Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

[81] Escort Of The Breaker! Who Dares To Move?

The disappearance of the Daihiro and Osaki has always been a thorn in the heart of the Toyo Navy.

Some of their emotions are incomprehensible to outsiders.

If these two warships were destroyed by the Free State, not only would they not be angry, but they would also say with a smile: Dad, you did a great job.

Now if they were replaced by Longguo, it would be like digging up their ancestral graves.

In addition, Ambassador Hayata went to the gate of the Dragon Foreign Affairs Department to stay every day, but he couldn't see Ambassador Zhang.

The anger that grew in his heart had already ignited the entire Oriental Navy.

If they hadn't been suspicious all the time, in order to avenge their past, Beixiong Kingdom suspected that they had set up an ambush in the Dragon Kingdom's Qinglong sea area, and would have tried every means to provoke a conflict.

Now, finally waited for this opportunity.

In the command room, Sanji and others shouted in unison with high fighting spirit.

"Revenge for the Daihiro and Osaki!"

"For the glory of the Great Eastern Empire..."

Looking at the few people as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, General Watanabe waved his hand very satisfied, signaling for everyone to calm down.

Several people looked at General Watanabe.

"How many destroyers can be used?"

"Report to the general, there are four ships that have almost been repaired, and it will not be a big problem if they are launched. It may be a little stressful to face the navy of the North Xiong Kingdom, but it is easy to face the Navy of the Dragon Kingdom.

Sanji said seriously.

"Where's the frigate?"

"Under our urging, two ships have been repaired! There are four more ships, and we are hurrying! It will be launched at the end of the year, and there is no problem at all!"

After thinking for a while, General Watanabe said.

"There are 4 destroyers, plus two frigates, there is no problem in terms of combat power."

At this time, Ito asked: "General, does our aircraft carrier need to be moved?"

Aircraft carrier?

Upon hearing the aircraft carrier, General Watanabe's expression sank.

They have two lightweight aircraft carriers, and their strength should not be underestimated. But the crux of the problem is that they only enjoy the right to own it, but not the right to use it in combat!

With a free country pressing on it, the use of an aircraft carrier, a sea bunker, must be approved by a free country.

If you want to use it secretly, you can't escape the eyes of the garrison of the Free State.

Toyo and Free Nation have signed relevant military agreements.

To put it bluntly, the aircraft carrier appears to belong to Japan, but in fact it belongs to a free country. Daily training is already the maximum.

Under the restrictions of the military agreement, Dongyang is not allowed to have a second fleet with strong firepower like the 88th Fleet.

"Aircraft carrier...||..." After pondering for a while, General Watanabe said: "In the name of the exercise, keep the aircraft carrier at the rear, so as to prevent the Beixiong country from interfering with the army, so that there is still time for support.

"Arrange the newly purchased frigate, just pull it out for actual combat, and test the waters! Let's see if the 230 million US dollars is worth it.

"Yes, General!" Ito changed the subject and asked, "General, the new warship hasn't been named yet. You can choose one."

Upon hearing this, everyone looked at General Watanabe in unison.

Frowning for a while, General Bian said directly.

"The Sun! Means our Eastern Navy, illuminating the entire East Asia like the sun!"

General Watanabe was very ambitious, and several people were excited when they heard it.

Soon, a specific action plan will be formulated.

Four destroyers, two frigates, a Sun, and a lightweight aircraft carrier sit in the rear. Several submarines and supply ships.

This scale, in terms of combat power alone, has already caught up with the complete aircraft carrier fleets of Elephant and Shiva.

After the order was issued, a large number of Eastern Navy soldiers were secretly mobilized and drills were carried out secretly.

Up and down the entire Eastern Navy, Ri Kangsheng.

The next day, the capital, the naval military base.

Wang Zhenguo and other leaders gathered together.

They have already learned the important information that Dongyang is secretly practicing.

If it were normal, they wouldn't take it too seriously.

But the current situation is special. Two Dongyang frigates were bombed and sunk just two days ago, and tomorrow is the wedding day of two Koto IIs.

There is no guarantee that Dongyang is not aiming at this "marriage"!

Wang Zhenguo said in a deep voice.

"Toyo secretly mobilized at least three destroyers and two frigates! Moreover, I heard that their newest frigates have arrived! None of us know the power of the most advanced second-generation semi-frigates in the free country."

"You mean, that new frigate may also participate?"

"Not sure, but I have to guard against it! Moreover, this is only what we have found so far! At least 6 warships, almost equivalent to a complete fleet!"

"If it is really aimed at our "marrying" operation, I suspect that there must be a lot of submarines, supply ships, etc. behind the scenes! The timing is too coincidental, so we have to guard against it!"

Several people feel very heavy.

The two Jiangdong II ships are not of great help to the Dragon Kingdom Navy in ordinary times! But if they are placed in wartime, even one more ship will be of great significance!

Who would have thought that troubles would arise in Toyo at this time.

Once this "marrying" operation is disturbed, who will dare to buy warships in the future?

This is something no one agrees to!

"Whether Dongyang is targeting us or not, we must not let them destroy our plan!"

"Two Koto IIs are missing, and we still have two destroyers, one Type 031, one Koto I, one first-generation frigate, one Riding Wind, one Breaking Wave, plus submarines and Small and medium ships, we have the strength to fight!"

The chiefs had a heavy heart, and piled up all the naval power that could be counted.

It turned out that, excluding Chengfeng and Polang, facing the same number of Oriental warships, they were no opponents at all.

The two self-owned destroyers were purchased from Beixiong Country's decommissioned products. Compared with the destroyers in the Eastern Seas, they are naturally not rivals. The frigate is even more incomparable.

Relying only on Chengfeng and Breaking Waves, it is still very difficult to safely deliver the two Koto IIs to Huozhu Kingdom under the pressure of the Eastern Navy.

In case Dongyang does not choose to fight in the waters around the Dragon Kingdom, but chooses to do it on the high seas, it will lose the help of the army and air force, and the pressure on the navy will be even greater!

After all, destroyers and other warships still have to be kept to guard their own waters.

Summing up all the strength of the navy, Wang Zhenguo and others sighed.

After all, the time is still too short, and in another half a year, with a few more Polang and Jiangdong II, the situation is completely different.

Someone asked: Should the time of 'marrying' be changed?"

"It can't be changed! Once it is changed, the morale that our navy has accumulated with great difficulty will be completely over!"

Wang Zhenguo directly rejected the proposal.

"And, even if it is changed, as long as we make a move, the Dongyang Navy can completely intercept it again! At present, their navy is stronger than ours, and the initiative is in their hands!

As for the issue of negotiation, several people did not consider it.

How can there be room for negotiations if two Japanese warships were sunk in the Qinglong Sea?

"How about this, in our sea area, all warships are on standby at any time! Once they leave the (Nuohao) national border, they will be escorted by Chengfeng!"

"Chengfeng can see far, run fast, and has a strong battery life! As long as it doesn't encounter an ambush that strays into the entire fleet, it's not a big problem!"

In the end, several people decided that all the naval forces were ready to go.

In the sea area, it is escorted by destroyers and other warships.

When they cross the national border, the Chengfeng will escort them on the bright side, while the Breaking Waves will provide support behind the scenes.

The radar limit scanning range of 190 kilometers can completely hide people far away.

As soon as this order was issued, Chen Chu had to temporarily suspend the courses of more than a dozen military experts, and concentrate on instructing naval soldiers to get familiar with the Breaker.

Eight o'clock the next morning.

Longguo Naval Base, Military Dock.

Representative Cao and others and Anthony and his party directly boarded the Koto II.

On the deck, Anthony waved to Wang Zhenguo and said, "Sir Wang, happy cooperation!"

"Mr. Anthony, have a nice trip!"

Accompanied by a roar, the two Jiangdong ships slowly sailed out of the dock.

Destroyers and frigates also accompanied them. .

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