Eagle’s Glory

Seventy-one, instructions and audience

【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Seeing the Marquis of Noirtier working so tirelessly for himself, Aigron naturally felt a sense of guilt in his heart, as he had hoped.

Once the emperor feels guilty, it will be a huge "favor" - and Aigron knows the favor that the Marquis of Noirtier wants without asking.

Therefore, Aigron did not keep silent anymore, but directly made his words clear.

"Marquis, after careful consideration by Teresa and I, we have decided to support your proposal, that is, let Valentine marry the Count of Monte Cristo when she grows up in the future..."

Although he had already had a premonition in his heart, when Aiglon said it himself, the Marquis of Noirtier couldn't help but become excited.

His plan was originally just the old man's wishful thinking, but with the approval and endorsement of his two majesties, the success rate was completely different.

"Your Majesty... thank you for your magnanimity and satisfying the willfulness of an old guy..." Excited, he couldn't help but burst into tears and thanked Aiglon in a trembling voice.

"You don't have to say that, because from an objective point of view, this is also a good thing." Aigron shook his head gently, "Since I came to power, what I have always emphasized to the outside world is reconciliation, and the grudges and grudges over the decades have been Too much hatred has been accumulated. If every piece of hatred is liquidated, no one will ever have peace. How can this country embrace tomorrow? Edmund has been wronged, and he needs to get the compensation he deserves, and I will give him He made corresponding compensation and let those bloody past events be sealed in the past... Only in this way can we move towards tomorrow safely."

After a pause, Aigron looked at the Marquis of Noirtier again, "Right now, Theresa is meeting Valentine. If she is satisfied with Valentine, she will formally propose this matter." marriage.

When the late emperor was still alive, he liked to have the imperial nobles he canonized marry young ladies from old aristocratic families, in order to reflect the 'fusion' between the two social elite groups. Today we are also adhering to the late emperor's legacy. And I believe that if Teresa were to officiate the marriage, everyone would be satisfied. "

Of course, the Marquis of Noirtier understood the meaning of "the queen personally presided over the marriage", which also meant that his granddaughter would occupy an important position in the palace in the future.

He had long known that the Count of Monte Cristo was highly favored and had an unlimited future, and if Valentine was also highly respected by the court, wouldn't their union mean that the family's status would be unbreakable?

He was already familiar with the count's appearance and character, and he didn't think Valentine would be wronged. Because of this, he could look forward to the "Count of Monte Cristo family" after their marriage.

At the moment, he is already in his final years, and he doesn’t know when he will go to see God, and even if his son Villefort can save his life, he will inevitably retire soon and lose all prospects; then, assuming that he dies, It is a comfort that my political ideals and prestige can be passed down through my granddaughter and great-grandson.

Of course, he was just thinking about these things in his heart, and on the surface he still looked grateful, "I am extremely frightened to trouble Her Majesty the Queen so much. I will let Valentine remember this kindness forever, and let her and her future descendants forever loyal to the Empire and the Bonaparte family!”

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Aigron had heard such words of loyalty countless times in the past few days, so he just smiled indifferently.

He does not pursue any eternal loyalty, as long as he can be loyal now.

"Marquis, I have done everything I should do for you. This is not only to reward you for your loyalty over the years, but also to respect an old minister who has served my family wholeheartedly for two generations. You don't have to thank me for this. I just need you to take good care of yourself and continue to serve me..."

Just as Aigron finished speaking, there was a gentle knock on the door of the study.

"Your Highness!" Then he heard Teresa's greeting outside the door.

It seemed that there was already a result over there, and Aigron understood it immediately.

"Teresa, come in!" He responded quickly.

So soon the door opened, and Teresa was not the only one who walked into the room next, but also the timid Valentine behind her.

"Grandpa!" As soon as she saw the emotional and old-looking grandpa, Valentine immediately cried out distressedly. Then she walked to the Marquis's side and supported him with her young hands.

Teresa walked directly to Aigron and told him what happened just now.

"Your Highness, I communicated with Valentine. I am very satisfied with her performance, and Mrs. Mercedes also agreed with my opinion. She believes that Valentine is indeed a suitable candidate to become a countess in the future. ...In short, everything is very appropriate.”

After hearing the good news about Teresa, Aigron was also happy.

He knew very well the importance of Mercedes in the earl's heart - in the original work, the earl couldn't bear to kill her son in the duel, so he planned to lose the duel on purpose and die at the gunpoint of his lover's son. The attachment is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people.

At the end of the "original work", Mercedes knew that it was impossible for the two of them to get back together, so she took her son who joined the army and flew away to Algeria to find a future, while the Count took Haidee and flew away to continue his legend - - But it is obvious that the Earl cannot easily forget the beauty of the two people. Instead, Mercedes' calmness and generosity will make him never forget her.

And now, in this world line that has been changed by him, if Mercedes stands up to persuade the earl, the weight can be imagined.

"Very good, then let's do it..." Aigron nodded and made the final decision.

Then, he walked up to the young Valentine, then reached out his hand affectionately and pinched her cheek, "My lovely Valentine, from now on, you can make it your mission to become the Countess of Monte Cristo. Now, I hope you can read more books to nourish your talents, and strive to grow into a gentle and virtuous matron who can manage the family business, just like our most respectable Queen Theresa. Of course, appropriate nutritional supplements are also necessary. Indispensable, your current body is still too weak, I am afraid it will be difficult to help the count spread his family line..."

"Your Highness!" Teresa couldn't stand it when she saw that Aiglon was joking to a child in such an informal way, so she shouted to stop him, "Be more serious!"

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

However, Valentine nodded solemnly and secretly accepted His Majesty's "instructions."

After all, she was young. Although she had the ambition to become the earl's wife, she didn't know what she should do. Since His Majesty said so, she should naturally do it.

After making a joke, Aigron turned back to look at the Marquis of Noirtier.

"Mr. Marquis, you can go back with Valentine. The next thing is up to us. You can wait for the news at home. However, I want to explain to you in advance that if we make so many efforts, the Count will If you still refuse, then we will not force the earl to make a decision, and you will have to face reality when the time comes."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The Marquis of Noirtier responded solemnly.

Then, he took his granddaughter, and together they saluted the Aiglons with great respect, then resigned under the guidance of the attendants, and left the Palace of Fontainebleau.

On the way out, compared to the nervousness and uneasiness they felt when they arrived, both grandma and grandson were now much more relaxed. Valentine finally had the time to look around and appreciate the beautiful palaces and scenery.

"Valentina, what did Her Majesty the Queen tell you?" At this time, the Marquis asked softly.

"Her Majesty the Queen was very polite to me and kept praising me... She also said that she would like me to come to the palace to see her more often in the future, not to imitate the bad habits outside, but to become a countess with the purest appearance..." Wa Rontina answered her grandfather's question honestly.

The Marquis just laughed at this.

He was originally from a bohemian aristocratic family, and he also experienced the bloody and precarious days of the Great Revolution. Naturally, he also pursued a carpe diem mentality, and it was impossible to agree with Teresa's old-fashioned ideas.

Besides, isn't the least "innocent" person in the palace the one next to her? Why didn't she care?

However, he is a veteran in politics after all, and has long been accustomed to looking at issues from a political perspective.

In his opinion, Queen Theresa's entrustment, coupled with her preparation to personally preside over the marriage between the Earl and Valentine, was tantamount to becoming Valentine's behind-the-scenes protector.

And this is also very good for Valentine.

In a few years, he will die and his son Villefort will be forced to retire. Then Valentine's greatest asset is the favor of Her Majesty the Queen.

This kind of "favor" will also be an intangible political asset, protecting Valentine herself and her descendants.

Because he thought of this, even though he didn't agree with Queen Theresa's thoughts, he still put on a serious look and warned his granddaughter.

"It's difficult because of Her Majesty the Queen's good intentions. You must keep it in mind and learn from Her Majesty the Queen... Also, Valentine, since Her Majesty the Queen intends to cultivate you, then you must not miss the opportunity. You must try your best to find opportunities in the future. Come to the palace and please Her Majesty the Queen. This is extremely important to you and the earl, do you understand?"

"I understand, Grandpa." Valentine nodded immediately.

So the grandfather and grandson got back on the carriage they came from, and returned to Paris together in a much more relaxed mood.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】


In the blink of an eye, the day came again when the Count of Monte Cristo met with the Holy Father.

Previously, under the reminder of his deputy Count Morny, Edmund had obtained the opportunity to meet with His Majesty every ten days to "report on the public situation." He was not negligent and came to the audience on time every time to maintain the Holy Favor.

Today, he was no exception. He came to the Palace of Fontainebleau with the information he and Count Morny had carefully compiled together, preparing to report to His Majesty.

As usual, he was cordially received by the court and was immediately taken to His Majesty's study.

What made him slightly surprised was that His Majesty was not the only one to receive him in the study today, but Her Majesty Queen Theresa was also standing beside His Majesty.

However, he quickly dismissed it. After all, Teresa had taken care of a lot of things around His Majesty over the years, so it was not surprising that she would listen to the report together.

After saluting the two majesties, Edmund handed over the documents he had compiled to them for review.

However, Aigron didn't seem to care much about this. After browsing it hastily, he threw the report aside.

"Edmund, you came just in time. Theresa and I have something to tell you."

Seeing the two majesties looking so formal, Edmund suddenly became nervous.

He suddenly had a premonition and guessed what they wanted to say to him.

Sure enough, whatever you are afraid of, come to you. Under his nervous gaze, Aigron continued speaking word by word, "After careful consideration by Teresa and I, we really feel that the marriage proposal of the Marquis of Noirtier is very good." Yes, this is not only beneficial to you, but also to the overall interests of the empire. It makes an internal strife disappear before it happens, and it also provides the most solid foundation for your future. We all hope that you can think about it carefully. What do you think? Woolen cloth?"

Although Aiglon's words were very "soft", when the two majesties stood side by side and looked at him, Edmund still couldn't help but feel a tide of pressure coming towards him.

And this matter happened to be his biggest headache right now.

He was afraid to face it, let alone imagine himself making a marriage contract with such a young child. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net This was so unreasonable.

What's more, this requires him to give up the revenge he has always believed in...

Even with the endorsement of his two majesties, it was really difficult for him to make a decision for a while.

After being silent for a long time, he bent down slightly, and then replied to Aigron in a sincere tone, "Your Majesty, my life was given by you, and everything I have today is also given by you. You want me to do what you want me to do." I will do anything, even if it costs my life, I will not frown, so...since you want me to agree, then I can agree, but I think this is not something worthy of blessing. , I could be ordered to be a husband, but that would probably only cause greater misfortune.”

Aiglon and Teresa looked at each other, as if they had already expected the count's answer.

"Edmund, I know you still have some resistance in your heart, so I won't force you to do it. If you insist on your own ideas, then I will respect you. But before that, I hope you can think carefully and listen. Let’s talk about everyone’s opinions, not only our couple’s opinions, but also those of others.”

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"Whose?" asked the count doubtfully.

"Mine." At this moment, a calm response came from the corner of the room.

And this response sounded like thunder in the count's ears. He looked over blankly, and then exclaimed in disbelief.



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