Eagle’s Glory

sixty, tone

"I beg you to have mercy and give me a chance to confront the person who accused me. I think I have encountered a despicable frame-up! Your Majesty, I beg you!"

After Edgar made an impassioned speech and then fell to his knees, Agron and Teresa secretly looked at each other.

Regardless of whether Edgar acted or showed his true feelings, judging from Edgar's current performance, it seems that there is no use in questioning him.

So, what to do now? Should he call Alice, who reported him, to confront him now? Or should we stop and check the situation first? Aiglon fell into a brief hesitation.

At this time, he noticed that Teresa seemed to blink and secretly look at him.

The two had been together for so long and already knew each other very well. Aigron immediately understood that Teresa was suggesting that he stop first and that she had something to discuss with him.

So, he immediately made a decision.

"Edgar, raise your head and look at me." He said coldly.

Edgar raised his head obediently, and then looked at Aigron standing in front of him with pleading eyes, waiting for his decision.

"Although I have always thought you were frivolous and dissolute, to be honest, I don't have much prejudice against you personally. At the same time, in view of the contribution your father has made to me, I allow you to have the right to defend yourself. I guarantee that you will be dealt with fairly. If you have indeed not committed any treason, then I will not forcibly punish you; but if it turns out that you are indeed ungrateful afterwards, then don't blame me for being ruthless - time has passed. It’s late, you should take a good rest first.”

"Andre, come in!" Then he shouted, calling Andre in who was guarding the door, and asked him to send Edgar to prison and take care of him personally.

After Edgar was dragged away with a dejected look on his face, Aigron looked at his wife again.

"Teresa, what do you think?"

"Your Highness, I just watched Edgar's performance with a cold eye. I think his defense came from the bottom of his heart." Teresa expressed her opinion calmly, "Besides, his words are reasonable. Let's ask what happened in the first place. When we were abroad and plotted against France, did we ever think about asking Edgar to perform any tasks? No, right...? The same goes for the Bourbon family. How could they put their hope in a man who has no political ambitions and is also interested in the country? There is no one in the royal family who is even remotely loyal, so why are they engaging in political conspiracy? This is so unreasonable."

If someone else said nice things to Edgar, Aigron might not take it to heart.

It might even arouse suspicion; but since Teresa, who had always hated Edgar, said it, it was even more convincing.

And the example Theresa gave does make sense - neither of them had any expectations for Edgar at the beginning, so how could the royalists take a fancy to him?

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but waver a little.

He was a little restless when he was angry just now, so Lei Lei was furious, but after catching Edgar and regaining "control of the situation", he felt at ease, and that calm reason took over his mind again. , allowing him to carefully analyze and weigh.

From all angles, Edgar's self-defense and tearful reaction seemed to prove that he had neither the determination nor the ability to "do big things", so why did he want to communicate in private? What about the royal party? If he only wants glory and wealth, and he will obviously give it to his family, why should he be dissatisfied?

As for looking for Princess Kadiyan, maybe it is because he still has an old relationship and is trying his best to see his old lover.

Based on his understanding of Edgar, it is indeed more reliable for Edgar to do stupid things for his lover than for him to do stupid things for some ambition.

Aigron thought about it, and he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

After a while, he walked back to the desk, picked up Prince Kadiyan's letter, and then read it carefully.

He himself is a person who has written scripts and poems, and is proficient in the "handicraft work" of writing. After his emotions stabilized, he could easily detect something strange - although this handwritten letter clearly mentioned Princess Kadiyan , but Edgar is not explicitly mentioned.

Even the letter cannot be proven to have been addressed to Edgar himself.

If Alice hadn't brought it out to report, who could prove that it was indeed the "irrefutable evidence" that Edgar was having an affair with the royal party?

If Alice hadn't reported it...

Aiglon frowned.

He suddenly had a vague suspicion in his mind, but it was hard to believe it was true.

"Your Highness, what are you thinking about?" At this moment, Teresa saw him stunned and asked him.

"Nothing..." Aigron quickly put down the letter and replied casually, "Teresa, I thought about it, now we are pressed for time and must come up with a solution as soon as possible. After all, Marquis Treville has probably already Arriving in Toulon, we are about to go to North Africa.”

Aigron's meaning is obvious - although he is blocking the news now, there is no airtight wall in the world. In a few days at most, the news will slowly spread, and then everyone will know that Edgar is in bad luck. .

In this case, as Edgar's father, Marquis Treville's position would immediately become awkward. Even if he is really completely innocent, it is inevitable that he will be considered "out of favor" if his son is unlucky.

The heavy responsibility shouldered by General Treville cannot be handed over to a person who is considered "out of favor" by the outside world, so there are only two options, either to recall him immediately, or to unswervingly express trust in him.

So the question is very simple. Should I choose to continue to trust him and publicly endorse him, or should I simply abandon him and call him back to idle for the rest of his life?

He should have made a decision before the news spread.

If he were to make a decision with a "foolproof" mentality, he should immediately give the order and have people rush to recall the Marquis; but doing so would be tantamount to completely throwing the other party into the cold palace and ruining his relationship with the Marquis. The "kindness" between the Treville family is truly a pity.

Besides, he couldn't find another suitable candidate in a hurry.

Teresa also felt her husband's current struggle from Aigron's words.

Of course, she also understood that she needed to make a decision as soon as possible to prevent both parties from being passive after the news spread.

To be honest, she didn't like the Trevilles, especially when she thought about how they had deliberately sent Agnes to her husband. Let's talk about the matter, even if you have always hated someone, you don't want to take this opportunity to add insult to injury and kill him.

"Then give their family a chance. After all, it can't be proven that Edgar is really a member of the rebel party." So, after a moment of silence, she gave her opinion, "In the next two days, if we can't After confirming Edgar's suspicion, we'd better continue to express our trust in the general. I feel that if General Treville is really involved in this conspiracy, he will never make things so bad that he will let us The flaw was easily discovered...

Therefore, considering that the general has done great service to us after all, we can be a little tolerant. Besides, I don’t believe that he would risk losing his only son to make trouble, so why bother? "

Speaking of this, Teresa deliberately emphasized her tone, "If we express unwavering trust and support for the Marquis of Treville at this time, then the Marquis will not have to worry every day, and he will do his best for himself and for the future. Let the family clear away its shame..."

Teresa's statement made Aigron make up his mind.

In his mind, Teresa is not just a "wife", but also his entrepreneurial partner along the way. Teresa naturally has the right to speak about the people and things around her.

Since Teresa also held the same view as him, he could make up his mind.

If no unfavorable reversal is found in the future, then continue to maintain trust in the general so that the Treville family will not lose power due to this storm - this is the main axis for him to deal with the situation next.

Once this main axis is determined, it means that no matter what punishment is imposed next, the situation must be controlled to the minimum and the person responsible must be limited to Edgar. However, this does not matter to Aigron. It is the Treville family that is being protected, not Edgar himself. Letting this nonsense guy be punished will actually relieve his anger.

The fate of a family is sometimes decided in such an inconspicuous moment, and the person involved is not even aware of it.

"Teresa, thank you so much..." After making up his mind, Agron finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then thanked his wife, "With you by my side, it will always be easier for me to make decisions. "

Faced with her husband's compliment, Teresa just smiled slightly.

"Okay, why are you being polite to me? It's so late now, so let's not worry about this matter. Let's go back and go to bed together. It's too late to deal with it tomorrow."

After she finished speaking, she took her husband's arm, and then the couple walked out of the study together and returned to the palace to rest.

But this cold and noisy night is destined to be a sleepless night for many people.


While the Agrons were still interrogating and discussing, Agnes also came to her sister's residence.

As soon as she saw her sister, she hugged her with comfort.

"You came just in time, Agnes, tell me, what's going on now?" Alice also hugged her sister, and then asked in a low voice.

"We have captured him and brought him back. He just came back." Agnes answered the question honestly, and then suddenly raised her voice out of resentment, "That guy... that guy is indeed at Princess Kadiyan's place. ! It’s too much! I thought he found an errand and came to the palace to be with his family, but I didn’t expect that he just wanted to find his old lover...! "

Hearing her sister's words, Alice's eyes flashed with uncontrollable anger.

But soon, this anger disappeared, because she was turning her long-simmering anger into a sword of revenge, slashing at her husband who had been cheating on her.

"He can indeed do it. I was deceived and deceived again and again." Then Alice smiled bitterly.

"Sister, you are so unfortunate... you married such a person. Even if he didn't bring you any good things, he only caused you trouble!" As she said, she was so sad about her sister's experience that she almost cried. "I just gave him a good beating! It finally relieved me a little bit."

"Thank you, Agnes..." Alice thanked her while gently stroking her sister's hair.

While Agnes was mourning for her sister, she was also carefully observing her sister's reaction.

At this time, she could always feel that there was not much anger in her sister, but a sense of relief.

It's definitely not like she just learned the news.

The confusion just now became more intense in an instant.

Originally, she didn't want to keep mentioning these sad things in front of her sister, so as not to add salt to her sister's wounds, but the current situation forced her to bite the bullet and find out the truth.

After all, the label of "rebel" was too heavy, and she didn't want her sister and Xia Lu to be implicated.

"Sister, can you tell me? What happened? I'm still confused until now. Your Majesty said you reported him. How did you find out?" After a moment of silence, Agnes finally asked Alice Ask questions.

"Yes, I reported him." Alice came up with the excuse she had prepared a long time ago, "Edgar has been staying at your place for the past two days, and I tidied up our room, and found the card. The letter written by Prince Diyang to him... I felt deeply that the matter was of great importance, so after hesitating for a while, I decided to report him to His Majesty. After all, our family has received so many favors from the royal family, and we cannot do it out of emotion or reason. Something about being ungrateful..."

Normally, Agnes would have accepted her sister's remarks, but because of her sister's recent behavior, Agnes still had a lot of doubts in her heart.

In addition, she has been "fooled" by her sister several times before. No matter how innocent she is, she will be somewhat "desensitized" to her sister's words in her heart, and she will no longer take them as a matter of course and have no doubts as in the past. .

"Really...is it really like this?" So, Agnes couldn't help but ask her sister, "If so, why is it such a coincidence? You happened to find him when he was visiting my house, and you happened to be at his house. When you ran to find the princess, you reported him so that he could not deny it. It seems...as if you had prepared it in advance..."

Agnes boldly finished her guess, but unexpectedly Alice's expression changed.

"Agnes, are you doubting me?"

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