Eagle’s Glory

Sixty-one, Questioning and Confidence

"Agnes, are you doubting me?"

Agnes didn't know how to answer her sister's straightforward question.

Of course she was suspicious of what her sister was doing secretly, but she had no way of saying it directly.

Although she could easily knock down dozens of noble ladies like Alice in terms of physical skills, psychologically and spiritually, Agnes subconsciously placed herself at the head of her shorter sister.

Not only because she is the elder sister, but also because when her family was in exile abroad, it was her elder sister who worked hard to raise her with her parents since she was a child. This kind of kindness and friendship will never be forgotten by Agnes.

Because of this, ever since she was a child, she has always taken her sister's words as a matter of course, and she has never thought of doubting or questioning her sister.

But people have to grow up after all. After being hit by a series of previous events, especially after being deceived and exploited by her sister, she has grown a lot now. Although she had forgiven her sister for what she had done and still loved her closest relatives, it was no longer possible for her to blindly listen to her sister's words and obey them unconditionally as she did in the past.

"I...I don't want to doubt you." After hesitating for a moment, Agnes answered.

Just don't want to doubt, not not doubt. She was tantamount to tactfully admitting that she was indeed doubting her sister.

Faced with her sister's answer, Alice was not angry, she just smiled bitterly.

"Then I tell you, everything I said is true."

"If you are willing to say that, then of course I can believe it, whether it is true or false... I am willing to believe whatever you say." Agnes lowered her head, looking helpless, "But, is it possible? , it has come to this time, are you still willing to treat me in such a perfunctory way, treating me as an outsider or even a tool? Obviously... obviously I will always be on your side!

Well, if you still want to say that all this is an accident, then you can say it again to my eyes now. As soon as you finish speaking, I will turn around and leave without wasting your time! "

After she finished speaking, she opened her eyes wide and looked at her sister with clear eyes, waiting for the other party's answer.

And this clear look in her eyes made Alice, who already felt guilty about her sister, feel distressed again.

Faced with such a sister, how could she still lie?


I did lie to you before, but now I can't bear to do it. Isn't it great now? Edgar has been caught and will face severe punishment for what he has been doing..."

Although Alice didn't admit anything, since she said this, it was tantamount to admitting that she was indeed manipulating it secretly.

After getting this expected answer, Agnes was not happy. On the contrary, her mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

Of course she was not feeling sorry for Edgar who was "unjustly accused", she was worried about her sister - after all, she also knew that being a traitor to the party involved too much, even in the best case scenario, Edgar was found guilty. My sister may not be able to escape the involvement. What's more, there is a worst-case scenario. Once the whole incident is investigated clearly and my sister is manipulating and framing the case, won't she be in bad luck by then?

"You...why did you do such a dangerous thing?" She asked hurriedly in desperation.

"Why?" Alice felt very funny about this question. "You should ask, why did I endure it until now! Do I still need to tell you my reasons? If you need it, fine...then I Just tell you properly!"

As if to vent, she whispered to her sister everything Treville and his son had done to her.

Agnes listened blankly, and the more she listened, the more indignant she became. Finally, she became angry and punched the table next to her. "It's too much! It's too much! How can they... treat you like this!"

In her mind, her sister has always been the perfect image of a noble lady, smart, dignified, kind and easy-going, caring about her family, and so beautiful... She believes that anyone who marries her sister should thank God for such luck.

But the reality gave her a severe blow - instead of cherishing Edgar's sister after marrying him, he continued to be a womanizer and even gave birth to an illegitimate child; what's more, the Marquis of Treville saw that he was getting older. His sister was angry with him again, so she actually wanted to regard her illegitimate son as her true heir.

It’s not just about money, what a humiliation this is!

Agnes was so angry that her hands were shaking. She wished she could go back now and use the riding crop to give this ungrateful guy a lesson and beat him to death.

In addition to being angry, she suddenly felt a little emotional.

Although due to a trick of fate, she became a royal mistress who could not marry, it seemed better than marrying a nobleman like Edgar when she met someone unkind.

Alice married Edgar, she was a witness, and the relationship between the couple changed from the "deep affection" at the beginning to the hateful calculation now, and she was a witness. These shocking scenes made She suddenly felt that there was no so-called "legal marriage" and it didn't seem to be a loss in life.

However, the unreasonable association did not last long, and she immediately returned to the real world.

"Okay, I understand why you did this, sister." She changed her previous questioning and comforted Alice with a soft voice, "But it's too dangerous for you to do this, isn't it? You are better than me. Being smarter and more politically savvy, you should know the consequences and dangers of being involved in such incidents..."

"I know, I know too well, that's why I did it." Alice replied with a sneer, "General Treville has now made great achievements in His Majesty's place. He is His Majesty's favorite confidant and has been entrusted with important tasks. If I just make trouble , then how could it be possible to take revenge on them? Murder and arson? Corruption? Illegitimate children? Does Your Majesty care about these small things?

Therefore, if you want to make him suffer heavy losses, you can only use the suspicion of rebelling against the party. Don't think that I am impulsive. No, I am very calm. It is precisely my calm thinking that makes me know that only by doing this can I get revenge on him... As for whether I will be implicated, is this important? I have endured their deceit, contempt and insult for too long and I want to get back at them. I want to do everything I can to get back at them! As for the price I will pay for this, I can't control it, and I don't care anymore! Because of this, Agnes, I never discussed it with you from the beginning to the end. I did everything by myself. You knew nothing and had no involvement. The mistakes I made alone were my fault. Just bear it, I'm willing to do it! "

Alice's calmness and determination at this moment made Agnes shudder.

After falling into despair, a woman could be so terrifying that she would risk everything for revenge. How can this scene not make people shudder?

However, even if Alice said it was none of her business, how could Agnes choose to stand idly by in this situation?

She didn't want to see her sister being kicked out of the palace or even thrown into jail because of suspicion of betraying the party or suspicion of frame-up.

"You want to take revenge on General Treville. I agree that they, father and son, should be taught a hard lesson! But sister, I can't help but watch you suffer. You have endured enough pain. It's not worth taking any more risks for the father and son..."

Faced with her sister's advice, Alice just smiled bitterly.

"That's it. I've done everything I should do. What else is there to say? I'll just leave it to fate. But don't worry, I will do my best to protect myself. After all, I'm not alone. I'm still alive. There is summer dew.”

Agnes also understood the implication of her sister's words - she insisted on continuing her plan, framing Edgar and even General Treville, and wanted to fight the father and son to the death.

"I don't care about Edgar, but I care about you!" So Agnes was really anxious and couldn't help asking her sister loudly, "No matter how complete your plan is, what if His Majesty notices it? What will you do? I also said that General Treville is His Majesty’s favorite. If he doesn’t believe Edgar’s suspicion of betraying the party, wouldn’t it mean that your work has been in vain and you have to bear the risk of being framed..."

"Your Majesty is not that easy to talk to. He will never tolerate those who dare to threaten him. Even if he is just doubtful now, he will not easily forgive Edgar..." Alice answered calmly. "Anyway, they don't plan to leave any room for me, so what do I have to worry about? I am taking the risk, but at least I will let them, father and son, suffer bad luck because of it. Isn't that good?"

"You think very well, but His Majesty is not that easy to fool. I can detect something is wrong, and so can he! No, maybe he has already noticed it!" Agnes shook her head, and then made her own guess. "In the final analysis, your plan still depends on His Majesty's decision. If he really sees all this, then not only will your work be in vain, but you will also be asking for trouble, right?"

"What? My lovely Agnes has actually become His Majesty's loyal advocate? You have more confidence in him than I do." Faced with Agnes' question, Alice just smiled, but her eyebrows He was obviously not convinced, "I don't deny that His Majesty is indeed very smart, but this matter is such a big deal, how could he make a decision in a hurry? The safest way now is to recall General Treville to investigate and let him I can no longer touch the military power... As long as this happens, I will win, right? As for what happens next, what else does it matter?"

To be honest, this is exactly the time Alice carefully selected. As long as His Majesty has doubts about General Treville's loyalty, he will not be able to ask the truth immediately due to the "time difference", so he can only first She recalled the general, and when the incident spread, the general's prestige was suddenly greatly reduced - in that case, she had achieved her goal.

As for the general being cleared of suspicion in the future, what will happen? An opportunity missed is a missed opportunity, and his future and prestige have been destroyed.

Alice has been planning this plan for a long time, so she is naturally very confident, and has a "die together" mentality, so she has no scruples.

However, Agnes did not share her confidence.

"Do you think you can instruct His Majesty?" She still faced her sister with an unconvinced look on her face, "It's not that easy! I dare say that it won't take him much time to reach the same conclusion as me. It’s time for you to be unlucky!”

"Agnes, don't make it sound like it's true." Alice frowned, "I don't ask you to stand on my side, I just ask you to stand by and watch. This is a duel between me and General Treville. , if I lose, then I can just admit defeat..."

"We have been sleeping together for so long, do I understand him or do you understand him?!" Faced with her sister's doubts, Agnes suddenly became anxious and spoke uncontrollably.

When she said these words, she suddenly felt that it was inappropriate, and Alice also looked embarrassed.

Fortunately, at this time, Agnes was concerned about her sister, so she held back her embarrassment and continued to speak impassionedly, "You want to take advantage of His Majesty's suspicion, but is His Majesty so easy to take advantage of? We have known him for so long. Yes, I have only seen him manipulate others, but I have never seen him manipulated by anyone... Do you think your plan is so perfect? ​​Does your Majesty will definitely act according to your wishes? No... the risk is too great Yes, it is entirely possible that His Majesty will have insight into all this. Not only will General Treville be fine, but you will be annihilated because of the false accusation! I can't see such a thing happening!"

To be honest, since the two of them got together and spent so much time together, especially traveling around the country together, she had almost witnessed her lover's various styles of coaxing, suppressing, deceiving and making promises. Her feelings for Aigron gradually turned into love, admiration and fear, as well as a little bit of unwillingness, a mixture of complex emotions.

She had seen with her own eyes that even those arrogant high-ranking officials, marshals and generals, wealthy businessmen and celebrities outside were all silent in front of him, vying to please him and at his mercy. How could such a majesty be kept in seclusion all the time? What about being manipulated by my sister in the back house and the palace?

She really didn't believe it.

Precisely because she had more confidence in His Majesty, it became more difficult for her to agree with her sister's plan. Instead, she saw the great danger contained in it.

"Sister, you said I could stand by and watch, but I'm sorry, I can't do that. I can't see you falling into the sea of ​​misery and falling further into the abyss!" Agnes took a deep breath, and then faced Facing his sister, "You can always treat me as your sister, but you can't always treat me as a kid who doesn't understand anything... Before it's too late, let's think about how to remedy it. I will I will do my best to help you!"

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