Eagle’s Glory

Fifty-four, manor

Just as Alice said, the day after the couple prepared their luggage for going out, Agron took his close entourage and Agnes herself on the road to Agnes' new house.

Previously, Agron took Agnes on a tour across the country. On the road, they were very affectionate. Agnes also expressed to Agron that she did not want to be high-profile in the future and only wanted to live in seclusion in a secluded place. idea.

Agron was of course willing to fulfill his lover's wishes, but how could he let Agnes really suffer and live a miserable life? So he said that he would buy a quiet and beautiful manor near the palace and give it to her as his gift.

After returning to Paris, Aigron did not forget his promise, and today is the time for him to "fulfill" it.

However, as His Majesty the Emperor, of course he does not need to take care of such small matters. He entrusted everything to Alice, so today is his first time going here.

As the "master", this is actually the first time for Agnes. Because she is unsophisticated and doesn't want to spend time bargaining with others, she is happy to leave everything to her sister. Anyway, for her, as long as Once the basic conditions are met, it doesn’t matter where you live.

Alice has always been very efficient in doing things, and this time she worked even harder to help her sister and got the job done quickly. So today Aigron was in high spirits and prepared to take his cherished "beloved concubine" with him. Let’s go see her new home together.

Because he did not want to alarm the surrounding area, Aiglon deliberately dressed lightly and just rode in an inconspicuous carriage with Agnes. His guard captain Andre Davout followed several guards on horseback around the carriage - —As for Alice and Edgar, they were also invited over by Agnes, and they followed in a carriage.

Although this is a deliberately simple scene, even so, such a formation is rare in the countryside. As this group of people drove out of the palace, the villagers along the way would always cast curious eyes and guess what happened. Some noble person passed by.

Agron hugged Agnes, sat on the cushion together, and then looked around with interest.

Since it was winter at the moment, the scenery in the countryside was a bit bleak and monotonous, but this did not affect his good mood. At this moment, with the warm and fragrant soft jade in his arms, even if he did nothing, it was enough to make him feel comfortable. .

Soon, the carriage passed through a withered grove and came to an attractive depression. There is a small stream at the bottom of the depression, gurgling silently to the west. There is a small stone arch bridge covered with moss across the stream. Maybe it is ingenuity, maybe it is accidental. In short, the blue, black and yellow-white stones are inlaid in alternating colors. On the bridge, the colors are extremely beautiful, like a mosaic.

Looking from the bridge, you can see mills and their dams, embankments, trees, and endless vineyards in the distance. What a wonderful rural scene!

"What a beautiful place!" Agnes suddenly became energetic when she was exposed to this rural scene.

This was her favorite scene and she fell in love with it almost immediately.

While she was sighing, the carriage continued to move forward. Soon, the wide gravel road turned into a path lined with acacia trees, and then you could see an iron railing with hollow patterns engraved on it, quite like those round flowers. Chinese characters.

These iron railings keep out the surrounding villagers, silently reminding them that they have touched private territory.

There is an iron gate at the end of the iron railing. Due to being in disrepair for many years, there are mottled rust marks on the railing and gate, which only adds to its lonely beauty.

Because they had been notified in advance, the servants of the manor had already opened the door, and the carriage rushed in without hesitation.

After bypassing the obstacles composed of rocks and trees, they finally arrived in front of the manor building.

Right in front of them stood a large house built of beautiful red bricks and stones. The wall base was built with stone belts. The corners and windows were framed, and the window lattice still had the small checkered pattern of Versailles. The main entrance of the big house is a majestic stone platform, but due to its age, it no longer has the majestic brightness it once had. Instead, it looks dull, with a little bit of moss between the stone cracks.

Agron took Agnes out of the carriage together, and then climbed up the steps on the stone platform.

There are spiraling steps on both sides of the stone platform. Circular railings surround these steps. Around the steps, there are some big trees. The branches and leaves of these trees sway, shaking hundreds of brown needles. On the roof, let moss grow and make the cracks in the walls interesting.

The main building made of red bricks is hidden among the leaves and moss. It is inconspicuous but has weathered for a long time.

Agnes fell in love with the scenery almost at first sight because it was almost indistinguishable from the place she envisioned living.

"It's so beautiful..." She couldn't help but sigh.

"Your sister really knows your preferences very well." Seeing Agnes looking so happy, Agron couldn't help but laugh. "It looks like this manor has been built for a hundred or two hundred years."

"You are right, Your Majesty." At this time, Alice behind them also followed, and then agreed with Aiglon's statement, "This manor was built in the late reign of Louis XIV. It was a nobleman who built it for himself. The summer villa built has a history of about 150 years. During this period, it changed hands several times due to inheritance and resale. The last owner bought it at a low price after the Revolution. However, because the original owner I mainly live in Paris, so I wanted to sell it. After conducting on-site inspections, I decided to buy it... I hope you and Agnes like it."

"Agnes loved it, thank you, Alice—" Agron immediately came to the obvious conclusion.

Obviously, buying a manor is not that simple, but as long as you are willing to budget, there is almost nothing in this world that is impossible.

As for whether it's worth spending the money...Looking at Agnes' satisfied smile at this moment, there's no need to debate this issue anymore.

Aigron looked at the beloved concubine beside him again, and then waved gently.

"Agnes, do you like it here? It's yours."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I like it very much..." In order to express her gratitude, Agnes hugged Agron tightly, "However, every time I get an expensive gift from you, I always feel very guilty. , because of my one thought, I made you spend so much money. Please don’t be so generous to me in the future. This will make me uneasy. I have got enough things. I am very satisfied, extremely satisfied. "

"Needless to say, I'm very happy to spend money for you. How can I say it's a waste of money?" Aigron hugged the other person with a smile, and then comforted him casually, "Besides, the expenses I paid for you are definitely not enough. The level of indignation from the outside world is such that I even feel that if I were stingier, people might ridicule me for being a miser and not a king!"

Although Aiglon was joking, it was also true.

Because, compared to those "royal ladies" who spent a lot of money in the old days, Agnes was definitely extremely frugal.

I am afraid of comparison in everything. Although Aigron gave Agnes a lot of priceless jewelry, and although Aigron gave her a manor, it pales in comparison to the kings who frequently gave lavish gifts to castles. .

Judging from the public opinion that Aigron has inquired about, most people not only do not think Agnes is greedy and wasteful, but instead think that she is too simple and low-key and does not reflect the royal style.

Agnes was also a little bit dumbfounded by Aiglon's comfort.

However, she was in a good mood today and didn't want to dwell on this topic. After the two talked for a while, they walked through the door of the mansion together and walked in together.

As soon as they arrived in the hall, their eyes were first attracted to the ceiling, which was an Italian-style mural with bizarre arabesques flying on it. There are also many marble decorations in the room. Between the wall panels, ancient oil paintings are hung. Although they were painted by unknown painters, they look of good quality. They depict various portraits and landscapes, and on the glass There were faded velvet curtains between the windows.

On the side of the hall, there is a bathroom. The bathroom is surrounded by jade white tiles, the floor is paved with mosaic tiles, and the bathtub is marble. The bathroom was separated by a silk screen, and there was a very beautifully made gilded wooden couch, as well as a table and fruit bowl for placing food. In this way, in just a small space, the owner's bathing, dining and love seem to be integrated.

On the other side of the bathroom is the lounge and living room, and in the middle is a beautifully designed staircase with lights shining down from above. Stairs lead to rooms.

Although the house looks unremarkable and low-key on the outside, inside you can see the extravagant style of the Louis XIV era.

Being in this spacious and luxurious mansion, Agnes was a little obsessed for a while.

She was not impressed by the luxurious furnishings inside. After all, as a princess, she had already seen the most luxurious halls in Paris and all kinds of fashionable furnishings.

What really moved her was the atmosphere that filled this mansion that did not belong to this era, the lazy and comfortable atmosphere that made people forget the turmoil of the times and slowly fall into sleep.

This was where she wanted to be...she concluded once again.

"Agnes, are you satisfied with the mansion itself?" Agron asked, "If you are not satisfied, we can reject the reconstruction. At most, it will only take more time. You can build whatever you want— —”

"No, Your Majesty!" Agnes replied immediately, "There is no need to renovate it, this is good... It can even be said that this is the best. I like this place so much, let it remain as it is. Make it my home.”

"Okay, if you like." Aiglon nodded.

Then, he looked at Alice next to him, "Then, Mrs. Alice, the renovation project can be cancelled, and Agnes can just move in - this will save us trouble."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Alice responded immediately.

Her original plan was for Agnes to move here first, and then slowly renovate it in different areas according to her preferences. However, since Agnes fell in love with this place at first sight, there was no need to renovate it anymore.

Agron took Agnes out of the hall, and then came to the balcony next to them. Then they could see the forest and large flower fields next to them at a glance.

"Agnes, according to the original owner's explanation, there are sunflowers and other flowers planted in the flower field. It is winter now, so you can't see much. After summer, the flowers here will be in full bloom. I think... it will be very beautiful." Agron Introduced to Agnes.

And Agnes immediately started thinking about it.

Isn't this picture exactly what she has been striving for?

"Let's enjoy it together then—" she blurted out.

"Well, for sure." Aigron nodded, "And in the future, it will not only be the two of us, but also our children. They will also grow up here and share the same things with us. Isn't that very good?" Okay?"

Indeed, for Agron, this manor is not only a gift from him to Agnes, but also a "witness" to their previous companionship. And it’s not just Agnes who will live here, but their future children as well.

In the future, he will definitely come here often to get together with Agnes and their children.

Although he couldn't give them the titles of "husband" and "father," he could give them everything else, and that was enough to make them happy.

Agnes couldn't help but become fascinated by Agron's provocation.

Although she became a lover due to fate, but even so, she would still want to be a mother. Wouldn't it be great if she could take her own children and grow up quietly here in the future? ?

At least, there's nothing to complain about.

"Your Majesty, this is our home... Although for you this is just one of them, for me, it is all. I will take good care of this place, for us and for our children. ——" So, with a bit of shyness and a bit of determination, she spoke her innermost thoughts to Aiglon.

Agnes was also a little helpless at Agnes's words.

But he can only go so far.

"Well, that's natural. I believe you can do it!" Aigron stopped thinking about it. Instead, he held Agnes's hand tightly and changed the topic. "We can try it together in the evening. How does the bathroom there feel...I think it should be very comfortable...?"

Agnes blushed shyly at this invitation, but she nodded gently.

Maybe there's nothing wrong with enjoying today's life, right?

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