Eagle’s Glory

Fifty-three, conspiracy

With full of pride and a little worry, the Marquis of Treville left Fontainebleau, then went home, picked up the luggage he had prepared, and started the journey of his dreams.

He will go all the way south from Paris to the Toulon military port, where he will join the adjutants and staff assigned to him by the War Department, and then board a waiting warship to cross the Mediterranean Sea and head for his "promised land."

Because the railway construction in France was not yet in full swing at this time, he could only take a carriage, which would take at least ten days to get to Algiers.

However, from the moment he left Paris, the brave and fearless General Treville was already in the state, just waiting for a big fight.

After the general left Paris and was beyond the reach of the palace, Alice's carefully laid plan was launched.

Yes, as the general had worried before, Edgar's "investigation results" were actually leaked to her husband intentionally.

Previously, after deciding to take revenge on the Trevilles, Alice used both soft and hard tactics to bring her father, Duke Nordlien, to her side; and it was the Duke himself who was ordered to kidnap Princess Cadieng. Of course, he was more powerful than anyone else. Know the exact location where the princess is under house arrest.

Then, the Duke used several bribed officers to reveal the whereabouts of the princess to Edgar intentionally or unintentionally, completing the first step of "taking the bait".

Then, in order to give her husband the opportunity to leave the palace to find the princess, she used Agron's entrustment to deliberately buy Agnes a manor near the place where the princess was under house arrest - of course, the location and scenery of the manor itself It was indeed very good. She never thought of treating her sister badly.

In this way, without making a move, she completed the second step.

Logically speaking, if things were going so smoothly, an experienced person like the Marquis of Treville would definitely be suspicious. However, Edgar, who had had a smooth sailing since childhood and was doted on in every possible way, did not have the slightest sense of crisis. He relied on his own cleverness. , did not notice anything unusual, but thought that he was playing tricks, and was secretly proud that he had discovered the truth so quickly, while Alice, who was watching with cold eyes, couldn't help but feel funny and sad at the same time.

It's funny because she's satisfying her desire for revenge, but it's sad because she actually chose such a frivolous and mediocre husband for herself, which tied her to death.

But no matter how you think about it, since the plan has reached this point, it must go ahead.

But even at this point, she still gave Edgar a chance to stop - before everything became irreversible, Edgar could stop at any time. As long as he gave his wife a little respect, this conspiracy would be over. There is no way to hurt him, after all, he is the son of Marquis Treville.

However, just as Alice expected, nothing happened, and everything was slipping towards the fateful track.

After the Marquis left, the couple returned to their usual rhythm of life, treating each other as if they were guests, and Alice did not show any signs of abnormality. Finally, the day that the two of them had been waiting for came.

The purchase procedures for the manor have been completed, and His Majesty transferred the manor to Agnes's name, which also means that Agnes has truly grown up, become independent from the family, and has her own "home" ——Although there is no legal husband in this family, she will continue to live single.

In order to celebrate Agnes's move-in, His Majesty will personally go to Agnes's manor to have fun.

Of course, as Agnes's sister and brother-in-law, the couple were naturally invited guests.

In order to celebrate Agnes' acceptance of such a valuable gift, Alice and Edgar had to stay for a few days.

And this is the opportunity that Edgar has dreamed of, and it is the opportunity that Alice has been waiting for silently.

"My dear, when will Your Majesty take us there together?" After receiving the news, Edgar couldn't restrain his excitement and couldn't help but ask Alice.

"If nothing else happens, it will be tomorrow." Alice replied immediately.

"Really? That's great!" Edgar nodded repeatedly.

"Edgar, why are you so happy?" Alice asked pretending to be curious. "It's just a visit to Agnes's house... There's no need to be so happy, Agnes herself isn't as happy as you."

Edgar was at a loss for words, but after all, he had some brains and found a reason in an instant. "Well, you don't know. Staying in the palace during this period of time has really made me feel depressed. Although everything I see is rich and prosperous, it's just that much after seeing too much. Now I want to get closer to nature.

Besides, I have been a little lacking in passion for painting recently. I think it is best for me to go for a run in the wild, so that I can stretch my mind and find inspiration! "

"I see, then this is really a good opportunity for you." Alice nodded slightly, agreeing with her husband's explanation. "Speaking of which, Agnes will have her own home in the future, but she still has to be on duty with His Majesty during the day, and running back and forth every day is quite tiring. Besides, she lives alone in such a large manor, and it's strange that she usually has no friends. Lonely, we should spend more time with her when we have the opportunity in the future."

"After she lives there, she won't be alone soon. She will have her own baby." Edgar replied jokingly, "She won't be able to take care of the baby by then, so how can she be in the mood to receive us? ?”

"If that's the case, we should go and help her, shouldn't we? Don't forget that she is still young and has not learned to be a mother at all." Alice retorted in a low voice.

"Okay, okay...if you're willing, you can always accompany her." Edgar didn't bother to argue on such unimportant matters, and just dealt with it casually. "By the way, how long will Your Majesty stay at Agnes' place?"

"About a day or two. He has so many things to deal with on a daily basis, and he can't always be by Agnes's side." Alice replied.

"One or two days? That's too short..." Edgar was a little disappointed, so he couldn't help complaining, "Is it possible to handle state affairs in Fontainebleau, but not in the manor next to it? I think your Majesty is Are you afraid that Her Majesty the Queen will be unhappy? Oh, it’s true, Her Majesty the Queen is different from us French people, she is quite reckless."

Alice's face suddenly darkened.

For Alice, Her Majesty the Queen was the benefactor who promoted her, and even when Agnes happened, she did not take her anger out on her, for which Alice has always been grateful.

So even in private, she was unwilling to speak ill of Queen Theresa.

In addition, Edgar's "belly" secretly angered her.

After marriage, I tolerated you going to the club to meet with your lover from time to time, I tolerated you giving birth to an illegitimate child, and I tolerated your constant contempt and betrayal... Am I considered magnanimous? Then how did you repay me?

A rage burned in her heart, and she suppressed it with difficulty.

"We should not be disrespectful to Her Majesty the Queen. Don't forget that she is our benefactor." Then, she gritted her teeth and answered word by word, "If you want to stay there for a while to find inspiration, then I can Tell Your Majesty and Agnes, they will definitely not refuse.”

Edgar was immediately overjoyed when he heard this, and did not even notice the abnormality in his wife's expression at this time.

"Really? That's great...Thank you so much Alice. In this case, I think I can focus on creating more, hahahaha, thank you so much!"

He was originally worried about following His Majesty. There were a large number of people in the palace crowded there, and he could not "move freely". Now Alice easily solved this problem - when His Majesty's entourage all returned to the palace, Agnie Silk usually has to accompany His Majesty, which means that the manor is almost empty and he can move freely.

How could he not feel lucky about this?

Edgar, who was in high spirits, did not notice anything unusual at all. He only felt that the time for his reunion with the princess was getting closer and closer. He was only filled with anticipation and excitement, and had no time to pay attention to other things.

Seeing her husband behave like this, Alice could only sigh in her heart. After all, why would she be willing to go to this point?

If she hadn't been forced into this situation, how could she be willing to use so many vicious plots to deal with the person she once loved deeply?

In this way, the couple ended their conversation with each other.

Edgar happily packed his belongings for the next few days, and then returned to his temporary studio to prepare the next plan.

After her husband left, Alice was quietly packing her things.

In addition to her luggage for the next few days, she had something even more deadly.

She took out a box from her archives and carefully opened it with the key.

And in this box, there are a few inconspicuous letters.

These unspectacular pieces of paper are her trump card and the most deadly weapon in this conspiracy.

Before, when she was considering taking revenge on her husband, she had already made up her mind that if she wanted to do something, she would do it to the end.

A mere piece of sexy news would not cause Edgar to suffer a fatal blow at all, but if a "rebel party" was involved, the situation would be completely different.

She has been following the two majesties for a while, so she can naturally observe the young majesties at close range.

She knew that when it came to most "little things", His Majesty was a very easy-going and even kind person. He would never lose his temper with the people below him, and he did not have the arrogance and domineering attitude of tormenting his subordinates to death; but once it touched him, he would treat him as if he were The "right" to life is another matter.

He would never show any mercy to those who dared to undermine his power.

Now, the people that His Majesty fears and hates the most are naturally those who are qualified to shake his throne - to be precise, the Bourbon family has already been restored once.

Since it has been restored once, there is a possibility of a second restoration. Now that the small Bourbon court is in exile abroad, they must not be willing to be defeated at all, and will definitely try every means to seek a comeback.

Because of this, His Majesty must be extremely wary and disgusted with the Bourbon family and their cronies. Anyone who gets involved with them will definitely become a thorn in His Majesty's side and will definitely not get any good results.

Even the son of the Marquis of Treville will be ruined once he is labeled as a "rebellious follower". Even if there is no danger of life, his future and reputation in this life will naturally be ruined.

Only by completely avenging her husband's contempt and humiliation in this way can the resentment accumulated in her heart be vented.

Because of this, she used her father's connections and pretended to be a royal sympathizer to contact the exiled Prince Kadiyan, and then told half-truths and half-false stories about Princess Kadiyan's current situation.

Although the couple had long been estranged from each other, they still had some affection for each other. Therefore, after learning the embellished information, the prince also wrote several letters, asking relatives, friends and old friends in the country to help take care of or rescue the princess.

And these letters were what she was holding in her hands at the moment.

Although the recipient of these letters was not Edgar at all, since the letters fell into her hands, they could naturally be reprocessed, trimmed and turned into a deadly weapon.

There is no doubt that this is not strong "evidence", but those political cases involving those who rebel against the party have never been a place where "no guilt is suspected".

The point is, this is Prince Kadiyan's personal letter, which can be identified by any handwriting expert. For politics, this is enough.

You received a personal letter from Prince Kadiyan, and you did try to rescue the princess, so how do you explain that you did not have an affair with the rebels?

You can't explain it at all. No matter how you wash it, you can't wash it clearly.

Yes, once Edgar was caught trying to get close to the princess, and then she took out these letters, it would be impossible for him to clear his suspicions.

She knew that once Edgar was suspected of secretly colluding with the rebel party, then as Edgar's wife, she would not be able to avoid being implicated and aroused suspicion, and she might even lose power.

But even so, she must do it to the end, because only in this way can her scarred heart be relieved. She has endured the deception and contempt of her father and son for a long time, and she will become angry when she thinks about it. go Ape.

In this case, let’s have a thorough reckoning!

Now, everything is ready, just waiting for that moment.

Of course, all the plans are based on the fact that "Edgar did run to see the princess."

As long as Edgar stops at any moment before the last moment, her trump card will not be effective.

She was even vaguely expecting things to turn out like this.

Edgar, as long as you stop and stop betraying me and humiliating me, nothing will happen... No one can do anything to you.

But if you never thought about stopping and you never thought about respecting your wife and daughter, then you deserve this... God forgive me.

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