Eagle’s Glory

Fifty-nine, rebel against the party

Since sending Agnes and Andre out, Agron has stayed in his study, waiting for further news from them.

He was feeling a little confused at the moment. After all, such an explosive news really made him have trouble sleeping and eating.

After all, the Treville family are his trusted ministers, and they have just been entrusted with important tasks by him. If there is a problem with their "loyalty", it will definitely be a huge blow to him - even if he is still It can be dealt with urgently to reduce the impact of the situation to the minimum range, and it will also be very ugly.

Just because he was in a restless mood, his anger grew stronger and stronger. He could treat the enemy calmly, but he could never forgive the traitor. If Edgar really dared to collude with the rebels to deal with him, then he must treat him well. Eat the fruit.

And because he didn't go back to bed for a long time, Teresa also found him from the palace.

"Your Highness, why are you so troubled that you even forget to take a rest?" Teresa asked as soon as she saw him.

Although he intended to block the news, Aigron certainly had no intention of hiding it from his wife, so he told Teresa about the unexpected incident he had just encountered.

"What? Edgar?"

When she heard that Edgar had been accused of liaison with the royal party, Teresa was shocked like everyone else.

She really disliked Edgar, but she was more disdainful and disgusted with Edgar than thinking that he really had any ambition or ability. So now that her husband said that he was actually involved in a political case, she was naturally very upset. be surprised.

"This... this is really unexpected." After a moment, Theresa came back to her senses, "However, since Edgar has such suspicion, we really cannot ignore it."

"Yeah... We finally had a few days of silence, and then trouble started." Aiglon sighed.

For him, the important thing is not Edgar, he has no value in the first place, it doesn't matter whether he is caught in a prison cell or exiled; however, his father and wife are now deeply used, Dian Zhang's secret is that once Edgar is proven to be "untrustworthy", the positions of the two of them will naturally become more delicate.

"Are you worried about how to deal with General Treville and Alice?" After all, the two have been married for so long and are already very familiar with each other, so just looking at Aigron's silent expression, Theresa guessed came up with his idea.

Aigron nodded slightly.

"I think there is nothing wrong with Mrs. Alice. We have been together for so long, and I can feel her loyalty to us. She has also diligently completed all the tasks assigned by us, hasn't she?" Theresa He immediately said good things for Alice, "Besides, if she is really suspected, she will not report her husband to her husband and let herself be dragged down..."

Then, she changed the subject again, "As for General Treville, I don't have much contact with him, so I dare not make any judgments. However, judging from his behavior all the time, he is sober and rational, and he knows what's appropriate. He was under house arrest before you. Austria would rather openly be loyal to the Bonaparte family back then, so why would they betray it now that their future is so bright? Could it be that the exiled Bourbon family can give him more than you and me? This is completely inappropriate. sense."

Agron quite agrees with Teresa's inference and judgment. In fact, he thinks so himself.

However, there is no reason to talk about "power". For Aiglon, any suspicion at all is an intolerable stain, which is why he is so nervous.

But he was nervous, but he was reluctant to put these two people into another book without "conclusive evidence" and never use them again.

Talents are more rare than treasures, especially since he has just returned to his country and has a weak foundation. There are not many talents around him who can be reused. Both the general and Alice have been proven to be effective talents. They really have to do it just for a little suspicion. It would be a shame to just abandon it.

Therefore, he couldn't help but get entangled.

After much deliberation, the only solution was to catch Edgar as soon as possible. Only by catching the damn Edgar could he figure out what he should do next.

Just when he was feeling irritable, there was a sound of footsteps outside the study door, followed by a knock on the door.

"Your Majesty, we are back!" Andre's voice came from outside the door. "I have captured him and the princess and brought them back together."

A wave of relief suddenly made Aigron breathe a sigh of relief.

No matter what, he at least "controlled" the situation. Even in the worst case scenario, he still had Edgar as a hostage in his hands - even if the Marquis of Treville was really a traitor, he would never take his own The only child was joking.

For him, being in control is more important than anything else.

"Bring him to me!" After regaining his composure, Aigron shouted, "As for Princess Kadiyang, please take someone to resettle her and take good care of her. I will find her later."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Soon, Edgar, whose arms and shoulders were held down by two guards, walked into the study together.

At this moment, Edgar's clothes were torn and messy because he had just been beaten by Agnes with a riding crop. His originally handsome face had become cowered and twisted due to fear and nervousness, making him look even more embarrassed. How embarrassed he was, and no longer had his usual graceful demeanor.

Facing Agron and Teresa, Edgar looked frightened, wanting to speak but not daring to speak.

Aiglon frowned, stared at the other person for a moment, and then waved his hand to signal the guards to leave.

When the guards left and there were only three people left in the room, Aigron suppressed his anger and spoke.

"Edgar, I'm very disappointed in you. I didn't expect you to be so ungrateful to me -"

"Your Majesty...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Pain and fear have broken down Edgar's psychological defense at this moment. He knew that he was facing a huge dilemma that was beyond his ability to bear, so he tried his best to think Beg for mercy and excuse yourself, just to get away.

Then, he knelt down directly on the thick carpet, and begged Aigron for mercy with a tearful voice, "I did something stupid, please forgive me!"

Edgar's embarrassed look only increased Aigron's contempt for him in his heart.

But in addition to contempt, he couldn't help but have some doubts - is this kind of Edgar really someone who can collude with the royal party and engage in political conspiracy? Does he really have this ability?

"Someone reported that you contacted Prince Kadiyan privately. Do you admit it?" Then Aigron asked.

"I knew him before, but it was just a casual acquaintance. And since he left France with the puppet king's family, I have never had contact with him again..." Edgar hurriedly defended himself, " Your Majesty, who reported me without any basis?"

"No contact? Really?" Aiglon sneered, and then continued to ask, "Then, please explain, why did you appear next to Princess Kadiyang -?"

"I...I..." Edgar didn't know how to explain.

But at this moment, he also knew that it was a critical moment. Not only was he in danger, but his father and wife might also be implicated, so he took heart and mustered up the courage to reply to Aigron, "Your Majesty, the princess and I have been We both have an affair, and many people know about it; the two of us have a deep relationship, and I haven’t heard from her since the last turmoil... So, I want to find her and at least confirm her safety. . Then I was confused for a moment and chose to run to the palace to inquire about her whereabouts... Your Majesty, everything I did was because of that little affair. It really had nothing to do with the rebels or the prince. Please believe me. !”

Aigron himself was actually well aware of this affair, after all, he had already met the princess before.

In fact, to be honest, he didn't care about Edgar's romantic affairs at all. He was more concerned about whether Edgar was involved in the rebel party and whether other people were involved.

"Is it just you?" Aigron picked up a piece of paper from his desk and threw it in front of Edgar. "Well, Edgar, since you and Cady I have a friendship with Prince Yang, so I ask you to help me identify whether this is his handwriting?"

Edgar nervously picked up the piece of paper on the carpet, and then read it tremblingly. The more he read, the more his body trembled.

Not only because the handwriting of the letter is indeed true, but also because of the content of the letter.

"How is it, Edgar, have you come to a conclusion?" Aigron asked.

Edgar's body trembled even more violently, and then he raised his head and looked at Aigron pleadingly, "Your Majesty...this should indeed be the prince's handwriting."

After receiving a positive reply, Aigron sneered, "Then tell me, Edgar, why did you actually do what the letter said after you received it? What else did you do for him? "

"No... no! Your Majesty! I didn't receive such a letter! I have no contact with him at all!" Edgar defended himself loudly. "This...this is not something given to me at all. This is just a coincidence!"

At this time, Edgar finally understood why he suddenly had the label of "fornication and rebel" on his head.

And it is absolutely impossible for him to admit this hat. After all, if he saw that the princess was "entrusted by Prince Kadiyang", it would be a liaison with the rebel party and help the royalist party; if it was just him for a while, If his brain is hot, he has done something stupid - he can completely distinguish which consequence is more serious.

While he was madly defending himself, Aigron had been watching his every move, judging whether he was acting or showing his true feelings.

"Coincidence? Really?" Aigron continued to press Edgar mercilessly, "But the letter was found among your own belongings! Did it fly into your hands? Edgar, although I I'm younger than you, but I have a lot of experience. If you want to lie to me, you'd better act smarter, otherwise it will only increase my anger, which is not good for you..."

Facing the threat from Aigron, Edgar was already in a state of confusion.

He now discovered that he had not only fallen into a trap, but also fallen into an abyss. The combination of Prince Kadiyang's inexplicable sudden appearance of the letter and his actions to find the princess immediately plunged him into an abyss. In a situation where no one can argue.

what to do?

He racked his brains to find a way out for himself, at least a way out that would not drag his father down. However, because he was too nervous and frightened at the moment, he was so confused and his brain was not working very well that he didn't know what to say for a moment. what's good.

"Edgar, do you have nothing to say?" Aigron snorted coldly, "Then can I take it that you admitted that you did secretly communicate with the royal party and acted according to their requirements?"

"No... no!" At this moment, even if Edgar dies, he is not willing to let this accusation come true. He has personally seen his father cry in front of him and say, "If you ruin my plan and destroy our family, hope, then you are killing me, and going further than killing me with your own hands. Tell me, Edgar, would you kill your father?"

For Edgar, he is indeed greedy for pleasure and does not want to spend his life on the ambition of "reviving the family", but after all, he was raised by his father, and he is also proud of his family in his bones.

He would rather die than destroy the future that his father had finally waited for and the family's hopes.

Now he finally regretted his own insistence, but what was the point of regretting now? He could only bite the bullet and try his best to clear his name, not only for himself, but also for his father.

Just because he thought of his father and his family, he finally felt a surge of courage from the bottom of his heart. Under Aigron's aggressive gaze, he finally calmed down a little.

"Your Majesty, who found this letter from my personal belongings and when? I firmly deny that it is mine. I have been slandered!" He took out his last courage and asked Egger Long defended, "Your Majesty, I know that everyone looks down on me and thinks I am worthless, and I am indeed such a person; but even so, I am still a son, a child who lost his mother when he was young and was raised by his father... I don't care No matter how promising I am, I will never make fun of my father or my family. Let me ask you, even if there is someone who rebels against the party, will they trust me and let me, who is so incompetent, carry out any conspiracy? Isn’t this what they want? I was also exposed to risks in vain? Also, if...if I really behaved like this, why would I put such a deadly thing where others can find it! Don't I even have such a brain?

So... I beg you to have mercy and give me a chance to confront the person who accused me. I think I have encountered a despicable frame-up! Your Majesty, I beg you! "

After saying this, the descendant of a famous noble family prostrated himself on the ground and begged the couple in a heroic and disrespectful manner.

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