Eagle’s Glory

Seventy-two, magnanimous

【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】


Facing the lady walking towards him, Edmund exclaimed in disbelief.

"It's me, Edmund." Madam responded to him softly, then walked up to him, "Long time no see."

Edmund finally calmed down a little.

He stared blankly at his ex-fiancée in front of him, feeling mixed emotions in his heart for a moment.

Although he was forced to stay away from Mercedes for twelve years, in his memory, every smile and smile of Mercedes had already been engraved in his soul, and he would not forget it even for a moment. .

Compared with the girl in her memory, the passage of time has made her lose her former youthfulness, and she has become a lady in her thirties, full of mature charm, but even so, Edmund can still feel To the tenderness and strength in her soul.

Perhaps, she has never changed, but the world has become unrecognizable.

Edmund's eyes fell on her black skirt and gauze, which looked like mourning clothes, and his heart suddenly ached.

Although Fernand had been killed by him in front of Mercedes, the traces Fernand had left on the lives of the two people could not be erased after all.

Due to a twist of fate, Mercedes became the Countess of Morcerf and gave birth to Fernand's son. Even if he doesn't actually mind this, it has become an insurmountable gap after all.

Precisely because he knew it would be difficult for two people to get together, he had been deliberately avoiding meeting Mercedes during this period of time since he killed Fernand, so as not to arouse the melancholy and pain in his heart.

However, today, it is inevitable to avoid it after all.

What made him even more unexpected was that according to His Majesty's tone just now, Mercedes was actually on the side of the Marquis of Noirtier and wanted to be his lobbyist.

"There is actually you...Mercedes, are you here to persuade me to accept the proposal?" Because he couldn't believe it, he couldn't help but ask.

"Yes." Mercedes nodded slightly and admitted, "As far as I'm concerned, just as your Majesty said, this is the best of both worlds. It can eliminate past grudges and compensate for what you have suffered. loss; you can also focus on the future, so that your future has the most solid backing..."

"Are you Mercedes, or are you a politician?" Edmund asked tremblingly, "Will Mercedes really say such things to me? Can she really express hope with a calm face? Shall I marry another person?"

Edmund's question instantly broke Mercedes' guard. The calm posture she had tried to put on was instantly washed away, and her eyebrows were squeezed together in pain.

"Edmund, listen carefully to me. It's because of Mercedes that I did this! Don't you understand? I'm just doing it for you..."

Seeing the excited attitude of the two old lovers, Aigron winked at Teresa, and then the couple led the others out of the study - Aigron knew that these old lovers had too much to talk to. The other party confided that as outsiders, it was not convenient for him and his wife to watch from the sidelines. It was better to leave the space to themselves and let them settle the sweetness and unwillingness of the past.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Although this may indeed be a bit cruel, Aigron feels that sometimes long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Since two people are destined not to be together, then instead of struggling with pain, it is better to face reality and find a new way out than to remain trapped in It's better to be in the past.

After Aigron and others left, only these two people were left in the room, but Edmund didn't notice the movements of the others at all. All his attention had been focused on Mercedes.

"For my sake, you persuaded me to marry someone else..." Edmund smiled bitterly, "Have you forgotten? We almost got married once."

"I haven't forgotten, how could I forget!" Mercedes finally couldn't bear it anymore and let out a small sob, "But what can I do? We can't live in 1815, it's already 1831, Whether you want to admit it or not, we are no longer who we were in the past! So, we have to live in the present, right?"

Before Edmund could speak, she continued, "You said I have changed. Yes, I have. Sixteen years have passed since then! How can a person remain unchanged as long as he is not an idiot? What's more? What's more, I went from the shabby little fishing village of Marseille to the palace of Paris. I have to play the role of a countess, take care of the family and welcome the guests. Tell me, how can I keep doing this? That ignorant Mercedes in your mind? Whether I want to or not, I have to read about this society and then fulfill my obligations, don’t I?!"

Mercedes' sudden grab left Edmund speechless.

This is the fact. Because of Fernand's several successful speculations, she became the Countess of Morcerf. Whether she wanted to or not, she had to learn how to gain a foothold in the upper class and be a respected lady. She can't embarrass her husband and son, so isn't it natural for her to learn those "human ways"?

What position do I have to accuse her?

Seeing Edmund's momentum weakening, Mercedes' tone immediately softened, "But Edmund, actually I haven't changed, although my knowledge and conversation will be affected by the world I have seen. And changes, but I can proudly tell you that I have not embarrassed you and me in the past. Even if I have become a noble lady in the past ten years, I have not actively harmed anyone, and I have not been like those ladies. , not to mention bullying others and spreading rumors... I dare not boast about how pure my soul is, but I can say with my conscience that I will definitely be worthy of God's judgment on the day I die! Such Mercedes , did it bring shame to you? Did I feel ashamed of you? Please answer me, please?"

Facing Mercedes' soft but firm gaze, Edmund nodded involuntarily.

"I believe in you...you are still the kind and strong person you are."

"Thank you for your recognition. This makes me happier than anyone else's praise." Mercedes nodded with relief, "Edmund, since you believe that I still retain the soul of the original Mercedes." , then you should believe that I will never do anything harmful to you, let alone use you to make a deal with anyone! No, I would rather die myself than harm you again, so Everything I say is from your perspective and for your consideration. You can doubt anything, but never doubt that I am betraying you, okay?"

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Facing Mercedes' tender confession, Edmund felt even more uncomfortable.

He didn't expect that the first long conversation between the two people after many days would actually start in this way.

Now, he has recovered his senses. He knows that every word of Mercedes is so sincere. He also knows that Mercedes will never have the slightest idea of ​​harming him - she must be doing it for herself. Only after considering it will he support the Marquis' plan.

But the more this happened, the more heartbroken he felt, because it was tantamount to letting him admit that he could no longer touch Mercedes, who was so gentle and kind, just like his own white moonlight.

Even if this is a fact, and he actually knows this fact in his heart, the last trace of stubbornness outside his reason prevents him from admitting it.

"I will never doubt your motives..." He replied in a deep voice, "But don't you think about whether all this is suitable for me? I don't have to get married. Even if I live this life alone, There are no regrets either.

Besides, don't you think about Valentine? I am already a person from a previous era, and I have been in prison and have incurable mental trauma. How can I become Miss Valentine's husband? She was so young and came from a famous family. She should have had the best future, instead of wasting her life on an old man like me. "

"But I have already met Miss Valentine, and she gave me the impression that she does not think of this as a sacrifice. She thinks that she can fulfill her obligations and become a lady worthy of you... ...And I recognize her hard work and determination." Mercedes replied.

"Huh?!" This shocked Edmund again. He didn't expect that Mercedes had actually met Valentine before.

"No need to be so shocked, Edmund. They want me to be a lobbyist, but if I don't see it with my own eyes, how can I make fun of your fate? So I told your majesty that I must confirm with my own eyes. Only if Rontina deserves you, I will say good things to her, and your majesty has taken care of it." A bitter smile appeared on Mercedes' face, "After reading this, I feel relieved, Valentine Although Miss Na is young, she is well-educated, gentle and kind, and has the determination to sacrifice everything for the family... If such a person can become your wife, it will be... indeed very good. At least, it will be you. The best option now.”

what is this? An interview between the predecessor and the successor? Edmund couldn't imagine what the scene was like, let alone what they said. He felt embarrassed just thinking about it.

Before he could speak, Mercedes continued, "Isn't it obvious who is more popular between Valentine in 1831 and Mercedes in 1815? One is No. A helpless orphan from a fishing village, one is a much-loved lady from a famous family. The difference is more than just a little bit... Edmund, I know you are not a person who follows people, but objectively speaking, this is enough, Novati The Marquis of Ai has given away his most precious treasure, and it is time to stop this."

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"If I had a choice, give it to me ten thousand times again, I would still choose Mercedes in 1815." Edmund replied without hesitation but with sadness.

The simple and unpretentious reply hit people's hearts more directly than thousands of sweet words. For a moment, Mercedes, who was originally calm, suddenly froze, and then tears rushed into her eyes.

She received the most unthinking and therefore the most genuine recognition, even if it was just a shadow of the passing.

If possible, why wouldn't she want everything to go back to the way it was before? However, this was ultimately impossible. She could only endure the heartache and then rationally choose the best future for the two of them.

This is also the last effort she can make.

"Don't be stupid, Edmund." She wiped her tears with her sleeve first, and then answered the count in a crying voice, "I am not the Mercedes of 1815, and you are not the Edmund of 1815." Demon Dantès! Not only have I changed, you have also changed, so no matter how much you cherish the past, you cannot live in the past. Now you not only belong to yourself, you also belong to the country and His Majesty! You cannot be willful You must make a joke of your own life. You must do your job well and be ready to take on any important tasks His Majesty entrusts you! What you can bring to the country is better than a hundred or a thousand Mercedes. More importantly... Just as I am no longer an orphan in a fishing village and must consider many other things, you are no longer that little sailor. You must also consider too many things. You must be responsible for your Majesty and your subordinates, because Your destiny is closely related to each of them! So, I implore you, let go of those obsessions in the past, and live for tomorrow like me. This is a choice we must make, isn't it? "

As if being infected by Mercedes, Edmund quietly shed tears.

In these tears, there is a reluctance to let go of the past, but there also seems to be a magnanimity after a great enlightenment.

Mercedes told him in the most straightforward and decisive manner that there was no possibility between the two people anymore. The little sailor and the little fisherman had both died in the unfinished wedding in 1815. superior. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

Everything is in the past and nothing can come back. They have become new people, living in a world they never imagined with new identities.

Which kind of life is happier? He didn't know, but he had no choice. He had to become the Count of Monte Cristo who would inherit His Majesty's important responsibilities.

Along with this "great enlightenment", Edmund only felt a moment of exhaustion.

"Will we still be friends in the future?" he asked tremblingly.

"Of course I will. As long as you are willing, we will be good friends for life. When you need my help, I will gladly help." Mercedes replied matter-of-factly. "However, I advise you not to get too close to me, because you will have your family...Although I will still miss you and hope you can live well more than anyone else, I can't just I live for you alone, and I don’t want you to waste your time on me for the rest of your life.”

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

She is really Mercedes, straightforward yet magnanimous. Edmund thought.

"If that's what you want me to do... then fine." He let out a long sigh.

Then, he hugged the lady in front of him desperately, just like embracing the phantom of the past.

And Mercedes didn't make any resistance or resistance, the two just hugged each other tightly, letting time pass quietly.

This was their last blessing to each other.


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