Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

[82] Focus On The Top Frigate In The Free Country!

Jiangdong type I got married, 3 hours ago, it was just dawn.

Toyo Naval military base, secret meeting room, General Watanabe and others gathered.

In the meeting room, the atmosphere was extremely dignified.

Sanji looked at the crowd with a serious tone.

"General, everything is ready! You can go out at any time!"

Last time, the operation he was in charge of had an accident and damaged two frigates. Originally, the person in charge of this operation could not be Sanji.

But after he argued hard, and the family behind him used some means. In the end, the person in charge fell on him again.

This time, Sanji came with a heart of revenge.

General Watanabe nodded, looked at General Ito, and asked.

"How's the information on the Long Kingdom going?"

"Report to the general, the travel plan we found should be around 10 o'clock! But the people of Long Kingdom are very good at strategizing, so I suspect that this is a heavy smoke!"

Ito took the information obtained by the spy and handed it over.

"In addition, according to the first information an hour ago, the Dragon Kingdom Navy has been secretly assembled!"

"From the completion of assembly to departure, the time given by the think tank should be about 2-3 hours!"

After listening to Ito's report, General Watanabe pondered for a while and said.

"In other words, the travel time of the Dragon Kingdom warship is expected to be between 7 and 9 o'clock!"

"Want to secretly send the warship away? Absolutely impossible!"

Just as Sanji was about to speak, General Watanabe raised his right hand, interrupted him, and said.

"In order to prevent our army's plan from being stolen by the Dragon Kingdom, I will temporarily adjust the battle plan!"

Everyone didn't find it strange.

In conventional wars, there are at least two backup plans, B and C. Once there is an accident in plan A, the backup plan can be activated in time.

Guarding the rear aircraft carrier is Plan B!

In order to prevent the plan from being stolen, Plan C is currently only known to General Watanabe.

This is a plan that he carefully arranged last night after studying the comparison of the strength of the Dragon Kingdom and the Eastern Navy last night, and taking into account the possible existence of the North Bear Kingdom and other factors.

General Watanabe got up, walked to the side of the world map hanging on the side, and pointed to the southwest direction of Toyo.

"First of all, it is impossible for the Dragon Kingdom 527 Navy to use the North Pole, so there is no need to consider this point!"

"If you borrow a way from Dongyang and Bangguo, the possibility is even smaller! Even if the sword is really slanted, it will be noticed by our army! So..."

General Watanabe's finger pressed heavily on the map, and what he pointed was the Vermilion Bird sea area of ​​Dragon Kingdom.

"Dragon Kingdom is very likely to go through the Qinglong sea area, and then enter the Vermilion Bird sea area. After crossing the national border, enter the high seas, and finally go to the vestibule port! As for passing through the vestibule port..."

"There is no need to think about it. It is impossible for our navy to allow the Dragon Kingdom to successfully escort the warship through the waistcoat port."

General Watanabe took out his pen with a serious face, and drew a big cross on the side of the waistcoat port. Then he used a pen to circle the high seas below the Vermilion Bird sea area, and said emphatically.

"We are here to intercept!"

"As for the interception plan, the troops are divided into two routes! The first route consists of three destroyers, two frigates, three submarines, two supply ships, and five multi-purpose ships..."

He drew a circle at the junction of Qinglong sea area and Dongyang sea area, and explained: "Defend here!"

"Assuming that the Dragon Kingdom already knows about our army's interception plan, then deploying defenses here can contain the Dragon Kingdom's navy on the one hand! On the other hand, it can also distract the Dragon Kingdom's attention."

"Once they escort the warship out of the Qinglong sea area and see that our fleet is still in place, they will relax their vigilance!"

Immediately afterwards, he clicked on the high seas below the Vermilion Bird sea area and said.

"The second route, here. Arrange a destroyer, a frigate, and a Sun! The second route focuses on blitzkrieg, no submarines, no supply ships!"

Several people sat in their positions, listening to General Watanabe's analysis, and felt that the division of troops into two groups could completely catch Long Guo by surprise.

Because the number of warships in the Dragon Kingdom is small, and the number of warships in the East is large, this is a big advantage.

From the intelligence they collected, it can be deduced.

The only thing Longguo can sell is the Jiangdong Type I that was released to the public not long ago!

At this time, a general suddenly said: "(cgdb) General Watanabe, we only have two frigates that we can dispatch, and this is the extra one..."

"For the frigate on the first route, I will replace it with a frigate that is still under repair. The focus of the first route is on confrontation, not exchange of fire!"

General Watanabe smiled sinisterly.

Then he changed the subject and continued to explain.

"Currently, the warships owned by the Dragon Kingdom, excluding the Type 021 frigate that was scrapped four years ago, and the sold warships, then the Dragon Kingdom only has 5 warships, two of which are destroyers! Even if the Dragon Kingdom still has a hidden Jiangdong II frigate , that’s only 6 ships.”

General Watanabe explained here.

"In the Qinglong sea area, the Dragon Kingdom must keep at least one destroyer and three frigates, with the help of submarines and supply ships, as well as the strength of the army and air force, to form a confrontation with our army!"

"In this way, Dragon Kingdom can only draw out one destroyer and one frigate to escort the sold Jiangdong II."

"And I deployed a destroyer, a frigate, and a Sun on the second route!"

"Once the two sides meet on the high seas, it will be 3 vs 3, with destroyers pinning destroyers and frigates pinning frigates! The rest will be handed over to the Sun! Sun is a second-generation semi-frigate, and its performance is far superior to that of the Koto II!"

After everything was analyzed, General Watanabe stood in front of the map and said indifferently.

"Whether it's sinking the Jiangdong II or crippling it! The time for the second battle is at most half an hour! If it exceeds half an hour, you must evacuate immediately!"

"So, my request to you is that within half an hour, you must sink the Jiangdong II! No matter how bad it is, you must also disable it!"


Sanji got up and said: "General, please rest assured, I have great trust in the combat effectiveness of our navy! When the two armies meet, there is only the result of sinking, and there is no such thing as being disabled!"

"Three against three, the advantage is mine!"

With Sanji's words, General Watanabe's complexion changed a lot.

His eyes scanned back and forth on the map, and he quickly deduced it again in his mind.

In the end, I feel that no matter how I calculate it, the odds of winning only belong to Toyo!

Ito shouted loudly from the side: "Three against three, it is difficult to sink all of them. But Sanji, I believe in you! This is your moment to prove yourself to the emperor!"

"Sink all of them! Show some color to Longguo!"

"Sink all of them! Show some color to Longguo!"

The rest of the generals shouted one after another.

Sanji thought about it seriously, and found that if all 3 vs 3 were sunk, it was not without chance.

Thinking of the strength of his own navy, he took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

Apparently, he has changed the original goal of sinking the Jiangdong II to sinking all of them!

Thinking of destroying all the warships escorted by Longguo, Sanji even became short of breath.

Sinking the warship sold to the Huozhu Kingdom made the Dragon Kingdom lose face, and all cooperation broke down! The sinking of the remaining two warships will deal a huge blow to the Dragon Kingdom's navy!

That's a destroyer and a frigate!

Two-fifths of the strength of the Dragon Kingdom Navy!

At this moment, Sanji felt his heartbeat speed up a lot!

General Watanabe waved his hand and shouted: "It's almost time, act now!"

Everyone got up, bowed to General Watanabe, and then left quickly, ready to deploy.

Just as Sanji was about to step out of the room, General Watanabe called out and stopped him.

"Sanji, you, I am very optimistic! This is an opportunity, I hope you can grasp it! I am old, and this position will be yours after all! Don't let me down!!"


Sanji was moved in his heart, "Yes, General!"

"In addition, the whereabouts of the second road must be kept secret and kept secret! If necessary, the communication equipment can cut off the contact!"

General Watanabe urged with earnestness.

"In case Longguo deciphers the communication channel and knows our plan in advance! Once Longguo receives the news, change the plan! Even disclose the escort plan!"

"Next time, if we want to set up another game, it will be more difficult! At that time, we will be under much more pressure than now!"

Sanji nodded heavily, expressing that he would never let General Watanabe down.

Seeing the back of Sanji leaving, General Watanabe slowly closed his eyelids, and then his cloudy eyes fell on the map.

A person quietly deduced it again in the room, and confirmed for the third time that there were no loopholes in this plan.

As long as you can catch the Dragon Kingdom by surprise, no matter how much the Dragon Kingdom has suffered, just put aside the relationship and refuse to admit it.

Once the fighting time exceeds half an hour, there is a high possibility of accidents. At that time, Toyo will become the target of public criticism.

You hit someone for no reason, what is it if you are not sick?

If you have the strength of a free country, then it's okay to be overbearing, but Toyo doesn't.

If it is labeled as an "unstable factor" by neighboring countries, it will be in big trouble.

If you want to get mixed up on Blue Star, if your strength is not up to the level of 'two poles', you have to pay attention to learning from others, otherwise you will become a public enemy.

It's a pity that the Dragon Kingdom directly sank two warships in the Qinglong sea area, and did not give the Dongyang division a chance to become famous.

Jiangdong Type I was married, and the sun jumped out of the sea 2 hours ago. The sun shines on the sea, and the sparkling picture is extremely beautiful.

On the Breaker, two uninvited guests were pictured.

At this time, the captain of the Polang has become Colonel Liu Jianzhang.

He was originally the captain of Jiangdong II, but Anthony did not dislike this second-hand warship, which made Liu Jianzhang speechless for a while.

I even regarded the Koto II as my second home, but in the end, hey, the home was bought away.

The point is, Wang Zhenguo still had a cheerful face, as if he was promoting a big sale.

However, when he learned that he had become the captain of the frigate Polang which was better than Chengfeng, his mind went blank for a while.

Of course he is willing to demolish the old and small and replace it with a villa.

Thinking of the scene where he drove the Jiangdong II and thought that the naval exercise was specially prepared for him, but was chased and beaten by the Chengfeng... He couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

Now with the Breaker, he can stand up in front of Xia Weiguo.

So, after he brought his subordinates to Chen Chu's side, he practiced crazily.

He was so excited that he almost fell asleep when he learned that he needed to secretly participate in the "marriage operation".

Xia Weiguo won first-class merit in driving the Chengfeng, and he thought he would never be inferior.

It's just that the two people following the warship right now gave him a big headache.

"Colonel Chen, Colonel Zhou, why are you here?"

For these two people, especially Chen Chu, he has great respect.

Chen Chu said casually: "We were worried that you would not be able to fully display the full performance of the Breaker in case of an unexpected situation, so we followed up.

"That's right." Lao Zhou nodded and said, "Look, you didn't even know that the two of us had sneaked onto the warship, which shows that you don't have a comprehensive understanding of the Breaker!"

How about..." Liu Jianzhang tentatively said, "Let me speak to the chief, just in case..."

Chen Chu waved his hands, walked aside and explained.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, I heard that Dongyang may dispatch the frigate worth 200 million US dollars!

"I'm a little interested in it, so I'll follow up and take a look. I'm very relieved of the self-protection ability of the Breaker."

With a sigh, Liu Jianzhang compromised.

He wasn't afraid that Chen Chu would seize power, but he was worried that if there was a big trouble, the navy would lose a great talent, and it would be too late to regret it.

After thinking about it, he secretly warned himself in his heart. No matter what kind of unexpected situation you encounter, you must protect Chen Chu's safety.

Standing at the window, Chen Chu looked at the sparkling picture and murmured.

"I'm very interested in the top second-generation semi-frigate in the free country."

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