very clearly.

With the foundation laid in this battle, no one can shake Free Nation's hegemony in Blue Star!

When encountering certain conflicts of interest in the future, all countries will definitely think back to today, and then be careful!

Just as the Grand Commander expected, the high-level leaders of those countries that are not dealing with the free country are trembling with sincerity and fear at this moment.

They exchanged themselves with the country of Yi Si, and finally found out helplessly that they would definitely lose! There is no possibility of victory at all!

The free country obviously did not issue any threat to them, but they felt a chill to the bone.

The countries are very helpless to recognize one thing. In the face of more advanced information warfare, the inherent traditional concept of mechanized warfare has fallen behind! It has completely fallen behind!

They want to study a new type of warfare in the future!

But something happened that made them even more helpless, and they had no way to do it!

In the field of technology, it can't keep up. Technology is still blocked! Even the vision can't keep up.

It's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice, and they can't even be called "smart women".

In comparison, North Bear Country is much better.

At least, they can barely keep up with the pace of the free country in the field of related science and technology.

By studying this battle [they can somehow find some ideas! and make some tough changes!

At the same time, Longguo, the conference hall of the Beijing Military Region.

Everyone watched it for 12 hours.

For the entire 12 hours, it was a solo show of Liberty's sea, air, sky, and electricity.

The war has been going on for so long, and the army is only involved in a small scale.

The high-tech displayed by the free country from time to time makes everyone feel heavy.

In contrast, with the seeds planted by Chen Chu in advance, the general quickly accepted this reality.

The gap with the free country is still huge! Not only in the field of armament technology, but also in the concept of war!

Finally, the general said: "This time, our armed forces will also reform!"

Several people in Tensor Kingdom looked solemn.

They are also aware of the reform of the military system.

"Little Chen!" The general looked at Chen Chu and said, "What you said at the beginning is absolutely right! Space is the link between the three armies!"

Everyone nodded one after another. In this battle, the information support provided by satellites is crucial.

"You told me back then, when did you start the systematic three-service military industry system with the navy as the trunk, including the sea, land, air, and sky?"

Except for Dong Xianguo, the expressions of the other two changed suddenly.

Could it be that, a long time ago, General Yin and Chen Chu had already started planning the change of the three armed forces?

Chen Chu straightened his back and said seriously.

"Report to the general! You can start it at any time!".

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