Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

[80] Free State Warship Arrives! Blow The Horn Of Vengeance!

Abrava frowned, feeling uneasy.

He really couldn't figure out why the Long Kingdom and the Huozhu Kingdom had close contacts all of a sudden.

Even Huozhu Kingdom sent military experts there! Is this some kind of secret research?

"The two countries had little contact in the past. Why did they become so gluey when they met suddenly? It doesn't make sense!"

One is the vice chairman of the Blue Star Alliance, and the aircraft carrier was still detained in his own port. The other one, who is a feud with himself, has a small fight once a month and a big fight every six months...

The two combined, and Abrava felt a lot of pressure.

"If the Dragon Kingdom joins forces with the Huozhu Kingdom, it will be very unfriendly to the Jewish Kingdom!"

For a while, I couldn't think of any good countermeasures.

Soon, the cabinet ministers of the Jewish state held a secret meeting.

At the meeting, Abrava told all the information.

After everyone listened, there was a sudden silence.

"There is an old saying in the Dragon Kingdom, the rain is about to come and the wind is everywhere! I have a very ominous premonition!"

"The premonition belongs to the premonition, but I really can't figure out what secret project the Dragon Kingdom and the Huozhu Kingdom need to cooperate with? It's impossible!"

"The most irritating thing is that there was almost no connection between the Dragon Kingdom and the Fire and Candle Kingdom before! Since we made the conditions for the aircraft carrier to be released, all kinds of moths have come out! When will the things promised by the Free Kingdom come?"

Several people looked at each other, but no one knew.

Who has the guts to ask the president of the Blue Star Alliance: President, when will you give me what you promised?

Then it depends on the mood of the president!

Abrawa said: "There is no news from the free country. I don't know what they are thinking!" 26

"Look at the situation, let's talk."

Everyone sighed, feeling very powerless.

Originally, everything was planned well, and it only took one day to make money at both ends, but everything changed.

The atmosphere in the entire conference room was suddenly suppressed a lot, and sorrowful clouds lingered in everyone's hearts.

After a while, Abrava said firmly.

"I think, no matter what conspiracy the Dragon Kingdom and Huozhu Kingdom have! We must not easily compromise on this matter!"

"Otherwise, what does the free country think of my Jewish state? How do other neighboring countries think of my Jewish state?"

Everyone looked at each other and nodded, approving his words.

So did others.

"Long Guo wants to play tricks, so let him do it! At first, I thought about a discount of 1 billion US dollars, but now, I can't do without a penny!"

"That's right, the aircraft carrier is in our hands, and it should be Dragon Kingdom that is anxious, not us!"

"Let's continue to wait! Wait for Long Guo to come to us with sincerity!"

Immediately, everyone reached a consensus.

Just when everyone was furious and vowed to fight the Dragon Kingdom to the end, a secret message came from their spies in the Huozhu Kingdom.

"Report, Huozhu Kingdom's top secret news is related to Dragon Kingdom!"

Everyone was overjoyed, and finally knew what conspiracy the Dragon Kingdom and the Huozhu Kingdom were up to.

Abrawa said excitedly: "Say it!"

"The report, according to the information, the Dragon Kingdom and the Huozhu Kingdom have reached an arms sale agreement, which is related to warships! It will take time to be specific!"

As soon as the news came out, the joy on everyone's faces froze immediately.

what the hell

Dragon Kingdom and Huozhu Kingdom reached an arms sale agreement?

Also about the warship?

Who in the Blue Star Hakka Kingdom doesn't know the strength of the Dragon Kingdom's navy?

Do you have the strength to sell armaments?

Do you buy it from the country of fire and candle?

It's impossible!

The naval power of Huozhu Kingdom is not as good as that of Dragon Kingdom.

Everyone's minds were muddled, and they couldn't figure out a clue.

Abruptly, a terrible thought flashed in Abrava's mind.

He thought of a new type of warship that appeared a few days ago when the Dragon Kingdom Navy participated in the military parade.


"Wait for me!"

With that said, Abrava left in a hurry.

Ten minutes later, he came over with a stack of documents.

"Look, I suspect that the conspiracy of the Dragon Kingdom and the Huozhu Kingdom has something to do with this!"

Everyone took the information with doubts on their faces, and quickly flipped through it.

After a while, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

"Long Kingdom has the ability to independently produce second-generation frigates? Why don't we know?"

Remember, half a year ago, Long Guo was in a hurry to buy warships with Bei? It’s only been half a year, and they can produce it themselves?"

"It can't be fake, can it?"

It was difficult for them to accept this reality for a while.

Abrawa said with a sullen face: "Two days ago, when I first received this news, I didn't take it seriously. After all, the strength and heritage of the Dragon Kingdom Navy lie there, and the possibility of sensationalism is very high!"

"But now, with Huozhu Kingdom's abnormal behavior, I have to doubt that Dragon Kingdom may really have this strength and experience!"

As soon as this conjecture came out, the faces of everyone present suddenly became ugly.

They started to regret it a little.

If I knew that the strength of the Dragon Kingdom's navy had changed so much, I should have been more cautious about these 20 conditions at the beginning.

If it weren't for the weak strength of the Dragon Kingdom's navy, who would have nothing to do and set up such an enemy for their country?

In the room, someone whispered.

"About the aircraft carrier..."

He didn't go on, but everyone knew that it was a bit sloppy to blackmail 1 billion US dollars with the aircraft carrier.

Abrava took a few deep breaths, his chest heaving violently.

After a long while, he counted feebly.

"Let's wait and see. First, we should closely inquire about the information of Huozhu Kingdom!"

"In addition, send someone to contact Free Nation to see when the benefits they promise us will be in place.

"If it is not in place in time, we will need to re-examine the matter of the aircraft carrier!"

Everyone's hearts sank, realizing that the problem suddenly became complicated.

I didn't dare to urge the free country before, but now the situation is changing too fast, so I have to urge it.


Before dawn the next day, the military experts from Huozhu Kingdom arrived.

After a brief rest, they couldn't sit still just after dawn.

Under the leadership of Representative Cao, Anthony and his party went to Jiangdong II again.

Last night, the technicians brought by Anthony had already conducted sufficient tests on the performance of the Koto II and confirmed that there was no problem.

The main task of this group of military experts is to learn how to operate Huidong II.

Two hours later, on the waters of the Dragon Kingdom, a military expert from the Huozhu Kingdom excitedly said to Anthony.

General Anthony, this is the warship we will deploy in the future? 100 million ships, an absolute value!"

"Jiangdong II? It's very powerful! It's more than twice as powerful as our warship!"

"With such warships installed, we will definitely give them a big surprise when we confront the Jewish state at sea in the future! Hahaha!"

"General Anthony, when will the first ship arrive?"

Seeing that the military experts were so excited, Anthony looked at Representative Cao with some embarrassment and asked.

"Mr. Cao, look, why don't you move one for me first?"


Representative Cao hesitated.

Jiangdong II type, now the navy is equipped with two ships.

If one is removed, there is only one left.

"Mr. Anthony, wait a moment, I will ask our chief."

Representative Cao hurried aside and contacted Wang Zhenguo.

After negotiating, Wang Zhenguo directly approved.

He no longer looks down on the Jiangdong II. Who would use a millet plus a rifle when he has an automatic rifle?

Anyway, the 2 billion has already been credited to the account, so we can deal with the dropped ships earlier, killing two birds with one stone.

After getting the approval, Representative Cao smiled and said to Anthony: "Mr. Anthony, our chief approved it. Currently we have two Jiangdongli ships in service!"

"One was launched three months ago, and the other was launched a few days ago. Chief Wang said, choose one of the two, and you can choose whatever you want. It's okay to take them all.

"For the ship three months ago, we paid for the fuel cost when returning home! We also gave you an extra year of maintenance for free."

"If you think it won't work, then just wait a little longer. The next Jiangdong II is halfway formed, and it will be launched in just over a month!"

After listening to Representative Cao's words, Anthony was overjoyed and said with emotion.

"Representative Cao, you people from the Dragon Kingdom are really very honest in your work."

"Northern Xiongguo sells second-hand at a high price, you pay for fuel, and you get an extra year of maintenance! The gap, this is the gap!"

He turned around and discussed with several military experts, and finally decided that he wanted both ships.

Wang Zhenguo, who got the news, couldn't wait to shout: The inventory has been cleared!

In the end, Anthony and others decided to practice for another day and drive the two warships back two days later.

They can't wait for 623 to teach the Jewish state a lesson.

On Chen Chu's side, following the arrival of the naval personnel arranged by Wang Zhenguo, he continued to explain the core technology of the Breaker to the military experts, while taking other people out for practice.

After all, he is the chief designer, and no one knows the performance of the Breaker better than him.

The days are also very fulfilling.

Toyo, Naval Headquarters.

A very modern frigate slowly sailed into the naval port.

Produced by Free State, the world's most advanced second-generation semi-frigate worth 230 million U.S. dollars has finally returned.

At the port, General Watanabe and others looked at the frigate with a good mood.

This is their only good news recently.

"Sanji, arrange someone to practice it immediately! After you have fully mastered it, start reverse engineering!"

"Yes, General Watanabe!"

After arranging the matters, everyone returned to the command room with a heavy heart.

Just now, they received two very bad news.

General Watanabe sat in the upper seat and said in a deep voice, "Is the source of the news accurate?"

"General Watanabe, very accurate! For this we sacrificed an important piece that has been lurking for many years!"

General Watanabe squinted his eyes, leaned on the chair, and tapped the table with his right index finger, making a "dong dong" sound.

muttered in his mouth.

"Northern Bear Country did not join forces with Dragon Country, and there is no Northern Bear Country's ambush in Qinglong sea area!"

"Long Kingdom and Huozhu Kingdom signed an arms purchase agreement! Jiangdong Type II? Leave in two days?"

While muttering, General Watanabe suddenly smiled.

"Okay! Very good! What an empty city plan! I was so scared by the navy that I didn't dare to take any action for a few days!"

In the room, everyone listened quietly, no one disturbed.

They knew that General Watanabe was angry.

"The revenge of the Daihiro and the Osaki must be avenged!"

Suddenly, General Watanabe slapped the table and shouted murderously.


"It's up to them to sign the contract, but...

"Dragon Kingdom's warships, don't even think about sailing away from our noses!"

"One appears, destroy one!"

Everyone looked solemnly: "Yes, General!".

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